Exploring Spain's Broken Labor Market

Author Bosco Rodríguez Ballvé Date Fall 2016 Class Data Bootcamp @ NYU Stern Instructors Coleman, Lyon


A successful economy in the 21st century, in which the mix of products and services is changing constantly, requires a dynamic labor market as a mechanism to shift capital and labor. The ability of an economy to reallocate jobs across firms, industries, and geographical areas is, perhaps, even more important than capital.

Decades of persistently high unemployment in Spain, regardless of business cycle fluctuations, suggest that lack labor market dynamism has hindered Spain’s economy. Currently, almost a decade after the Great Recession, with economic recovery underway, Spain’s unemployment rate remains stubbornly high. Particularly amongst the youth. Chronic unemployment suggests deep rooted, structural causes that go beyond demand-deficient or cyclical unemployment.

The aim of this project is to compile and process data to shed ight on the relationship between education levels, age and structural unemployment in Spain.

Loading the modules

In [3]:
import pandas as pd
from pandas_datareader import data, wb # we will be working with World Bank Data 
import wbdata
import pandas
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sys                             
import matplotlib as mpl            
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt      
import datetime as dt                  
%matplotlib inline

Data extraction and clean up

My first data source is the World Bank. We will access World Bank data by using 'Wbdata', Wbdata is a simple python interface to find and request information from the World Bank's various databases, either as a dictionary containing full metadata or as a pandas DataFrame. Currently, wbdata wraps most of the World Bank API, and also adds some convenience functions for searching and retrieving information.

Documentation is available at http://wbdata.readthedocs.org/

We install it with 'pip install wbdata'

Credits go to:

Sherouse, Oliver (2014). Wbdata. Arlington, VA. Available from http://github.com/OliverSherouse/wbdata.

Let's get to it.

In [4]:
wb.search('gdp.*capita.*const') # we use this function to search for GDP related indicators

id name source sourceNote sourceOrganization topics
685 6.0.GDPpc_constant GDP per capita, PPP (constant 2011 internation... LAC Equity Lab GDP per capita based on purchasing power parit... b'World Development Indicators (World Bank)' Economy & Growth
7437 NY.GDP.PCAP.KD GDP per capita (constant 2010 US$) World Development Indicators GDP per capita is gross domestic product divid... b'World Bank national accounts data, and OECD ... Economy & Growth
7439 NY.GDP.PCAP.KN GDP per capita (constant LCU) World Development Indicators GDP per capita is gross domestic product divid... b'World Bank national accounts data, and OECD ... Economy & Growth
7441 NY.GDP.PCAP.PP.KD GDP per capita, PPP (constant 2011 internation... World Development Indicators GDP per capita based on purchasing power parit... b'World Bank, International Comparison Program... Economy & Growth

In [5]:
wb.search('employment') # we use this function to search for employment related indicators

id name source sourceNote sourceOrganization topics
9238 SL.AGR.0714.FE.ZS Child employment in agriculture, female (% of ... World Development Indicators Employment by economic activity refers to the ... b"Understanding Children's Work project based ... Social Protection & Labor ; Gender
9239 SL.AGR.0714.MA.ZS Child employment in agriculture, male (% of ma... World Development Indicators Employment by economic activity refers to the ... b"Understanding Children's Work project based ... Social Protection & Labor ; Gender
9240 SL.AGR.0714.ZS Child employment in agriculture (% of economic... World Development Indicators Employment by economic activity refers to the ... b"Understanding Children's Work project based ... Social Protection & Labor
9241 SL.AGR.EMPL.FE.ZS Employment in agriculture, female (% of female... World Development Indicators Employment is defined as persons of working ag... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Agriculture & Rural Development ; Social Pro...
9242 SL.AGR.EMPL.MA.ZS Employment in agriculture, male (% of male emp... World Development Indicators Employment is defined as persons of working ag... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Agriculture & Rural Development ; Social Pro...
9243 SL.AGR.EMPL.ZS Employment in agriculture (% of total employment) World Development Indicators Employment is defined as persons of working ag... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Agriculture & Rural Development ; Social Pro...
9244 SL.EMP.1524.SP.FE.NE.ZS Employment to population ratio, ages 15-24, fe... World Development Indicators Employment to population ratio is the proporti... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Social Protection & Labor
9245 SL.EMP.1524.SP.FE.ZS Employment to population ratio, ages 15-24, fe... World Development Indicators Employment to population ratio is the proporti... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Social Protection & Labor ; Gender
9246 SL.EMP.1524.SP.MA.NE.ZS Employment to population ratio, ages 15-24, ma... World Development Indicators Employment to population ratio is the proporti... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Social Protection & Labor
9247 SL.EMP.1524.SP.MA.ZS Employment to population ratio, ages 15-24, ma... World Development Indicators Employment to population ratio is the proporti... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Social Protection & Labor ; Gender
9248 SL.EMP.1524.SP.NE.ZS Employment to population ratio, ages 15-24, to... World Development Indicators Employment to population ratio is the proporti... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Social Protection & Labor
9249 SL.EMP.1524.SP.ZS Employment to population ratio, ages 15-24, to... World Development Indicators Employment to population ratio is the proporti... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Social Protection & Labor
9255 SL.EMP.INSV.FE.ZS Share of women in wage employment in the nonag... World Development Indicators Share of women in wage employment in the nonag... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Social Protection & Labor ; Gender ; Social De...
9257 SL.EMP.MPYR.FE.ZS Employers, female (% of female employment)\r\n World Development Indicators Employers refers are those workers who, workin... b'ILO Key Indicators of the Labour Market (KIL... Social Protection & Labor ; Gender
9258 SL.EMP.MPYR.MA.ZS Employers, male (% of male employment)\r\n World Development Indicators Employers refers are those workers who, workin... b'ILO Key Indicators of the Labour Market (KIL... Social Protection & Labor ; Gender
9259 SL.EMP.MPYR.ZS Employers, total (% of total employment)\r\n World Development Indicators Employers refers are those workers who, workin... b'ILO Key Indicators of the Labour Market (KIL... Social Protection & Labor
9260 SL.EMP.OWAC.FE.ZS Own-account workers, female (% of female emplo... Gender Statistics Own-account workers are workers who, working o... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Gender
9261 SL.EMP.OWAC.MA.ZS Own-account workers, male (% of male employmen... Gender Statistics Own-account workers are workers who, working o... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Gender
9262 SL.EMP.SELF.FE.ZS Self-employed, female (% of female employment)... World Development Indicators Self-employed workers are those workers who, w... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Social Protection & Labor ; Gender
9263 SL.EMP.SELF.MA.ZS Self-employed, male (% of male employment)\r\n World Development Indicators Self-employed workers are those workers who, w... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Social Protection & Labor ; Gender
9264 SL.EMP.SELF.ZS Self-employed, total (% of total employment)\r\n World Development Indicators Self-employed workers are those workers who, w... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Social Protection & Labor
9267 SL.EMP.TOTL.FE Total employment, female (ages 15+) Africa Development Indicators Total employment shows the total number employ... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic...
9268 SL.EMP.TOTL.MA Total employment, male (ages 15+) Africa Development Indicators Total employment shows the total number employ... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic...
9269 SL.EMP.TOTL.SP.FE.NE.ZS Employment to population ratio, 15+, female (%... World Development Indicators Employment to population ratio is the proporti... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Social Protection & Labor
9270 SL.EMP.TOTL.SP.FE.ZS Employment to population ratio, 15+, female (%... World Development Indicators Employment to population ratio is the proporti... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Social Protection & Labor ; Gender
9271 SL.EMP.TOTL.SP.MA.NE.ZS Employment to population ratio, 15+, male (%) ... World Development Indicators Employment to population ratio is the proporti... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Social Protection & Labor
9272 SL.EMP.TOTL.SP.MA.ZS Employment to population ratio, 15+, male (%) ... World Development Indicators Employment to population ratio is the proporti... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Social Protection & Labor ; Gender
9273 SL.EMP.TOTL.SP.NE.ZS Employment to population ratio, 15+, total (%)... World Development Indicators Employment to population ratio is the proporti... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Social Protection & Labor
9274 SL.EMP.TOTL.SP.ZS Employment to population ratio, 15+, total (%)... World Development Indicators Employment to population ratio is the proporti... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Social Protection & Labor
9278 SL.EMP.UNDR.FE.ZS Time-related underemployment, female (% of emp... Gender Statistics Time-related underemployment refers to all per... b'ILO Key Indicators of the Labour Market (KIL... Gender
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
9408 SL.UEM.PRIM.ZS Unemployment with primary education (% of tota... World Development Indicators Unemployment with primary education is the sha... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Social Protection & Labor
9409 SL.UEM.SECO.FE.ZS Unemployment with secondary education, female ... World Development Indicators Female unemployment with secondary education i... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Social Protection & Labor ; Gender
9410 SL.UEM.SECO.MA.ZS Unemployment with secondary education, male (%... World Development Indicators Male unemployment with secondary education is ... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Social Protection & Labor ; Gender
9411 SL.UEM.SECO.ZS Unemployment with secondary education (% of to... World Development Indicators Unemployment with secondary education is the s... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Social Protection & Labor
9412 SL.UEM.TERT.FE.ZS Unemployment with tertiary education, female (... World Development Indicators Female unemployment with tertiary education is... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Social Protection & Labor ; Gender
9413 SL.UEM.TERT.MA.ZS Unemployment with tertiary education, male (% ... World Development Indicators Male unemployment with tertiary education is t... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Social Protection & Labor ; Gender
9414 SL.UEM.TERT.ZS Unemployment with tertiary education (% of tot... World Development Indicators Unemployment with tertiary education is the sh... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Social Protection & Labor
9416 SL.UEM.TOTL.FE.NE.ZS Unemployment, female (% of female labor force)... World Development Indicators Unemployment refers to the share of the labor ... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Social Protection & Labor
9417 SL.UEM.TOTL.FE.ZS Unemployment, female (% of female labor force)... World Development Indicators Unemployment refers to the share of the labor ... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Education ; Social Protection & Labor ; Gende...
9418 SL.UEM.TOTL.MA.NE.ZS Unemployment, male (% of male labor force) (na... World Development Indicators Unemployment refers to the share of the labor ... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Social Protection & Labor
9419 SL.UEM.TOTL.MA.ZS Unemployment, male (% of male labor force) (mo... World Development Indicators Unemployment refers to the share of the labor ... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Education ; Social Protection & Labor ; Gende...
9420 SL.UEM.TOTL.NE.ZS Unemployment, total (% of total labor force) (... World Development Indicators Unemployment refers to the share of the labor ... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Social Protection & Labor
9421 SL.UEM.TOTL.ZS Unemployment, total (% of total labor force) (... World Development Indicators Unemployment refers to the share of the labor ... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Education ; Social Protection & Labor
9422 SL.WAG.0714.FE.ZS Children in employment, wage workers, female (... World Development Indicators Wage workers (also known as employees) are peo... b"Understanding Children's Work project based ... Social Protection & Labor
9423 SL.WAG.0714.MA.ZS Children in employment, wage workers, male (% ... World Development Indicators Wage workers (also known as employees) are peo... b"Understanding Children's Work project based ... Social Protection & Labor
9424 SL.WAG.0714.ZS Children in employment, wage workers (% of chi... World Development Indicators Wage workers (also known as employees) are peo... b"Understanding Children's Work project based ... Social Protection & Labor
12130 ccx_unempr_pop_eld Unemployment rate - elderly Global Social Protection NULL b'The Atlas of Social Protection: Indicators o... Social Protection & Labor
12131 ccx_unempr_pop_fem Unemployment rate - female Global Social Protection NULL b'The Atlas of Social Protection: Indicators o... Social Protection & Labor
12132 ccx_unempr_pop_mal Unemployment rate - male Global Social Protection NULL b'The Atlas of Social Protection: Indicators o... Social Protection & Labor
12133 ccx_unempr_pop_rur Unemployment rate - rural Global Social Protection NULL b'The Atlas of Social Protection: Indicators o... Social Protection & Labor
12134 ccx_unempr_pop_tot Unemployment rate in total population Global Social Protection NULL b'The Atlas of Social Protection: Indicators o... Social Protection & Labor
12135 ccx_unempr_pop_urb Unemployment rate - urban Global Social Protection NULL b'The Atlas of Social Protection: Indicators o... Social Protection & Labor
12136 ccx_unempr_pop_wrk Unemployment rate - working age Global Social Protection NULL b'The Atlas of Social Protection: Indicators o... Social Protection & Labor
12137 ccx_unempr_pop_you Unemployment rate - youth Global Social Protection NULL b'The Atlas of Social Protection: Indicators o... Social Protection & Labor
12159 ccx_yaurr_pop_fem Youth to adult unemployment rate - female Global Social Protection NULL b'The Atlas of Social Protection: Indicators o... Social Protection & Labor
12160 ccx_yaurr_pop_mal Youth to adult unemployment rate - male Global Social Protection NULL b'The Atlas of Social Protection: Indicators o... Social Protection & Labor
12161 ccx_yaurr_pop_rur Youth to adult unemployment rate - rural Global Social Protection NULL b'The Atlas of Social Protection: Indicators o... Social Protection & Labor
12162 ccx_yaurr_pop_tot Youth to adult unemployment rate in total popu... Global Social Protection NULL b'The Atlas of Social Protection: Indicators o... Social Protection & Labor
12163 ccx_yaurr_pop_urb Youth to adult unemployment rate - urban Global Social Protection NULL b'The Atlas of Social Protection: Indicators o... Social Protection & Labor
12582 per_lm_alllm.adq_pop_tot Adequacy of unemployment benefits and ALMP (% ... World Development Indicators Adequacy of unemployment benefits and active l... b'The Atlas of Social Protection: Indicators o... Social Protection & Labor

121 rows × 6 columns

In [6]:
wb.search('unemployment') # we use this function to search for unemployment related indicators

id name source sourceNote sourceOrganization topics
9392 SL.UEM.1524.FE.NE.ZS Unemployment, youth female (% of female labor ... World Development Indicators Youth unemployment refers to the share of the ... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Social Protection & Labor
9393 SL.UEM.1524.FE.ZS Unemployment, youth female (% of female labor ... World Development Indicators Youth unemployment refers to the share of the ... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Social Protection & Labor ; Gender
9394 SL.UEM.1524.FM.NE.ZS Ratio of female to male youth unemployment rat... Gender Statistics Ratio of female to male youth unemployment is ... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Gender
9395 SL.UEM.1524.FM.ZS Ratio of female to male youth unemployment rat... Gender Statistics Ratio of female to male youth unemployment is ... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Gender
9396 SL.UEM.1524.MA.NE.ZS Unemployment, youth male (% of male labor forc... World Development Indicators Youth unemployment refers to the share of the ... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Social Protection & Labor
9397 SL.UEM.1524.MA.ZS Unemployment, youth male (% of male labor forc... World Development Indicators Youth unemployment refers to the share of the ... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Social Protection & Labor ; Gender
9398 SL.UEM.1524.NE.ZS Unemployment, youth total (% of total labor fo... World Development Indicators Youth unemployment refers to the share of the ... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Social Protection & Labor
9399 SL.UEM.1524.ZS Unemployment, youth total (% of total labor fo... World Development Indicators Youth unemployment refers to the share of the ... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Social Protection & Labor
9400 SL.UEM.LTRM.FE.ZS Long-term unemployment, female (% of female un... World Development Indicators Long-term unemployment refers to the number of... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Social Protection & Labor ; Gender
9401 SL.UEM.LTRM.MA.ZS Long-term unemployment, male (% of male unempl... World Development Indicators Long-term unemployment refers to the number of... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Social Protection & Labor ; Gender
9402 SL.UEM.LTRM.ZS Long-term unemployment (% of total unemployment) World Development Indicators Long-term unemployment refers to the number of... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Social Protection & Labor
9406 SL.UEM.PRIM.FE.ZS Unemployment with primary education, female (%... World Development Indicators Female unemployment with primary education is ... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Social Protection & Labor ; Gender
9407 SL.UEM.PRIM.MA.ZS Unemployment with primary education, male (% o... World Development Indicators Male unemployment with primary education is th... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Social Protection & Labor ; Gender
9408 SL.UEM.PRIM.ZS Unemployment with primary education (% of tota... World Development Indicators Unemployment with primary education is the sha... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Social Protection & Labor
9409 SL.UEM.SECO.FE.ZS Unemployment with secondary education, female ... World Development Indicators Female unemployment with secondary education i... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Social Protection & Labor ; Gender
9410 SL.UEM.SECO.MA.ZS Unemployment with secondary education, male (%... World Development Indicators Male unemployment with secondary education is ... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Social Protection & Labor ; Gender
9411 SL.UEM.SECO.ZS Unemployment with secondary education (% of to... World Development Indicators Unemployment with secondary education is the s... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Social Protection & Labor
9412 SL.UEM.TERT.FE.ZS Unemployment with tertiary education, female (... World Development Indicators Female unemployment with tertiary education is... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Social Protection & Labor ; Gender
9413 SL.UEM.TERT.MA.ZS Unemployment with tertiary education, male (% ... World Development Indicators Male unemployment with tertiary education is t... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Social Protection & Labor ; Gender
9414 SL.UEM.TERT.ZS Unemployment with tertiary education (% of tot... World Development Indicators Unemployment with tertiary education is the sh... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Social Protection & Labor
9416 SL.UEM.TOTL.FE.NE.ZS Unemployment, female (% of female labor force)... World Development Indicators Unemployment refers to the share of the labor ... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Social Protection & Labor
9417 SL.UEM.TOTL.FE.ZS Unemployment, female (% of female labor force)... World Development Indicators Unemployment refers to the share of the labor ... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Education ; Social Protection & Labor ; Gende...
9418 SL.UEM.TOTL.MA.NE.ZS Unemployment, male (% of male labor force) (na... World Development Indicators Unemployment refers to the share of the labor ... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Social Protection & Labor
9419 SL.UEM.TOTL.MA.ZS Unemployment, male (% of male labor force) (mo... World Development Indicators Unemployment refers to the share of the labor ... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Education ; Social Protection & Labor ; Gende...
9420 SL.UEM.TOTL.NE.ZS Unemployment, total (% of total labor force) (... World Development Indicators Unemployment refers to the share of the labor ... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Social Protection & Labor
9421 SL.UEM.TOTL.ZS Unemployment, total (% of total labor force) (... World Development Indicators Unemployment refers to the share of the labor ... b'International Labour Organization, Key Indic... Education ; Social Protection & Labor
12130 ccx_unempr_pop_eld Unemployment rate - elderly Global Social Protection NULL b'The Atlas of Social Protection: Indicators o... Social Protection & Labor
12131 ccx_unempr_pop_fem Unemployment rate - female Global Social Protection NULL b'The Atlas of Social Protection: Indicators o... Social Protection & Labor
12132 ccx_unempr_pop_mal Unemployment rate - male Global Social Protection NULL b'The Atlas of Social Protection: Indicators o... Social Protection & Labor
12133 ccx_unempr_pop_rur Unemployment rate - rural Global Social Protection NULL b'The Atlas of Social Protection: Indicators o... Social Protection & Labor
12134 ccx_unempr_pop_tot Unemployment rate in total population Global Social Protection NULL b'The Atlas of Social Protection: Indicators o... Social Protection & Labor
12135 ccx_unempr_pop_urb Unemployment rate - urban Global Social Protection NULL b'The Atlas of Social Protection: Indicators o... Social Protection & Labor
12136 ccx_unempr_pop_wrk Unemployment rate - working age Global Social Protection NULL b'The Atlas of Social Protection: Indicators o... Social Protection & Labor
12137 ccx_unempr_pop_you Unemployment rate - youth Global Social Protection NULL b'The Atlas of Social Protection: Indicators o... Social Protection & Labor
12159 ccx_yaurr_pop_fem Youth to adult unemployment rate - female Global Social Protection NULL b'The Atlas of Social Protection: Indicators o... Social Protection & Labor
12160 ccx_yaurr_pop_mal Youth to adult unemployment rate - male Global Social Protection NULL b'The Atlas of Social Protection: Indicators o... Social Protection & Labor
12161 ccx_yaurr_pop_rur Youth to adult unemployment rate - rural Global Social Protection NULL b'The Atlas of Social Protection: Indicators o... Social Protection & Labor
12162 ccx_yaurr_pop_tot Youth to adult unemployment rate in total popu... Global Social Protection NULL b'The Atlas of Social Protection: Indicators o... Social Protection & Labor
12163 ccx_yaurr_pop_urb Youth to adult unemployment rate - urban Global Social Protection NULL b'The Atlas of Social Protection: Indicators o... Social Protection & Labor
12582 per_lm_alllm.adq_pop_tot Adequacy of unemployment benefits and ALMP (% ... World Development Indicators Adequacy of unemployment benefits and active l... b'The Atlas of Social Protection: Indicators o... Social Protection & Labor

In [7]:
#I have identified the relevant variables in the three fields
#To download data for multiple indicators, I specify them as a list 
#ESP is the ISO code for Spain
#I equalize the start and end dates
wb.download( indicator=['NY.GDP.PCAP.CD','SL.UEM.TOTL.ZS','SL.UEM.1524.ZS',
                        'SL.UEM.PRIM.ZS', 'SL.UEM.SECO.ZS','SL.UEM.TERT.ZS','SL.UEM.NEET.MA.ZS','SL.UEM.NEET.MA.ZS'], 
            country=['ESP'], start=1990, end=2015)
#Construct the dataframe
data = wb.download(indicator=['NY.GDP.PCAP.CD','SL.UEM.TOTL.ZS','SL.UEM.1524.ZS',
                              'SL.UEM.PRIM.ZS', 'SL.UEM.SECO.ZS','SL.UEM.TERT.ZS','SL.UEM.NEET.MA.ZS','SL.UEM.NEET.MA.ZS'], 
                   country=['ESP'], start=1990, end=2015)
esplbr = pd.DataFrame(data)
#Rename the columns for clarity 
esplbr.columns = ["GDP/capita(US$ 2016)", "UnemploymentRate", "YouthUnempRate", "UnempW/PrimEd.", "UnempW/SecEd","UnempW/TertEd", "Ni-nis"]
#What on earth are Ni-nis? A Spanish neologism for "ni estudia, ni trabaja": percentage of youth "not working, not studying"
#A cultural and socioeconomic phenomenon

GDP/capita(US$ 2016) UnemploymentRate YouthUnempRate UnempW/PrimEd. UnempW/SecEd UnempW/TertEd Ni-nis
country year
Spain 2015 25831.582305 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2014 29718.500216 24.700001 57.900002 54.500000 23.100000 22.500000 18.000000
2013 29370.663867 26.299999 57.099998 53.799999 23.299999 22.200001 19.440001
2012 28647.835243 25.200001 54.299999 54.700001 23.299999 21.100000 19.570000
2011 31832.238081 21.700001 47.099998 55.099998 23.799999 20.100000 19.200001
2010 30737.832271 20.200001 42.500000 57.200001 22.900000 18.799999 18.799999
2009 32333.466104 18.100000 38.500000 58.599998 22.700001 17.600000 19.400000
2008 35578.736190 11.500000 25.400000 58.299999 22.400000 18.000000 13.920000
2007 32709.401038 8.400000 18.900000 54.599998 23.700001 20.500000 10.440000
2006 28482.609483 8.600000 18.500000 53.799999 22.799999 22.500000 10.280000
2005 26510.717453 9.300000 20.400000 53.900002 21.900000 23.299999 11.120000
2004 24918.645842 11.200000 22.799999 54.799999 21.500000 22.500000 10.310000
2003 21495.707408 11.500000 23.400000 56.400002 21.400000 21.200001 9.960000
2002 17019.535414 11.600000 23.000000 56.799999 20.700001 22.500000 NaN
2001 15359.108440 10.700000 21.299999 57.799999 20.200001 21.000000 NaN
2000 14787.756064 14.200000 26.299999 59.599998 19.400000 21.000000 NaN
1999 15859.086026 15.900000 29.299999 58.900002 20.000000 21.100000 NaN
1998 15534.359889 19.000000 35.299999 61.500000 18.500000 20.000000 NaN
1997 14872.565891 21.100000 38.700001 62.200001 19.400000 18.299999 NaN
1996 16236.771679 22.500000 41.500000 63.799999 18.799999 17.299999 NaN
1995 15561.972746 23.100000 41.700001 65.300003 18.700001 16.000000 NaN
1994 13465.377826 24.299999 44.200001 68.000000 17.700001 14.400000 NaN
1993 13362.018346 22.799999 42.099998 70.699997 16.400000 12.900000 NaN
1992 16105.418729 18.400000 33.200001 72.099998 16.900000 11.000000 NaN
1991 14782.038901 16.400000 29.799999 62.000000 15.000000 12.400000 NaN
1990 13773.365698 NaN NaN 61.200001 16.000000 12.300000 NaN

In [8]:
# Wbata renders a complex multi-index, which I convert to old-school columns that are easier to work with

country year GDP/capita(US$ 2016) UnemploymentRate YouthUnempRate UnempW/PrimEd. UnempW/SecEd UnempW/TertEd Ni-nis
0 Spain 2015 25831.582305 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 Spain 2014 29718.500216 24.700001 57.900002 54.500000 23.100000 22.500000 18.000000
2 Spain 2013 29370.663867 26.299999 57.099998 53.799999 23.299999 22.200001 19.440001
3 Spain 2012 28647.835243 25.200001 54.299999 54.700001 23.299999 21.100000 19.570000
4 Spain 2011 31832.238081 21.700001 47.099998 55.099998 23.799999 20.100000 19.200001
5 Spain 2010 30737.832271 20.200001 42.500000 57.200001 22.900000 18.799999 18.799999
6 Spain 2009 32333.466104 18.100000 38.500000 58.599998 22.700001 17.600000 19.400000
7 Spain 2008 35578.736190 11.500000 25.400000 58.299999 22.400000 18.000000 13.920000
8 Spain 2007 32709.401038 8.400000 18.900000 54.599998 23.700001 20.500000 10.440000
9 Spain 2006 28482.609483 8.600000 18.500000 53.799999 22.799999 22.500000 10.280000
10 Spain 2005 26510.717453 9.300000 20.400000 53.900002 21.900000 23.299999 11.120000
11 Spain 2004 24918.645842 11.200000 22.799999 54.799999 21.500000 22.500000 10.310000
12 Spain 2003 21495.707408 11.500000 23.400000 56.400002 21.400000 21.200001 9.960000
13 Spain 2002 17019.535414 11.600000 23.000000 56.799999 20.700001 22.500000 NaN
14 Spain 2001 15359.108440 10.700000 21.299999 57.799999 20.200001 21.000000 NaN
15 Spain 2000 14787.756064 14.200000 26.299999 59.599998 19.400000 21.000000 NaN
16 Spain 1999 15859.086026 15.900000 29.299999 58.900002 20.000000 21.100000 NaN
17 Spain 1998 15534.359889 19.000000 35.299999 61.500000 18.500000 20.000000 NaN
18 Spain 1997 14872.565891 21.100000 38.700001 62.200001 19.400000 18.299999 NaN
19 Spain 1996 16236.771679 22.500000 41.500000 63.799999 18.799999 17.299999 NaN
20 Spain 1995 15561.972746 23.100000 41.700001 65.300003 18.700001 16.000000 NaN
21 Spain 1994 13465.377826 24.299999 44.200001 68.000000 17.700001 14.400000 NaN
22 Spain 1993 13362.018346 22.799999 42.099998 70.699997 16.400000 12.900000 NaN
23 Spain 1992 16105.418729 18.400000 33.200001 72.099998 16.900000 11.000000 NaN
24 Spain 1991 14782.038901 16.400000 29.799999 62.000000 15.000000 12.400000 NaN
25 Spain 1990 13773.365698 NaN NaN 61.200001 16.000000 12.300000 NaN

In [9]:

Index(['country', 'year', 'GDP/capita(US$ 2016)', 'UnemploymentRate',
       'YouthUnempRate', 'UnempW/PrimEd.', 'UnempW/SecEd', 'UnempW/TertEd',

In [10]:
# housekeeping for column names 
esplbr.columns = ["Country", "Year", "GDP/capita(US$ 2016)", "UnemploymentRate", "YouthUnempRate", "UnempW/PrimEd.", "UnempW/SecEd","UnempW/TertEd", "Ni-nis"]

Country Year GDP/capita(US$ 2016) UnemploymentRate YouthUnempRate UnempW/PrimEd. UnempW/SecEd UnempW/TertEd Ni-nis
0 Spain 2015 25831.582305 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 Spain 2014 29718.500216 24.700001 57.900002 54.500000 23.100000 22.500000 18.000000
2 Spain 2013 29370.663867 26.299999 57.099998 53.799999 23.299999 22.200001 19.440001
3 Spain 2012 28647.835243 25.200001 54.299999 54.700001 23.299999 21.100000 19.570000
4 Spain 2011 31832.238081 21.700001 47.099998 55.099998 23.799999 20.100000 19.200001
5 Spain 2010 30737.832271 20.200001 42.500000 57.200001 22.900000 18.799999 18.799999
6 Spain 2009 32333.466104 18.100000 38.500000 58.599998 22.700001 17.600000 19.400000
7 Spain 2008 35578.736190 11.500000 25.400000 58.299999 22.400000 18.000000 13.920000
8 Spain 2007 32709.401038 8.400000 18.900000 54.599998 23.700001 20.500000 10.440000
9 Spain 2006 28482.609483 8.600000 18.500000 53.799999 22.799999 22.500000 10.280000
10 Spain 2005 26510.717453 9.300000 20.400000 53.900002 21.900000 23.299999 11.120000
11 Spain 2004 24918.645842 11.200000 22.799999 54.799999 21.500000 22.500000 10.310000
12 Spain 2003 21495.707408 11.500000 23.400000 56.400002 21.400000 21.200001 9.960000
13 Spain 2002 17019.535414 11.600000 23.000000 56.799999 20.700001 22.500000 NaN
14 Spain 2001 15359.108440 10.700000 21.299999 57.799999 20.200001 21.000000 NaN
15 Spain 2000 14787.756064 14.200000 26.299999 59.599998 19.400000 21.000000 NaN
16 Spain 1999 15859.086026 15.900000 29.299999 58.900002 20.000000 21.100000 NaN
17 Spain 1998 15534.359889 19.000000 35.299999 61.500000 18.500000 20.000000 NaN
18 Spain 1997 14872.565891 21.100000 38.700001 62.200001 19.400000 18.299999 NaN
19 Spain 1996 16236.771679 22.500000 41.500000 63.799999 18.799999 17.299999 NaN
20 Spain 1995 15561.972746 23.100000 41.700001 65.300003 18.700001 16.000000 NaN
21 Spain 1994 13465.377826 24.299999 44.200001 68.000000 17.700001 14.400000 NaN
22 Spain 1993 13362.018346 22.799999 42.099998 70.699997 16.400000 12.900000 NaN
23 Spain 1992 16105.418729 18.400000 33.200001 72.099998 16.900000 11.000000 NaN
24 Spain 1991 14782.038901 16.400000 29.799999 62.000000 15.000000 12.400000 NaN
25 Spain 1990 13773.365698 NaN NaN 61.200001 16.000000 12.300000 NaN

In [11]:
# we know we are dealing exclusively with Spain, so we drop the reduntdant 'Country' column
esplbr.drop('Country', axis=1, inplace=True)

Year GDP/capita(US$ 2016) UnemploymentRate YouthUnempRate UnempW/PrimEd. UnempW/SecEd UnempW/TertEd Ni-nis
0 2015 25831.582305 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 2014 29718.500216 24.700001 57.900002 54.500000 23.100000 22.500000 18.000000
2 2013 29370.663867 26.299999 57.099998 53.799999 23.299999 22.200001 19.440001
3 2012 28647.835243 25.200001 54.299999 54.700001 23.299999 21.100000 19.570000
4 2011 31832.238081 21.700001 47.099998 55.099998 23.799999 20.100000 19.200001
5 2010 30737.832271 20.200001 42.500000 57.200001 22.900000 18.799999 18.799999
6 2009 32333.466104 18.100000 38.500000 58.599998 22.700001 17.600000 19.400000
7 2008 35578.736190 11.500000 25.400000 58.299999 22.400000 18.000000 13.920000
8 2007 32709.401038 8.400000 18.900000 54.599998 23.700001 20.500000 10.440000
9 2006 28482.609483 8.600000 18.500000 53.799999 22.799999 22.500000 10.280000
10 2005 26510.717453 9.300000 20.400000 53.900002 21.900000 23.299999 11.120000
11 2004 24918.645842 11.200000 22.799999 54.799999 21.500000 22.500000 10.310000
12 2003 21495.707408 11.500000 23.400000 56.400002 21.400000 21.200001 9.960000
13 2002 17019.535414 11.600000 23.000000 56.799999 20.700001 22.500000 NaN
14 2001 15359.108440 10.700000 21.299999 57.799999 20.200001 21.000000 NaN
15 2000 14787.756064 14.200000 26.299999 59.599998 19.400000 21.000000 NaN
16 1999 15859.086026 15.900000 29.299999 58.900002 20.000000 21.100000 NaN
17 1998 15534.359889 19.000000 35.299999 61.500000 18.500000 20.000000 NaN
18 1997 14872.565891 21.100000 38.700001 62.200001 19.400000 18.299999 NaN
19 1996 16236.771679 22.500000 41.500000 63.799999 18.799999 17.299999 NaN
20 1995 15561.972746 23.100000 41.700001 65.300003 18.700001 16.000000 NaN
21 1994 13465.377826 24.299999 44.200001 68.000000 17.700001 14.400000 NaN
22 1993 13362.018346 22.799999 42.099998 70.699997 16.400000 12.900000 NaN
23 1992 16105.418729 18.400000 33.200001 72.099998 16.900000 11.000000 NaN
24 1991 14782.038901 16.400000 29.799999 62.000000 15.000000 12.400000 NaN
25 1990 13773.365698 NaN NaN 61.200001 16.000000 12.300000 NaN

In [12]:
# what do I have in my hands?

Year                     object
GDP/capita(US$ 2016)    float64
UnemploymentRate        float64
YouthUnempRate          float64
UnempW/PrimEd.          float64
UnempW/SecEd            float64
UnempW/TertEd           float64
Ni-nis                  float64
dtype: object

In [13]:

RangeIndex(start=0, stop=26, step=1)

Plotting the data

In [14]:
# with a clean and orthodox Dataframe, I can start to do some graphics
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
# we invert the x axis. Never managed to make 'Year' the X axis, lost a lot of hair in the process :(
plt.gca().invert_xaxis() # Came up with this solution
# and add the indicators 
plt.plot(esplbr.index, esplbr['UnemploymentRate'])
plt.plot(esplbr.index, esplbr['YouthUnempRate'])
plt.plot(esplbr.index, esplbr['Ni-nis'])
# and modify the plot
plt.title('Labor Market in Spain', fontsize=14, loc='left') # add title
plt.ylabel('Percentage Unemployed') # y axis label 
plt.legend(['UnemploymentRate', 'YouthUnempRate','Ni-nis'], fontsize=8, loc=0)

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x11bf333c8>


  • Spain has recently lived through a depression without precedent, yet unemployment rates above 20% are nothing new: there is a large structural component in addition to the demand-deficient factor.

  • Youth unemployment is particuarly bad, which is the norm elsewhere too, but the spread is accentuated in Spain. Deductively, this hints at labor market duality between bullet-proof contracts and part-time or 'indefinite' contracts.

In [16]:
# let's take a look at unemployment by education level
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
# we invert the x axis
#we add the variables 
plt.plot(esplbr.index, esplbr['UnempW/PrimEd.'])
plt.plot(esplbr.index, esplbr['UnempW/SecEd'])
plt.plot(esplbr.index, esplbr['UnempW/TertEd'])
plt.plot(esplbr.index, esplbr['Ni-nis'])
# we modify the plot
plt.title('Education and Employment Outcomes', fontsize=14, loc='left')
plt.ylabel('Percentage Unemployed')          
plt.legend(['UnempW/PrimEd.', 'UnempW/SecEd','UnempW/TertEd', 'Ni-nis'], fontsize=7, loc=0)

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x11b7c35c0>


  • Those unemployed with only primary education completed and ni-nis start to rise hand in hand ten years ago, when the crisis hits. This suggests overlap between the two groups.
  • The elephant in the room a massive construction bubble that made Spain's variant of the crisis particularly brutal. For decades, a debt-fueled bubble in real estate signaled youngsters to drop the books and pick up the bricks.
  • The labor market now faces the painful readjustment of the economy's productive model, from "deuda y ladrillo" (debt and brick) to exports, that account for Spain's recent growth

P.S.: if you ever need to investigate (how not to execute) a Keynesian stimulus plan, check out how the government's Plan E added fuel to malinvestments http://www.economist.com/node/13611650

Digging for more

I'm interested in measuring structural unemployment. Ideally, I would build an unemployment model myself based on separation and accesion rates to arrive at the Natural Rate of Unemployment, as we see in one of my three bibles:


In the interest of time, I sought an indicator that acts as a proxy for structural unemployment. The NAIRU and NAWRU come to mind, but they are not reported by the World Bank.

And so I became acquainted with Quandl's API and proceeded to dig through several economic databases, and landed at the notorious OECD database: I suspect Quandl and I are going to become good friends moving forward.

Load the modules

In [17]:
# Don't forget the the DMV paperwork
import quandl # Quandl package
quandl.ApiConfig.api_key = '3w_GYBRfX3ZxG7my_vhs' # register for a key and unlimited number of requests 
# Playing it safe
import sys                             # system module
import pandas as pd                    # data package
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt        # graphics module  
import datetime as dt                  # date and time module
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline

Data extraction and clean up

We're going to be comparing Spain's NAIRU to that of Denmark. Don't tell Sanders, but Denmark is well known for having one of the most 'flexible' labor markets in Europe.

In [18]:
# We extract the indicators and print the dataframe
NAIRU = quandl.get((['OECD/EO91_INTERNET_ESP_NAIRU_A','OECD/EO91_INTERNET_DNK_NAIRU_A']), #We call for both
                   start_date = "1990-12-31", end_date = "2013-12-31") # And limit the time horizon 

1990-12-31 14.353311 6.724285
1991-12-31 14.571544 6.860554
1992-12-31 14.953883 6.932394
1993-12-31 15.478153 6.912441
1994-12-31 15.824915 6.700012
1995-12-31 15.807487 6.448332
1996-12-31 15.465041 6.182695
1997-12-31 15.006013 5.900041
1998-12-31 14.366738 5.663739
1999-12-31 13.586143 5.476128
2000-12-31 12.956937 5.294450
2001-12-31 12.448287 5.209656
2002-12-31 12.150120 5.148396
2003-12-31 11.908023 5.129223
2004-12-31 11.784227 5.087734
2005-12-31 11.764572 5.023641
2006-12-31 12.025529 4.976982
2007-12-31 12.599862 5.008570
2008-12-31 13.485426 5.104536
2009-12-31 14.771787 5.339819
2010-12-31 15.646397 5.507396
2011-12-31 16.207122 5.608726
2012-12-31 16.465432 5.662474
2013-12-31 16.531184 5.680385

In [19]:
# What do we have here?


In [20]:

Index(['OECD/EO91_INTERNET_ESP_NAIRU_A - Value', 'OECD/EO91_INTERNET_DNK_NAIRU_A - Value'], dtype='object')

In [21]:
# Dataframe housekeeping 
NAIRU.columns = ['NAIRU Spain', 'NAIRU Denmark']

NAIRU Spain NAIRU Denmark
1990-12-31 14.353311 6.724285
1991-12-31 14.571544 6.860554
1992-12-31 14.953883 6.932394
1993-12-31 15.478153 6.912441
1994-12-31 15.824915 6.700012
1995-12-31 15.807487 6.448332
1996-12-31 15.465041 6.182695
1997-12-31 15.006013 5.900041
1998-12-31 14.366738 5.663739
1999-12-31 13.586143 5.476128
2000-12-31 12.956937 5.294450
2001-12-31 12.448287 5.209656
2002-12-31 12.150120 5.148396
2003-12-31 11.908023 5.129223
2004-12-31 11.784227 5.087734
2005-12-31 11.764572 5.023641
2006-12-31 12.025529 4.976982
2007-12-31 12.599862 5.008570
2008-12-31 13.485426 5.104536
2009-12-31 14.771787 5.339819
2010-12-31 15.646397 5.507396
2011-12-31 16.207122 5.608726
2012-12-31 16.465432 5.662474
2013-12-31 16.531184 5.680385

In [22]:
# Nice and polished

Index(['NAIRU Spain', 'NAIRU Denmark'], dtype='object')

In [23]:
plt.style.available #Take a look at the menu


In [24]:
# We are ready to plot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
#we add the variables 
plt.plot(NAIRU.index, NAIRU['NAIRU Spain'])
plt.plot(NAIRU.index, NAIRU['NAIRU Denmark'])
#We modify the plot
plt.title('Measuring Structural Unemployment ESP v DEN', fontsize=15, loc='left') # add title
plt.ylabel('Percentage Unemployed') # y axis label 
plt.legend(['NAIRU Spain', 'NAIRU Denmark'], fontsize=8, loc=2) # more descriptive variable namesDescribe what each of these arguments/parameters does


  • Although the NAIRU is not a perfect proxy for structural unemployment, it's a good place to start
  • Again, we witness how Spain's unemployment problem is almost ingrained in its 'production function'

This project has left me at the doors of great questions,

that this course has given me the tools to answer,

and for that I thank you,

Bosco Rodríguez Ballvé

In [ ]: