Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) is a approach to solving linear classification problems such as (linear) Support Vector Machines and Logistic Regression. Even though SGD has been around in the machine learning community for a long time, it has received a considerable amount of attention just recently in the context of large-scale learning.
The advantages of Stochastic Gradient Descent are: Efficiency and Ease of implementation. The disadvantages of Stochastic Gradient Descent include: SGD requires a number of hyperparameters such as the regularization parameter and the number of iterations and sensitivity to feature scaling.
Given a set of training examples $(x_1,y_1),\cdots,(x_n,y_n)$ where $x_i\in R^m$ and $y_i\in{-1,1}$, the goal is to learn a linear scoring function $f(x)=w^Tx+b$ with model parameters $w\in R^m$ and intercept $b\in R$. In order to make predictions, we simply look at the sign of $f(x)$. The regularized training error, which is the number stochastic gradient descent actually tries to minimize, is \begin{align*} E(w,b)&=\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n L(y_i,f(x_i))+\alpha R(w) \end{align*} where $L$ is a loss function and R is a penalty term for model complexity; $\alpha>0$ is a non-negative parameter. Different choices for L entail different classifiers such as Hinge: (soft-margin) Support Vector Machines, Log: Logistic Regression, Least-Squares: Ridge Regression, Epsilon-Insensitive: (soft-margin) Support Vector Regression. All of the above loss functions can be regarded as an upper bound on the misclassification error (Zero-one loss). The choices for regularization terms include: L2 normm $R(w):=\frac{1}{2}\sum w_i^2$, L1 norm $R(w):=\sum |w_i|$, and elastic net $R(w):=\frac{\rho}{2}\sum w_i^2+(1-\rho)\sum|w_i|$.
The SGD algorithm takes an initial weight vector $w$ and intercept $b$. At each time step of the SGD algorithm, $w$ and $b$ are updated using data from a single sample \begin{align*} w&\leftarrow w-\eta_t(\alpha\frac{\partial R(w)}{\partial w}+\frac{\partial L(w^Tx_i+b,y_i)}{\partial w})\\ b&\leftarrow b-\eta_t(\frac{\partial L(w^Tx_i+b,y_i)}{\partial b}) \end{align*} The algorithm runs through the data set one-sample at a time until the it runs through the whole dataset, and repeats the process. SGD terminates after a fixed number of iterations through the dataset. Theoretically, the algorithm is guaranteed to converge if $\eta_t$ satisfies the Robbins-Monro conditions \begin{align*} \sum_{t=1}^\infty \eta_t =\infty, \sum_{t=1}^\infty \eta_t^2 <\infty \end{align*} Letting the algorithm run for more iterations generally means a higher chance of convergence, but this is not guaranteed. A common practice is to shuffle the data samples after each run through the entire data.
In this paper we will assume a Hinge loss function, a L2 norm regularization term and \begin{align*} \eta_t&=\frac{1}{\alpha(t_0+t)} \end{align*} for Scikit learn $t_0$ is based on a heuristic proposed by Leon Bottou. This becomes the normal SVM problem.
We a dataset of 400 samples, each sample has a two dimensional X variable and the class variable Y which takes values -1 and 1. The scatterplot of these data is as follows
In [5]:
from numpy import loadtxt
train = loadtxt('data_stdev2_train.csv')
X = train[:,0:2]
Y = train[:,2:3]
import pylab as pl
%matplotlib inline
pl.figure(0,figsize=(8, 6))
pl.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c=(1.-Y), s=50, cmap =
The purpose of SVM is to find a weight vector $w$ and intercept $b$ such that the line described by $w_0X_1+w_0X_2+b=0$ best separates the two classes of points. Stochastic gradient descent will obtain the optimal $w$ and $b$ from the data.
In [1]:
class Lossfunction:
def loss(self, p, y):
return 0
def dloss(self, p, y):
return 0
In [2]:
class Hinge(Lossfunction):
def __init__(self, threshold=1):
def loss(self, p, y):
if z<=self.threshold:
return (self.threshold-z)
return 0
def _dloss(self, p ,y):
z= p*y
if z<=self.threshold:
return -y
return 0
In [3]:
import numpy as np
class sgddata:
def __init__(self, X, Y, sample_weights=0,seed=None):
if len(X)!=len(Y):
raise IndexError('X, Y not same length')
self.X = np.array(X)
self.Y = np.array(Y)
self.sample_weights = sample_weights
self.n_samples = self.X.shape[0]
self.n_features = self.X.shape[1]
self.current_index = -1
def __next__(self):
self.current_index += 1
return self.X[self.current_index], self.Y[self.current_index]
def _reset(self):
self.current_index = -1
def shuffle(self ,seed=None):
idx = np.random.permutation(self.n_samples)
self.X = self.X[idx]
self.Y = self.Y[idx]
def __str__(self):
return '{},{}'.format(str(self.X), str(self.Y))
In [4]:
from time import time
def sgd( weights,
n_iter, fit_intercept=True,
verbose=False, shuffle=True, seed=None,
weight_pos=1, weight_neg=1,
MAX_DLOSS = 1e12
eta = eta0
l1_ratio = 0.0
sumlosslist = []
typw = np.sqrt(1.0 / np.sqrt(alpha))
# computing eta0, the initial learning rate
initial_eta0 = typw / max(1.0, loss.dloss(-typw, 1.0))
# initialize t such that eta at first sample equals eta0
optimal_init = 1.0 / (initial_eta0 * alpha)
t_start = time()
for epoch in range(n_iter):
if shuffle:
for i in range(n_samples):
x_current,y_current = next(dataset)
p =,weights) + intercept
eta = 1.0 / (alpha * (optimal_init + t - 1))
if y_current > 0.0:
class_weight = weight_pos
class_weight = weight_neg
dloss = loss._dloss(p, y_current)
# clip dloss with large values to avoid numerical
# instabilities
if dloss < -MAX_DLOSS:
dloss = -MAX_DLOSS
elif dloss > MAX_DLOSS:
dloss = MAX_DLOSS
update = -eta * dloss
update *= class_weight
weights *= (max(0, 1.0 - ((1.0 - l1_ratio) * eta * alpha)))
if update != 0.0:
weights += update*x_current
if fit_intercept == 1:
intercept += update * intercept_decay
t += 1
if verbose > 0:
for i in range(n_samples):
x_current,y_current = next(dataset)
p =,weights) + intercept
# print("loss={}".format(str(sumloss)))
print('time = {} second'.format(str(time()-t_start)))
return weights, intercept,sumlosslist
In [6]:
intercept_init = 0.
dataset = sgddata(X,Y)
n_iter = 1000
import pylab as pl
%matplotlib inline
pl.figure(0,figsize=(8, 6))
pl.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c=(1.-Y), s=50, cmap =
x1 = np.linspace(min(X[:, 0])*0.7,max(X[:, 0])*0.7,10)
x2 = -(weights[0]*x1+intercept)/weights[1]
if verbose:
pl.figure(1,figsize=(8, 6))
We see from the top figure that the SGD algorithm arrived a reasonable conclusion. The stochastic nature of the SGD algorithm is apparent in the lower plot, which shows the total loss function against iterations. This is in contrast to normal gradient descent, where the loss function typically goes down and stays down. The reason for this stems from the fact that SGD goes through the data one sample at a time, so it cannot gurantee the loss function will go down after each iteration. However the this random nature also means that it is better at escaping from local minima. Setting $\alpha$ to a smaller value increases the step size and leads to more fluctuations.
The SGD algorithm implemented in scikit-learn has many layers of function calls with many options. For clarity purposes we only discuss the parts relevant to the linear SVM problem. Scikit learn optimizes SGD using Cython. The optimizations happen in three areas: 1. The loss function (sgd_fast.pyx), 2. The data structure that stores the data (seq_dataset.pyx), 3. The datastructure that stores and updates the weight vector (weight_vector.pyx) and 4. The implementation of SGD itself (sgd_fast.pyx). Throughout the Cython implementation, functions and variables are statically typed whenever possible. This ensures that the costs associated with Python dynamic typing are minimized.
The hinge loss function is implemented in Cython at lines 138-167, copied below. Besides the init function that initialize the Hinge object, all other functions and all variables are statically typed.
In [ ]:
cdef class Hinge(Classification):
"""Hinge loss for binary classification tasks with y in {-1,1}
threshold : float > 0.0
Margin threshold. When threshold=1.0, one gets the loss used by SVM.
When threshold=0.0, one gets the loss used by the Perceptron.
cdef double threshold
def __init__(self, double threshold=1.0):
self.threshold = threshold
cdef double loss(self, double p, double y) nogil:
cdef double z = p * y
if z <= self.threshold:
return (self.threshold - z)
return 0.0
cdef double _dloss(self, double p, double y) nogil:
cdef double z = p * y
if z <= self.threshold:
return -y
return 0.0
def __reduce__(self):
return Hinge, (self.threshold,)
Scikit-learn first convert the data into a ArrayDataset object, which is also implemented in Cython. The code that converts the raw input data to a ArrayDataset is linked here.
First, we look at how ArrayDataSet is initialized. At lines 195-196 we see that ArrayDataSet creates memoryviews to the numpy array X and Y and assign their pointers to X_data_ptr and Y_data_ptr.
In [ ]:
self.X_data_ptr = <double *>
self.Y_data_ptr = <double *>
The SGD algorithm samples through the dataset one-by-one. This corresponds to lines 606-607 in the SGD algorithm, copied below. We see that this is implemented within the ArrayDataSet object
In [ ]:, &x_ind_ptr, &xnnz,
&y, &sample_weight)
In [ ]:
cdef void _sample(self, double **x_data_ptr, int **x_ind_ptr,
int *nnz, double *y, double *sample_weight,
int current_index) nogil:
cdef long long sample_idx = self.index_data_ptr[current_index]
cdef long long offset = sample_idx * self.X_stride
y[0] = self.Y_data_ptr[sample_idx]
x_data_ptr[0] = self.X_data_ptr + offset
x_ind_ptr[0] = self.feature_indices_ptr
nnz[0] = self.n_features
sample_weight[0] = self.sample_weight_data[sample_idx]
We see that the _sample function takes x_data_ptr and y and make it so they point to the pointer to the start of $X_i$. x_data_ptr and y are then used by the rest of the SGD algorithm to access the current sample. The main optimizations in this data storage step, aside from static typing, are the usage of memoryviews and the usage of pointer to access data. Memoryviews allows sharing memory between data structures without copying, while data access through pointers is much faster than a Python function such as the getitem command.
In the SGD algorithm the weight vector is stored in a WeightVector object (relevant line copied below).
In [ ]:
cdef WeightVector w = WeightVector(weights, average_weights)
The WeightVector object is defined here. Its mechanism of data storage is similar to ArrayDataset, (relevant line copied below).
In [ ]:
cdef double *wdata = <double *>
if w.shape[0] > INT_MAX:
raise ValueError("More than %d features not supported; got %d."
% (INT_MAX, w.shape[0]))
self.w = w
self.w_data_ptr = wdata
All operations that update the weight vector is done within the WeightVector object (relevant lines in sgd_fast.pyx here). In particular we look at the add function, which scales sample x by constant c and add it to the weight vector. We copy the add function below
In [ ]:
cdef void add(self, double *x_data_ptr, int *x_ind_ptr, int xnnz,
double c) nogil:
"""Scales sample x by constant c and adds it to the weight vector.
This operation updates ``sq_norm``.
x_data_ptr : double*
The array which holds the feature values of ``x``.
x_ind_ptr : np.intc*
The array which holds the feature indices of ``x``.
xnnz : int
The number of non-zero features of ``x``.
c : double
The scaling constant for the example.
cdef int j
cdef int idx
cdef double val
cdef double innerprod = 0.0
cdef double xsqnorm = 0.0
# the next two lines save a factor of 2!
cdef double wscale = self.wscale
cdef double* w_data_ptr = self.w_data_ptr
for j in range(xnnz):
idx = x_ind_ptr[j]
val = x_data_ptr[j]
innerprod += (w_data_ptr[idx] * val)
xsqnorm += (val * val)
w_data_ptr[idx] += val * (c / wscale)
self.sq_norm += (xsqnorm * c * c) + (2.0 * innerprod * wscale * c)
Getting values from $X_i$ is done using x_data_ptr[j], modifying the weight vector is done similarly. The optimizations for this step include ther aforementioned static typing, memoryviews and pointer data access. A further optimization here comes from the "nogil" aregument after the function definition. This releases the global interpreter lock, allowing for higher efficiency through multi-tasking.
The raw code for the SGD algorithm in scikit-learn is here. Since we're assuming OPTIMAL learning rate, hinge loss and L2 regularization, we copy the relevant parts of the code below
In [ ]:
def _plain_sgd(np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode='c'] weights,
double intercept,
np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode='c'] average_weights,
double average_intercept,
LossFunction loss,
int penalty_type,
double alpha, double C,
double l1_ratio,
SequentialDataset dataset,
int n_iter, int fit_intercept,
int verbose, bint shuffle, np.uint32_t seed,
double weight_pos, double weight_neg,
int learning_rate, double eta0,
double power_t,
double t=1.0,
double intercept_decay=1.0,
int average=0):
# get the data information into easy vars
cdef Py_ssize_t n_samples = dataset.n_samples
cdef Py_ssize_t n_features = weights.shape[0]
cdef WeightVector w = WeightVector(weights, average_weights)
cdef double* w_ptr = &weights[0]
cdef double *x_data_ptr = NULL
cdef int *x_ind_ptr = NULL
cdef double* ps_ptr = NULL
# helper variables
cdef bint infinity = False
cdef int xnnz
cdef double eta = 0.0in
cdef double p = 0.0
cdef double update = 0.0
cdef double sumloss = 0.0
cdef double y = 0.0
cdef double sample_weight
cdef double class_weight = 1.0
cdef unsigned int count = 0
cdef unsigned int epoch = 0
cdef unsigned int i = 0
cdef int is_hinge = isinstance(loss, Hinge)
cdef double optimal_init = 0.0
cdef double dloss = 0.0
cdef double MAX_DLOSS = 1e12
# q vector is only used for L1 regularization
cdef np.ndarray[double, ndim = 1, mode = "c"] q = None
cdef double * q_data_ptr = NULL
if penalty_type == L2:
l1_ratio = 0.0
if learning_rate == OPTIMAL:
typw = np.sqrt(1.0 / np.sqrt(alpha))
# computing eta0, the initial learning rate
initial_eta0 = typw / max(1.0, loss.dloss(-typw, 1.0))
# initialize t such that eta at first sample equals eta0a
optimal_init = 1.0 / (initial_eta0 * alpha)
t_start = time()
with nogil:
for epoch in range(n_iter):
if verbose > 0:
with gil:
print("-- Epoch %d" % (epoch + 1))
if shuffle:
for i in range(n_samples):, &x_ind_ptr, &xnnz,
&y, &sample_weight)
p =, x_ind_ptr, xnnz) + intercept
if learning_rate == OPTIMAL:
eta = 1.0 / (alpha * (optimal_init + t - 1))
if verbose > 0:
sumloss += loss.loss(p, y)
if y > 0.0:
class_weight = weight_pos
class_weight = weight_neg
dloss = loss._dloss(p, y)
# clip dloss with large values to avoid numerical
# instabilities
if dloss < -MAX_DLOSS:
dloss = -MAX_DLOSS
elif dloss > MAX_DLOSS:
dloss = MAX_DLOSS
update = -eta * dloss
update *= class_weight * sample_weight
if penalty_type >= L2:
# do not scale to negative values when eta or alpha are too
# big: instead set the weights to zero
w.scale(max(0, 1.0 - ((1.0 - l1_ratio) * eta * alpha)))
if update != 0.0:
w.add(x_data_ptr, x_ind_ptr, xnnz, update)
if fit_intercept == 1:
intercept += update * intercept_decay
t += 1
count += 1
# report epoch information
if verbose > 0:
with gil:
print("Norm: %.2f, NNZs: %d, "
"Bias: %.6f, T: %d, Avg. loss: %.6f"
% (w.norm(), weights.nonzero()[0].shape[0],
intercept, count, sumloss / count))
print("Total training time: %.2f seconds."
% (time() - t_start))
# floating-point under-/overflow check.
if (not skl_isfinite(intercept)
or any_nonfinite(<double *>, n_features)):
infinity = True
if infinity:
raise ValueError(("Floating-point under-/overflow occurred at epoch"
" #%d. Scaling input data with StandardScaler or"
" MinMaxScaler might help.") % (epoch + 1))
return weights, intercept, average_weights, average_intercept
Besides the performance benefits from ArrayDataSet and WeightVector, the Cython implementation of SGD itself also benefits from static typing, memoryviews and the release of global interpreter lock. Compared to the previous three, the SGD algorithm itself is actually straightforward., which reflects the simplicity of the algorithm.