Visualization Callback Example


Before we dive into creating a callback, we'll need a simple model to work with. This tutorial uses a model similar to the one in neon's examples/, but the same callback should apply to any model.

In [ ]:
from neon.backends import gen_backend
from neon.initializers import Gaussian
from neon.layers import Affine
from import MNIST
from neon.transforms import Rectlin, Softmax
from neon.models import Model
from neon.layers import GeneralizedCost
from neon.transforms import CrossEntropyMulti
from neon.optimizers import GradientDescentMomentum

be = gen_backend(batch_size=128)
mnist = MNIST(path='data/')
train_set = mnist.train_iter
test_set = mnist.valid_iter

init_norm = Gaussian(loc=0.0, scale=0.01)

layers = []
layers.append(Affine(nout=100, init=init_norm, activation=Rectlin()))
layers.append(Affine(nout=10, init=init_norm,

mlp = Model(layers=layers)
cost = GeneralizedCost(costfunc=CrossEntropyMulti())
optimizer = GradientDescentMomentum(0.1, momentum_coef=0.9)


This callback makes use of new features in bokeh 0.11, which needs to be installed before running the callback.

We can install the pip package using the notebook terminal or from inside the notebook itself.

After installation, execute 'Kernel-> restart and run all' to reload the kernel with the newly installed package version.

In [ ]:
import subprocess
subprocess.check_output(['pip', 'install', 'bokeh==0.11'])


Neon provides an API for calling operations during the model fit. The progress bars displayed during training are an example of a callback, and we'll go through the process of adding a new callback that visualizes cost graphically instead of printing to screen.

To make a new callback, subclass from Callback, and implement the desired callback methods.

Each of the callback functions have access to callback_data and model objects. callback_data is an H5 file that is saved when supplying the -o flag to neon, and callbacks should store any computed data into callback_data. Visualization callbacks can read already computed data such as training or validation cost from callback_data.

This callback implements the subset of the available callback functions that it needs:

In [ ]:
from neon.callbacks.callbacks import Callbacks, Callback
from bokeh.plotting import output_notebook, figure, ColumnDataSource, show
from import push_notebook
from timeit import default_timer

class CostVisCallback(Callback):
    Callback providing a live updating console based progress bar.

    def __init__(self, epoch_freq=1,
                 minibatch_freq=1, update_thresh_s=0.65):
        super(CostVisCallback, self).__init__(epoch_freq=epoch_freq,
        self.update_thresh_s = update_thresh_s
        self.fig = figure(name="cost", title="Cost", x_axis_label="Epoch", plot_width=900)
        self.train_source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=[], y0=[]))
        self.train_cost = self.fig.line(x=[], y=[], source=self.train_source)
        self.val_source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=[], y0=[]))
        self.val_cost = self.fig.line(x=[], y=[], source=self.val_source, color='red')

    def on_train_begin(self, callback_data, model, epochs):
        A good place for one-time startup operations, such as displaying the figure.

    def on_epoch_begin(self, callback_data, model, epoch):
        Since the number of minibatches per epoch is not constant, calculate it here.
        self.start_epoch = self.last_update = default_timer()
        self.nbatches = model.nbatches

    def on_minibatch_end(self, callback_data, model, epoch, minibatch):
        Read the training cost already computed by the TrainCostCallback out of 'callback_data', and display it.
        now = default_timer()
        mb_complete = minibatch + 1
        mbstart = callback_data['time_markers/minibatch'][epoch-1] if epoch > 0 else 0
        train_cost = callback_data['cost/train'][mbstart + minibatch]

        mb_epoch_scale = epoch + minibatch / float(self.nbatches)['x'].append(mb_epoch_scale)['y'].append(train_cost)
        if (now - self.last_update > self.update_thresh_s or mb_complete == self.nbatches):
            self.last_update = now


    def on_epoch_end(self, callback_data, model, epoch):
        If per-epoch validation cost is being computed by the LossCallback, plot that too. 
        _eil = self._get_cached_epoch_loss(callback_data, model, epoch, 'loss')
        if _eil:
  ['x'].append(1 + epoch)

Running our callback

We'll create all of the standard neon callbacks, and then add ours at the end.

In [ ]:
callbacks = Callbacks(mlp, eval_set=test_set)
cv = CostVisCallback()
callbacks.add_callback(cv), optimizer=optimizer, num_epochs=10, cost=cost, callbacks=callbacks)

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