The methods and techniques used to provide privacy rely (in some cases) on working with very big integers. However, the platforms we are working with (PyTorch, TensorFlow, DL4J) all have limitations with the maximum size they can handle.
To overcome this limitation, we are providing a new type, LargePrecisionTensor
that uses an internal structure to represent these big numbers.
In [1]:
import torch
from syft.frameworks.torch.tensors.interpreters.large_precision import LargePrecisionTensor
In [2]:
import syft
from syft import TorchHook
hook = TorchHook(torch)
In [3]:
tensor = torch.tensor([3.0])
In [4]:
x = LargePrecisionTensor(tensor)
In [5]:
We can fix the precision of this tensor with regular values. This in PyTorch can be done with precisions below 64 bits.
In [6]:
Let's make this tensor larger. precision_fractional
is the desired precision. It'll be a very big number, so big that PyTorch cannot hold it in any of its types.
We also tell the function fix_prec()
which internal type we'll use to represent these large numbers from thoses available in the platform.
In [7]:
large_tensor = tensor.fix_prec(internal_type=torch.int16, precision_fractional=256, verbose=True)
And here we have our tensor[3.]
represented as an integer number of 256 bits. Internally we have built a new Torch tensor that can restore the original data by using the precision and virtual precision.
What is more, we can use these internal representations to make operations!
We can restore the original number by applying float_precision()
to our very large tensor
In [8]:
original = large_tensor.float_precision()
In [20]:
precision = torch.int16
virtual_prec = 256
x1 = torch.tensor([100000.])
x2 = torch.tensor([20.])
lpt1 = x1.fix_prec(internal_type=precision, precision_fractional=virtual_prec, verbose=True)
lpt2 = x2.fix_prec(internal_type=precision, precision_fractional=virtual_prec, verbose=True)
Let's add them. We should have a result tensor containing 100020.
In [21]:
result_lpt = lpt1 + lpt2
In [11]:
We have added numbers with a precision of 10^256!
What about multiplication?
In [18]:
precision = torch.int16
virtual_prec = 256
x1 = torch.tensor([10.])
x2 = torch.tensor([20.5])
lpt1 = x1.fix_prec(internal_type=precision, precision_fractional=virtual_prec)
lpt2 = x2.fix_prec(internal_type=precision, precision_fractional=virtual_prec)
result_lpt = lpt1 * lpt2
In [19]:
We have multiplied numbers represented as 10^256!
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