The goal os punk
is to make available sime wrappers for a variety of machine learning pipelines.
The pipelines are termed primitves
and each primitive is designed with a functional programming approach in mind.
At the time of this writing, punk
is being periodically updated. Any new primitives will be realesed as a pip-installable python package every friday along with their corresponding annotations files for the broader D3M community.
Here we will briefly show how the primitives in the punk package can be utilized.
In [1]:
import punk
An interesting set we can do on our datasets is a test for Heteroscedasticity which may be able to tell us whether there are some subpopulations in our dataset (latent variables), sampling bias, or something of the sort. Future primitives will aid on this task.
In [2]:
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
from scipy import linalg
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from punk import novelty_detection
In [3]:
# Make some data up
n_samples, n_features, rank = 1000, 50, 10
sigma = 1.
rng = np.random.RandomState(42)
U, _, _ = linalg.svd(rng.randn(n_features, n_features))
X =, rank), U[:, :rank].T)
# Adding homoscedastic noise
X_homo = X + sigma * rng.randn(n_samples, n_features)
# Adding heteroscedastic noise
sigmas = sigma * rng.rand(n_features) + sigma / 2.
X_hetero = X + rng.randn(n_samples, n_features) * sigmas
In [4]:
# run the primitive against a dataset with homocedatic noise
test_homo = novelty_detection.HeteroscedasticityTest(max_iter=1000, tol=0.01)
test_homo =["matrix"], X_homo)
In [5]:
# run the primitive against a dataset with homocedatic noise
test_hetero = novelty_detection.HeteroscedasticityTest(max_iter=1000, tol=0.01)
test_hetero =["matrix"], X_hetero)
Notice that for Homoscedastic noise the difference between PCA and FactorAnalysis is relatively small and both are able to pick out a lower-rank principal subspace of dimensioanlity 10.
In the case of Nonisotropic noise FactorAnalysis does better than PCA and is able to get a much lower-rank subspace than PCA - 10 versus 40 dimensions.
In [6]:
print(test_homo.pca, test_homo.fa)
print(test_hetero.pca, test_hetero.fa)
The primitive test_heteroscedasticity
is a wrapper for the function compute_scores
More details on this can be seen in Model selection with Probabilistic PCA and FA.
In [7]:
scores = novelty_detection.HeteroscedasticityTest(max_iter=1000, tol=0.01)
In [8]:
pca_scores_ho, fa_scores_ho = scores.compute_scores(X_homo)
In [10]:
pca_scores_he, fa_scores_he = scores.compute_scores(X_hetero)
In [30]:
pca_scores_ho, fa_scores_ho = novelty_detection.compute_scores(X_homo, max_iter=1000, tol=0.01)
pca_scores_he, fa_scores_he = novelty_detection.compute_scores(X_hetero, max_iter=1000, tol=0.01)
In [12]:
plt.plot([x for y, x in pca_scores_ho], [y for y, x in pca_scores_ho], 'b', label='PCA scores')
plt.plot([x for y, x in fa_scores_ho], [y for y, x in fa_scores_ho], 'r', label='FA scores')
plt.axvline(rank, color='g', label='TRUTH: %d' % rank, linestyle='-')
plt.axvline(test_homo.pca[1], color='b', label='PCA CV: %d' %test_homo.pca[1] , linestyle='--')
plt.axvline(test_homo.fa[1], color='r', label='FactorAnalysis CV: %d' % test_homo.fa[1], linestyle='--')
plt.xlabel("# of components")
plt.ylabel("CV scores")
plt.title("Homoscedastic Noise");
In [13]:
plt.plot([x for y, x in pca_scores_he], [y for y, x in pca_scores_he], 'b', label='PCA scores')
plt.plot([x for y, x in fa_scores_he], [y for y, x in fa_scores_he], 'r', label='FA scores')
plt.axvline(rank, color='g', label='TRUTH: %d' % rank, linestyle='-')
plt.axvline(test_hetero.pca[1], color='b', label='PCA CV: %d' %test_hetero.pca[1] , linestyle='--')
plt.axvline(test_hetero.fa[1], color='r', label='FactorAnalysis CV: %d'%test_hetero.fa[1], linestyle='--')
plt.xlabel("# of components")
plt.ylabel("CV scores")
plt.title("Heteroscedastic Noise");