Goals of this notebook. Take our best model file:

  • plot weights
  • look at number of parameters
  • ...

In [1]:
import pylearn2.utils
import pylearn2.config
import theano
import neukrill_net.dense_dataset
import neukrill_net.utils
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import holoviews as hl
%load_ext holoviews.ipython
import sklearn.metrics

Using gpu device 0: Tesla K40c
:0: FutureWarning: IPython widgets are experimental and may change in the future.
Welcome to the HoloViews IPython extension! (http://ioam.github.io/holoviews/)
Available magics: %compositor, %opts, %params, %view, %%labels, %%opts, %%view
<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x7effe70cd310>
<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x7effe70cdcd0>
<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x7effe70cdad0>

At the time of writing our best model is defined by the run settings file alexnet_based_40aug.json, basically taking the AlexNet based architecture with an extra convolutional layer and using more augmentation. Full details are in the following YAML file:

In [2]:
cd ..


In [4]:
cat yaml_templates/alexnet_based_extra_convlayer.yaml

!obj:pylearn2.train.Train {
    dataset: &train !obj:neukrill_net.dense_dataset.DensePNGDataset {
        settings_path: %(settings_path)s,
        run_settings: %(run_settings_path)s,
        training_set_mode: "train"
    model: !obj:pylearn2.models.mlp.MLP {
        batch_size: &batch_size 128,
        input_space: !obj:pylearn2.space.Conv2DSpace {
            shape: %(final_shape)s,
            num_channels: 1,
            axes: ['c', 0, 1, 'b'],
        layers: [ !obj:pylearn2.models.mlp.ConvRectifiedLinear {
                     layer_name: h1,
                     output_channels: 48,
                     irange: .025,
                     init_bias: 0,
                     kernel_shape: [8, 8],
                     pool_shape: [2, 2],
                     pool_stride: [2, 2],
                     max_kernel_norm: 1.9365
                 },!obj:pylearn2.models.mlp.ConvRectifiedLinear {
                     layer_name: h2,
                     output_channels: 96,
                     irange: .025,
                     init_bias: 1,
                     kernel_shape: [5, 5],
                     pool_shape: [2, 2],
                     pool_stride: [2, 2],
                     max_kernel_norm: 1.9365
                 }, !obj:pylearn2.models.mlp.ConvRectifiedLinear {
                     layer_name: h3,
                     output_channels: 128,
                     irange: .025,
                     init_bias: 0,
                     kernel_shape: [3, 3],
                     border_mode: full,
                     pool_shape: [1, 1],
                     pool_stride: [1, 1],
                     max_kernel_norm: 1.9365
                  }, !obj:pylearn2.models.mlp.ConvRectifiedLinear {
                     layer_name: h4,
                     output_channels: 192,
                     irange: .025,
                     init_bias: 0,
                     kernel_shape: [3, 3],
                     border_mode: full,
                     pool_shape: [1, 1],
                     pool_stride: [1, 1],
                     max_kernel_norm: 1.9365
                 }, !obj:pylearn2.models.mlp.ConvRectifiedLinear {
                     layer_name: 'h5',
                     output_channels: 128,
                     irange: .025,
                     init_bias: 1,
                     kernel_shape: [3, 3],
                     border_mode: full,
                     pool_shape: [2, 2],
                     pool_stride: [2, 2],
                     max_kernel_norm: 1.9365
                 }, !obj:pylearn2.models.mlp.RectifiedLinear {
                     dim: 1024,
                     max_col_norm: 1.9,
                     layer_name: h6,
                     istdev: .05,
                     W_lr_scale: .25,
                     b_lr_scale: .25
                 }, !obj:pylearn2.models.mlp.Softmax {
                     n_classes: %(n_classes)i,
                     max_col_norm: 1.9365,
                     layer_name: y,
                     istdev: .05,
                     W_lr_scale: .25,
                     b_lr_scale: .25
    algorithm: !obj:pylearn2.training_algorithms.sgd.SGD {
        train_iteration_mode: even_shuffled_sequential,
        monitor_iteration_mode: even_sequential,
        batch_size: *batch_size,
        learning_rate: .1,
        learning_rule: !obj:pylearn2.training_algorithms.learning_rule.Momentum {
            init_momentum: 0.5
        monitoring_dataset: {
                'train': *train,
                'valid' : !obj:neukrill_net.dense_dataset.DensePNGDataset  {
                                settings_path: %(settings_path)s,
                                run_settings: %(run_settings_path)s,
                                training_set_mode: "validation"
        cost: !obj:pylearn2.costs.cost.SumOfCosts { costs: [ 
            !obj:pylearn2.costs.mlp.dropout.Dropout {
                input_include_probs: {
                    h1 : 1.,
                    h2 : 1.,
                    h3 : 1.,
                    h4 : 1.,
                    h5 : 1.,
                    h6 : 0.5
                input_scales: {
                    h1 : 1.,
                    h2 : 1.,
                    h3 : 1.,
                    h4 : 1.,
                    h5 : 1.,
                    h6 : 2.
             !obj:pylearn2.costs.mlp.WeightDecay {
                 coeffs : {
                     h1 : .00005,
                     h2 : .00005,
                     h3 : .00005,
                     h4 : .00005,
                     h5 : .00005,
                     h6 : .00005
        termination_criterion: !obj:pylearn2.termination_criteria.And {
            criteria: [
                !obj:pylearn2.termination_criteria.EpochCounter {
                    max_epochs: 500
    extensions: [
        !obj:pylearn2.training_algorithms.learning_rule.MomentumAdjustor {
            start: 1,
            saturate: 25,
            final_momentum: 0.95
        !obj:pylearn2.training_algorithms.sgd.LinearDecayOverEpoch {
            start: 1,
            saturate: 25,
            decay_factor: 0.025
        !obj:pylearn2.train_extensions.best_params.MonitorBasedSaveBest {
             channel_name: valid_objective,
             save_path: '%(save_path)s'
        !obj:pylearn2.training_algorithms.sgd.MonitorBasedLRAdjuster {
            high_trigger: 1.,
            low_trigger: 0.999,
            grow_amt: 1.1,
            shrink_amt: 0.9,
            max_lr: 0.2,
            min_lr: 1e-5,
            channel_name: valid_y_misclass
    save_path: '%(alt_picklepath)s',
    save_freq: 1

It has relatively few MLP layers, so maybe we should look at where the parameters in our model are distributed; comparing the MLP layers to the convolutional ones.

In [7]:
settings = neukrill_net.utils.Settings("settings.json")
run_settings = neukrill_net.utils.load_run_settings(
    "run_settings/alexnet_based_40aug.json", settings, force=True)

In [8]:
model = pylearn2.utils.serial.load(run_settings["pickle abspath"])

In [9]:
params = model.get_params()

In [14]:


In [25]:
total_params = sum(map(lambda x: x.get_value().size,params))
print("Total parameters: {0}".format(total_params))

Total parameters: 9370057

In [16]:
for l in params:
    print("Layer {0}: {1} parameters".format(l.name,l.get_value().size))

Layer h1_W: 3072 parameters
Layer h1_b: 80688 parameters
Layer h2_W: 115200 parameters
Layer h2_b: 27744 parameters
Layer h3_W: 110592 parameters
Layer h3_b: 15488 parameters
Layer h4_W: 221184 parameters
Layer h4_b: 32448 parameters
Layer h5_W: 221184 parameters
Layer h5_b: 28800 parameters
Layer h6_W: 8388608 parameters
Layer h6_b: 1024 parameters
Layer softmax_b: 121 parameters
Layer softmax_W: 123904 parameters

In [19]:
for l in params:
    print("Layer {0}: {1}% of the parameters.".format(l.name,

Layer h1_W: 0.0327852861514% of the parameters.
Layer h1_b: 0.861126031571% of the parameters.
Layer h2_W: 1.22944823068% of the parameters.
Layer h2_b: 0.296092115555% of the parameters.
Layer h3_W: 1.18027030145% of the parameters.
Layer h3_b: 0.165292484347% of the parameters.
Layer h4_W: 2.3605406029% of the parameters.
Layer h4_b: 0.346294584974% of the parameters.
Layer h5_W: 2.3605406029% of the parameters.
Layer h5_b: 0.307362057669% of the parameters.
Layer h6_W: 89.5256880508% of the parameters.
Layer h6_b: 0.0109284287171% of the parameters.
Layer softmax_b: 0.00129134753396% of the parameters.
Layer softmax_W: 1.32233987477% of the parameters.

So most of the parameters are in the weight matrix for layer 6? That's probably not a good idea.

Receptive Fields/Kernels

Looking at the Kernels we've learnt using the script provided by Pylearn2.

In [6]:
%env PYLEARN2_VIEWER_COMMAND=/afs/inf.ed.ac.uk/user/s08/s0805516/repos/neukrill-net-work/image_hack.sh

env: PYLEARN2_VIEWER_COMMAND=/afs/inf.ed.ac.uk/user/s08/s0805516/repos/neukrill-net-work/image_hack.sh

In [16]:
%run ~/repos/pylearn2/pylearn2/scripts/show_weights.py /disk/scratch/neuroglycerin/models/continue_rep8aug_allrotations_recent.pkl

making weights report
loading model
loading done
smallest enc weight magnitude: 8.39699077915e-06
mean enc weight magnitude: 0.0909020677209
max enc weight magnitude: 1.08618330956

In [17]:
from IPython.display import Image

In [18]:
def plot_recent_pylearn2():
    pl2plt = Image(filename="/afs/inf.ed.ac.uk/user/s08/s0805516/tmp/pylearnplot.png", width=500)
    return pl2plt


In [23]:
%run ~/repos/pylearn2/pylearn2/scripts/show_weights.py /disk/scratch/neuroglycerin/models/replicate_8aug.pkl

making weights report
loading model
loading done
smallest enc weight magnitude: 4.82278937852e-06
mean enc weight magnitude: 0.0964648425579
max enc weight magnitude: 1.09708678722

In [24]:


I think that's just the weights from the kernels in the first layer. The script is not specific about it though.