Part 4: Federated Learning with Model Averaging

Recap: For Part 2 of this tutorial, we use simple version of Federated Learning to train a model. This step require sey to see gradient each data owner must to trust model owner.

Description: For this tutorial, we go show you hiw you fit use the advanced aggregation tools wey dey Part 3 to allow weights to dey aggregated by trusted "secure worker" before we go send final resulting model to the model owner (wey be us).

For this way wey we dey talk so, only secure go see who get the weights and where he come from. We go fit tell the part of the model wey we change, the problem na we no know which worker (Bob or Alice) change am, wey come create layer of privacy.

Person wey write am:

Person wey translate am:

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import torch
import syft as sy
import copy
hook = sy.TorchHook(torch)
from torch import nn, optim

Step 1: Make We Create Data Owners

First tin wey we go do na to create two data owners (Bob and Alice) with small amount of data. We go initialize a secure machine called "secure_worker". In practice we fit say na secure hardware he be (sometin like Intel's SGX) or make we say na trusted intermediary.

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# make we create couple workers

bob = sy.VirtualWorker(hook, id="bob")
alice = sy.VirtualWorker(hook, id="alice")
secure_worker = sy.VirtualWorker(hook, id="secure_worker")

# A Toy Dataset
data = torch.tensor([[0,0],[0,1],[1,0],[1,1.]], requires_grad=True)
target = torch.tensor([[0],[0],[1],[1.]], requires_grad=True)

# we go get pointers to training data on each worker if
# we send some training data to bob and alice
bobs_data = data[0:2].send(bob)
bobs_target = target[0:2].send(bob)

alices_data = data[2:].send(alice)
alices_target = target[2:].send(alice)

Step 2: Make We Create Our Model

For dis example, we go train with a simple Linear model. We go initialize am normally using Pytorch's nn.Linear constructor

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# We go initialize A Toy Model
model = nn.Linear(2,1)

Step 3: Make we Send a Copy of the Model to Alice and Bob

Next tin, na to send a copy of the current model to Alice and Bob so that they go fit perform steps of learning wey dem fit do on their own datasets.

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bobs_model = model.copy().send(bob)
alices_model = model.copy().send(alice)

bobs_opt = optim.SGD(params=bobs_model.parameters(),lr=0.1)
alices_opt = optim.SGD(params=alices_model.parameters(),lr=0.1)

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Step 4: Make WeTrain Bob's and Alice's Models (in parallel)

Normal tin for Federated Learning vaia Secure Averaging, data owner go first train their model for several iterations locally before we go average the models.

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for i in range(10):

    # We go train Bob's Model
    bobs_pred = bobs_model(bobs_data)
    bobs_loss = ((bobs_pred - bobs_target)**2).sum()

    bobs_loss = bobs_loss.get().data

    # We go train Alice's Model
    alices_pred = alices_model(alices_data)
    alices_loss = ((alices_pred - alices_target)**2).sum()

    alices_loss = alices_loss.get().data
    print("Bob:" + str(bobs_loss) + " Alice:" + str(alices_loss))

Step 5: Make we Send Both Updated Models to a Secure Worker

Now wey every data owner get partially trained model, we go average them in a secure way. We go achieve this by instructing Alice and Bob make dem send their model to the secure (trusted) server.

Look am wella, as we go come use our API, he maen sey we go send each model DIRECTLY to the secure_worker. We never see am.

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Step 6: Make We Average the Models

Finally, the last step for this training epoch na to average Bob and Alice's trained models togeda and then we go use this to set the values for our global "model".

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with torch.no_grad():
    model.weight.set_((( + / 2).get())
    model.bias.set_((( + / 2).get())

Rinse and Repeat

Now wetin we go do na to just iterate this multiple times!

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iterations = 10
worker_iters = 5

for a_iter in range(iterations):
    bobs_model = model.copy().send(bob)
    alices_model = model.copy().send(alice)

    bobs_opt = optim.SGD(params=bobs_model.parameters(),lr=0.1)
    alices_opt = optim.SGD(params=alices_model.parameters(),lr=0.1)

    for wi in range(worker_iters):

        # We go train Bob's Model
        bobs_pred = bobs_model(bobs_data)
        bobs_loss = ((bobs_pred - bobs_target)**2).sum()

        bobs_loss = bobs_loss.get().data

        # We go train Alice's Model
        alices_pred = alices_model(alices_data)
        alices_loss = ((alices_pred - alices_target)**2).sum()

        alices_loss = alices_loss.get().data
    with torch.no_grad():
        model.weight.set_((( + / 2).get())
        model.bias.set_((( + / 2).get())
    print("Bob:" + str(bobs_loss) + " Alice:" + str(alices_loss))

Last last, we go make sure sey our resulting model learn wella, so we go evaluate am on top test dataset. For this proble, we go use origina data, but in practice we go use new data to understand how well the model generalizes to unseen examples.

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preds = model(data)
loss = ((preds - target) ** 2).sum()

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For dis toy example, the average model go dey underfitting relative to how plaintext model trained go behave, we got fit train am and we no go expose each worker's training data. We go fit add all the updated models wey we get from each worker we dey trusted aggregator togeda. Dis aggregate go prevent data leakage to the model owner.

For the example wey we go do again, we go try to do our trusted aggregation directly with the gradients, if we do am like dis we go fit update the model with beta gradient estimates and we go arrive at a stronger model.

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