Visualizing classes with GoogLeNet

This is an ipython notebook to generate visualizations of classes with GoogLeNet, for some more info refer to this blogpost, and for some examples of generated images see this album of highlights or this album of all 1000 imagenet classes.

To run this code, you'll need an installation of Caffe with built pycaffe libraries, as well as the python libraries numpy, scipy and PIL. For instructions on how to install Caffe and pycaffe, refer to the installation guide here. Before running the ipython notebooks, you'll also need to download the bvlc_googlenet model, and modify the variables pycaffe_root to refer to the path of your pycaffe installation (if it's not already in your python path) and model_path to refer to the path of the googlenet caffe model. Also uncomment the line that enables GPU mode if you have built Caffe with GPU-support and a suitable GPU available.

In [3]:
# imports and basic notebook setup
from cStringIO import StringIO
import numpy as np
import os,re,random
import scipy.ndimage as nd
import PIL.Image
import sys
from IPython.display import clear_output, Image, display
from scipy.misc import imresize

pycaffe_root = "/your/path/here/caffe/python" # substitute your path here
sys.path.insert(0, pycaffe_root)
import caffe

model_name = "GoogLeNet"
model_path = '/your/path/here/caffe_models/bvlc_googlenet/' # substitute your path here
net_fn   = './deploy_googlenet_updated.prototxt'
param_fn = model_path + 'bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel'
mean = np.float32([104.0, 117.0, 123.0])

#caffe.set_mode_gpu() # uncomment this if gpu processing is available
net = caffe.Classifier(net_fn, param_fn,
                       mean = mean, # ImageNet mean, training set dependent
                       channel_swap = (2,1,0)) # the reference model has channels in BGR order instead of RGB

# a couple of utility functions for converting to and from Caffe's input image layout
def preprocess(net, img):
    return np.float32(np.rollaxis(img, 2)[::-1]) - net.transformer.mean['data']
def deprocess(net, img):
    return np.dstack((img + net.transformer.mean['data'])[::-1])

def blur(img, sigma):
    if sigma > 0:
        img[0] = nd.filters.gaussian_filter(img[0], sigma, order=0)
        img[1] = nd.filters.gaussian_filter(img[1], sigma, order=0)
        img[2] = nd.filters.gaussian_filter(img[2], sigma, order=0)
    return img

def showarray(a, f, fmt='jpeg'):
    a = np.uint8(np.clip(a, 0, 255))
    f = StringIO()
    PIL.Image.fromarray(a).save(f, fmt)

Definition of the main gradient ascent functions. Note that these are based on the deepdream code published by Google as well as this code by Kyle McDonald.

In [20]:
def make_step(net, step_size=1.5, end='inception_4c/output', clip=True, focus=None, sigma=None):
    '''Basic gradient ascent step.'''

    src = net.blobs['data'] # input image is stored in Net's 'data' blob
    dst = net.blobs[end]

    one_hot = np.zeros_like(
    one_hot.flat[focus] = 1.
    dst.diff[:] = one_hot

    g = src.diff[0][:] += step_size/np.abs(g).mean() * g

    if clip:
        bias = net.transformer.mean['data'][:] = np.clip(, -bias, 255-bias) 
   [0] = blur([0], sigma)
    # reset objective for next step

def deepdraw(net, base_img, octaves, random_crop=True, visualize=True, focus=None,
    clip=True, **step_params):
    # prepare base image
    image = preprocess(net, base_img) # (3,224,224)
    # get input dimensions from net
    w = net.blobs['data'].width
    h = net.blobs['data'].height
    print "starting drawing"
    src = net.blobs['data']
    src.reshape(1,3,h,w) # resize the network's input image size
    for e,o in enumerate(octaves):
        if 'scale' in o:
            # resize by o['scale'] if it exists
            image = nd.zoom(image, (1,o['scale'],o['scale']))
        _,imw,imh = image.shape
        # select layer
        layer = o['layer']

        for i in xrange(o['iter_n']):
            if imw > w:
                if random_crop:
                    # randomly select a crop 
                    #ox = random.randint(0,imw-224)
                    #oy = random.randint(0,imh-224)
                    mid_x = (imw-w)/2.
                    width_x = imw-w
                    ox = np.random.normal(mid_x, width_x*0.3, 1)
                    ox = int(np.clip(ox,0,imw-w))
                    mid_y = (imh-h)/2.
                    width_y = imh-h
                    oy = np.random.normal(mid_y, width_y*0.3, 1)
                    oy = int(np.clip(oy,0,imh-h))
                    # insert the crop into[0]
          [0] = image[:,ox:ox+w,oy:oy+h]
                    ox = (imw-w)/2.
                    oy = (imh-h)/2.
          [0] = image[:,ox:ox+w,oy:oy+h]
                ox = 0
                oy = 0
      [0] = image.copy()

            sigma = o['start_sigma'] + ((o['end_sigma'] - o['start_sigma']) * i) / o['iter_n']
            step_size = o['start_step_size'] + ((o['end_step_size'] - o['start_step_size']) * i) / o['iter_n']
            make_step(net, end=layer, clip=clip, focus=focus, 
                      sigma=sigma, step_size=step_size)

            if visualize:
                vis = deprocess(net,[0])
                if not clip: # adjust image contrast if clipping is disabled
                    vis = vis*(255.0/np.percentile(vis, 99.98))
                if i % 1 == 0:
            if i % 10 == 0:
                print 'finished step %d in octave %d' % (i,e)
            # insert modified image back into original image (if necessary)
            image[:,ox:ox+w,oy:oy+h] =[0]
        print "octave %d image:" % e
        showarray(deprocess(net, image),"./octave_"+str(e)+".jpg")
    # returning the resulting image
    return deprocess(net, image)

Generating the class visualizations

The octaves list determines in which order we optimize layers, as well as how many iterations and scaling on each octave. For each octave, parameters are:

  • layer : which layer to optimize
  • iter_n : how many iterations
  • scale : by what factor (if any) to scale up the base image before proceeding
  • start_sigma : the initial radius of the gaussian blur
  • end_sigma : the final radius of the gaussian blur
  • start_step_size : the initial step size of the gradient ascent
  • end_step_size : the final step size of the gradient ascent

The choice of octave parameters below will give decent images, and is the one used for visualizations in the blogpost. However, the choice of parameters was a bit arbitrary, so feel free to experiment. Note that generating an image will take around 1 minute with GPU-enabled Caffe, or 10-15 minutes if you're running purely on CPU, depending on your computer performance.

In [21]:
# these octaves determine gradient ascent steps
octaves = [

# get original input size of network
original_w = net.blobs['data'].width
original_h = net.blobs['data'].height
# the background color of the initial image
background_color = np.float32([200.0, 200.0, 200.0])
# generate initial random image
gen_image = np.random.normal(background_color, 8, (original_w, original_h, 3))

# which imagenet class to visualize
imagenet_class = 13

# generate class visualization via octavewise gradient ascent
gen_image = deepdraw(net, gen_image, octaves, focus=imagenet_class, 
                 random_crop=True, visualize=False)

# save image
#img_fn = '_'.join([model_name, "deepdraw", str(imagenet_class)+'.png'])
#PIL.Image.fromarray(np.uint8(gen_image)).save('./' + img_fn)

starting drawing
finished step 0 in octave 0
finished step 10 in octave 0
finished step 20 in octave 0
finished step 30 in octave 0
finished step 40 in octave 0
finished step 50 in octave 0
finished step 60 in octave 0
finished step 70 in octave 0
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finished step 120 in octave 0
finished step 130 in octave 0
finished step 140 in octave 0
finished step 150 in octave 0
finished step 160 in octave 0
finished step 170 in octave 0
finished step 180 in octave 0
octave 0 image:
finished step 0 in octave 1
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finished step 20 in octave 1
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finished step 40 in octave 1
finished step 50 in octave 1
finished step 60 in octave 1
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finished step 80 in octave 1
finished step 90 in octave 1
finished step 100 in octave 1
finished step 110 in octave 1
finished step 120 in octave 1
finished step 130 in octave 1
finished step 140 in octave 1
octave 1 image:
finished step 0 in octave 2
finished step 10 in octave 2
finished step 20 in octave 2
finished step 30 in octave 2
finished step 40 in octave 2
finished step 50 in octave 2
finished step 60 in octave 2
finished step 70 in octave 2
finished step 80 in octave 2
finished step 90 in octave 2
finished step 100 in octave 2
finished step 110 in octave 2
finished step 120 in octave 2
finished step 130 in octave 2
finished step 140 in octave 2
octave 2 image:
finished step 0 in octave 3
octave 3 image:

This choice of octave parameters tends to give more coherent images, but has a little bit less detail.

In [22]:
octaves = [
imagenet_class = 244
gen_image = np.random.normal(background_color, 8, (original_w, original_h, 3))
gen_image = deepdraw(net, gen_image, octaves, focus=imagenet_class, 
                 random_crop=True, visualize=False)

#img_fn = '_'.join([model_name, "deepdraw", str(imagenet_class)+'.png'])
#PIL.Image.fromarray(np.uint8(gen_image)).save('./' + img_fn)

starting drawing
finished step 0 in octave 0
finished step 10 in octave 0
finished step 20 in octave 0
finished step 30 in octave 0
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finished step 120 in octave 0
finished step 130 in octave 0
finished step 140 in octave 0
finished step 150 in octave 0
finished step 160 in octave 0
finished step 170 in octave 0
finished step 180 in octave 0
octave 0 image:
finished step 0 in octave 1
finished step 10 in octave 1
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finished step 290 in octave 1
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finished step 310 in octave 1
finished step 320 in octave 1
finished step 330 in octave 1
finished step 340 in octave 1
finished step 350 in octave 1
finished step 360 in octave 1
finished step 370 in octave 1
finished step 380 in octave 1
finished step 390 in octave 1
finished step 400 in octave 1
finished step 410 in octave 1
finished step 420 in octave 1
finished step 430 in octave 1
finished step 440 in octave 1
octave 1 image:

In [ ]: