In [1]:
import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
import pprint as pp
import re
import codecs
import json
import pymongo
import collections as col
from itertools import islice

In [2]:
#I choose Plaisir in France as my area (
#I grew up in Plaisir and that is the reason for my choice.
#Please find the file downloadable here

OSM_FILE = "plaisir.osm"

In [3]:
#Creation of a sample file
SAMPLE_FILE = "sample.osm"

k = 10 # Parameter: take every k-th top level element

def get_element(osm_file, tags=('node', 'way', 'relation')):
    context = iter(ET.iterparse(osm_file, events=('start', 'end')))
    _, root = next(context)
    for event, elem in context:
        if event == 'end' and elem.tag in tags:
            yield elem

with open(SAMPLE_FILE, 'wb') as output:
    output.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n')
    output.write('<osm>\n  ')

    # Write every kth top level element
    for i, element in enumerate(get_element(OSM_FILE)):
        if i % k == 0:
            output.write(ET.tostring(element, encoding='utf-8'))


Audit of the file

In [4]:
tags = {}
for event, elem in ET.iterparse("sample.osm"):
    if elem.tag not in tags:
        tags[elem.tag]= 1
        tags[elem.tag] += 1
print tags

{'node': 33069, 'nd': 46051, 'member': 1718, 'tag': 14808, 'relation': 45, 'way': 5618, 'osm': 1}

What I will do to get a better view of the file?

  • Build a dictionnary to count :
    • the number and types of amenity,
    • the number and types of shops,
    • the number and types of sport.

In [5]:
tags_details = {}
keys = ["amenity","shop","sport","place","service","building"]

def create_tags_details(binder, list_keys, filename):
    Create a dictionnary of every attributes value of the list of attributes key named "keys".
    This function aims to help me understand what's inside the datased and what type of analysis could be made.
    for key in list_keys:
        binder[key] = {}
    for event, elem in ET.iterparse(filename, events = ("start",)):
        if elem.tag == "tag":
            for tag in elem.iter("tag"):
                for key in list_keys:
                    if elem.attrib["k"] == key:
                        if tag.attrib["v"] not in binder[key]:
                            binder[key][tag.attrib["v"]] = 1
                            binder[key][tag.attrib["v"]] += 1
    return binder

In [6]:

{'amenity': {'atm': 2,
  'bank': 2,
  'bar': 2,
  'bench': 12,
  'bus_station': 1,
  'cafe': 1,
  'car_wash': 1,
  'clock': 1,
  'college': 1,
  'community_centre': 1,
  'doctors': 1,
  'fast_food': 3,
  'fountain': 1,
  'fuel': 2,
  'hospital': 1,
  'kindergarten': 1,
  'parking': 28,
  'parking_entrance': 2,
  'pharmacy': 2,
  'place_of_worship': 2,
  'post_box': 3,
  'recycling': 3,
  'restaurant': 4,
  'school': 13,
  'shelter': 1,
  'swimming_pool': 8,
  'telephone': 6,
  'theatre': 1,
  'vending_machine': 2,
  'waste_basket': 11},
 'building': {'chapel': 1,
  'church': 1,
  'commercial': 1,
  'house': 16,
  'industrial': 3,
  'office': 1,
  'residential': 16,
  'roof': 1,
  'school': 1,
  'train_station': 1,
  'yes': 4606},
 'place': {'hamlet': 1, 'town': 1, 'village': 1},
 'service': {'Parking': 1,
  'alley': 5,
  'driveway': 4,
  'emergency_access': 1,
  'parking_aisle': 43,
  'siding': 4,
  'yard': 3},
 'shop': {'bakery': 3,
  'butcher': 1,
  'clothes': 1,
  'convenience': 4,
  'doityourself': 1,
  'furniture': 1,
  'garden_centre': 1,
  'hairdresser': 2,
  'shoes': 1,
  'supermarket': 2,
  'ticket': 1},
 'sport': {'athletics': 2,
  'basketball': 2,
  'boules': 1,
  'golf': 1,
  'gymnastics': 1,
  'multi': 3,
  'soccer': 9,
  'swimming': 5,
  'tennis': 11}}

What questions I want to answer?

  • What is the most popular type of shop in Plaisir?
  • What is the sport with the most facilities in Plaisir?
  • Are there more restaurant or Fastfood in Plaisir?
  • Is there a correlation between the number of amenity and the number of bus stop in a given area?

Data cleaning plan

  • Audit and clean:
    • addr:street
    • addr:postcode
    • phone:
  • Create a list with one document per tag (we will only care about node and way) and a workable structure.

Audit street names

In [7]:
# Create a dict to store weird street types
street_types = col.defaultdict(set)
# Create a list listing expected street types
expected_street_type = ["Rue", "Route", "Ruelle", "Cours", "Avenue", "Impasse", "Mail","Boulevard", "Square", "Place", "Allee"]
# Create a regular expression to isolate weird street types
street_type_re = re.compile(r'^\w+', re.IGNORECASE)

def audit_street(street_types,street_name):
    This function aims to check if the first word of every street name matchs the list of expected word name expected_street_type.
    If it doesn't, the first word and the complete street name are added to the street_types dictionary as a key / value pair.
    Arg1: street_types >> the dictionary where to store the unexpected data.
    Arg2: street_name >> the street_name to be audited.
    m =
    if m:
        street_type =
        if street_type not in expected_street_type:

def audit_street_map(file_in, street_types, pretty = False):
    This function aims to audit the file by isolating one by one the addr:street tags key/value pair.
    The value of each pair is then audited thanks to the audit_street function.
    for _, element in ET.iterparse(file_in):
        if element.tag == "way" or element.tag == "node":
            for tag in element.iter("tag"):
                if tag.attrib['k'] == "addr:street":

In [8]:
audit_street_map("plaisir.osm",street_types, True)

 u'All': set([u"All\xe9e de l'Aqueduc",
              u'All\xe9e de la R\xe9union',
              u'All\xe9e de la pommeraie',
              u'All\xe9e des M\xfbriers',
              u'All\xe9e des Noisetiers',
              u'All\xe9e des Orn\xe9s',
              u'All\xe9e des Romarins',
              u'All\xe9e des Yvelines']),
 'Centre': set(['Centre commercial SQY Ouest']),
 u'Chemin': set([u'Chemin D\xe9partemental 161']),
 'avenue': set(['avenue Salavdor Allende', 'avenue Salvador Allende']),
 'place': set([u'place de la M\xe9diath\xe8que', 'place du Beffroi']),
 'rue': set(["rue d'Athenes", 'rue de la gare', 'rue du Luxembourg'])}

One street type needs to be cleaned ('AVE'). We will clean that street type when shapping our data structure. Please find below the function we'll use to clean street types.

In [9]:
#check addr: with :
lower_colon = re.compile(r'^([a-z]|_)*:([a-z]|_)*$')

def clean_street_type(address_tag,address_dict):
    This function aims to transform address tags and add them as a key / value pair of a dedicated address dictionary. 
    The function will take the address tag and the address dictionary as arguments:
        address_tag: every sub tag of a "node" or "way" top level tag.
        address_dict: a dictionnary where we store key / value pair of adress elements (postcode, street, etc..)
    The function first creates a cleaned key based on the current key of the tag by removing the "addr:" part of the string.
    If after removing "addr:" the function still detects a colon, the tag isn't added to the dictionary because the data entry was not clean enought.
    Else, if the value of the tag starts with "AVE" as first word, "AVE" is replaced by "Avenue".
    Finally, the key / value is added to the address dictionary.
    key = re.sub('addr:', '', address_tag['k']).strip()
    if lower_colon.match(key):
        return None
        if address_tag['v'].startswith("AVE"):
            address_dict[key] = re.sub(r'^AVE', 'Avenue', address_tag['v'])
            address_dict[key] = address_tag['v']

In [10]:
Please find below a test of the function which presents how the function works.

tree = ET.parse(OSM_FILE)
root = tree.getroot()
test_tags = root.findall("./node/tag")

test_address_tags_dict = {}

for tag in test_tags:
    tag_dict = {}
    if tag.attrib['k'].startswith("addr:"):
    if tag_dict:
        test_address_tags_dict[tag.attrib['k'] + tag.attrib['v']] = tag_dict

def take(n, iterable):
    "Return first n items of the iterable as a list"
    return list(islice(iterable, n))

pp.pprint(take(20, test_address_tags_dict.iteritems()))

[('addr:housenumber11', {'housenumber': '11'}),
 ('addr:postcode78390', {'postcode': '78390'}),
 ('addr:housenumber13', {'housenumber': '13'}),
 ('addr:housenumber12', {'housenumber': '12'}),
 ('addr:housenumber15', {'housenumber': '15'}),
 ('addr:housenumber14', {'housenumber': '14'}),
 ('addr:housenumber17', {'housenumber': '17'}),
 ('addr:housenumber10', {'housenumber': '10'}),
 ('addr:housenumber19', {'housenumber': '19'}),
 ('addr:housenumber18', {'housenumber': '18'}),
 ('addr:housenumber2 B', {'housenumber': '2 B'}),
 ('addr:housenumber238', {'housenumber': '238'}),
 ('addr:postcode78640', {'postcode': '78640'}),
 ("addr:cityBois d'Arcy", {'city': "Bois d'Arcy"}),
 ('addr:streetRoute nationale 10', {'street': 'Route nationale 10'}),
 ('addr:cityLes Clayes sous Bois', {'city': 'Les Clayes sous Bois'}),
 ('addr:housenumber6 A', {'housenumber': '6 A'}),
 ('addr:housenumber6 B', {'housenumber': '6 B'}),
 ('addr:streetRue de la Gare', {'street': 'Rue de la Gare'}),
 ('addr:housenumber16', {'housenumber': '16'})]

Audit postcodes

In [11]:
# Create a set to store weird postcodes
postcodes = set()
# Create a regular expression to isolate weird postcodes
postcode_re = re.compile(r'\d\d\d\d\d', re.IGNORECASE)

def audit_postcode(postcodes,postcode):
    This function aims to check if the postcode matchs the expected format.
    If it doesn't, the postcode is added to a dictionary.
    Arg1: postcodes >> the dictionary where to store the unexpected data.
    Arg2: postcode >> the postcode to be audited.
    m =
    if m == None:

def audit_postcode_map(file_in, postcodes, pretty = False):
    This function aims to audit the file by isolating one by one the postcode tags key/value pair.
    The value of each pair is then audited thanks to the audit_postcode function.
    for _, element in ET.iterparse(file_in):
        if element.tag == "way" or element.tag == "node":
            for tag in element.iter("tag"):
                if tag.attrib['k'] == "addr:postcode":

In [12]:
audit_postcode_map("plaisir.osm",postcodes, True)


Postcode are already clean.

Audit phone numbers

In [13]:
# Create a list to store weird phone numbers
phone_numbers = []
# Create a regular expression to isolate
phone_re = re.compile(r'\+\d\d\s\d\s\d\d\s\d\d\s\d\d\s\d\d', re.IGNORECASE)

def audit_phone(phone_numbers,phone_number):
    This function aims to check if the phone number matchs the expected format.
    If it doesn't, the phone number is added to a dictionary.
    Arg1: phone_numbers >> the dictionary where to store the unexpected data.
    Arg2: phone_number >> the phone number to be audited.
    m =
    if m == None:

def audit_phone_map(file_in, phone_numbers, pretty = False):
    This function aims to audit the file by isolating one by one the phone tags key/value pair.
    The value of each pair is then audited thanks to the audit_phone function.
    for _, element in ET.iterparse(file_in):
        if element.tag == "way" or element.tag == "node":
            for tag in element.iter("tag"):
                if tag.attrib['k'] == "phone":
    return phone_numbers

In [14]:
audit_phone_map("plaisir.osm",phone_numbers, True)

 '01 77 04 10 17',
 '01 30 64 99 55',
 '01 34 81 10 17',
 '01 30 57 22 22',
 '01 30 60 04 37',
 '01 30 55 30 50',
 '01 30 81 61 14',
 '01 30 55 81 82',
 '01 30 07 52 20',
 '01 30 68 90 90',
 '01 30 55 21 92',
 '01 30 55 86 45',
 '01 30 55 35 39',
 '01 61 38 94 05',
 '01 30 79 09 41',
 '+33 1 30644688',
 '01 30 50 97 21',
 '01 30 55 60 06',
 '01 30 07 77 77',
 '+33 130547456',
 '+33 130540064',

Phone numbers need to be cleaned to match the following pattern (+33 X XX XX XX XX). We will clean that street type when shapping our data structure.</br>

Here are the different case we want to treat: -'XX XX XX XX XX' -'XX.XX.XX.XX.XX' -'XXXXXXXXXX'

Please find below the function we'll use to clean phone numbers.

In [15]:
#classic phone number format in France (ie: 01 30 55 84 22)
classic_france = re.compile(r'\d\d\s\d\d\s\d\d\s\d\d\s\d\d')
#classic phone number format with dots in France (ie:
classic_france_dot = re.compile(r'\d\d\.\d\d\.\d\d\.\d\d\.\d\d')
#compressed phone number format in France (ie: 0130558422)
classic_france_compiled = re.compile(r'\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d')
#wrong format

def clean_phone_numbers(phone_tag,main_dict):
    This function aims to clean phone tags and add them as a key / value pair of our node dictionary. 
    The function will take the phone tag and the main dictionary as arguments:
        phone_tag: every phone sub tag of a "node" or "way" top level tag.
        main_dict: a dictionnary where we store key / value pair of each elements of our map.
    The function first identifies if the phone number follow one of the wrong pattern we identified during our audit.
    Using regex, we try to match every pattern and apply the necessary modifications when it's relevant and then store the phone number in the the dictionary.
    Else, we store directly the phone number in the dictionary.  
    if classic_france.match(phone_tag['v']):
        value = re.sub(r'^\d', '+33 ', phone_tag['v'])
        main_dict[phone_tag['k']] = value
    elif classic_france_dot.match(phone_tag['v']):
        value = re.sub(r'^\d', '+33 ', phone_tag['v'])
        value = re.sub(r'\.', ' ', value)
        main_dict[phone_tag['k']] = value
    elif classic_france_compiled.match(phone_tag['v']):
        value = " ".join(phone_tag['v'][i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(phone_tag['v']), 2))
        value = re.sub(r'^\d', '+33 ', value)
        main_dict[phone_tag['k']] = value
        main_dict[phone_tag['k']] = phone_tag['v']

In [16]:
Please find below a test of the function which presents how the function works.

test_phone_tags_dict = {}

for tag in test_tags:
    tag_dict = {}
    if tag.attrib['k'] == "phone":
    if tag_dict:
        test_phone_tags_dict[tag.attrib['k'] + " " + tag.attrib['v']] = tag_dict

pp.pprint(take(20, test_phone_tags_dict.iteritems()))

[('phone 01 30 79 09 41', {'phone': '+33 1 30 79 09 41'}),
 ('phone +33 1 30 13 01 20', {'phone': '+33 1 30 13 01 20'}),
 ('phone', {'phone': '+33 1 34 89 78 00'}),
 ('phone', {'phone': '+33 1 34 89 61 89'}),
 ('phone 0130629918', {'phone': '+33 1 30 62 99 18'}),
 ('phone 01 61 38 94 05', {'phone': '+33 1 61 38 94 05'}),
 ('phone', {'phone': '+33 1 34 89 49 05'}),
 ('phone 01 30 57 22 22', {'phone': '+33 1 30 57 22 22'}),
 ('phone 01 30 07 52 20', {'phone': '+33 1 30 07 52 20'}),
 ('phone +33 1 30 55 78 88', {'phone': '+33 1 30 55 78 88'}),
 ('phone', {'phone': '+33 1 34 89 18 70'}),
 ('phone 0134890166', {'phone': '+33 1 34 89 01 66'}),
 ('phone 01 30 55 30 50', {'phone': '+33 1 30 55 30 50'}),
 ('phone', {'phone': '+33 1 34 81 14 10'}),
 ('phone +33 1 30 45 41 84', {'phone': '+33 1 30 45 41 84'}),
 ('phone', {'phone': '+33 1 34 89 47 26'}),
 ('phone 01 30 64 99 55', {'phone': '+33 1 30 64 99 55'}),
 ('phone +33 1 30 79 39 39', {'phone': '+33 1 30 79 39 39'}),
 ('phone 3631', {'phone': '3631'}),
 ('phone 01 30 68 90 90', {'phone': '+33 1 30 68 90 90'})]

Shape data

In [17]:
CREATED = [ "version", "changeset", "timestamp", "user", "uid"]
POS = ["lon","lat"]
BUILDING_TYPES = ["amenity","shop","sport","place","service","building","highway"]

def shape_element(element):
    This function aims to shape every element of our XML file.
    Each top level node of the XML file is reviewed by this function which creates a dedicated dictionary called "node".
    Each node dictionary is then added to the data list. This list will be the file inserted into MongoDb.
    node = {}
    pos = []
    node_refs = []
    created = {}
    address = {}
    types = {}
    if element.tag == "node" or element.tag == "way" :
        types['type'] = element.tag
        if 'lat' in element.attrib.keys() and 'lon' in element.attrib.keys():
                lat = float(element.attrib['lat'])
                lon = float(element.attrib['lon'])
        for k, m in element.attrib.items():
            if k not in POS:
                if k in CREATED:
                    created[k] = m
                    node[k] = m

        for child in element:
            if child.tag == "nd":
            elif child.tag == "tag":
                if child.attrib['k'].startswith("addr:"):
                elif child.attrib['k'] == 'phone':
                elif child.attrib['k'] in BUILDING_TYPES:
                    types[child.attrib['k']] = child.attrib['v']
        if types:
            node['types'] = types
        if created:
            node['created'] = created
        if pos:
            node['pos'] = pos
        if address:
            node['address'] = address
        if node_refs:
            node['node_refs'] = node_refs
        return node
        return None
def process_map(file_in, pretty = False):
    data = []
    for _, element in ET.iterparse(file_in):
        el = shape_element(element)
        if el:
    return data

In [18]:
data = process_map('plaisir.osm', True)

Insert data in MongoDb

In [31]:
from pymongo import MongoClient
client = MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017")
db = client.osm_udacity

In [33]:
from bson.objectid import ObjectId 

def insert_data(data, db):
    for item in data:
        item['_id'] = ObjectId()

insert_data(data, db)
print db.plaisir_osm.find_one()

{u'_id': ObjectId('5808e12aecf40b89c0aaa0a2'), u'created': {u'changeset': u'12277498', u'version': u'3', u'user': u'gwen_lr', u'timestamp': u'2012-07-18T10:30:48Z', u'uid': u'739102'}, u'pos': [48.7723763, 2.0117414], u'types': {u'type': u'node'}, u'id': u'4998993'}

Querying the MongoDb

In [34]:
def make_group_pipeline(type_node):
    pipeline = [{'$group':{'_id':type_node,'count':{'$sum':1}}},
                {'$limit' : 5 }
    return pipeline

def aggregate(db, pipeline):
    return [doc for doc in db.aggregate(pipeline)]

pipeline = make_group_pipeline('$types.type')
result = aggregate(db.plaisir_osm, pipeline)

[{u'_id': u'node', u'count': 661374}, {u'_id': u'way', u'count': 112364}]

Answering question

What is the most popular type of shop in Plaisir?

In [35]:
pipeline_shop = make_group_pipeline('$')
result_shop = aggregate(db.plaisir_osm, pipeline_shop)

[{u'_id': None, u'count': 773382},
 {u'_id': u'bakery', u'count': 38},
 {u'_id': u'supermarket', u'count': 36},
 {u'_id': u'convenience', u'count': 34},
 {u'_id': u'car_repair', u'count': 30}]

Bakery is the most popular shop in Plaisir. No kidding.. Plaisir is in France :)

What is the sport with the most facilities in Plaisir?

In [36]:
pipeline_sport = make_group_pipeline('$')
result_sport = aggregate(db.plaisir_osm, pipeline_sport)

[{u'_id': None, u'count': 773042},
 {u'_id': u'tennis', u'count': 226},
 {u'_id': u'swimming', u'count': 150},
 {u'_id': u'soccer', u'count': 86},
 {u'_id': u'multi', u'count': 70}]

Tennis is the sport with the most facilities in Plaisir.

Are there more restaurant or Fastfood in Plaisir?

In [37]:
pipeline_restaurant = [{'$match': {"$or" : [{"types.amenity": "restaurant"},{"types.amenity":"fast_food"}]}},
result_restaurant = aggregate(db.plaisir_osm, pipeline_restaurant)

[{u'_id': u'restaurant', u'count': 70}, {u'_id': u'fast_food', u'count': 24}]

There are more restaurant than fast_food in Plaisir.. Good news.....

Is there a correlation between the number of amenity and the number of bus stop in a given area?

In [38]:
#check of the geospacial index - the few lines below are here to check that the 2d index is properly working.
for doc in db.plaisir_osm.find({'pos': {'$near' : [48.5,1.95]}}):

{u'_id': ObjectId('5808e3abecf40b89c0adb46d'),
 u'created': {u'changeset': u'7891932',
              u'timestamp': u'2011-04-17T21:36:26Z',
              u'uid': u'185687',
              u'user': u'apollinaire',
              u'version': u'1'},
 u'id': u'1249128435',
 u'pos': [48.772105, 1.951118],
 u'types': {u'type': u'node'}}

In [39]:
#Get max and min latitude and longitude

In [40]:
for doc in db.plaisir_osm.aggregate([
    { "$unwind": "$pos" },
    { "$group": { 
        "_id": "$_id",
        "lat": { "$first": "$pos" },
        "lon": { "$last": "$pos" }
    { "$group": {
        "_id": "null",
        "minLat": { "$min": "$lat" },
        "minLon": { "$min": "$lon" },
        "maxLat": { "$max": "$lat" },
        "maxLon": { "$max": "$lon" }

{u'_id': u'null',
 u'maxLat': 48.8535998,
 u'maxLon': 2.0419,
 u'minLat': 48.7721,
 u'minLon': 1.8548085}

What I need to do:

  • Aggregate the number of amenity and bus stops by box of 0.02 latitude and 0.01 longitude
  • remove empty box from my list
  • calculate the correlation

In [41]:
main_dict = {}

def frange(start, stop, step):
    i = start
    while i < stop:
        yield i
        i += step

for lat in frange(48.76,48.86,0.01):
    for lon in frange(1.85,2.05,0.02):
        main_dict[str(lon) + " - " + str(lat)] = {}
        bus_stop = 0
        amenity = 0
        for doc in db.plaisir_osm.find({'pos': { '$geoWithin': { '$box':  [ [ lat, lon ], [ (lat + 0.01), (lon + 0.02) ] ] } }}):
            if 'highway' in doc['types']:
                if doc['types']['highway'] == "bus_stop":
                    bus_stop += 1
            elif 'amenity' in doc['types']:
                if doc['types']['amenity'] == 'bench':
                    amenity += 1
        main_dict[str(lon) + " - " + str(lat)]['bus_stop'] = bus_stop
        main_dict[str(lon) + " - " + str(lat)]['amenity'] = amenity

In [42]:
new_dict = {}
for key in main_dict:
    if main_dict[key]['amenity'] != 0 and main_dict[key]['bus_stop'] != 0:
        new_dict[key] = main_dict[key]

In [43]:
#Now that the dictionnary is ready for the analysis, I can move forward using Pandas.

In [44]:
%matplotlib inline
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
df =  pd.DataFrame.from_dict(new_dict,orient="index")

In [45]:
df2 = df.groupby('amenity').aggregate(np.average)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1190aa4d0>

Looking at this plot, we can easily conclude that there is not correlation between the number of amenity and the number of

Other ideas about the datasets

In order to improve the datasets and easy the analysis, we could implement:

  • an advised format for numerical and non-numerical values when it makes sense (address types, phone numbers, etc.).
  • some automatic corrections of values entered in these fields which might cover the main errors encountered (ie: the main deviant format).
  • some mandatory fields could be interesting as well to ensure the completeness of the data linked to a specific element.

Pro / Cons regarding these suggestions:

  • the first and the second suggestions will help a lot regarding the consistensy and the uniformity of the data while not limiting the freedom of participation. These one should be implemented ASAP.
  • the third suggestion might not work with a project like OSM where everything is created collaboratively. The challenge of such a project is to provide an easy way to participate (even in a wrong way) but to bet on the facility to modify / review so that the quality of the data is ensured by all. Mandatory fields would introduce a lot of friction to the participation and might endanger the project.