In [1]:
%pylab inline
In [2]:
# first remove the headers by using the 'sed' command:
# sed 1d hour.csv > hour_noheader.csv
path = "/PATH/hour_noheader.csv"
raw_data = sc.textFile(path)
num_data = raw_data.count()
records = x: x.split(","))
first = records.first()
print first
print num_data
In [3]:
# cache the dataset to speed up subsequent operations
# function to get the categorical feature mapping for a given variable column
def get_mapping(rdd, idx):
return fields: fields[idx]).distinct().zipWithIndex().collectAsMap()
# we want to extract the feature mappings for columns 2 - 9
# try it out on column 2 first
print "Mapping of first categorical feasture column: %s" % get_mapping(records, 2)
In [4]:
# extract all the catgorical mappings
mappings = [get_mapping(records, i) for i in range(2,10)]
cat_len = sum(map(len, mappings))
num_len = len(records.first()[11:15])
total_len = num_len + cat_len
print "Feature vector length for categorical features: %d" % cat_len
print "Feature vector length for numerical features: %d" % num_len
print "Total feature vector length: %d" % total_len
In [5]:
# required imports
from pyspark.mllib.regression import LabeledPoint
import numpy as np
# function to use the feature mappings to extract binary feature vectors, and concatenate with
# the numerical feature vectors
def extract_features(record):
cat_vec = np.zeros(cat_len)
i = 0
step = 0
for field in record[2:9]:
m = mappings[i]
idx = m[field]
cat_vec[idx + step] = 1
i = i + 1
step = step + len(m)
num_vec = np.array([float(field) for field in record[10:14]])
return np.concatenate((cat_vec, num_vec))
# function to extract the label from the last column
def extract_label(record):
return float(record[-1])
data = r: LabeledPoint(extract_label(r), extract_features(r)))
first_point = data.first()
print "Raw data: " + str(first[2:])
print "Label: " + str(first_point.label)
print "Linear Model feature vector:\n" + str(first_point.features)
print "Linear Model feature vector length: " + str(len(first_point.features))
In [6]:
# we need a separate set of feature vectors for the decision tree
def extract_features_dt(record):
return np.array(map(float, record[2:14]))
data_dt = r: LabeledPoint(extract_label(r), extract_features_dt(r)))
first_point_dt = data_dt.first()
print "Decision Tree feature vector: " + str(first_point_dt.features)
print "Decision Tree feature vector length: " + str(len(first_point_dt.features))
In [7]:
from pyspark.mllib.regression import LinearRegressionWithSGD
from pyspark.mllib.tree import DecisionTree
In [8]:
In [9]:
linear_model = LinearRegressionWithSGD.train(data, iterations=10, step=0.1, intercept=False)
true_vs_predicted = p: (p.label, linear_model.predict(p.features)))
print "Linear Model predictions: " + str(true_vs_predicted.take(5))
In [10]:
# we pass in an mepty mapping for categorical feature size {}
dt_model = DecisionTree.trainRegressor(data_dt, {})
preds = dt_model.predict( p: p.features))
actual = p: p.label)
true_vs_predicted_dt =
print "Decision Tree predictions: " + str(true_vs_predicted_dt.take(5))
print "Decision Tree depth: " + str(dt_model.depth())
print "Decision Tree number of nodes: " + str(dt_model.numNodes())
In [11]:
# set up performance metrics functions
def squared_error(actual, pred):
return (pred - actual)**2
def abs_error(actual, pred):
return np.abs(pred - actual)
def squared_log_error(pred, actual):
return (np.log(pred + 1) - np.log(actual + 1))**2
In [12]:
# compute performance metrics for linear model
mse = (t, p): squared_error(t, p)).mean()
mae = (t, p): abs_error(t, p)).mean()
rmsle = np.sqrt( (t, p): squared_log_error(t, p)).mean())
print "Linear Model - Mean Squared Error: %2.4f" % mse
print "Linear Model - Mean Absolute Error: %2.4f" % mae
print "Linear Model - Root Mean Squared Log Error: %2.4f" % rmsle
In [13]:
# compute performance metrics for decision tree model
mse_dt = (t, p): squared_error(t, p)).mean()
mae_dt = (t, p): abs_error(t, p)).mean()
rmsle_dt = np.sqrt( (t, p): squared_log_error(t, p)).mean())
print "Decision Tree - Mean Squared Error: %2.4f" % mse_dt
print "Decision Tree - Mean Absolute Error: %2.4f" % mae_dt
print "Decision Tree - Root Mean Squared Log Error: %2.4f" % rmsle_dt
In [14]:
# we create the categorical feature mapping for decision trees
cat_features = dict([(i - 2, len(get_mapping(records, i)) + 1) for i in range(2,10)])
print "Categorical feature size mapping %s" % cat_features
# train the model again
dt_model_2 = DecisionTree.trainRegressor(data_dt, categoricalFeaturesInfo=cat_features)
preds_2 = dt_model_2.predict( p: p.features))
actual_2 = p: p.label)
true_vs_predicted_dt_2 =
# compute performance metrics for decision tree model
mse_dt_2 = (t, p): squared_error(t, p)).mean()
mae_dt_2 = (t, p): abs_error(t, p)).mean()
rmsle_dt_2 = np.sqrt( (t, p): squared_log_error(t, p)).mean())
print "Decision Tree - Mean Squared Error: %2.4f" % mse_dt_2
print "Decision Tree - Mean Absolute Error: %2.4f" % mae_dt_2
print "Decision Tree - Root Mean Squared Log Error: %2.4f" % rmsle_dt_2
In [15]:
targets = r: float(r[-1])).collect()
hist(targets, bins=40, color='lightblue', normed=True)
fig = matplotlib.pyplot.gcf()
fig.set_size_inches(16, 10)
In [16]:
log_targets = r: np.log(float(r[-1]))).collect()
hist(log_targets, bins=40, color='lightblue', normed=True)
fig = matplotlib.pyplot.gcf()
fig.set_size_inches(16, 10)
In [17]:
sqrt_targets = r: np.sqrt(float(r[-1]))).collect()
hist(sqrt_targets, bins=40, color='lightblue', normed=True)
fig = matplotlib.pyplot.gcf()
fig.set_size_inches(16, 10)
In [18]:
# train a linear model on log-transformed targets
data_log = lp: LabeledPoint(np.log(lp.label), lp.features))
model_log = LinearRegressionWithSGD.train(data_log, iterations=10, step=0.1)
true_vs_predicted_log = p: (np.exp(p.label), np.exp(model_log.predict(p.features))))
mse_log = (t, p): squared_error(t, p)).mean()
mae_log = (t, p): abs_error(t, p)).mean()
rmsle_log = np.sqrt( (t, p): squared_log_error(t, p)).mean())
print "Mean Squared Error: %2.4f" % mse_log
print "Mean Absolute Error: %2.4f" % mae_log
print "Root Mean Squared Log Error: %2.4f" % rmsle_log
print "Non log-transformed predictions:\n" + str(true_vs_predicted.take(3))
print "Log-transformed predictions:\n" + str(true_vs_predicted_log.take(3))
In [19]:
# train a decision tree model on log-transformed targets
data_dt_log = lp: LabeledPoint(np.log(lp.label), lp.features))
dt_model_log = DecisionTree.trainRegressor(data_dt_log, {})
preds_log = dt_model_log.predict( p: p.features))
actual_log = p: p.label)
true_vs_predicted_dt_log = (t, p): (np.exp(t), np.exp(p)))
mse_log_dt = (t, p): squared_error(t, p)).mean()
mae_log_dt = (t, p): abs_error(t, p)).mean()
rmsle_log_dt = np.sqrt( (t, p): squared_log_error(t, p)).mean())
print "Mean Squared Error: %2.4f" % mse_log_dt
print "Mean Absolute Error: %2.4f" % mae_log_dt
print "Root Mean Squared Log Error: %2.4f" % rmsle_log_dt
print "Non log-transformed predictions:\n" + str(true_vs_predicted_dt.take(3))
print "Log-transformed predictions:\n" + str(true_vs_predicted_dt_log.take(3))
In [20]:
# create training and testing sets for linear model
data_with_idx = data.zipWithIndex().map(lambda (k, v): (v, k))
test = data_with_idx.sample(False, 0.2, 42)
train = data_with_idx.subtractByKey(test)
train_data = (idx, p): p)
test_data = (idx, p) : p)
train_size = train_data.count()
test_size = test_data.count()
print "Training data size: %d" % train_size
print "Test data size: %d" % test_size
print "Total data size: %d " % num_data
print "Train + Test size : %d" % (train_size + test_size)
In [21]:
# create training and testing sets for decision tree
data_with_idx_dt = data_dt.zipWithIndex().map(lambda (k, v): (v, k))
test_dt = data_with_idx_dt.sample(False, 0.2, 42)
train_dt = data_with_idx_dt.subtractByKey(test_dt)
train_data_dt = (idx, p): p)
test_data_dt = (idx, p) : p)
In [22]:
# create a function to evaluate linear model
def evaluate(train, test, iterations, step, regParam, regType, intercept):
model = LinearRegressionWithSGD.train(train, iterations, step, regParam=regParam, regType=regType, intercept=intercept)
tp = p: (p.label, model.predict(p.features)))
rmsle = np.sqrt( (t, p): squared_log_error(t, p)).mean())
return rmsle
In [23]:
params = [1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100]
metrics = [evaluate(train_data, test_data, param, 0.01, 0.0, 'l2', False) for param in params]
print params
print metrics
plot(params, metrics)
fig = matplotlib.pyplot.gcf()
In [24]:
params = [0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 1.0]
metrics = [evaluate(train_data, test_data, 10, param, 0.0, 'l2', False) for param in params]
print params
print metrics
plot(params, metrics)
fig = matplotlib.pyplot.gcf()
In [25]:
params = [0.0, 0.01, 0.1, 1.0, 5.0, 10.0, 20.0]
metrics = [evaluate(train_data, test_data, 10, 0.1, param, 'l2', False) for param in params]
print params
print metrics
plot(params, metrics)
fig = matplotlib.pyplot.gcf()
In [26]:
params = [0.0, 0.01, 0.1, 1.0, 10.0, 100.0, 1000.0]
metrics = [evaluate(train_data, test_data, 10, 0.1, param, 'l1', False) for param in params]
print params
print metrics
plot(params, metrics)
fig = matplotlib.pyplot.gcf()
In [27]:
# Investigate sparsity of L1-regularized solution
model_l1 = LinearRegressionWithSGD.train(train_data, 10, 0.1, regParam=1.0, regType='l1', intercept=False)
model_l1_10 = LinearRegressionWithSGD.train(train_data, 10, 0.1, regParam=10.0, regType='l1', intercept=False)
model_l1_100 = LinearRegressionWithSGD.train(train_data, 10, 0.1, regParam=100.0, regType='l1', intercept=False)
print "L1 (1.0) number of zero weights: " + str(sum(model_l1.weights.array == 0))
print "L1 (10.0) number of zeros weights: " + str(sum(model_l1_10.weights.array == 0))
print "L1 (100.0) number of zeros weights: " + str(sum(model_l1_100.weights.array == 0))
In [28]:
params = [False, True]
metrics = [evaluate(train_data, test_data, 10, 0.1, 1.0, 'l2', param) for param in params]
print params
print metrics
bar(params, metrics, color='lightblue')
fig = matplotlib.pyplot.gcf()
In [29]:
# create a function to evaluate decision tree model
def evaluate_dt(train, test, maxDepth, maxBins):
model = DecisionTree.trainRegressor(train, {}, impurity='variance', maxDepth=maxDepth, maxBins=maxBins)
preds = model.predict( p: p.features))
actual = p: p.label)
tp =
rmsle = np.sqrt( (t, p): squared_log_error(t, p)).mean())
return rmsle
In [30]:
params = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20]
metrics = [evaluate_dt(train_data_dt, test_data_dt, param, 32) for param in params]
print params
print metrics
plot(params, metrics)
fig = matplotlib.pyplot.gcf()
In [31]:
params = [2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 100]
metrics = [evaluate_dt(train_data_dt, test_data_dt, 5, param) for param in params]
print params
print metrics
plot(params, metrics)
fig = matplotlib.pyplot.gcf()