In this notebook, we will discover the Inverse Kinematics functionnalities of Pypot + IKPy with an Ergo Jr. You can see this notebook as the starting point to discover Inverse Kinematics, used with a real (or simulated) robot!
For this tutorial, you will need :
Some imports first.
In [3]:
import matplotlib.pyplot
%matplotlib notebook
First, instantiate your Creature
In [2]:
from poppy.creatures import PoppyErgoJr
poppy = PoppyErgoJr(simulator='vrep')
With Forward Kinematics, you can access the 3D position of your robot, from the angles of the motors :
For the Ergo Jr, you will get the 3D position of the tip (the blue dot on the picture above):
To access the Forwards Kinematics of the Ergo Jr :
In [1]:
In [4]:
zero = [0] * 6
ax = matplotlib.pyplot.figure().add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
poppy.chain.plot(poppy.chain.convert_to_ik_angles(zero), ax)
More than only accessing the position of the tip of the ErgoJr, you can use Inverse Kinematics to set this position.
Simply, you give a desired position in space, and you will get a motor configuration that will move the robot to the target!
The goto
function just does this :
In [5]:
poppy.chain.goto([-0.00670386, -0.17439168, 0.15083097],2.)
In [6]:
from ipywidgets import interact, FloatSlider
c = poppy.chain
x, y, z = c.end_effector
size = 0.3
def goto(x, y, z):
c.goto((x, y, z), .1)
x=FloatSlider(min=x-size, max=x+size, value=x, step=0.01),
y=FloatSlider(min=y-size, max=y+size, value=y, step=0.01),
z=FloatSlider(min=z-size, max=z+size, value=z, step=0.01))
Here is what you can get :