Berea Sandstone Simulation Using PoreSpy and OpenPNM

The example explains effective permeabilty calculations using PoreSpy and OpenPNM software. The simulation is performed on X-ray tomography image of BereaSandstone. The calculated effective permeablity value can compared with value report in Dong et al.

Start by importing the necessary packages

In [1]:
import os
import imageio
import scipy as sp
import numpy as np
import openpnm as op
import porespy as ps
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

Load BreaSandstone Image file

Give path to image file and load the image. Please note image should be binarized or in boolean format before performing next steps.

In [2]:
path = '../fixtures/ICL-Sandstone(Berea)/'
file_format = '.tif'
file_name = 'Berea'
file = file_name + file_format
fetch_file = os.path.join(path, file)
im = imageio.mimread(fetch_file)
im = ~np.array(im, dtype=bool)

Confirm image and check image porosity

Be patient, this might take ~30 seconds (depending on your CPU)

In [3]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(12,5))
ax[0].imshow(im[:, :, 100]);
ax[0].set_title("Slice No. 100 View");
ax[1].set_title("3D Sketch");
ax[2].set_title("SEM View");

In [4]:


Extract pore network using SNOW algorithm in PoreSpy

The SNOW algorithm (an accronym for Sub-Network from an Oversegmented Watershed) was presented by Gostick. The algorithm was used to extract pore network from BereaSandstone image.

In [5]:
resolution = 5.345e-6
net = ps.networks.snow(im=im, voxel_size=resolution)

Beginning SNOW Algorithm
Converting supplied image (im) to boolean
Peforming Distance Transform
Applying Gaussian blur with sigma = 0.4
Initial number of peaks:  10878
Peaks after trimming saddle points:  4315
Peaks after trimming nearby peaks:  4315
Extracting pore and throat information from image
100%|██████████| 5478/5478 [00:50<00:00, 109.51it/s]

Import network in OpenPNM

The output from the SNOW algorithm above is a plain python dictionary containing all the extracted pore-scale data, but it is NOT yet an OpenPNM network. We need to create an empty network in OpenPNM, then populate it with the data from SNOW:

In [6]:
ws = op.Workspace()
proj = op.Project()
pn =, project=proj)
pn.update(net)  # Fills 'pn' with data from 'net'

Now we can print the network to see how the transferred worked:

In [7]:

―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― : Berea
#     Properties                                    Valid Values
1     pore.area                                      5478 / 5478 
2     pore.centroid                                  5478 / 5478 
3     pore.coords                                    5478 / 5478 
4     pore.diameter                                  5478 / 5478 
5     pore.equivalent_diameter                       5478 / 5478 
6     pore.extended_diameter                         5478 / 5478 
7     pore.inscribed_diameter                        5478 / 5478 
8     pore.label                                     5478 / 5478 
9     pore.surface_area                              5478 / 5478 
10    pore.volume                                    5478 / 5478 
11    throat.area                                    9523 / 9523 
12    throat.centroid                                9523 / 9523 
13    throat.conduit_lengths.pore1                   9523 / 9523 
14    throat.conduit_lengths.pore2                   9523 / 9523 
15    throat.conduit_lengths.throat                  9523 / 9523 
16    throat.conns                                   9523 / 9523 
17    throat.diameter                                9523 / 9523 
18    throat.direct_length                           9523 / 9523 
19    throat.endpoints.head                          9523 / 9523 
20    throat.endpoints.tail                          9523 / 9523 
21    throat.equivalent_diameter                     9523 / 9523 
22    throat.inscribed_diameter                      9523 / 9523 
23    throat.length                                  9523 / 9523 
24    throat.perimeter                               9523 / 9523 
25    throat.total_length                            9523 / 9523 
26    throat.volume                                  9523 / 9523 
#     Labels                                        Assigned Locations
1     pore.all                                      5478      
2     pore.back                                     187       
3     pore.bottom                                   196       
4     pore.boundary                                 1163      
5     pore.front                                    189       
6     pore.internal                                 4315      
7     pore.left                                     179       
8     pore.right                                    206       
9                                      206       
10    throat.all                                    9523      
11    throat.boundary                               1160      
12    throat.internal                               8363      

Check network health

Remove isolated pores or cluster of pores from the network by checking it network health. Make sure ALL keys in network health functions have no value.

In [8]:
h = pn.check_network_health()
op.topotools.trim(network=pn, pores=h['trim_pores'])
h = pn.check_network_health()

key                                 value
disconnected_clusters               []
isolated_pores                      []
trim_pores                          []
duplicate_throats                   []
bidirectional_throats               []
headless_throats                    []
looped_throats                      []

Assign pore scale model

Assign conduit shape to calculate flow from pore i to pore j. In this simulation spherical pore and cylinderical throats geometry is considered.

In [9]:
mod = op.models.geometry.throat_endpoints.spherical_pores
pn.add_model(propname='throat.endpoints', model=mod)
mod = op.models.geometry.throat_length.conduit_lengths
pn.add_model(propname='throat.conduit_lengths', model=mod)
mod = op.models.geometry.pore_area.sphere
pn.add_model(propname='pore.area', model=mod)

Assign geometry

In [10]:
geo = op.geometry.GenericGeometry(network=pn, pores=pn.Ps, throats=pn.Ts)

Assign phase

In this example air is considered as fluid passing through porous channels.

In [11]:
air = op.phases.Air(network=pn)

Assign physics

In [12]:
phys_air = op.physics.Standard(network=pn, phase=air, geometry=geo)

Assign Algorithm and boundary conditions

Select stokes flow algorithm for simulation and assign dirichlet boundary conditions in top and bottom faces of the network.

In [13]:
perm = op.algorithms.StokesFlow(network=pn, project=proj)
perm.set_value_BC(pores=pn.pores('top'), values=0)
perm.set_value_BC(pores=pn.pores('bottom'), values=101325)

Calculate effective permeability

Caclulate effective permeablity using hagen poiseuille equation. Use cross section area and flow length manually from image dimension.

In [14]:
resolution = 5.345e-6
Q = perm.rate(pores=pn.pores('bottom'), mode='group')
A = (im.shape[0] * im.shape[1]) * resolution**2
L = im.shape[2] * resolution
mu = air['pore.viscosity'].max()
delta_P = 101325 - 0
K = Q * L * mu / (A * delta_P)
print('The value of K is:', K/0.98e-12*1000, 'mD')

The value of K is: [944.4486] mD