其中VGG16中的Conv4_3层将作为用于检测的第一个特征图。conv4_3层特征图大小是 $38\times38$ ,但是该层比较靠前,其norm较大,所以在其后面增加了一个L2 Normalization层.
In [1]:
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
import torch
In [2]:
from utils import *
There are 200 training images containing a total of 600 objects. Files have been saved to /home/jovyan/week8/json1.
There are 200 validation images containing a total of 600 objects. Files have been saved to /home/jovyan/week8/json1.
In [3]:
import torch
from import Dataset
import json
import os
from PIL import Image
from utils import transform
class PascalVOCDataset(Dataset):
A PyTorch Dataset class to be used in a PyTorch DataLoader to create batches.
def __init__(self, data_folder, split, keep_difficult=False):
:param data_folder: folder where data files are stored
:param split: split, one of 'TRAIN' or 'TEST'
:param keep_difficult: keep or discard objects that are considered difficult to detect?
self.split = split.upper()
assert self.split in {'TRAIN', 'TEST'}
self.data_folder = data_folder
self.keep_difficult = keep_difficult
# Read data files
with open(os.path.join(data_folder, self.split + '_images.json'), 'r') as j:
self.images = json.load(j)
with open(os.path.join(data_folder, self.split + '_objects.json'), 'r') as j:
self.objects = json.load(j)
assert len(self.images) == len(self.objects)
def __getitem__(self, i):
# Read image
image =[i], mode='r')
image = image.convert('RGB')
# Read objects in this image (bounding boxes, labels, difficulties)
objects = self.objects[i]
boxes = torch.FloatTensor(objects['boxes']) # (n_objects, 4)
labels = torch.LongTensor(objects['labels']) # (n_objects)
difficulties = torch.ByteTensor(objects['difficulties']) # (n_objects)
# Discard difficult objects, if desired
if not self.keep_difficult:
boxes = boxes[1 - difficulties]
labels = labels[1 - difficulties]
difficulties = difficulties[1 - difficulties]
# Apply transformations
image, boxes, labels, difficulties = transform(image, boxes, labels, difficulties, split=self.split)
return image, boxes, labels, difficulties
def __len__(self):
return len(self.images)
def collate_fn(self, batch):
Since each image may have a different number of objects, we need a collate function (to be passed to the DataLoader).
This describes how to combine these tensors of different sizes. We use lists.
Note: this need not be defined in this Class, can be standalone.
:param batch: an iterable of N sets from __getitem__()
:return: a tensor of images, lists of varying-size tensors of bounding boxes, labels, and difficulties
images = list()
boxes = list()
labels = list()
difficulties = list()
for b in batch:
images = torch.stack(images, dim=0)
return images, boxes, labels, difficulties # tensor (N, 3, 300, 300), 3 lists of N tensors each
In [4]:
data_folder = './json1/'
keep_difficult = True
batch_size = 2
workers = 1
train_dataset = PascalVOCDataset(data_folder,
val_dataset = PascalVOCDataset(data_folder,
train_loader =, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True,
collate_fn=train_dataset.collate_fn, num_workers=workers,
# note that we're passing the collate function here
val_loader =, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True,
collate_fn=val_dataset.collate_fn, num_workers=workers,
for data in train_loader:
images, boxes, labels, difficulties = data
print('images---->', images)
print('boxes---->', boxes)
images----> tensor([[[[-1.7583, -1.7583, -1.7412, ..., -0.7650, -0.7993, -0.8507],
[-1.7583, -1.7583, -1.7583, ..., -0.8507, -0.8678, -0.8678],
[-1.7412, -1.7412, -1.7412, ..., -0.8507, -0.8678, -0.9020],
[-1.5870, -1.5699, -1.5528, ..., 0.4851, 0.9303, 1.2043],
[-1.5528, -1.5357, -1.5185, ..., -0.2856, 0.6049, 1.3070],
[-1.5014, -1.5185, -1.5357, ..., -0.8335, 0.1083, 0.8789]],
[[-1.6681, -1.6681, -1.6506, ..., -0.6352, -0.6702, -0.7402],
[-1.6681, -1.6681, -1.6681, ..., -0.7052, -0.6877, -0.7052],
[-1.6506, -1.6506, -1.6506, ..., -0.6877, -0.6702, -0.6702],
[-1.4930, -1.4580, -1.4405, ..., 0.5728, 1.0455, 1.3431],
[-1.4580, -1.4405, -1.4230, ..., -0.2150, 0.7129, 1.4307],
[-1.4055, -1.4230, -1.4405, ..., -0.7752, 0.1877, 0.9580]],
[[-1.4384, -1.4384, -1.4210, ..., -0.6541, -0.7413, -0.8110],
[-1.4384, -1.4384, -1.4384, ..., -0.6541, -0.7064, -0.7413],
[-1.4210, -1.4210, -1.4210, ..., -0.5495, -0.6193, -0.6541],
[-1.2293, -1.2119, -1.1944, ..., 0.5311, 1.0714, 1.4374],
[-1.1944, -1.1944, -1.1770, ..., -0.3055, 0.6879, 1.4374],
[-1.1596, -1.1770, -1.1944, ..., -0.8807, 0.0953, 0.8971]]],
[[[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.3541, -0.3541, -0.3541, ..., -0.2684, -0.2684, -0.2856],
[-0.2856, -0.2856, -0.2684, ..., -0.4568, -0.4568, -0.4739],
[-0.0801, -0.0801, -0.0972, ..., -0.5767, -0.5767, -0.5938]],
[[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.4601, -0.4601, -0.4601, ..., -0.2850, -0.2850, -0.3025],
[-0.3901, -0.3901, -0.3725, ..., -0.4076, -0.4076, -0.4251],
[-0.1450, -0.1450, -0.1450, ..., -0.5301, -0.5301, -0.5476]],
[[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.4101, -0.4101, -0.4101, ..., -0.2707, -0.2707, -0.2881],
[-0.3404, -0.3404, -0.3230, ..., -0.3753, -0.3753, -0.3927],
[-0.1138, -0.0964, -0.1138, ..., -0.4798, -0.4798, -0.4973]]]])
boxes----> [tensor([[0.6931, 0.0000, 0.9312, 0.1138]]), tensor([[0.0000, 0.3746, 1.0000, 0.7550]])]
labels----> [tensor([7]), tensor([7])]
difficulties----> [tensor([0], dtype=torch.uint8), tensor([0], dtype=torch.uint8)]
images----> tensor([[[[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116]],
[[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049]],
[[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092]]],
[[[ 1.0159, 1.0331, 0.8276, ..., 0.1254, 0.0227, -0.2856],
[ 1.0159, 1.0331, 0.7933, ..., 0.0912, -0.1486, 0.1254],
[ 1.0331, 1.0502, 0.7591, ..., -0.1314, 0.0398, 0.0227],
[-0.2856, -0.2856, -0.2856, ..., 0.2624, 0.2282, 0.2967],
[-0.3027, -0.2856, -0.2684, ..., 0.2111, 0.2282, 0.2111],
[-0.2856, -0.3027, -0.3027, ..., 0.2453, 0.2624, 0.1939]],
[[ 1.1681, 1.1856, 0.9755, ..., 0.2577, 0.1527, -0.1625],
[ 1.1681, 1.1856, 0.9405, ..., 0.2227, -0.0224, 0.2577],
[ 1.1856, 1.2031, 0.9055, ..., -0.0049, 0.1702, 0.1527],
[-0.1625, -0.1625, -0.1625, ..., 0.3978, 0.3627, 0.4328],
[-0.1800, -0.1625, -0.1450, ..., 0.3452, 0.3627, 0.3452],
[-0.1625, -0.1800, -0.1800, ..., 0.3803, 0.3978, 0.3277]],
[[ 1.3851, 1.4025, 1.1934, ..., 0.4788, 0.3742, 0.0605],
[ 1.3851, 1.4025, 1.1585, ..., 0.4439, 0.1999, 0.4788],
[ 1.4025, 1.4200, 1.1237, ..., 0.2173, 0.3916, 0.3742],
[ 0.0605, 0.0605, 0.0605, ..., 0.6182, 0.5834, 0.6531],
[ 0.0431, 0.0605, 0.0779, ..., 0.5659, 0.5834, 0.5659],
[ 0.0605, 0.0431, 0.0431, ..., 0.6008, 0.6182, 0.5485]]]])
boxes----> [tensor([[0.5195, 0.0000, 0.6800, 0.1657]]), tensor([[0.7528, 0.5465, 0.9448, 0.7248],
[0.6755, 0.5581, 0.7616, 0.6860]])]
labels----> [tensor([19]), tensor([7, 7])]
difficulties----> [tensor([0], dtype=torch.uint8), tensor([0, 0], dtype=torch.uint8)]
images----> tensor([[[[ 2.2489, 2.2489, 2.2489, ..., -1.6727, -1.6898, -1.7069],
[ 2.2318, 2.2318, 2.2318, ..., -1.6898, -1.6384, -1.6042],
[ 2.1633, 2.1633, 2.1633, ..., -1.7412, -1.7069, -1.6555],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116]],
[[ 2.4286, 2.4286, 2.4111, ..., -1.5630, -1.5280, -1.5105],
[ 2.4286, 2.4111, 2.3585, ..., -1.4755, -1.4580, -1.4055],
[ 2.4286, 2.4111, 2.3936, ..., -1.5630, -1.5280, -1.4755],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049]],
[[ 2.6226, 2.6226, 2.6226, ..., -1.1421, -1.2119, -1.3164],
[ 2.5877, 2.5703, 2.5877, ..., -1.2816, -1.2467, -1.2467],
[ 2.5703, 2.5877, 2.5877, ..., -1.3513, -1.3164, -1.3164],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092]]],
[[[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116]],
[[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049]],
[[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092]]]])
boxes----> [tensor([[0.0000, 0.0000, 0.7709, 0.4429],
[0.7598, 0.0714, 1.0000, 0.2686]]), tensor([[0.3289, 0.6170, 0.6191, 0.8670],
[0.5540, 0.6953, 0.6323, 0.8122]])]
labels----> [tensor([19, 19]), tensor([19, 19])]
difficulties----> [tensor([0, 0], dtype=torch.uint8), tensor([0, 0], dtype=torch.uint8)]
images----> tensor([[[[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116]],
[[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049]],
[[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092]]],
[[[-0.4911, -0.6452, -0.6109, ..., -0.4568, -0.3883, -0.4226],
[-0.4739, -0.6452, -0.6109, ..., -0.4739, -0.4054, -0.5082],
[-0.4226, -0.5767, -0.5938, ..., -0.4568, -0.4226, -0.5082],
[-0.2171, -0.2342, -0.1999, ..., -0.9192, -0.9020, -0.9020],
[-0.2513, -0.2513, -0.2171, ..., -0.9020, -0.9192, -0.9020],
[-0.3198, -0.2684, -0.2342, ..., -0.9192, -0.9192, -0.9192]],
[[-0.3550, -0.4951, -0.4426, ..., -0.3200, -0.2500, -0.2850],
[-0.3550, -0.4951, -0.4426, ..., -0.3375, -0.2675, -0.3725],
[-0.3025, -0.4251, -0.4426, ..., -0.3200, -0.2850, -0.3725],
[-0.1275, -0.1450, -0.1099, ..., -0.7927, -0.7752, -0.7752],
[-0.1450, -0.1450, -0.1450, ..., -0.7752, -0.7927, -0.7752],
[-0.2325, -0.1800, -0.1450, ..., -0.7927, -0.7927, -0.7927]],
[[-0.1487, -0.3055, -0.2532, ..., -0.0964, -0.0267, -0.0615],
[-0.1312, -0.2707, -0.2532, ..., -0.1138, -0.0441, -0.1487],
[-0.0790, -0.2010, -0.2010, ..., -0.0964, -0.0615, -0.1487],
[ 0.1302, 0.1302, 0.1651, ..., -0.6193, -0.6018, -0.6018],
[ 0.0953, 0.0953, 0.1302, ..., -0.6018, -0.6193, -0.6018],
[ 0.0256, 0.0779, 0.1128, ..., -0.6018, -0.6018, -0.6193]]]])
boxes----> [tensor([[0.4687, 0.4722, 0.9977, 0.7374]]), tensor([[-0.0028, 0.0193, 0.9972, 1.0000]])]
labels----> [tensor([7]), tensor([7])]
difficulties----> [tensor([0], dtype=torch.uint8), tensor([0], dtype=torch.uint8)]
images----> tensor([[[[-0.3198, -0.6452, -1.3644, ..., -1.8782, -1.8782, -1.8782],
[-0.3712, -0.6623, -1.3473, ..., -1.9124, -1.8953, -1.8782],
[-0.3369, -0.6281, -1.3302, ..., -1.8953, -1.8782, -1.8782],
[-0.0972, -0.0629, -0.0287, ..., -1.8953, -1.9124, -1.9295],
[-0.1486, -0.1143, -0.0801, ..., -1.8953, -1.9295, -1.9295],
[-0.1999, -0.1486, -0.1314, ..., -1.8953, -1.9295, -1.9467]],
[[-1.0903, -1.1954, -1.6681, ..., -1.7906, -1.7906, -1.7906],
[-1.0728, -1.1779, -1.6155, ..., -1.8256, -1.8081, -1.7906],
[-1.0203, -1.1078, -1.6155, ..., -1.8081, -1.7906, -1.8081],
[-0.5126, -0.4776, -0.4251, ..., -1.8081, -1.8256, -1.8431],
[-0.6001, -0.5476, -0.4951, ..., -1.8081, -1.8431, -1.8431],
[-0.6702, -0.6176, -0.5651, ..., -1.8256, -1.8606, -1.8606]],
[[-1.4036, -1.3687, -1.5779, ..., -1.6302, -1.6127, -1.6302],
[-1.3513, -1.3339, -1.5604, ..., -1.6824, -1.6476, -1.6302],
[-1.2990, -1.2816, -1.5779, ..., -1.6476, -1.6302, -1.6302],
[-0.6541, -0.6193, -0.5321, ..., -1.5953, -1.6302, -1.6476],
[-0.7587, -0.7064, -0.5844, ..., -1.5953, -1.6476, -1.6476],
[-0.7761, -0.7413, -0.6541, ..., -1.6127, -1.6476, -1.6650]]],
[[[-1.0904, -1.0904, -1.0904, ..., -1.0904, -1.0904, -1.0904],
[-1.0904, -1.0904, -1.0904, ..., -1.0904, -1.0904, -1.0904],
[-1.0904, -1.0904, -1.0904, ..., -1.0904, -1.0904, -1.0904],
[-1.0904, -1.0904, -1.0904, ..., -1.0904, -1.0904, -1.0904],
[-1.0904, -1.0904, -1.0904, ..., -1.0904, -1.0904, -1.0904],
[-1.0904, -1.0904, -1.0904, ..., -1.0904, -1.0904, -1.0904]],
[[-0.9678, -0.9503, -0.9503, ..., -0.9853, -0.9853, -0.9853],
[-0.9678, -0.9503, -0.9503, ..., -0.9853, -0.9853, -0.9853],
[-0.9678, -0.9503, -0.9503, ..., -0.9853, -0.9853, -0.9853],
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[0.3760, 0.5105, 0.5800, 0.6787],
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[ 0.2624, 0.3652, 0.3994, ..., -0.5424, -0.5424, -0.4226]],
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[ 1.4482, 1.4482, 1.4482, ..., 1.7458, 1.7633, 1.7808],
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[ 2.0474, 2.0474, 2.0648, ..., 2.2217, 2.1868, 2.1694],
[ 2.0648, 2.0648, 2.0648, ..., 2.1868, 2.1868, 2.1694],
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[ 0.1476, 0.2522, 0.2871, ..., -0.5844, -0.5495, -0.4101]]],
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[ 1.6153, 2.1975, 0.9646, ..., 0.1939, 0.9817, 2.0092],
[ 2.0948, 2.0092, 1.9064, ..., 2.1975, 2.1804, 2.2147],
[ 2.1975, 2.1975, 2.1975, ..., 2.1633, 2.0605, 1.7865],
[ 2.2147, 2.2147, 2.1975, ..., 2.2318, 2.1975, 1.8893]],
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[ 1.9559, 1.8158, 0.3102, ..., 1.2556, 1.8158, 2.2710],
[ 1.7808, 2.3761, 1.0980, ..., 0.2752, 1.0805, 2.1485],
[ 2.1835, 1.9734, 1.8683, ..., 2.3585, 2.3585, 2.3936],
[ 2.3761, 2.3410, 2.3585, ..., 2.3060, 2.2010, 1.9384],
[ 2.3761, 2.3761, 2.3761, ..., 2.3936, 2.3585, 2.0434]],
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[ 2.1694, 2.0474, 0.5834, ..., 1.4025, 1.8034, 2.0474],
[ 2.0125, 2.5877, 1.3502, ..., 0.4091, 0.9668, 1.8208],
[ 2.0823, 1.6814, 1.5420, ..., 2.2217, 2.2914, 2.4483],
[ 2.3088, 2.2740, 2.3611, ..., 2.1868, 1.9951, 1.6814],
[ 2.4483, 2.3611, 2.3088, ..., 2.4831, 2.2217, 1.8208]]],
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[ 0.5485, 0.5659, 0.5485, ..., -1.4733, -1.4559, -1.4559],
[ 0.5485, 0.5834, 0.5485, ..., -1.4733, -1.4559, -1.4559],
[ 0.5659, 0.6008, 0.5659, ..., -1.4384, -1.4559, -1.4559]]],
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[ 1.3070, 1.5297, 1.3927, ..., 1.6495, 1.6495, 1.6495]],
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[ 1.4482, 1.4307, 1.4482, ..., 1.6583, 1.5532, 1.3431],
[ 1.4657, 1.6933, 1.5532, ..., 1.7983, 1.8158, 1.8158]],
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[ 1.4722, 1.4897, 1.5420, ..., 1.3677, 1.2457, 1.2631],
[ 1.5768, 1.5768, 1.5768, ..., 1.6814, 1.5942, 1.3851],
[ 1.6117, 1.8731, 1.7337, ..., 1.9080, 2.0300, 2.0300]]]])
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[ 0.5364, 0.5364, 0.5364, ..., 0.2624, 0.1939, 0.1768],
[ 0.5707, 0.5536, 0.5364, ..., 0.2796, 0.1768, 0.1426],
[ 0.5878, 0.5707, 0.5536, ..., 0.1254, 0.0227, 0.0398]],
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[ 0.0651, 0.0301, -0.0224, ..., -1.5105, -1.4930, -1.4930],
[ 1.2906, 1.2556, 1.2206, ..., -1.5105, -1.4930, -1.4755],
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[-0.3200, -0.3375, -0.3375, ..., 0.0826, -0.0224, -0.0049]],
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[ 0.7402, 0.7054, 0.6705, ..., -1.2119, -1.1944, -1.1944],
[ 1.8208, 1.8034, 1.7860, ..., -1.1770, -1.1596, -1.1421],
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[-0.3230, -0.3404, -0.3578, ..., 0.3045, 0.1999, 0.1651],
[-0.2881, -0.3055, -0.3230, ..., 0.1302, 0.0256, 0.0431]]],
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[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
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[-0.8458, -0.8458, -0.8458, ..., 0.7402, 0.5834, 0.8274],
[-0.8284, -0.8110, -0.8110, ..., 0.6182, 0.7402, 0.7925]]]])
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[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
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[ 0.0569, -0.1828, -0.2856, ..., -1.6384, -1.7069, -1.7583],
[ 0.1254, -0.1486, -0.2342, ..., -1.3987, -1.4672, -1.7754],
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[-0.5596, -0.4568, -0.6794, ..., -0.9020, -0.9877, -0.9534],
[-0.4226, -0.4397, -0.5253, ..., -0.9020, -0.8849, -0.8849]],
[[ 0.1527, 0.0301, -0.1975, ..., -1.3529, -1.3179, -1.2304],
[ 0.1877, -0.0749, -0.1625, ..., -1.4580, -1.5280, -1.5630],
[ 0.2227, -0.0574, -0.1450, ..., -0.9328, -1.0028, -1.3004],
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[ 0.4439, 0.1999, 0.0953, ..., -1.5256, -1.5953, -1.7173],
[ 0.4962, 0.2173, 0.1302, ..., -1.1421, -1.2119, -1.5256],
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[0.2090, 0.8287, 0.2825, 0.8480],
[0.1186, 0.8266, 0.2618, 0.8533],
[0.5160, 0.8233, 0.5706, 0.8276],
[0.4557, 0.8351, 0.6008, 0.8555]]), tensor([[0.6560, 0.3540, 0.7253, 0.3900]])]
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[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092]]],
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[ 0.0569, 0.0398, 0.0056, ..., -1.4329, -1.3987, -1.3815],
[ 0.0056, -0.0287, -0.0458, ..., -1.2788, -1.2617, -1.2445],
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[ 0.0431, 0.0082, -0.0441, ..., 2.3786, 2.4134, 2.4308],
[ 0.1476, -0.0441, -0.2707, ..., 2.3960, 2.4134, 2.4134],
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[ 0.9988, 1.0673, 1.1700, ..., 0.7762, 0.8104, 0.7077],
[ 1.1015, 0.9474, 0.9817, ..., 0.7762, 0.7933, 0.9817],
[ 1.1187, 1.1015, 1.1187, ..., 0.8618, 1.0673, 1.0502]],
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[ 1.1155, 1.1856, 1.2906, ..., 0.7129, 0.7829, 0.7129],
[ 1.2381, 1.0805, 1.1155, ..., 0.7654, 0.8179, 1.0455],
[ 1.2381, 1.2381, 1.2556, ..., 0.8529, 1.1155, 1.1155]],
[[ 0.4439, 0.6356, 0.8099, ..., 0.8797, 0.9668, 1.0888],
[ 0.0605, 0.4439, 0.6182, ..., 0.9319, 1.0714, 1.0714],
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[ 1.2457, 1.3154, 1.4200, ..., 0.4614, 0.6008, 0.6705],
[ 1.3677, 1.2108, 1.2457, ..., 0.6008, 0.7228, 1.0714],
[ 1.3677, 1.3677, 1.3677, ..., 0.8797, 1.1934, 1.2108]]]])
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[ 0.9988, 0.9817, 0.9988, ..., -0.0287, 0.1254, 0.1083],
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[-0.0801, -0.1314, -0.1143, ..., 0.0912, 0.0569, 0.0569]],
[[ 1.0805, 1.1856, 1.2381, ..., 0.2402, 0.1702, 0.1176],
[ 1.1506, 1.1856, 1.1856, ..., 0.2227, 0.2752, 0.2577],
[ 1.0805, 1.1155, 1.1331, ..., 0.2402, 0.2227, 0.2052],
[-0.2850, -0.3725, -0.4251, ..., -0.0224, -0.0749, -0.0749],
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[-0.3025, -0.3550, -0.3375, ..., 0.1001, 0.0651, 0.0651]],
[[ 0.7576, 0.7228, 0.7054, ..., 0.2173, 0.3393, 0.3916],
[ 0.8099, 0.6879, 0.6356, ..., 0.1302, 0.3742, 0.5136],
[ 0.7228, 0.6182, 0.5659, ..., 0.1651, 0.3742, 0.5136],
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[-0.8807, -0.9330, -0.9156, ..., -0.4973, -0.5147, -0.5321],
[-0.9330, -0.9504, -0.8981, ..., -0.4450, -0.4450, -0.4450]]],
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[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116]],
[[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
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[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049]],
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[ 0.7838, 0.0000, 0.9910, 0.3266]]), tensor([[0.1316, 0.0691, 0.5969, 0.3644],
[0.5646, 0.0397, 0.6567, 0.2073]])]
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[ 2.2489, 2.2489, 2.2489, ..., -1.4158, -1.3987, -1.4158],
[ 2.2489, 2.2489, 2.2489, ..., -1.3815, -1.3130, -1.3302],
[ 0.2796, 0.2967, 0.3309, ..., -0.1143, -0.6281, -0.1657],
[ 0.2796, 0.3309, 0.3138, ..., 1.8208, 1.4612, 1.6667],
[ 0.2453, 0.2967, 0.2453, ..., 2.2489, 2.2318, 2.2318]],
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[ 2.4286, 2.4286, 2.4286, ..., -1.3179, -1.3004, -1.3354],
[ 2.4286, 2.4286, 2.4286, ..., -1.2829, -1.2304, -1.2654],
[ 0.8004, 0.8354, 0.8529, ..., 0.1527, -0.2850, 0.2052],
[ 0.7829, 0.8704, 0.8354, ..., 2.0259, 1.7983, 1.9734],
[ 0.7479, 0.8179, 0.7829, ..., 2.4286, 2.4286, 2.4286]],
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[ 2.6400, 2.6400, 2.6400, ..., -1.0898, -1.0898, -1.1247],
[ 2.6400, 2.6400, 2.6400, ..., -1.0898, -1.0376, -1.0898],
[ 1.6465, 1.6814, 1.6988, ..., 0.3568, 0.0256, 0.6182],
[ 1.6291, 1.7163, 1.6814, ..., 2.2391, 2.0474, 2.2566],
[ 1.5942, 1.6640, 1.6291, ..., 2.6400, 2.6400, 2.6400]]],
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[ 1.4098, 1.4440, 0.7762, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[ 1.4440, 1.4269, 0.6734, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
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[ 1.6583, 1.6758, 0.9930, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[ 1.6583, 1.6408, 0.8880, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
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[[ 1.8557, 1.7685, 1.0714, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[ 1.9080, 1.9080, 1.2108, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[ 1.9254, 1.8905, 1.1237, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
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[ 0.2348, 0.2522, 0.2173, ..., -0.1835, -0.1487, -0.1661],
[ 0.3045, 0.1999, 0.1999, ..., -0.1661, -0.1312, -0.1487],
[ 0.3393, 0.1651, 0.1825, ..., -0.1487, -0.1138, -0.1312]]],
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[0.4000, 0.3907, 0.6509, 0.6954],
[0.6182, 0.3709, 0.6800, 0.5828]]), tensor([[0.1580, 0.5821, 1.0000, 1.0000]])]
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[ 0.0741, 0.1083, 0.1083, ..., -2.0323, -2.0665, -2.0494],
[ 0.0912, 0.1254, 0.1426, ..., -2.0323, -2.0323, -2.0152],
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[ 0.6779, 0.6954, 0.6954, ..., -1.9482, -1.9832, -1.9657],
[ 0.6779, 0.7129, 0.7479, ..., -1.9482, -1.9482, -1.9307],
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[[ 2.0648, 2.0823, 2.0997, ..., -1.7173, -1.7347, -1.7347],
[ 2.0823, 2.0997, 2.0997, ..., -1.7173, -1.7522, -1.7347],
[ 2.0823, 2.1171, 2.1346, ..., -1.7173, -1.7173, -1.6999],
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[0.1675, 0.8896, 0.3177, 0.9954],
[0.1419, 0.8942, 0.1955, 0.9402]])]
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[ 1.7352, 1.7352, 1.7352, ..., 1.7352, 1.7352, 1.7352],
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[ 1.9034, 1.9034, 1.9034, ..., 1.9034, 1.9034, 1.9034],
[ 1.9034, 1.9034, 1.9034, ..., 1.9034, 1.9034, 1.9034],
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[ 2.1171, 2.1171, 2.1171, ..., 2.1171, 2.1171, 2.1171],
[ 2.1171, 2.1171, 2.1171, ..., 2.1171, 2.1171, 2.1171],
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[ 2.0434, 1.9920, 2.0263, ..., 2.1804, 1.9920, 1.9920],
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[ 0.7248, -1.0048, -0.9363, ..., -0.9020, -0.9534, -0.9363]],
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[ 2.2185, 2.2360, 2.2185, ..., 1.9559, 2.1485, 2.0609],
[ 2.2535, 2.2010, 2.2185, ..., 2.2885, 2.0784, 2.0609],
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[ 0.9930, -0.7227, -0.6176, ..., -0.6527, -0.6877, -0.6702]],
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[ 2.4308, 2.4657, 2.4483, ..., 1.3677, 1.5245, 1.4374],
[ 2.4483, 2.4134, 2.4308, ..., 1.8383, 1.5245, 1.4374],
[ 1.6465, -0.3753, -0.3230, ..., -0.3230, -0.3230, -0.3055],
[ 1.5942, -0.3404, -0.2707, ..., -0.2532, -0.2532, -0.2358],
[ 1.3328, -0.3404, -0.2184, ..., -0.2184, -0.2707, -0.2532]]],
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[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
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[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
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[0.4128, 0.2412, 0.4234, 0.2482],
[0.3670, 0.2741, 0.4956, 0.3790]])]
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[ 0.3652, 0.3652, 0.4508, ..., 0.4508, 0.4508, 0.4508],
[ 0.3823, 0.3823, 0.4851, ..., 0.5536, 0.5364, 0.4679],
[ 0.3994, 0.4337, 0.4851, ..., 0.5536, 0.5022, 0.5022]],
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[ 0.5203, 0.5203, 0.6078, ..., 0.6254, 0.6254, 0.6078],
[ 0.5378, 0.5378, 0.6429, ..., 0.7129, 0.6954, 0.6254],
[ 0.5553, 0.5903, 0.6429, ..., 0.6779, 0.6254, 0.6429]],
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[ 0.7751, 0.7751, 0.8622, ..., 0.7576, 0.7576, 0.7402],
[ 0.7925, 0.8099, 0.8797, ..., 0.8622, 0.8274, 0.7576],
[ 0.8099, 0.8448, 0.8797, ..., 0.8448, 0.7751, 0.7925]]],
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[ 2.2489, 2.2489, 2.2489, ..., 2.2489, 2.2489, 2.2489],
[ 2.2489, 2.2489, 2.2489, ..., 2.2489, 2.2489, 2.2489],
[ 2.2489, 2.2489, 2.2489, ..., 2.2489, 2.2489, 2.2489],
[ 2.1975, 2.2318, 2.2147, ..., 2.2489, 2.2489, 2.2489],
[ 2.1462, 2.2147, 2.1804, ..., 2.2489, 2.2489, 2.2489]],
[[ 2.4286, 2.4286, 2.4286, ..., 2.4286, 2.4286, 2.4286],
[ 2.4286, 2.4286, 2.4286, ..., 2.4286, 2.4286, 2.4286],
[ 2.4286, 2.4286, 2.4286, ..., 2.4286, 2.4286, 2.4286],
[ 2.4286, 2.4286, 2.4286, ..., 2.4286, 2.4286, 2.4286],
[ 2.3235, 2.3936, 2.3585, ..., 2.4286, 2.4286, 2.4286],
[ 2.2360, 2.3585, 2.3060, ..., 2.4286, 2.4286, 2.4286]],
[[ 2.6400, 2.6400, 2.6400, ..., 2.6400, 2.6400, 2.6400],
[ 2.6400, 2.6400, 2.6400, ..., 2.6400, 2.6400, 2.6400],
[ 2.6400, 2.6400, 2.6400, ..., 2.6400, 2.6400, 2.6400],
[ 2.6400, 2.6400, 2.6400, ..., 2.6400, 2.6400, 2.6400],
[ 2.4134, 2.5529, 2.5354, ..., 2.6400, 2.6400, 2.6400],
[ 2.2043, 2.4657, 2.4308, ..., 2.6400, 2.6400, 2.6400]]]])
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[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
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[0.4404, 0.5498, 0.5416, 0.6032]]), tensor([[0.0125, 0.6401, 0.1483, 0.7082],
[0.1749, 0.6462, 0.2162, 0.6827]])]
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[ 1.4440, 1.4098, 1.4269, ..., 1.2043, 1.2557, 1.3584],
[ 1.5468, 1.4783, 1.4783, ..., 1.1700, 1.2557, 1.3584],
[ 0.6221, 0.6392, 0.6906, ..., 0.8104, 0.8104, 0.7762],
[ 0.8104, 0.8276, 0.8618, ..., 0.9474, 0.9132, 0.8961],
[ 0.9132, 0.8961, 0.9303, ..., 1.1015, 1.0502, 1.0502]],
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[ 0.9055, 0.8704, 0.8880, ..., 0.6429, 0.7304, 0.8354],
[ 1.0105, 0.9755, 0.9755, ..., 0.6078, 0.7479, 0.8354],
[ 0.5378, 0.5553, 0.5903, ..., 0.6954, 0.6954, 0.6429],
[ 0.7304, 0.7479, 0.7654, ..., 0.8004, 0.7829, 0.7479],
[ 0.8354, 0.8179, 0.8354, ..., 0.9580, 0.9055, 0.8880]],
[[ 0.3393, 0.3393, 0.3219, ..., 0.1999, 0.2173, 0.3045],
[ 0.4091, 0.3742, 0.3916, ..., 0.1128, 0.1476, 0.2871],
[ 0.5136, 0.4614, 0.4614, ..., 0.0779, 0.1825, 0.2871],
[ 0.1651, 0.1825, 0.2348, ..., 0.2522, 0.2522, 0.2348],
[ 0.3393, 0.3568, 0.4091, ..., 0.4091, 0.3742, 0.3916],
[ 0.4265, 0.4091, 0.4265, ..., 0.5834, 0.5311, 0.5659]]],
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[ 1.4440, 1.4783, 1.5125, ..., -1.3815, -1.6213, -1.5014],
[ 1.1872, 1.3584, 1.2728, ..., -1.5014, -1.4500, -1.5014],
[ 0.3823, 0.4679, 0.8276, ..., 0.6734, 0.5878, 1.2043],
[ 0.7248, 1.2214, 1.2214, ..., 1.5125, 1.5297, 1.7180],
[ 1.5468, 1.5982, 1.3927, ..., 0.5536, 0.7933, 1.2043]],
[[ 1.0630, 1.0455, 1.0630, ..., 0.0826, -0.5651, -1.1429],
[ 1.2731, 1.3256, 1.3431, ..., -1.0903, -1.3354, -1.2304],
[ 0.9055, 1.0805, 0.9755, ..., -1.2479, -1.1954, -1.2654],
[ 0.5903, 0.6078, 0.9755, ..., 0.8880, 0.8354, 1.4657],
[ 0.8880, 1.3782, 1.3782, ..., 1.6408, 1.6583, 1.8508],
[ 1.7108, 1.7808, 1.5707, ..., 0.6604, 0.9405, 1.3957]],
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[ 0.4962, 0.5311, 0.5311, ..., -1.0376, -1.2293, -1.1073],
[ 0.6182, 0.7751, 0.6879, ..., -1.0550, -1.0201, -1.1247],
[ 0.2696, 0.2871, 0.6531, ..., 0.8274, 0.6879, 1.2980],
[ 0.7228, 1.1411, 1.1237, ..., 1.6465, 1.6291, 1.8557],
[ 1.4722, 1.3328, 1.0365, ..., 0.7925, 1.0365, 1.4722]]]])
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[-1.6650, -1.3513, -1.3861, ..., -1.7696, -1.7870, -1.8044],
[-1.5604, -1.3339, -1.4036, ..., -1.7870, -1.7696, -1.7522],
[-1.3339, -1.3513, -1.5430, ..., -1.7696, -1.6999, -1.6824]]],
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[ 1.7694, 1.7694, 1.7523, ..., 1.6153, 1.6153, 1.6153],
[ 1.7694, 1.7694, 1.7352, ..., 1.6324, 1.6153, 1.6153],
[ 1.3413, 1.4612, 1.4783, ..., 1.2214, 1.1187, 1.2043],
[ 1.4440, 1.4783, 1.5982, ..., 1.1015, 1.1187, 1.2899],
[ 1.4954, 1.5639, 1.5468, ..., 1.0159, 1.1358, 1.2899]],
[[ 1.9384, 1.9384, 1.9384, ..., 1.9384, 1.9384, 1.9384],
[ 1.9384, 1.9384, 1.9384, ..., 1.9384, 1.9384, 1.9384],
[ 1.9384, 1.9384, 1.9384, ..., 1.9384, 1.9384, 1.9384],
[ 1.6758, 1.7808, 1.7983, ..., 1.4307, 1.3431, 1.4657],
[ 1.7283, 1.7808, 1.8683, ..., 1.3256, 1.3782, 1.5707],
[ 1.7458, 1.7983, 1.7983, ..., 1.2556, 1.3957, 1.5882]],
[[ 2.1520, 2.1520, 2.1520, ..., 2.1171, 2.1171, 2.1171],
[ 2.1520, 2.1520, 2.1346, ..., 2.1171, 2.1171, 2.1171],
[ 2.1520, 2.1520, 2.1346, ..., 2.1171, 2.1171, 2.1171],
[ 2.0125, 2.0823, 2.0823, ..., 1.6465, 1.5942, 1.7163],
[ 2.0648, 2.0823, 2.1171, ..., 1.5420, 1.6291, 1.8208],
[ 2.0648, 2.0997, 2.0474, ..., 1.4897, 1.6640, 1.8731]]]])
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[ 0.8104, 1.4612, 1.5810, ..., 0.8961, 0.8618, 0.8104],
[ 1.1358, 1.0159, 0.6049, ..., 0.9988, 1.1187, 0.8276],
[ 0.7077, 0.6049, 0.5878, ..., 2.1290, 2.1462, 2.1633],
[ 0.7077, 0.6221, 0.4166, ..., 2.0263, 1.9749, 1.9235],
[ 0.8104, 0.8447, 0.4166, ..., 0.7591, 1.5297, 2.0948]],
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[ 0.9055, 1.6057, 1.7108, ..., 1.8158, 1.7458, 1.6232],
[ 1.2206, 1.0980, 0.6254, ..., 1.8859, 1.8683, 1.3256],
[ 0.6429, 0.5028, 0.4328, ..., 1.7283, 1.8158, 1.8683],
[ 0.5553, 0.4678, 0.3102, ..., 1.7808, 1.6933, 1.6758],
[ 0.5203, 0.5028, 0.2577, ..., 0.4678, 1.2731, 1.9034]],
[[-1.8044, -1.5953, -1.3513, ..., 2.5180, 2.4134, 2.3263],
[ 0.6356, 1.2631, 1.4025, ..., 2.6226, 2.6226, 2.6051],
[ 0.9145, 0.6879, 0.1999, ..., 2.5877, 2.6400, 2.6400],
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[-0.2881, -0.4275, -0.2184, ..., 1.1237, 0.8622, 0.7925],
[-0.1138, -0.0615, -0.0615, ..., 0.2348, 0.8971, 1.3328]]],
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[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116]],
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[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
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[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049]],
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[ 1.2899, 1.2728, 1.2557, ..., 1.7180, 1.7180, 1.7180],
[ 1.2557, 1.2385, 1.2385, ..., 1.7009, 1.7009, 1.7180],
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[ 1.6232, 1.6057, 1.5882, ..., 1.8859, 1.8859, 1.8859],
[ 1.5882, 1.5707, 1.5882, ..., 1.8859, 1.8859, 1.8859],
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[ 2.0125, 1.9951, 1.9777, ..., 2.0997, 2.0997, 2.0997],
[ 2.0125, 1.9951, 1.9951, ..., 2.0997, 2.0997, 2.0997],
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[ 0.6392, 0.6734, 0.6906, ..., -1.0219, -0.9877, -0.9877],
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[ 0.9580, 0.9755, 0.9930, ..., -0.9153, -0.9153, -0.9153],
[ 0.9405, 0.9580, 0.9755, ..., -0.9153, -0.8978, -0.8803],
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[ 1.2457, 1.2631, 1.2980, ..., -0.7413, -0.7413, -0.7413],
[ 1.2282, 1.2457, 1.2631, ..., -0.7413, -0.7238, -0.7064],
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[ 0.3803, 0.1176, 0.3803, ..., 1.1331, 0.5728, 0.4853],
[ 0.1352, 0.1527, 0.3978, ..., 0.9055, 0.6779, 0.6779],
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[ 0.0826, 0.1352, 0.0826, ..., -0.2150, -0.2325, -0.2850],
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[ 0.0256, -0.0441, -0.1312, ..., -0.0790, -0.0964, -0.1487],
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[ 0.6563, 0.6563, 0.6563, ..., 0.4679, 0.4679, 0.4679],
[ 0.6906, 0.6392, 0.6392, ..., 0.4508, 0.4508, 0.4508],
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[ 1.3431, 1.3431, 1.3606, ..., 1.2906, 1.2906, 1.2906],
[ 1.3782, 1.3606, 1.3431, ..., 1.2731, 1.2731, 1.2731],
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[ 1.8731, 1.8731, 1.8731, ..., 1.9080, 1.9080, 1.9080],
[ 1.9080, 1.8731, 1.8557, ..., 1.8905, 1.8905, 1.8905],
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[ 0.2227, 0.1702, 0.0651, ..., 0.1527, 0.1702, 0.1877],
[ 0.1001, 0.0476, -0.0399, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, 0.0126],
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[[-0.2358, -0.2010, -0.1661, ..., 1.1934, 1.1237, 1.0714],
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[ 1.0365, 1.0365, 0.9842, ..., 0.1999, 0.1999, 0.2173],
[ 0.8797, 0.9145, 0.8971, ..., 0.0779, 0.0605, 0.0256],
[ 0.6879, 0.7228, 0.6879, ..., 0.4091, 0.3568, 0.3393]]]])
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[0.2083, 0.6357, 0.3000, 0.7016],
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[ 0.0779, 0.0605, 0.0256, ..., 0.5485, 0.5659, 0.5834],
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[ 0.3481, 0.3823, 0.3309, ..., 0.6221, 0.2282, 0.2796],
[ 0.3309, 0.3823, 0.3652, ..., 0.6049, 0.1939, 0.2796],
[ 0.0912, 0.0569, 0.0398, ..., -0.1486, -0.1314, -0.1143],
[ 0.2453, 0.1426, 0.1426, ..., -0.1143, -0.1314, -0.0972],
[ 0.4166, 0.4166, 0.3138, ..., -0.1143, -0.1314, -0.1314]],
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[ 0.1527, 0.1877, 0.1702, ..., -0.0399, -0.0574, -0.0749],
[ 0.2227, 0.1352, 0.1702, ..., -0.0224, -0.0224, -0.0224],
[ 0.3277, 0.2752, 0.1702, ..., -0.0224, -0.0224, -0.0224]],
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[ 0.3045, 0.3916, 0.4614, ..., 0.1999, 0.1999, 0.1999],
[ 0.1476, 0.2173, 0.3393, ..., 0.2173, 0.1999, 0.1999],
[ 0.0953, 0.2173, 0.1999, ..., 0.2173, 0.1999, 0.1999]]]])
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[0.2740, 0.1467, 0.3300, 0.1840],
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[0.0040, 0.2880, 0.1260, 0.3227]]), tensor([[-0.0023, 0.0376, 0.9631, 1.0000],
[-0.0023, 0.0502, 0.4078, 0.7241]])]
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[ 1.5468, 1.5297, 1.5468, ..., 1.5639, 1.5639, 1.5297],
[ 1.5468, 1.5468, 1.5639, ..., 1.5639, 1.5639, 1.4954],
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[[ 1.1681, 1.1681, 1.1506, ..., 1.4832, 1.4832, 1.2556],
[ 1.2031, 1.2381, 1.3957, ..., 1.5007, 1.4832, 1.2906],
[ 1.1681, 1.3081, 1.5357, ..., 1.4832, 1.5007, 1.2556],
[ 0.0126, -0.1975, -0.1975, ..., 0.3452, 0.3277, 0.4328],
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[ 0.9842, 1.0539, 1.2631, ..., 1.5942, 1.5942, 1.3851],
[ 0.9668, 1.1759, 1.5071, ..., 1.5942, 1.6117, 1.3502],
[ 0.3045, 0.1128, 0.0953, ..., 0.7751, 0.7751, 0.8622],
[ 0.1999, -0.0267, 0.0779, ..., 0.9145, 1.1237, 1.2980],
[ 0.1825, 0.2871, 0.3916, ..., 0.9494, 0.7576, 0.5834]]],
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[ 0.9646, 1.1700, 0.8789, ..., 2.2489, 2.2489, 2.2489],
[ 1.4612, 0.4166, -0.5938, ..., 2.2489, 2.2489, 2.2489],
[ 1.1700, 0.9132, 0.0912, ..., 2.2489, 2.2489, 2.2489],
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[[ 0.3452, 0.0126, 0.2927, ..., 2.4286, 2.4286, 2.4286],
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[ 1.3081, 1.5357, 1.2206, ..., 2.4286, 2.4286, 2.4286],
[ 1.9209, 0.8704, 0.0301, ..., 2.4286, 2.4286, 2.4286],
[ 1.5532, 1.3081, 0.5203, ..., 2.4286, 2.4286, 2.4286],
[ 0.2577, 1.0805, 1.3431, ..., 2.4286, 2.4286, 2.4286]],
[[ 0.1825, -0.1661, 0.2522, ..., 2.6400, 2.6400, 2.6400],
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[ 0.7054, 0.8971, 0.4439, ..., 2.6400, 2.6400, 2.6400],
[ 0.4962, -0.4973, -1.2293, ..., 2.6400, 2.6400, 2.6400],
[ 0.2871, 0.0431, -0.8458, ..., 2.6400, 2.6400, 2.6400],
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[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116]],
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[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
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[ 0.0476, 0.0476, 0.0476, ..., -1.7906, -1.8081, -1.8782],
[ 0.0476, 0.0651, 0.0651, ..., -1.7381, -1.7381, -1.7381],
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[ 0.3568, 0.3568, 0.3568, ..., -1.5604, -1.5953, -1.6476],
[ 0.3568, 0.3568, 0.3568, ..., -1.5256, -1.5430, -1.5430],
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[ 0.9817, 1.0159, 1.0673, ..., 0.9817, 0.9817, 0.9817],
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[ 1.0105, 1.0280, 1.0630, ..., 1.0455, 1.0280, 1.0280],
[ 1.0630, 1.0805, 1.1331, ..., 1.0455, 1.0280, 1.0280],
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[ 1.2108, 1.2282, 1.2805, ..., 1.2631, 1.2457, 1.2457],
[ 1.2631, 1.2805, 1.3328, ..., 1.2805, 1.2457, 1.2457],
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[-1.4907, -1.4907, -1.5081, ..., -1.1944, -1.2119, -1.2119]]],
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[ 0.0126, -0.0049, 0.0126, ..., -0.3025, -0.3025, -0.3025],
[ 0.0476, 0.0476, 0.0476, ..., -0.3200, -0.3200, -0.3200],
[ 0.0476, 0.0301, 0.0651, ..., -0.3200, -0.3200, -0.3200]],
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[ 0.3219, 0.3045, 0.3219, ..., 0.0605, 0.0605, 0.0605],
[ 0.3219, 0.3219, 0.3219, ..., 0.0431, 0.0431, 0.0431],
[ 0.3219, 0.3393, 0.3393, ..., 0.0431, 0.0431, 0.0431]]]])
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[ 0.0082, -0.2707, -0.3927, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
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[ 0.3452, 0.8704, 0.8880, ..., 0.4853, 0.4328, 0.5553]],
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[ 2.2489, 2.2489, 2.2489, ..., 1.3755, 1.2728, 0.9817],
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[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092]]]])
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[0.0211, 0.4419, 0.5035, 0.8000],
[0.4437, 0.4355, 0.5634, 0.5613]])]
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[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., 1.2731, 1.2731, 1.2556],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., 1.2556, 1.2731, 1.2556]],
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[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -1.0376, -1.2119, -1.2816],
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[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., 1.0017, 1.0017, 0.9842],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., 0.9842, 1.0017, 0.9842]]],
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[ 0.0227, 0.0227, 0.0056, ..., 0.3994, 0.3994, 0.3481],
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[ 0.1939, 0.2796, 0.3309, ..., 0.0912, 0.1426, 0.2111]],
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[ 0.2402, 0.2402, 0.2402, ..., 0.5203, 0.5378, 0.4853],
[ 0.1001, 0.1352, 0.1527, ..., 0.3102, 0.3627, 0.3978],
[ 0.3452, 0.4153, 0.4503, ..., 0.2052, 0.2752, 0.3452]],
[[-1.3339, -1.3339, -1.3164, ..., -1.3687, -1.4384, -1.4733],
[-1.3687, -1.3164, -1.3339, ..., -1.4384, -1.4559, -1.4210],
[-1.3861, -1.2990, -1.2990, ..., -1.3687, -1.3687, -1.3861],
[ 0.0953, 0.0953, 0.0779, ..., 0.2696, 0.2348, 0.1651],
[ 0.1651, 0.1999, 0.2522, ..., 0.0605, 0.0431, 0.0779],
[ 0.5659, 0.6531, 0.7402, ..., -0.0441, 0.0082, 0.0431]]]])
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[ 0.9132, 1.4098, 1.8208, ..., 0.0912, 0.1083, 0.1254],
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[[-1.0203, -0.2675, 0.7129, ..., -1.0903, -1.0028, -0.8452],
[ 0.1352, 0.8529, 1.5707, ..., -1.1954, -1.1604, -1.0728],
[ 1.3431, 1.7983, 2.1485, ..., -1.2304, -1.2304, -1.2129],
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[-0.1975, -0.2150, -0.1975, ..., -0.2675, -0.2500, -0.2500]],
[[-0.4973, 0.3219, 1.2631, ..., -0.3055, -0.2707, -0.2358],
[ 0.6008, 1.3677, 2.0474, ..., -0.4101, -0.4973, -0.6018],
[ 1.7163, 2.1694, 2.4831, ..., -0.5147, -0.6367, -0.8110],
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[-0.1312, -0.1487, -0.1487, ..., -0.0790, -0.0964, -0.1312]]],
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[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -1.7069, -1.2103, -1.4500],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -1.6555, -1.3815, -1.6213],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116]],
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[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -1.5630, -1.2829, -1.5280],
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[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092]]]])
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[0.1173, 0.6031, 0.2326, 0.7500],
[0.3996, 0.5500, 0.5686, 0.7812],
[0.5586, 0.6156, 0.6282, 0.7094],
[0.6839, 0.5750, 0.8350, 0.8250],
[0.6958, 0.5938, 0.9483, 0.8219]])]
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[ 1.7352, 1.7352, 1.7352, ..., 1.8893, 1.9064, 1.8893],
[ 1.7352, 1.7352, 1.7352, ..., 1.8893, 1.9064, 1.9064],
[ 0.4166, 0.4508, 0.4679, ..., -0.8164, -0.8507, -0.8335],
[ 0.4166, 0.4508, 0.4508, ..., -0.8335, -0.8164, -0.7993],
[ 0.4166, 0.3823, 0.4166, ..., -0.9192, -0.9363, -0.9020]],
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[ 2.0434, 2.0434, 2.0434, ..., 2.1310, 2.1485, 2.1310],
[ 2.0434, 2.0434, 2.0434, ..., 2.1310, 2.1485, 2.1485],
[ 0.3277, 0.3452, 0.3627, ..., -0.7052, -0.7402, -0.7227],
[ 0.3102, 0.3452, 0.3452, ..., -0.7227, -0.7052, -0.6877],
[ 0.3102, 0.2752, 0.3102, ..., -0.8102, -0.8277, -0.7927]],
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[ 2.5180, 2.5180, 2.5180, ..., 2.5529, 2.5354, 2.5180],
[ 2.5006, 2.5006, 2.5006, ..., 2.5529, 2.5354, 2.5354],
[ 0.1476, 0.1651, 0.1999, ..., -0.4973, -0.5495, -0.5321],
[ 0.1302, 0.1651, 0.1999, ..., -0.5147, -0.5147, -0.4973],
[ 0.1651, 0.1128, 0.1825, ..., -0.6018, -0.6367, -0.6018]]],
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[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116]],
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[0.8580, 0.6727, 0.9240, 0.7147],
[0.2800, 0.7117, 0.4440, 0.8258],
[0.2480, 0.7357, 0.9520, 0.9970],
[0.4560, 0.6727, 0.5200, 0.7177]]), tensor([[0.5843, 0.6386, 0.7129, 0.6854]])]
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[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -1.8782, -1.7206, -1.7731],
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[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., 1.9209, 1.9734, 1.9034],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., 2.0084, 1.9559, 2.0084]],
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[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -1.8044, -1.8044, -1.8044],
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[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., 2.0300, 2.0997, 2.0474],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., 2.1171, 2.0823, 2.1346]]]])
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[-1.5014, -1.5014, -1.5014, ..., -1.2959, -1.2788, -1.2617],
[-1.5014, -1.5014, -1.5014, ..., -1.3302, -1.2959, -1.2959]],
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[-0.8102, -0.8452, -0.8627, ..., 0.0826, -0.0049, -0.0749],
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[-1.1954, -1.1954, -1.1954, ..., -1.2654, -1.2479, -1.2304],
[-1.1954, -1.1954, -1.1954, ..., -1.3179, -1.2654, -1.2654]],
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[-0.7936, -0.8284, -0.8633, ..., -0.3753, -0.4973, -0.6018],
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[-0.7413, -0.7413, -0.7413, ..., -1.1073, -1.0898, -1.0724],
[-0.7413, -0.7413, -0.7413, ..., -1.1596, -1.1073, -1.1073]]],
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[-2.0837, -2.1008, -2.0837, ..., -1.4329, -2.0494, -2.0665],
[-2.1008, -2.0837, -2.0837, ..., -1.9638, -2.0837, -2.0837],
[-2.1179, -2.1179, -2.1179, ..., -2.0837, -2.1179, -2.1179]],
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[-2.0007, -1.8606, 0.0476, ..., -1.6856, -2.0007, -1.9832],
[-2.0007, -2.0182, -2.0007, ..., -1.3880, -1.9832, -2.0007],
[-2.0182, -2.0007, -2.0007, ..., -1.9482, -2.0357, -2.0357],
[-2.0357, -2.0357, -2.0357, ..., -2.0182, -2.0357, -2.0357]],
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[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049]],
[[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092]]],
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[-1.9980, -1.9638, -1.9467, ..., -1.5528, -1.6384, -1.6555],
[-1.9980, -1.9980, -1.9295, ..., -1.6555, -1.5870, -1.7069],
[-1.9809, -2.0494, -1.9295, ..., -1.5357, -1.6042, -1.4158]],
[[-1.2479, -1.2654, -1.2304, ..., 0.4678, 0.4678, 0.4678],
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[-1.3179, -1.3179, -1.3179, ..., 0.6779, 0.6779, 0.6604],
[-1.8957, -1.8782, -1.8431, ..., -1.4055, -1.4755, -1.4930],
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[-1.9132, -1.9657, -1.8431, ..., -1.3529, -1.4055, -1.2129]],
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[-1.7173, -1.6824, -1.6302, ..., -1.3513, -1.2816, -1.4036],
[-1.6999, -1.7522, -1.6302, ..., -1.2467, -1.3164, -1.1247]]]])
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[0.6996, 0.7290, 0.7137, 0.7463],
[0.4284, 0.7730, 0.4597, 0.7957],
[0.4617, 0.7810, 0.5010, 0.8077],
[0.8468, 0.6916, 0.8720, 0.7076],
[0.8690, 0.6943, 0.8810, 0.7170]]), tensor([[-0.0025, 0.1511, 0.9753, 0.9807],
[ 0.8049, 0.1833, 0.9728, 0.3441],
[-0.0025, 0.1543, 0.2938, 0.6559]])]
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[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116]],
[[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
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[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049]],
[[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
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[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092]]],
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[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
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[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116]],
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[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
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[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049]],
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[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092]]]])
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[0.5441, 0.6089, 0.5598, 0.6211],
[0.5323, 0.6054, 0.5460, 0.6150]])]
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[ 2.2489, 2.2489, 2.2489, ..., 2.1975, 2.1462, 2.0092],
[ 2.2489, 2.2489, 2.2489, ..., 2.0605, 1.9235, 1.7352],
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[-1.8782, -1.8953, -1.8953, ..., 0.6563, 0.6049, 0.5536]],
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[ 1.3606, 1.3431, 1.3431, ..., 0.6604, 0.5028, 0.3277],
[ 1.3606, 1.3431, 1.3256, ..., 0.4328, 0.3277, 0.1877],
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[-1.7906, -1.7906, -1.8081, ..., 0.3627, 0.3452, 0.3277],
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[[-0.2358, -0.2184, -0.2184, ..., -0.6715, -0.6715, -0.8807],
[-0.2532, -0.2358, -0.2532, ..., -0.9678, -1.0376, -1.2293],
[-0.2532, -0.2532, -0.2707, ..., -1.1944, -1.2467, -1.4036],
[-1.6999, -1.6999, -1.7173, ..., 0.0605, 0.0082, 0.0256],
[-1.6999, -1.6999, -1.7173, ..., -0.0092, -0.0790, -0.0964],
[-1.6824, -1.6999, -1.6999, ..., -0.1487, -0.2184, -0.2881]]],
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[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116]],
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[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049]],
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[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
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[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092]]]])
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[0.3111, 0.3287, 0.3542, 0.4735]])]
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[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[ 0.2624, 0.2796, 0.1768, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[ 0.1254, -0.0287, -0.1314, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
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[[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
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[ 0.3102, 0.3978, 0.2577, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[ 0.1352, 0.0126, -0.0224, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
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[[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
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[ 0.1302, 0.0082, -0.0267, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
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[-0.0092, 0.2348, -0.0790, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092]]],
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[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., 0.4679, 0.1426, -0.1314],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0287, -0.0458, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116]],
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[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., 0.1877, 0.1352, 0.1352],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049]],
[[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., 0.3916, 0.2522, 0.0256],
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[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.1835, -0.0615, -0.0267],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092]]]])
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[ 2.1290, 2.0777, 2.1290, ..., 1.8208, 2.0605, 2.1290],
[ 2.1119, 2.0434, 2.0948, ..., 1.8208, 2.0605, 2.1804],
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[ 0.1083, 0.0912, 0.0912, ..., -0.5767, -0.5767, -0.7479],
[ 0.1939, -0.2513, -0.2856, ..., -0.5938, -0.6281, -0.7479]],
[[ 2.4286, 2.3936, 2.4111, ..., 2.0084, 2.3936, 2.3585],
[ 2.4286, 2.3936, 2.3936, ..., 2.1835, 2.3936, 2.4111],
[ 2.4111, 2.3235, 2.3585, ..., 2.2360, 2.3761, 2.4111],
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[ 0.3803, 0.3627, 0.3627, ..., -0.3550, -0.3725, -0.5476],
[ 0.4678, 0.0126, -0.0224, ..., -0.3901, -0.4601, -0.5826]],
[[ 2.6400, 2.5877, 2.5877, ..., 2.4831, 2.6226, 2.6226],
[ 2.6400, 2.5877, 2.5877, ..., 2.4308, 2.4483, 2.5180],
[ 2.6226, 2.5354, 2.5354, ..., 2.4657, 2.4657, 2.5529],
[ 0.4091, 0.5311, 0.6705, ..., -0.0964, 0.0605, -0.0441],
[ 0.7925, 0.7751, 0.7751, ..., -0.0441, -0.0790, -0.2532],
[ 0.8797, 0.4265, 0.3916, ..., -0.0790, -0.1487, -0.2707]]],
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[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116]],
[[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049]],
[[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
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[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
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[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
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[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049]],
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[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
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[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
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[ 0.3994, 1.1700, 1.4783, ..., 1.0844, 1.4098, 1.8550],
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[0.7902, 0.0820, 0.9974, 0.6006],
[0.1295, 0.2090, 0.6969, 0.4133]]), tensor([[0.0000, 0.5963, 1.0000, 1.0000]])]
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[0.5941, 0.0457, 0.6855, 0.3240]]), tensor([[0.2420, 0.2751, 0.9338, 0.7791]])]
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[ 0.7129, -0.0924, 0.7129, ..., -1.7906, -1.7731, -1.7906],
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[ 0.1999, 0.0953, 1.0365, ..., -1.7522, -1.7173, -1.7696],
[ 1.0714, 0.3393, 1.1062, ..., -1.7522, -1.7870, -1.8044],
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[0.1280, 0.1600, 0.8860, 0.9973]]), tensor([[0.5763, 0.0280, 0.9987, 0.4467]])]
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[ 1.9209, 1.9209, 1.9209, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
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[ 2.6051, 2.6051, 2.6051, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[ 2.6051, 2.6051, 2.6051, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
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[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
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[0.6878, 0.3790, 0.9581, 0.6424],
[0.8098, 0.4197, 1.0000, 0.7152]]), tensor([[0.0000, 0.7943, 0.3358, 0.8612],
[0.1381, 0.6941, 0.8060, 0.8612]])]
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[ 1.3606, 1.3431, 1.3431, ..., 1.1331, 1.1331, 1.1331],
[ 1.3081, 1.2731, 1.3256, ..., 1.1506, 1.1506, 1.1506],
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[ 2.1171, 2.0997, 2.0997, ..., 1.8731, 1.8731, 1.8731],
[ 2.0997, 2.0823, 2.1346, ..., 1.8905, 1.8905, 1.8905],
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[ 2.2489, 2.2489, 2.2489, ..., 1.9235, 1.1700, 0.8104],
[ 2.2489, 2.2489, 2.2489, ..., 1.8208, 1.1872, 0.7591],
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[ 2.4286, 2.4286, 2.4286, ..., 1.9734, 1.2381, 0.9405],
[ 2.4286, 2.4286, 2.4286, ..., 1.8508, 1.2381, 0.8704],
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[ 2.5529, 2.6400, 2.6400, ..., 1.5420, 0.5311, -0.0441],
[ 2.5354, 2.6400, 2.6400, ..., 1.3154, 0.5659, -0.0267],
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[ 2.2489, 2.2489, 2.2489, ..., -1.8268, -1.8610, -1.8953],
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[ 0.7419, -0.4054, -2.1179, ..., 2.2489, 2.2489, 2.2489],
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[ 2.4111, 2.4111, 2.4111, ..., -0.4076, -0.2850, -0.1975],
[ 2.3235, 2.3410, 2.3585, ..., -0.6176, -0.3725, -0.2150],
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[ 0.9755, -0.1450, -1.7906, ..., 1.3606, 1.3606, 1.3606],
[ 1.3782, 0.1176, -1.7556, ..., 1.3431, 1.3431, 1.3431]],
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[ 2.6400, 2.6400, 2.6400, ..., 2.1520, 2.1171, 2.0997],
[ 2.6051, 2.6226, 2.6400, ..., 2.0648, 2.1520, 2.2217],
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[ 1.2805, 0.1651, -1.5081, ..., 2.3960, 2.3611, 2.3437],
[ 1.6988, 0.4265, -1.4907, ..., 2.3960, 2.3611, 2.3437]]],
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[ 1.2214, 1.4269, 1.6667, ..., -0.5596, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[ 1.6495, 1.4612, 1.2385, ..., -0.5767, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[ 1.9064, 1.8893, 1.7009, ..., -0.5767, -0.0116, -0.0116]],
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[ 1.3957, 1.5882, 1.8508, ..., -0.4776, -0.0049, -0.0049],
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[ 2.0959, 2.0784, 1.8683, ..., -0.4951, -0.0049, -0.0049]],
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[ 1.6291, 1.8383, 2.0823, ..., -0.2184, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[ 2.0823, 1.8731, 1.6465, ..., -0.2358, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[ 2.3088, 2.2914, 2.0997, ..., -0.2358, -0.0092, -0.0092]]],
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[ 1.5982, 1.5982, 1.5982, ..., -1.0562, -1.0219, -1.0219],
[ 1.5982, 1.5982, 1.5982, ..., -1.1075, -1.1075, -1.1247],
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[ 1.7633, 1.7633, 1.7633, ..., -0.9503, -0.9328, -0.9153],
[ 1.7633, 1.7633, 1.7633, ..., -0.9853, -0.9853, -1.0203],
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[ 1.9777, 1.9777, 1.9777, ..., -0.9504, -0.9330, -0.9330],
[ 1.9777, 1.9777, 1.9777, ..., -0.9678, -0.9853, -1.0376],
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[-0.1138, -0.1835, -0.2707, ..., 0.3568, 0.2522, 0.3742],
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[ 1.6117, 1.5768, 1.5942, ..., 1.1237, 1.1237, 1.1062],
[ 1.5942, 1.6117, 1.6465, ..., 1.1237, 1.1237, 1.1062],
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[0.8853, 0.8160, 0.9307, 0.8520],
[0.9227, 0.8140, 0.9707, 0.8460]])]
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[ 0.4337, 0.3652, 0.3823, ..., 0.1083, 0.0398, 0.0398],
[ 0.4337, 0.4166, 0.3652, ..., 0.1939, 0.0741, 0.0227],
[ 0.3823, 0.3994, 0.3823, ..., 0.1083, 0.1254, 0.0741]],
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[ 0.4853, 0.4153, 0.4503, ..., 0.1527, 0.1001, 0.1001],
[ 0.4853, 0.4678, 0.4153, ..., 0.2577, 0.1352, 0.0826],
[ 0.4853, 0.4678, 0.4503, ..., 0.1702, 0.1877, 0.1352]],
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[-0.4275, -0.4275, -0.3578, ..., -0.3230, -0.3578, -0.4624],
[ 0.5834, 0.5136, 0.5311, ..., 0.2696, 0.2173, 0.2173],
[ 0.6008, 0.5659, 0.5136, ..., 0.3742, 0.2348, 0.2173],
[ 0.5834, 0.5834, 0.5311, ..., 0.2871, 0.3219, 0.2696]]]])
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[ 1.8037, 1.9064, 1.7352, ..., 1.9064, 1.9407, 1.8379],
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[[ 1.7108, 2.0434, 1.8859, ..., 1.9734, 2.0609, 1.9034],
[ 1.9909, 1.7983, 1.8508, ..., 1.9384, 2.1835, 2.1310],
[ 2.1485, 2.2010, 2.2010, ..., 2.1310, 2.1485, 2.0434],
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[[ 2.3611, 2.6400, 2.4831, ..., 1.9777, 2.0648, 1.8905],
[ 2.3786, 2.2740, 2.4134, ..., 1.9428, 2.2217, 2.1520],
[ 2.2391, 2.5006, 2.5703, ..., 2.1520, 2.1868, 2.0997],
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[ 0.0147, 0.1036, 0.9975, 0.4230],
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[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
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[ 0.2624, 0.2796, 0.2967, ..., 0.2967, 0.3652, 0.4166],
[ 0.1597, 0.1939, 0.2624, ..., 0.2796, 0.3138, 0.3309],
[ 0.1254, 0.1597, 0.2282, ..., 0.2967, 0.2967, 0.2967]],
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[ 0.7129, 0.7129, 0.7129, ..., 0.4153, 0.4153, 0.4153],
[ 0.7129, 0.7129, 0.7129, ..., 0.4153, 0.4153, 0.4153],
[ 0.6954, 0.6954, 0.6954, ..., 0.6604, 0.7654, 0.8179],
[ 0.5728, 0.5903, 0.6604, ..., 0.6604, 0.7129, 0.7479],
[ 0.5203, 0.5553, 0.6254, ..., 0.6779, 0.7129, 0.7304]],
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[ 2.5877, 2.5877, 2.5877, ..., 2.2043, 2.2043, 2.2043],
[ 2.6051, 2.5877, 2.5877, ..., 2.2043, 2.2043, 2.2043],
[ 0.4614, 0.4788, 0.4788, ..., 0.5834, 0.6008, 0.6008],
[ 0.3393, 0.3742, 0.4439, ..., 0.5834, 0.5485, 0.5136],
[ 0.3045, 0.3393, 0.4091, ..., 0.6008, 0.5311, 0.4962]]]])
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[0.4046, 0.3920, 0.4179, 0.4068],
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[ 1.4783, 1.5125, 1.5125, ..., 1.5297, 1.5125, 1.4954],
[ 1.4954, 1.4954, 1.5125, ..., 1.4954, 1.4954, 1.5297],
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[ 2.2710, 2.3060, 2.3060, ..., 2.2185, 2.2185, 2.1835],
[ 2.2885, 2.2885, 2.3060, ..., 2.1835, 2.2010, 2.2185],
[ 0.0826, 0.1176, -0.0049, ..., 0.2752, 1.6933, -0.2325],
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[-0.0399, 0.0126, 0.1702, ..., -0.4601, 0.3452, -1.3004]],
[[ 2.5354, 2.5180, 2.5180, ..., 2.4483, 2.5006, 2.5006],
[ 2.5180, 2.5529, 2.5529, ..., 2.5006, 2.5180, 2.4831],
[ 2.5354, 2.5354, 2.5529, ..., 2.4657, 2.5006, 2.5180],
[ 0.5485, 0.5834, 0.4614, ..., 0.8971, 1.9428, 0.1302],
[ 0.4439, 0.4962, 0.4091, ..., 0.3393, 1.4374, -0.2532],
[ 0.4439, 0.4788, 0.6182, ..., 0.1651, 0.6182, -0.9156]]]])
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[-0.6281, -0.7308, -0.4568, ..., -0.3027, -0.0287, -0.0116],
[-0.6281, -0.3369, -0.4739, ..., 0.0398, -0.2342, -0.1657]],
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[-0.3375, -0.0574, -0.2850, ..., 0.3627, -0.0049, -0.0224]],
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[ 0.1128, 0.0082, 0.1476, ..., -0.1661, 0.2522, 0.1999],
[ 0.2348, 0.5136, 0.3568, ..., 0.1999, 0.0431, 0.0605]]],
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[ 0.7933, 0.7933, 0.7933, ..., 0.7077, 0.7077, 0.6906],
[ 0.7077, 0.7077, 0.7419, ..., 0.7248, 0.7419, 0.7248],
[ 1.0502, 1.1015, 1.1529, ..., -0.0287, 0.9988, 1.0844],
[ 1.1700, 1.1872, 1.1015, ..., 0.3994, 1.0159, 0.9988],
[ 1.1872, 1.1872, 1.1358, ..., 0.7419, 1.0159, 0.6563]],
[[ 1.1681, 1.1681, 1.1681, ..., 1.1681, 1.1681, 1.1506],
[ 1.2031, 1.2031, 1.1856, ..., 1.1856, 1.1856, 1.1681],
[ 1.1856, 1.2031, 1.2206, ..., 1.1681, 1.1681, 1.1681],
[ 1.1331, 1.2381, 1.3081, ..., 0.0476, 1.0455, 1.0980],
[ 1.2381, 1.3431, 1.2381, ..., 0.5378, 1.0280, 0.9755],
[ 1.2381, 1.3431, 1.2906, ..., 0.8704, 1.0105, 0.5903]],
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[ 1.5594, 1.5594, 1.5420, ..., 1.5420, 1.5594, 1.5420],
[ 1.5245, 1.5245, 1.5420, ..., 1.5420, 1.5594, 1.5420],
[ 1.1759, 1.3328, 1.3677, ..., 0.0082, 0.9494, 1.0191],
[ 1.2805, 1.3677, 1.2457, ..., 0.4614, 0.9842, 0.9668],
[ 1.2805, 1.2980, 1.2457, ..., 0.7751, 1.0365, 0.7228]]]])
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[0.0000, 0.1867, 0.1880, 0.3307],
[0.1140, 0.0933, 0.9080, 0.7360]]), tensor([[ 0.3411, 0.1828, 0.4084, 0.2345],
[ 0.4408, 0.1586, 0.5058, 0.2310],
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[ 1.4783, 1.4783, 1.4783, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
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[ 1.6408, 1.6408, 1.6408, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[ 1.6408, 1.6408, 1.6408, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
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[ 1.8557, 1.8557, 1.8557, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[ 1.8557, 1.8557, 1.8557, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
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[ 0.7933, 0.7933, 0.8276, ..., 1.0331, 1.0331, 1.0331],
[ 0.7933, 0.8447, 0.8618, ..., 1.0502, 1.0331, 1.0159],
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[[ 1.2906, 1.3081, 1.3256, ..., 1.6057, 1.5707, 1.5357],
[ 1.3431, 1.3431, 1.3606, ..., 1.5707, 1.5707, 1.5707],
[ 1.3431, 1.3782, 1.3957, ..., 1.5882, 1.5707, 1.5707],
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[[ 1.6814, 1.6988, 1.7511, ..., 2.0300, 1.9951, 1.9603],
[ 1.7511, 1.7511, 1.7860, ..., 1.9951, 1.9951, 1.9951],
[ 1.7685, 1.8034, 1.8383, ..., 2.0125, 1.9951, 1.9951],
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[-0.4973, -0.4798, -0.2010, ..., -0.3578, -0.3230, -0.2881]]],
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[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
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[0.0000, 0.4613, 0.1140, 0.5467],
[0.7740, 0.4507, 0.8440, 0.5093],
[0.8580, 0.4507, 0.9240, 0.4987]]), tensor([[ 0.7330, 0.3011, 0.9975, 0.6803],
[ 0.3199, 0.3271, 0.6373, 0.6208],
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[ 1.2043, 1.2043, 1.2043, ..., 1.2043, 1.2043, 1.2043],
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[ 1.3606, 1.3606, 1.3606, ..., 1.3606, 1.3606, 1.3606],
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[ 1.5768, 1.5768, 1.5768, ..., 1.5768, 1.5768, 1.5768],
[ 1.5768, 1.5768, 1.5768, ..., 1.5768, 1.5768, 1.5768],
[ 0.0082, -0.0092, -0.0441, ..., -0.1487, -0.1661, -0.2184],
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[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
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[0.2965, 0.4788, 0.4398, 0.5474],
[0.5350, 0.4467, 0.6313, 0.5022],
[0.2571, 0.5109, 0.3545, 0.5810]])]
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[ 1.5810, 1.5297, 1.5125, ..., 1.0331, 1.0502, 0.9474],
[ 1.4440, 1.5468, 1.2728, ..., 1.2043, 1.1700, 1.0159],
[ 1.5982, 1.3413, 1.1529, ..., 0.9988, 0.8618, 1.2385]],
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[ 0.3277, 0.6779, 0.5553, ..., 1.8333, 1.8333, 1.8333],
[ 0.1877, 0.6078, 0.7654, ..., 1.8333, 1.8333, 1.8333],
[ 1.7633, 1.6933, 1.6758, ..., 1.2206, 1.2381, 1.1331],
[ 1.5882, 1.7108, 1.4307, ..., 1.3957, 1.3606, 1.2031],
[ 1.7458, 1.5007, 1.3081, ..., 1.1856, 1.0280, 1.4132]],
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[ 1.7511, 1.6640, 1.6814, ..., 1.3677, 1.3851, 1.2282],
[ 1.5768, 1.6814, 1.4200, ..., 1.5071, 1.4897, 1.2980],
[ 1.7337, 1.4722, 1.2805, ..., 1.3154, 1.1411, 1.5071]]],
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[ 0.4337, 0.2453, 0.3652, ..., 0.5878, 0.4851, 0.5022],
[ 0.3994, 0.3481, 0.3652, ..., 0.6049, 0.5022, 0.5364],
[ 0.4166, 0.5022, 0.5022, ..., 0.6049, 0.5193, 0.5536]],
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[[ 1.0714, 1.0365, 0.7925, ..., 1.6988, 1.6640, 1.6465],
[ 1.0888, 1.1062, 0.8622, ..., 1.6640, 1.6291, 1.6117],
[ 1.1237, 1.1759, 0.9319, ..., 1.6291, 1.5942, 1.5768],
[ 0.1476, 0.1651, 0.6182, ..., -0.4101, -0.4973, -0.4798],
[ 0.1999, 0.2696, 0.5136, ..., -0.3230, -0.5147, -0.4973],
[ 0.2696, 0.4265, 0.5834, ..., -0.2881, -0.5321, -0.4973]]]])
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[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092]]],
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[ 1.0844, 1.0159, 0.9474, ..., -0.9705, -1.4843, -1.0562],
[ 0.7419, 0.5022, 0.2624, ..., -1.0562, -1.5014, -1.0562],
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[ 0.2402, -0.4776, -0.7927, ..., -0.1275, -0.0924, -0.1099],
[ 1.0455, 0.9755, 0.8880, ..., -0.6877, -1.2829, -0.7577],
[ 0.2577, 0.0301, -0.1975, ..., -0.8277, -1.3354, -0.7402],
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[ 0.1128, -0.5321, -0.8807, ..., 0.0953, 0.1302, 0.1302],
[ 1.2631, 1.1934, 1.0365, ..., -1.0550, -1.5081, -1.1247],
[ 0.4614, 0.2173, -0.0441, ..., -1.0027, -1.4559, -1.2467],
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[0.4801, 0.5170, 0.5242, 0.5581]]), tensor([[0.0000, 0.0496, 1.0000, 1.0000]])]
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[ 1.3927, 1.3927, 1.3927, ..., 0.7077, 0.7248, 0.8276],
[ 1.3927, 1.3927, 1.3927, ..., 0.7419, 0.7591, 0.8447],
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[[ 1.5532, 1.5532, 1.5532, ..., 1.1856, 1.2381, 1.3431],
[ 1.5532, 1.5532, 1.5532, ..., 1.2031, 1.2731, 1.3782],
[ 1.5532, 1.5532, 1.5532, ..., 1.2381, 1.3081, 1.3782],
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[ 1.7685, 1.7685, 1.7685, ..., 1.7163, 1.7511, 1.8208],
[ 1.7685, 1.7685, 1.7685, ..., 1.7163, 1.7511, 1.8208],
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[ 2.2489, 2.2489, 2.2489, ..., -0.9534, -1.2959, -1.7583],
[ 2.2489, 2.2489, 2.2489, ..., -1.0219, -1.2959, -1.7069],
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[ 0.0227, 0.0056, 0.0227, ..., -1.7925, -1.7069, -1.6898],
[ 0.1254, 0.0569, 0.0398, ..., -1.5870, -1.6213, -1.6555]],
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[ 1.6057, 1.6057, 1.6057, ..., -1.1253, -1.3704, -1.7206],
[ 1.6057, 1.6057, 1.6057, ..., -1.1078, -1.3880, -1.8081],
[ 0.3803, 0.3978, 0.3978, ..., -1.9482, -1.9307, -1.9132],
[ 0.4153, 0.4153, 0.4328, ..., -1.6856, -1.5980, -1.5455],
[ 0.5378, 0.4678, 0.4328, ..., -1.4405, -1.4755, -1.4930]],
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[ 1.4025, 1.4025, 1.4025, ..., -0.6890, -0.9853, -1.4036],
[ 1.4025, 1.4025, 1.4025, ..., -0.6541, -0.9853, -1.4210],
[ 0.8622, 0.8622, 0.8797, ..., -1.6999, -1.6999, -1.6999],
[ 0.8971, 0.8797, 0.8971, ..., -1.3513, -1.3513, -1.3687],
[ 1.0017, 0.9319, 0.9145, ..., -1.0724, -1.2119, -1.3339]]]])
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[0.3180, 0.4293, 0.3900, 0.4693],
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[ 0.3393, 0.3219, 0.3045, ..., -0.0441, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[ 0.3045, 0.2871, 0.2871, ..., -0.0092, 0.0082, 0.0256],
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[ 0.0741, 2.2147, 2.2489, ..., -0.6452, -0.6965, -0.7137],
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[ 0.3309, 0.2796, 0.2624, ..., 0.2111, -0.0116, 0.5364],
[ 0.3823, 0.3138, 0.3481, ..., 0.6734, 0.6563, 0.5193],
[ 0.6049, 0.3823, 0.3309, ..., 0.8961, 0.7077, 0.6563]],
[[ 2.0434, 2.4286, 2.4286, ..., -0.6877, -0.8102, -0.5651],
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[ 0.1352, 0.1001, 0.0826, ..., -0.0574, -0.3025, 0.1877],
[ 0.2052, 0.1352, 0.1527, ..., 0.4153, 0.3803, 0.1702],
[ 0.4328, 0.1877, 0.1352, ..., 0.6254, 0.4328, 0.3102]],
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[ 0.5136, 2.6051, 2.6400, ..., -0.9853, -1.0550, -1.1596],
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[ 0.3916, 0.3568, 0.3219, ..., 0.1302, -0.1138, 0.4091],
[ 0.4439, 0.3742, 0.4091, ..., 0.6008, 0.5659, 0.3916],
[ 0.6879, 0.4614, 0.3916, ..., 0.8099, 0.6182, 0.5136]]],
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[-0.6965, -0.7479, -0.6281, ..., -0.5767, -1.1247, -1.3815]],
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[ 0.3219, 0.3045, -0.0790, ..., -1.1247, -1.6127, -1.7870],
[ 0.6879, 0.6182, 0.9668, ..., -0.8981, -1.4733, -1.5081],
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[0.4028, 0.3625, 0.5056, 0.4688],
[0.3611, 0.3938, 0.4111, 0.4208]]), tensor([[0.0000, 0.4755, 1.0000, 0.8617]])]
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[ 0.7591, 0.7419, 0.7591, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[ 0.7248, 0.7591, 0.7591, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[ 0.7419, 0.7762, 0.7762, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116]],
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[ 0.8529, 0.8354, 0.8704, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[ 0.8354, 0.8704, 0.8529, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[ 0.8529, 0.8880, 0.8704, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049]],
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[ 0.9842, 0.9842, 0.9842, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[ 0.9494, 1.0017, 0.9668, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[ 0.9668, 1.0017, 0.9842, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092]]]])
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[ 2.5180, 2.5180, 2.5180, ..., 2.4308, 2.4308, 2.5006],
[ 2.5180, 2.5180, 2.5180, ..., 2.4483, 2.4657, 2.4657],
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[ 1.3755, 1.3755, 1.3755, ..., 1.1529, 1.1700, 1.1529],
[ 1.3755, 1.3755, 1.3927, ..., 1.1529, 1.1872, 1.1700],
[ 0.7591, 0.5193, 0.5022, ..., 0.7077, 1.0159, 1.1015],
[ 0.3481, 0.9474, 1.0331, ..., 0.6906, 0.6049, 0.7077],
[ 0.5878, 0.8961, 0.6906, ..., 0.7762, 0.7077, 0.7248]],
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[ 1.5357, 1.5357, 1.5532, ..., 1.3256, 1.3606, 1.3081],
[ 0.6954, 0.4503, 0.4328, ..., 0.5728, 0.9055, 0.9755],
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[ 0.5203, 0.8354, 0.6254, ..., 0.6429, 0.5728, 0.6078]],
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[ 1.7685, 1.7685, 1.7685, ..., 1.6814, 1.6988, 1.6814],
[ 1.7685, 1.7685, 1.7685, ..., 1.6814, 1.7163, 1.6814],
[ 0.4439, 0.1999, 0.1999, ..., 0.2522, 0.5659, 0.6182],
[ 0.0256, 0.6531, 0.7228, ..., 0.2348, 0.1476, 0.2173],
[ 0.2871, 0.6008, 0.3916, ..., 0.3045, 0.2348, 0.2348]]]])
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[ 0.7077, 0.2967, 0.3481, ..., 1.1358, 1.1529, 1.1358],
[ 0.8104, 0.7933, 0.8276, ..., 1.1187, 1.1358, 1.1187],
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[[ 0.6078, -0.3725, -0.4426, ..., 1.2381, 1.2556, 1.2206],
[ 0.7304, 0.1352, 0.0476, ..., 1.2906, 1.2906, 1.2906],
[ 0.9230, 0.6779, 0.6604, ..., 1.2906, 1.3256, 1.3081],
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[0.3560, 0.2892, 0.4732, 0.4389]]), tensor([[0.0000, 0.2187, 0.1360, 0.3467],
[0.0840, 0.2187, 0.2540, 0.3573],
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[0.5560, 0.2347, 0.8060, 0.3173],
[0.7880, 0.2507, 0.9980, 0.4560],
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[ 0.4337, 0.4337, 0.4337, ..., 0.4337, 0.4337, 0.4337],
[ 0.4337, 0.4337, 0.4337, ..., 0.4337, 0.4337, 0.4337],
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[ 0.5728, 0.5728, 0.5728, ..., 0.5728, 0.5728, 0.5728],
[ 0.5728, 0.5728, 0.5728, ..., 0.5728, 0.5728, 0.5728],
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[ 0.7925, 0.7925, 0.7925, ..., 0.7925, 0.7925, 0.7925],
[ 0.7925, 0.7925, 0.7925, ..., 0.7925, 0.7925, 0.7925],
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[0.8932, 0.6081, 0.9320, 0.6348],
[0.8956, 0.6282, 0.9320, 0.7029]]), tensor([[-0.0033, 0.4227, 0.7358, 0.7508]])]
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[ 2.1975, 2.2147, 2.2489, ..., 2.1975, 2.1119, 2.0263],
[ 2.1804, 2.1804, 2.2147, ..., 2.2147, 2.2318, 2.2489],
[ 2.1804, 2.0605, 2.0777, ..., 2.2147, 2.1633, 2.2147]],
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[ 0.1001, -0.2850, -0.0924, ..., 1.0980, 0.8179, 0.9580],
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[ 2.2185, 2.2535, 2.2360, ..., 2.2185, 2.1835, 2.1310],
[ 2.0784, 2.1485, 2.1485, ..., 2.3060, 2.3585, 2.3410],
[ 2.1134, 1.9559, 2.0259, ..., 2.3060, 2.1660, 2.2535]],
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[ 1.5071, 1.6465, 1.8731, ..., 1.6117, 1.6640, 1.6640],
[ 1.4548, 1.5594, 1.6640, ..., 1.9777, 2.1171, 2.1346],
[ 1.7511, 1.6291, 1.6117, ..., 2.2566, 2.1694, 2.1346]]],
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[ 0.9474, 1.4954, 1.6838, ..., 0.8961, -0.4397, 0.1768],
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[[ 1.0455, 1.9559, 1.9034, ..., 0.5903, -0.3200, 0.8529],
[ 1.0805, 1.8508, 1.8859, ..., 0.7829, -0.3025, 0.6779],
[ 1.1506, 1.6583, 1.8333, ..., 1.0980, -0.2500, 0.3978],
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[ 1.5942, 2.2914, 2.1868, ..., 1.2457, 0.1302, 1.0714],
[ 1.6640, 2.1346, 2.1520, ..., 1.5594, 0.1999, 0.8099],
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[ 2.1462, 2.2318, 2.2318, ..., 2.2318, 2.2489, 2.2489],
[ 2.2318, 2.2147, 2.2147, ..., 2.2318, 2.2318, 2.2147],
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[ 1.9909, 2.0434, 2.0609, ..., 2.1660, 2.2185, 2.2010],
[ 2.0609, 2.0609, 2.0434, ..., 2.1660, 2.1660, 2.1134],
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[ 2.4831, 2.5703, 2.5877, ..., 2.5703, 2.6051, 2.5703],
[ 2.5877, 2.5877, 2.5703, ..., 2.5703, 2.5703, 2.5180],
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[ 2.2318, 2.2318, 2.2489, ..., 2.2147, 2.2147, 2.2147],
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[ 2.4111, 2.4111, 2.4286, ..., 2.3761, 2.3761, 2.3761],
[ 2.4111, 2.4111, 2.4286, ..., 2.3761, 2.3761, 2.3761],
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[ 2.5877, 2.5877, 2.6051, ..., 2.5006, 2.5006, 2.5006],
[ 2.5877, 2.5877, 2.6051, ..., 2.5006, 2.5006, 2.5006],
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[0.7409, 0.8294, 0.7750, 0.8558]])]
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[ 0.6008, 0.5136, 0.4439, ..., -0.0267, -0.0441, -0.0615],
[ 0.5834, 0.4962, 0.4091, ..., -0.0092, -0.0441, -0.0790],
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[ 0.6734, 0.6563, 0.6392, ..., 0.1939, 0.1939, 0.1939],
[ 0.6734, 0.6734, 0.6563, ..., 0.2453, 0.3309, 0.3823],
[ 0.6734, 0.6734, 0.6734, ..., 0.2624, 0.3994, 0.4851]],
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[ 0.7479, 0.7479, 0.7479, ..., 0.4503, 0.5903, 0.6779]],
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[ 0.9319, 0.9145, 0.8797, ..., 0.5659, 0.5834, 0.6008],
[ 0.9319, 0.9319, 0.8971, ..., 0.6356, 0.7402, 0.8099],
[ 0.9319, 0.9319, 0.9145, ..., 0.6705, 0.8274, 0.9319]]]])
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[0.0387, 0.3944, 0.2709, 0.5311]]), tensor([[0.1250, 0.4375, 1.0000, 1.0000]])]
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[[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
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[-0.4601, 0.0651, 0.0476, ..., 0.5728, 0.5903, 0.4678]],
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[-0.7761, -0.7064, -0.7064, ..., 1.0017, 1.0714, 1.1062],
[-0.4973, -0.0615, -0.1312, ..., 1.0888, 1.1237, 1.0017]]],
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[ 1.2043, 1.3070, 1.2385, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[ 1.3242, 1.4783, 1.4783, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
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[[ 1.5532, 1.3081, 1.1681, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[ 1.3431, 1.4482, 1.3782, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[ 1.4657, 1.6232, 1.6232, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
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[ 1.4897, 1.5594, 1.4897, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[ 1.5942, 1.7511, 1.7337, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
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[0.7110, 0.2918, 0.9924, 0.4529],
[0.0304, 0.7660, 0.1445, 0.8571]]), tensor([[0.0412, 0.0000, 0.6581, 0.6047]])]
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[-0.1138, -0.0615, -0.0790, ..., -1.7347, -1.7347, -1.7173]]],
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[ 1.3584, 1.2557, 1.2899, ..., -0.6109, -0.5938, -0.5938],
[ 1.2043, 1.2385, 1.2557, ..., -0.5767, -0.5596, -0.6109],
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[ 0.9055, 0.8004, 0.8179, ..., -0.8102, -0.8102, -0.7752],
[ 0.7829, 0.8179, 0.8179, ..., -0.8102, -0.7927, -0.7927],
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[-1.8431, -1.8081, -1.8256, ..., -1.9307, -1.9482, -1.9482],
[-1.8256, -1.7906, -1.7556, ..., -1.9482, -1.9657, -1.9657]],
[[-0.5670, -0.7761, -0.7936, ..., -1.1073, -1.0724, -1.0550],
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[ 1.1187, 1.1187, 1.1529, ..., 1.4612, 1.4612, 1.4440],
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[[ 1.3256, 1.3431, 1.3782, ..., 1.6408, 1.6758, 1.6057],
[ 1.3606, 1.3606, 1.3782, ..., 1.6057, 1.6758, 1.6232],
[ 1.3606, 1.3431, 1.3782, ..., 1.6232, 1.6408, 1.6232],
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[[ 1.3328, 1.3502, 1.3677, ..., 1.5942, 1.6117, 1.5420],
[ 1.3502, 1.3502, 1.3677, ..., 1.5768, 1.6291, 1.5768],
[ 1.3502, 1.3502, 1.3677, ..., 1.5942, 1.5942, 1.5768],
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[ 0.0056, 0.0056, -0.0116, ..., 0.3823, 0.9817, 0.9646],
[ 0.0056, 0.0227, 0.0056, ..., 0.2796, 0.5536, 0.5022],
[ 0.9988, 0.7762, 1.0159, ..., 0.0569, -0.0287, -0.0801],
[ 1.0844, 1.0159, 0.9303, ..., -0.0116, -0.0972, -0.0629],
[ 0.8618, 1.0331, 0.9646, ..., -0.0458, -0.1828, 0.0741]],
[[ 0.1001, 0.1001, 0.0826, ..., -0.2675, 0.6779, 1.2381],
[ 0.1001, 0.1176, 0.1001, ..., 0.5203, 1.1506, 1.1331],
[ 0.1176, 0.1176, 0.1001, ..., 0.4153, 0.6954, 0.6604],
[ 1.0455, 0.8004, 1.0455, ..., -0.0399, -0.1099, -0.1800],
[ 1.1331, 1.0455, 0.9580, ..., -0.1099, -0.2150, -0.1800],
[ 0.8704, 1.0630, 0.9930, ..., -0.1275, -0.2675, -0.0224]],
[[ 0.5136, 0.5311, 0.5136, ..., 0.0256, 0.9842, 1.5420],
[ 0.5136, 0.5311, 0.5311, ..., 0.7925, 1.3851, 1.3677],
[ 0.5311, 0.5311, 0.5311, ..., 0.6531, 0.9319, 0.8797],
[ 0.8622, 0.6008, 0.8274, ..., 0.1651, 0.0605, 0.0082],
[ 0.9145, 0.8274, 0.7228, ..., 0.0953, -0.0092, 0.0256],
[ 0.6356, 0.7751, 0.7228, ..., 0.0779, -0.0615, 0.1651]]]])
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[ 0.0667, 0.3615, 0.7778, 0.5831]])]
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[ 0.0569, -0.3027, -0.9363, ..., 0.4851, 0.6734, 0.5364],
[ 0.5707, 0.1083, -0.9705, ..., 0.4337, 0.6392, 0.6734]],
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[ 0.2402, -0.1099, -0.7927, ..., 0.0476, 0.1176, -0.1099],
[ 0.7304, 0.3452, -0.8452, ..., 0.0651, 0.1877, 0.0826]],
[[-1.6650, -1.4907, -1.6476, ..., -0.9678, -1.2293, -1.0201],
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[ 0.4265, -0.0092, -0.7587, ..., -0.1138, 0.0082, -0.1661],
[ 0.9319, 0.4614, -0.7413, ..., -0.0615, 0.0953, 0.0605]]],
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[0.4520, 0.3599, 0.4679, 0.3815],
[0.4906, 0.3610, 0.5064, 0.3804],
[0.5669, 0.3656, 0.5964, 0.3952],
[0.5488, 0.3610, 0.5624, 0.3793],
[0.6417, 0.3622, 0.6614, 0.3815],
[0.6221, 0.3656, 0.6364, 0.3804],
[0.6002, 0.3554, 0.6206, 0.3793],
[0.4785, 0.3599, 0.4906, 0.3770],
[0.4701, 0.3599, 0.4792, 0.3736]])]
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[ 2.2489, 2.2489, 2.2489, ..., -0.6281, -0.6109, -1.0733],
[ 2.1975, 2.1975, 2.1804, ..., -0.4739, -1.0219, -1.0562]],
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[ 0.8354, 0.8880, 1.0105, ..., -0.6001, -0.4601, -0.8452],
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[ 0.5834, 0.6705, 0.7751, ..., -0.7761, -0.6193, -1.0550],
[-0.3404, -0.3753, -0.3753, ..., -0.9853, -0.5844, -0.7238],
[-0.5670, -0.5495, -0.4798, ..., -0.4101, -0.4101, -0.8807],
[-1.0724, -1.0201, -1.0550, ..., -0.2707, -0.8284, -0.8458]]],
[[[ 1.9064, 1.9064, 1.9064, ..., 1.6838, 1.6667, 1.6667],
[ 1.9064, 1.9064, 1.9064, ..., 1.6324, 1.6153, 1.6324],
[ 1.9064, 1.9064, 1.9064, ..., 1.5982, 1.5297, 1.4612],
[-0.8849, -0.8507, -0.7993, ..., -1.6213, -1.6213, -1.6213],
[-0.8678, -0.8335, -0.7650, ..., -1.6213, -1.6213, -1.6213],
[-0.7822, -0.7650, -0.7137, ..., -1.6213, -1.6213, -1.6213]],
[[ 2.0784, 2.0784, 2.0784, ..., 2.0784, 2.0784, 2.0784],
[ 2.0784, 2.0784, 2.0784, ..., 2.0784, 2.0609, 2.0609],
[ 2.0784, 2.0784, 2.0784, ..., 2.0609, 2.0084, 1.9734],
[-0.7227, -0.6877, -0.6352, ..., -1.5280, -1.5280, -1.5280],
[-0.7227, -0.6702, -0.6001, ..., -1.5280, -1.5280, -1.5280],
[-0.6176, -0.6001, -0.5476, ..., -1.5280, -1.5280, -1.5280]],
[[ 2.2914, 2.2914, 2.2914, ..., 1.9428, 1.9603, 1.9777],
[ 2.2914, 2.2914, 2.2914, ..., 1.8557, 1.8731, 1.9080],
[ 2.2914, 2.2914, 2.2914, ..., 1.8383, 1.7685, 1.6988],
[-0.6193, -0.6018, -0.5495, ..., -1.2990, -1.2990, -1.2990],
[-0.6193, -0.5670, -0.4973, ..., -1.2990, -1.2990, -1.2990],
[-0.4973, -0.4798, -0.4450, ..., -1.2990, -1.2990, -1.2990]]]])
boxes----> [tensor([[0.0000, 0.0451, 1.0000, 1.0000]]), tensor([[0.1809, 0.0000, 1.0000, 0.8512]])]
labels----> [tensor([7]), tensor([19])]
difficulties----> [tensor([0], dtype=torch.uint8), tensor([0], dtype=torch.uint8)]
images----> tensor([[[[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116]],
[[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049]],
[[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092]]],
[[[-1.9809, -2.0152, -1.9980, ..., -1.9809, -2.0152, -1.8953],
[-2.0152, -2.0152, -1.9980, ..., -1.9980, -1.9638, -1.9980],
[-1.9980, -1.9980, -1.9980, ..., -1.9809, -1.9809, -1.9809],
[-2.0152, -2.0152, -1.9809, ..., -1.9809, -1.9809, -1.9809],
[-1.9809, -1.9809, -1.9980, ..., -2.0152, -1.9980, -1.9809],
[-1.9638, -1.9295, -1.9638, ..., -2.0323, -2.0323, -1.9980]],
[[-1.8957, -1.8957, -1.8782, ..., -1.8256, -1.8256, -1.6856],
[-1.8957, -1.8957, -1.8782, ..., -1.8606, -1.8081, -1.8606],
[-1.8782, -1.8782, -1.8782, ..., -1.8606, -1.8431, -1.8431],
[-1.9307, -1.9307, -1.8957, ..., -1.8782, -1.8782, -1.8606],
[-1.9132, -1.8957, -1.8957, ..., -1.8782, -1.8606, -1.8431],
[-1.8957, -1.8782, -1.8782, ..., -1.8782, -1.8782, -1.8606]],
[[-1.6476, -1.6302, -1.6476, ..., -1.6302, -1.6824, -1.5604],
[-1.6999, -1.6824, -1.6824, ..., -1.6476, -1.6302, -1.6824],
[-1.6824, -1.6824, -1.6824, ..., -1.6302, -1.6650, -1.6650],
[-1.6302, -1.6302, -1.6650, ..., -1.6302, -1.6999, -1.7173],
[-1.6476, -1.6476, -1.6999, ..., -1.6476, -1.6999, -1.7173],
[-1.7173, -1.6999, -1.7173, ..., -1.6476, -1.6999, -1.7173]]]])
boxes----> [tensor([[0.6467, 0.6462, 0.7168, 0.6764]]), tensor([[0.6420, 0.4669, 0.7920, 0.5663],
[0.8220, 0.4699, 0.9080, 0.5633]])]
labels----> [tensor([7]), tensor([7, 7])]
difficulties----> [tensor([0], dtype=torch.uint8), tensor([0, 0], dtype=torch.uint8)]
images----> tensor([[[[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116]],
[[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049]],
[[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092]]],
[[[-0.7137, -1.2103, -1.5699, ..., -1.7925, -1.7925, -1.7069],
[-0.8849, -0.9192, -1.5185, ..., -1.8097, -1.8097, -1.7412],
[-1.0390, -0.7479, -1.4672, ..., -1.7925, -1.8268, -1.7583],
[-1.6898, -1.6727, -1.6555, ..., -1.8610, -1.8268, -1.8953],
[-1.7583, -1.7412, -1.7069, ..., -2.0323, -2.0323, -2.0323],
[-1.7754, -1.7583, -1.7583, ..., -2.0665, -2.0837, -2.0837]],
[[-0.6001, -1.1078, -1.4755, ..., -1.7031, -1.7031, -1.6155],
[-0.7752, -0.8102, -1.4230, ..., -1.7206, -1.7206, -1.6506],
[-0.9328, -0.6352, -1.3704, ..., -1.7031, -1.7381, -1.6681],
[-1.5980, -1.5805, -1.5630, ..., -1.7731, -1.7381, -1.8081],
[-1.6681, -1.6506, -1.6155, ..., -1.9482, -1.9482, -1.9482],
[-1.6856, -1.6681, -1.6681, ..., -1.9832, -2.0007, -2.0007]],
[[-0.3753, -0.8807, -1.2467, ..., -1.4733, -1.4733, -1.3861],
[-0.5495, -0.5844, -1.1944, ..., -1.4907, -1.4907, -1.4210],
[-0.7064, -0.4101, -1.1421, ..., -1.4733, -1.5081, -1.4384],
[-1.3687, -1.3513, -1.3339, ..., -1.5430, -1.5081, -1.5779],
[-1.4384, -1.4210, -1.3861, ..., -1.7173, -1.7173, -1.7173],
[-1.4559, -1.4384, -1.4384, ..., -1.7522, -1.7696, -1.7696]]]])
boxes----> [tensor([[0.5177, 0.7631, 0.5381, 0.7795]]), tensor([[0.5500, 0.1627, 0.6920, 0.2560]])]
labels----> [tensor([7]), tensor([7])]
difficulties----> [tensor([0], dtype=torch.uint8), tensor([1], dtype=torch.uint8)]
images----> tensor([[[[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., 2.0605, 2.0777, 1.9920],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., 2.0605, 1.9407, 2.0263],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., 1.9578, 0.2282, 1.7523],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116]],
[[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., 2.2535, 2.3060, 2.3235],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., 2.3060, 2.1660, 2.3235],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., 2.2535, 0.3803, 1.9384],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049]],
[[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., 2.5006, 2.5180, 2.5529],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., 2.5529, 2.3611, 2.4831],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., 2.5529, 0.5659, 1.9428],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092]]],
[[[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116],
[-0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116, ..., -0.0116, -0.0116, -0.0116]],
[[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049],
[-0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049, ..., -0.0049, -0.0049, -0.0049]],
[[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092],
[-0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092, ..., -0.0092, -0.0092, -0.0092]]]])
boxes----> [tensor([[0.5110, 0.2254, 0.9969, 0.6986]]), tensor([[0.4264, 0.2527, 0.9979, 0.4446]])]
labels----> [tensor([7]), tensor([7])]
difficulties----> [tensor([0], dtype=torch.uint8), tensor([0], dtype=torch.uint8)]
ssd的loss分为两部分,置信度误差confidence loss和位置location loss. 其中,confidence loss是对bbox的分类误差,使用cross entropy loss;而location是bbox的位置与ground truth的回归误差,使用smooth l1 loss.
对于location loss, 公式如下图, 其中$g_j^{cx}$, $g_j^{cx}$, $g_j^{w}$, $g_j^{h}$ 是第j个groud truth bbox的4个位置值(中心点x,y坐标以及bbox的宽,高). $d_i^{cx}$, $d_i^{cx}$, $d_i^{w}$, $d_i^{h}$ 则是第i个先验框(prior)的4个位置值(中心点x,y坐标以及bbox的宽,高). 而 $\hat{g}_j^{cx}$, $\hat{g}_j^{cx}$, $\hat{g}_j^{w}$, $\hat{g}_j^{h}$ 是由ground truth bbox j和 先验框(prior) i 算出的transform(或者叫offset)值.
$$ \hat{g}_{j}^{c x}=\left(g_{j}^{c x}-d_{i}^{c x}\right) / d_{i}^{w}, \hat{g}_{j}^{c y}=\left(g_{j}^{c y}-d_{i}^{c y}\right) / d_{i}^{h} $$$$ \hat{g}_{j}^{w}=\log \left(\frac{g_{j}^{w}}{d_{i}^{w}}\right), \hat{g}_{j}^{h}=\log \left(\frac{g_{j}^{h}}{d_{i}^{h}}\right) $$我们的目的是使得我们的CNN网络学习到这些transform(或者叫offset)值(即让输出的loc值逼近它们), 而当模型训练好后,进行目标检测时,我们只要将CNN输出的loc值与先验框(prior)的位置值做一个decode即可.在decode时, 公式如下,其中对于第i个prior,$d_i^{cx}$, $d_i^{cx}$, $d_i^{w}$, $d_i^{h}$是prior的位置值,$l_{i}^{cx}$, $l_{i}^{cy}$, $l_{i}^{w}$, $l_{i}^{h}$是我们模型输出的transform/offset值, $b_{i}^{cx}$, $b_{i}^{cy}$, $b_{i}^{w}$, $b_{i}^{h}$是我们检测到的物体对应图片的位置值.
$$ b_{i}^{w}=d_{i}^{w}\exp{(l_{i}^{w})}, b_{i}^{h}=d_{i}^{h}\exp{(l_{i}^{h})} $$$$ b_{i}^{cx}=d_{i}^{w}l^{cx} + d_{i}^{cx}, b_{i}^{cy}= d_{i}^{h}l^{cy} + d_{i}^{cy} $$location loss的公式如下,其中,$l^{m},m\in\{cx, cy, w, h\}$表示CNN对于每个先验框输出的loc值, $\hat{g}^{m}$表示由ground truth box j与先验框i算出的transform值. $x_{ij}^k \in \{0,1\}$是一个指示参数, $x_{ij}^k=1$时表示先验框i与ground truth box j匹配,且ground truth box j的类别为k. 这里使用smooth l1 loss来是模型学习到的loc值逼近由先验框与ground truth box得到的transform值.其中,Pos表示非背景的先验框的集合(计算每个prior与每个ground truth box的IOU,最大的IOU小于某个阈值的prior可以视为Negative(背景), 反之视为Positive(非背景)).
$$ L_{l o c}(x, l, g)=\sum_{i \in P o s}^{N} \quad \sum_{m \in\{c x, c y, w, h\}} x_{i j}^{k} \operatorname{smooth}_{\mathrm{Ll}}\left(l_{i}^{m}-\hat{g}_{j}^{m}\right) $$对于confidence loss, 如下图, $x_{ij}^p \in \{0,1\}$是一个指示参数, $x_{ij}^p=1$时表示先验框i与ground truth box j,且ground truth box j的类别为p(即label).这里直接使用cross entropy loss来计算它们的置信度误差. $\vec{c_i}$表示对于先验框i模型输出的(经过softmax)在每个类上的置信度输出.其中,Pos表示非背景的先验框的集合,而Neg表示为背景的先验框的集合. \begin{equation*} L_{conf} = \sum_{i \in Pos}x_{ij}^pCrossEntropy(\vec{c_i}, p) + \sum_{i \in Neg}CrossEntropy(\vec{c_i}, 0) \end{equation*}
在一般情况下,由于在目标检测中,背景的先验框的数量会远大于有object的先验框的数量,为了解决这个问题,在SSD的代码中使用了hard negative mining.即只选择negative(视为背景的prior)中选择loss值较大的项.
In [4]:
import torch.nn as nn
class MultiBoxLoss(nn.Module):
The MultiBox loss, a loss function for object detection.
This is a combination of:
(1) a localization loss for the predicted locations of the boxes, and
(2) a confidence loss for the predicted class scores.
def __init__(self, priors_cxcy, threshold=0.5, neg_pos_ratio=3, alpha=1.):
super(MultiBoxLoss, self).__init__()
self.priors_cxcy = priors_cxcy
self.priors_xy = cxcy_to_xy(priors_cxcy)
self.threshold = threshold
self.neg_pos_ratio = neg_pos_ratio
self.alpha = alpha
self.smooth_l1 = nn.SmoothL1Loss()
self.cross_entropy = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduce=False)
def forward(self, predicted_locs, predicted_scores, boxes, labels):
Forward propagation.
:param predicted_locs: predicted locations/boxes w.r.t the 8732 prior boxes, a tensor of dimensions (N, 8732, 4)
:param predicted_scores: class scores for each of the encoded locations/boxes, a tensor of dimensions (N, 8732, n_classes)
:param boxes: true object bounding boxes in boundary coordinates, a list of N tensors
:param labels: true object labels, a list of N tensors
:return: multibox loss, a scalar
batch_size = predicted_locs.size(0)
n_priors = self.priors_cxcy.size(0)
n_classes = predicted_scores.size(2)
assert n_priors == predicted_locs.size(1) == predicted_scores.size(1)
true_locs = torch.zeros((batch_size, n_priors, 4), dtype=torch.float).to(device) # (N, 8732, 4)
true_classes = torch.zeros((batch_size, n_priors), dtype=torch.long).to(device) # (N, 8732)
# For each image
for i in range(batch_size):
n_objects = boxes[i].size(0)
overlap = find_jaccard_overlap(boxes[i],
self.priors_xy) # (n_objects, 8732)
# For each prior, find the object that has the maximum overlap
overlap_for_each_prior, object_for_each_prior = overlap.max(dim=0) # (8732)
# We don't want a situation where an object is not represented in our positive (non-background) priors -
# 1. An object might not be the best object for all priors, and is therefore not in object_for_each_prior.
# 2. All priors with the object may be assigned as background based on the threshold (0.5).
# To remedy this -
# First, find the prior that has the maximum overlap for each object.
_, prior_for_each_object = overlap.max(dim=1) # (N_o)
# Then, assign each object to the corresponding maximum-overlap-prior. (This fixes 1.)
object_for_each_prior[prior_for_each_object] = torch.LongTensor(range(n_objects)).to(device)
# To ensure these priors qualify, artificially give them an overlap of greater than 0.5. (This fixes 2.)
overlap_for_each_prior[prior_for_each_object] = 1.
# Labels for each prior
label_for_each_prior = labels[i][object_for_each_prior] # (8732)
# Set priors whose overlaps with objects are less than the threshold to be background (no object)
label_for_each_prior[overlap_for_each_prior < self.threshold] = 0 # (8732)
# Store
true_classes[i] = label_for_each_prior
# Encode center-size object coordinates into the form we regressed predicted boxes to
true_locs[i] = cxcy_to_gcxgcy(xy_to_cxcy(boxes[i][object_for_each_prior]), self.priors_cxcy) # (8732, 4)
# Identify priors that are positive (object/non-background)
positive_priors = true_classes != 0 # (N, 8732)
# Localization loss is computed only over positive (non-background) priors
loc_loss = self.smooth_l1(predicted_locs[positive_priors], true_locs[positive_priors]) # (), scalar
# Note: indexing with a torch.uint8 (byte) tensor flattens the tensor when indexing is across multiple dimensions (N & 8732)
# So, if predicted_locs has the shape (N, 8732, 4), predicted_locs[positive_priors] will have (total positives, 4)
# Confidence loss is computed over positive priors and the most difficult (hardest) negative priors in each image
# That is, FOR EACH IMAGE,
# we will take the hardest (neg_pos_ratio * n_positives) negative priors, i.e where there is maximum loss
# This is called Hard Negative Mining - it concentrates on hardest negatives in each image, and also minimizes pos/neg imbalance
# Number of positive and hard-negative priors per image
n_positives = positive_priors.sum(dim=1) # (N)
n_hard_negatives = self.neg_pos_ratio * n_positives # (N)
# First, find the loss for all priors
conf_loss_all = self.cross_entropy(predicted_scores.view(-1, n_classes), true_classes.view(-1)) # (N * 8732)
conf_loss_all = conf_loss_all.view(batch_size, n_priors) # (N, 8732)
# We already know which priors are positive
conf_loss_pos = conf_loss_all[positive_priors] # (sum(n_positives))
# Next, find which priors are hard-negative
# To do this, sort ONLY negative priors in each image in order of decreasing loss and take top n_hard_negatives
conf_loss_neg = conf_loss_all.clone() # (N, 8732)
conf_loss_neg[positive_priors] = 0. # (N, 8732), positive priors are ignored (never in top n_hard_negatives)
conf_loss_neg, _ = conf_loss_neg.sort(dim=1, descending=True) # (N, 8732), sorted by decreasing hardness
hardness_ranks = torch.LongTensor(range(n_priors)).unsqueeze(0).expand_as(conf_loss_neg).to(device) # (N, 8732)
hard_negatives = hardness_ranks < n_hard_negatives.unsqueeze(1) # (N, 8732)
conf_loss_hard_neg = conf_loss_neg[hard_negatives] # (sum(n_hard_negatives))
# As in the paper, averaged over positive priors only, although computed over both positive and hard-negative priors
conf_loss = (conf_loss_hard_neg.sum() + conf_loss_pos.sum()) / n_positives.sum().float() # (), scalar
return conf_loss + self.alpha * loc_loss
In [ ]:
def train_model(train_loader, model, criterion, optimizer, epoch):
One epoch's training.
:param train_loader: DataLoader for training data
:param model: model
:param criterion: MultiBox loss
:param optimizer: optimizer
:param epoch: epoch number
model.train() # training mode enables dropout
# Batches
for i, (images, boxes, labels, _) in enumerate(train_loader):
# Move to default device
images = # (batch_size (N), 3, 300, 300)
boxes = [ for b in boxes]
labels = [ for l in labels]
# Forward prop.
predicted_locs, predicted_scores = model(images) # (N, 8732, 4), (N, 8732, n_classes)
# Loss
loss = criterion(predicted_locs, predicted_scores, boxes, labels) # scalar
# Backward prop.
# Update model
# Print status
if i % print_freq == 0:
print('Loss {loss.val:.4f} ({loss.avg:.4f})\t'.format( loss=losses))
# free some memory since their histories may be stored
del predicted_locs, predicted_scores, images, boxes, labels
In [6]:
import time
import torch.backends.cudnn as cudnn
import torch.optim
from model import SSD300, MultiBoxLoss
from datasets import PascalVOCDataset
from utils import *
from utils1 import *
data_folder = './json1' # folder with data files
keep_difficult = True # use objects considered difficult to detect?
# Model parameters
# Not too many here since the SSD300 has a very specific structure
n_classes = len(label_map) # number of different types of objects
device = torch.device("cuda:2" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
# Learning parameters
checkpoint = None # path to model checkpoint, None if none
batch_size = 2 # batch size
start_epoch = 0 # start at this epoch
epochs = 3 # number of epochs to run without early-stopping
epochs_since_improvement = 0 # number of epochs since there was an improvement in the validation metric
best_loss = 100. # assume a high loss at first
workers = 1 # number of workers for loading data in the DataLoader
print_freq = 20 # print training or validation status every __ batches
lr = 1e-3 # learning rate
momentum = 0.9 # momentum
weight_decay = 5e-4 # weight decay
grad_clip = None # clip if gradients are exploding, which may happen at larger batch sizes (sometimes at 32) - you will recognize it by a sorting error in the MuliBox loss calculation
cudnn.benchmark = True
In [7]:
def main():
Training and validation.
global epochs_since_improvement, start_epoch, label_map, best_loss, epoch, checkpoint
optimizer, model = init_optimizer_and_model()
# Move to default device
model =
criterion = MultiBoxLoss(priors_cxcy=model.priors_cxcy).to(device)
# Epochs
for epoch in range(start_epoch, epochs):
# Paper describes decaying the learning rate at the 80000th, 100000th, 120000th 'iteration', i.e. model update or batch
# The paper uses a batch size of 32, which means there were about 517 iterations in an epoch
# Therefore, to find the epochs to decay at, you could do,
# if epoch in {80000 // 517, 100000 // 517, 120000 // 517}:
# adjust_learning_rate(optimizer, 0.1)
# In practice, I just decayed the learning rate when loss stopped improving for long periods,
# and I would resume from the last best checkpoint with the new learning rate,
# since there's no point in resuming at the most recent and significantly worse checkpoint.
# So, when you're ready to decay the learning rate, just set checkpoint = 'BEST_checkpoint_ssd300.pth.tar' above
# and have adjust_learning_rate(optimizer, 0.1) BEFORE this 'for' loop
# One epoch's training
# One epoch's validation
val_loss = validate(val_loader=val_loader,
# Did validation loss improve?
is_best = val_loss < best_loss
best_loss = min(val_loss, best_loss)
if not is_best:
epochs_since_improvement += 1
print("\nEpochs since last improvement: %d\n" % (epochs_since_improvement,))
epochs_since_improvement = 0
# Save checkpoint
save_checkpoint(epoch, epochs_since_improvement, model, optimizer, val_loss, best_loss, is_best)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Loaded base model.
/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/ UserWarning: size_average and reduce args will be deprecated, please use reduction='none' instead.
Epoch: [0][0/100] Batch Time 8.571 (8.571) Data Time 0.326 (0.326) Loss 19.5050 (19.5050)
[0/100] Batch Time 0.557 (0.557) Loss 21.5881 (21.5881)
* LOSS - 18.171
Epoch: [1][0/100] Batch Time 0.338 (0.338) Data Time 0.269 (0.269) Loss 19.3107 (19.3107)
[0/100] Batch Time 0.117 (0.117) Loss 4.1950 (4.1950)
* LOSS - 13.051
Epoch: [2][0/100] Batch Time 0.188 (0.188) Data Time 0.126 (0.126) Loss 4.0797 (4.0797)
[0/100] Batch Time 0.124 (0.124) Loss 3.8275 (3.8275)
* LOSS - 12.865
In [11]:
from detect import *
from PIL import Image
from torchvision import transforms
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
if __name__ == '__main__':
img_path = './data1/VOC2007/JPEGImages/000220.jpg'
original_image =, mode='r')
original_image = original_image.convert('RGB')
img = detect(original_image, min_score=0.2, max_overlap=0.5, top_k=200)
调大之后,匹配的物体数量增多了。 因为它是考虑匹配的最小阈值,越小则可能匹配的概率越大。
In [13]:
img_path = './data1/VOC2007/JPEGImages/000220.jpg'
original_image =, mode='r')
original_image = original_image.convert('RGB')
img = detect(original_image, min_score=0.1, max_overlap=0.5, top_k=200)
In [14]:
img_path = './data1/VOC2007/JPEGImages/000220.jpg'
original_image =, mode='r')
original_image = original_image.convert('RGB')
img = detect(original_image, min_score=0.3, max_overlap=0.5, top_k=200)
In [15]:
img_path = './data1/VOC2007/JPEGImages/000220.jpg'
original_image =, mode='r')
original_image = original_image.convert('RGB')
img = detect(original_image, min_score=0.2, max_overlap=0.3, top_k=200)
In [16]:
img_path = './data1/VOC2007/JPEGImages/000220.jpg'
original_image =, mode='r')
original_image = original_image.convert('RGB')
img = detect(original_image, min_score=0.2, max_overlap=0.7, top_k=200)
In [30]:
img_path = './data1/VOC2007/JPEGImages/000233.jpg'
original_image =, mode='r')
original_image = original_image.convert('RGB')
img = detect(original_image, min_score=0.2, max_overlap=1, top_k=10)
In [32]:
img_path = './data1/VOC2007/JPEGImages/000233.jpg'
original_image =, mode='r')
original_image = original_image.convert('RGB')
img = detect(original_image, min_score=0.2, max_overlap=1, top_k=20)
In [37]:
from eval import *
if __name__ == '__main__':
evaluate(test_loader, model)
Evaluating: 0%| | 0/100 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Evaluating: 1%| | 1/100 [00:00<00:22, 4.38it/s]
Evaluating: 3%|▎ | 3/100 [00:00<00:17, 5.60it/s]
Evaluating: 5%|▌ | 5/100 [00:00<00:13, 6.88it/s]
Evaluating: 7%|▋ | 7/100 [00:00<00:11, 8.10it/s]
Evaluating: 9%|▉ | 9/100 [00:00<00:09, 9.30it/s]
Evaluating: 11%|█ | 11/100 [00:00<00:08, 10.27it/s]
Evaluating: 13%|█▎ | 13/100 [00:01<00:07, 11.34it/s]
Evaluating: 15%|█▌ | 15/100 [00:01<00:06, 12.82it/s]
Evaluating: 18%|█▊ | 18/100 [00:01<00:05, 13.92it/s]
Evaluating: 20%|██ | 20/100 [00:01<00:05, 14.77it/s]
Evaluating: 22%|██▏ | 22/100 [00:01<00:05, 14.01it/s]
Evaluating: 24%|██▍ | 24/100 [00:01<00:06, 12.14it/s]
Evaluating: 26%|██▌ | 26/100 [00:01<00:06, 12.07it/s]
Evaluating: 28%|██▊ | 28/100 [00:02<00:05, 13.55it/s]
Evaluating: 30%|███ | 30/100 [00:02<00:04, 14.67it/s]
Evaluating: 32%|███▏ | 32/100 [00:02<00:04, 14.44it/s]
Evaluating: 34%|███▍ | 34/100 [00:02<00:04, 15.49it/s]
Evaluating: 36%|███▌ | 36/100 [00:02<00:04, 15.48it/s]
Evaluating: 38%|███▊ | 38/100 [00:02<00:03, 15.91it/s]
Evaluating: 40%|████ | 40/100 [00:02<00:03, 16.37it/s]
Evaluating: 42%|████▏ | 42/100 [00:02<00:03, 15.74it/s]
Evaluating: 44%|████▍ | 44/100 [00:03<00:03, 15.75it/s]
Evaluating: 46%|████▌ | 46/100 [00:03<00:03, 15.20it/s]
Evaluating: 48%|████▊ | 48/100 [00:03<00:03, 15.74it/s]
Evaluating: 50%|█████ | 50/100 [00:03<00:03, 15.96it/s]
Evaluating: 52%|█████▏ | 52/100 [00:03<00:03, 15.41it/s]
Evaluating: 54%|█████▍ | 54/100 [00:03<00:03, 14.71it/s]
Evaluating: 56%|█████▌ | 56/100 [00:03<00:03, 13.23it/s]
Evaluating: 58%|█████▊ | 58/100 [00:04<00:02, 14.47it/s]
Evaluating: 60%|██████ | 60/100 [00:04<00:02, 13.99it/s]
Evaluating: 62%|██████▏ | 62/100 [00:04<00:02, 14.35it/s]
Evaluating: 64%|██████▍ | 64/100 [00:04<00:02, 13.40it/s]
Evaluating: 66%|██████▌ | 66/100 [00:04<00:02, 13.21it/s]
Evaluating: 68%|██████▊ | 68/100 [00:04<00:02, 14.05it/s]
Evaluating: 70%|███████ | 70/100 [00:04<00:02, 12.99it/s]
Evaluating: 72%|███████▏ | 72/100 [00:05<00:01, 14.19it/s]
Evaluating: 74%|███████▍ | 74/100 [00:05<00:01, 13.79it/s]
Evaluating: 76%|███████▌ | 76/100 [00:05<00:01, 14.78it/s]
Evaluating: 78%|███████▊ | 78/100 [00:05<00:01, 15.28it/s]
Evaluating: 80%|████████ | 80/100 [00:05<00:01, 16.35it/s]
Evaluating: 82%|████████▏ | 82/100 [00:05<00:01, 13.70it/s]
Evaluating: 84%|████████▍ | 84/100 [00:05<00:01, 13.65it/s]
Evaluating: 86%|████████▌ | 86/100 [00:06<00:00, 14.99it/s]
Evaluating: 88%|████████▊ | 88/100 [00:06<00:00, 15.34it/s]
Evaluating: 90%|█████████ | 90/100 [00:06<00:00, 15.11it/s]
Evaluating: 92%|█████████▏| 92/100 [00:06<00:00, 15.47it/s]
Evaluating: 94%|█████████▍| 94/100 [00:06<00:00, 16.01it/s]
Evaluating: 96%|█████████▌| 96/100 [00:06<00:00, 14.66it/s]
Evaluating: 98%|█████████▊| 98/100 [00:06<00:00, 15.20it/s]
Evaluating: 100%|██████████| 100/100 [00:06<00:00, 15.26it/s]
{'aeroplane': 0.0,
'bicycle': 0.0,
'bird': 0.0,
'boat': 0.0,
'bottle': 0.0,
'bus': 0.0,
'car': 0.7861409783363342,
'cat': 0.0,
'chair': 0.0,
'cow': 0.0,
'diningtable': 0.0,
'dog': 0.0,
'horse': 0.0,
'motorbike': 0.0,
'person': 0.0,
'pottedplant': 0.0,
'sheep': 0.0,
'sofa': 0.0,
'train': 0.4628099203109741,
'tvmonitor': 0.0}
Mean Average Precision (mAP): 0.062
In [2]:
import train
# train model
# Setting the parameters you want in file
In [ ]:
import detect
# detect
# Setting the parameters you want in file
In [ ]:
import eval
# evaluate the model
calculate_mAP()函数是计算mAP即Mean Average Precision,这一指标是近年来用来衡量目标检测算法性能的重要指标,它的核心原理如下:
- 将所有的detection_box按detection_score进行排序
- 计算每个detection_box与所有groundtruth_box的IOU
- 取IOU最大(max_IOU)的groundtruth_box作为这个detection_box的预测结果是否正确的判断依据,然后根据max_IOU的结果判断预测结果是TP还是FP进而画出PR曲线,最后再在每一类上做平均得到mAP。
- 一个不错的深入了解链接.mAP详解
In [3]:
def find_intersection(set_1, set_2):
Find the intersection of every box combination between two sets of boxes that are in boundary coordinates.
:param set_1: set 1, a tensor of dimensions (n1, 4)
:param set_2: set 2, a tensor of dimensions (n2, 4)
:return: intersection of each of the boxes in set 1 with respect to each of the boxes in set 2, a tensor of dimensions (n1, n2)
# PyTorch auto-broadcasts singleton dimensions
lower_bounds = torch.max(set_1[:, :2].unsqueeze(1), set_2[:, :2].unsqueeze(0)) # (n1, n2, 2)
upper_bounds = torch.min(set_1[:, 2:].unsqueeze(1), set_2[:, 2:].unsqueeze(0)) # (n1, n2, 2)
intersection_dims = torch.clamp(upper_bounds - lower_bounds, min=0) # (n1, n2, 2)
return intersection_dims[:, :, 0] * intersection_dims[:, :, 1] # (n1, n2)
In [4]:
def find_jaccard_overlap(set_1, set_2):
Find the Jaccard Overlap (IoU) of every box combination between two sets of boxes that are in boundary coordinates.
:param set_1: set 1, a tensor of dimensions (n1, 4)
:param set_2: set 2, a tensor of dimensions (n2, 4)
:return: Jaccard Overlap of each of the boxes in set 1 with respect to each of the boxes in set 2, a tensor of dimensions (n1, n2)
# Find intersections
intersection = find_intersection(set_1, set_2) # (n1, n2)
# Find areas of each box in both sets
areas_set_1 = (set_1[:, 2] - set_1[:, 0]) * (set_1[:, 3] - set_1[:, 1]) # (n1)
areas_set_2 = (set_2[:, 2] - set_2[:, 0]) * (set_2[:, 3] - set_2[:, 1]) # (n2)
# Find the union
# PyTorch auto-broadcasts singleton dimensions
union = areas_set_1.unsqueeze(1) + areas_set_2.unsqueeze(0) - intersection # (n1, n2)
return intersection / union # (n1, n2)
- 设定一个阈值IOU假设为0.5,选取每一类box中scores最大的那一个,记为box_best,并保留它
- 计算box_best与其余的box的IOU,如果其IOU>0.5了,那么就舍弃这个box(由于可能这两个box表示同一目标,所以保留分数高的哪一个)
- 从最后剩余的boxes中,再找出最大scores的哪一个,如此循环往复
- 比如现在滑动窗口有:A、B、C、D、E、F、G、H、I、J个,假设A是得分最高的,IOU>0.7淘汰。 第一轮:与A计算IOU,BEG>0.7,剔除,剩余CDFHIJ 第二轮:假设CDFHIJ中F得分最高,与F计算IOU,DHI>0.7,剔除,剩余CJ 第三轮:假设CJ中C得分最高,J与C计算IOU,若结果>0.7,则AFC就是选择出来的窗口。
In [5]:
def NMS(n_classes, predicted_scores, min_score, decoded_locs, max_overlap, image_boxes,
image_labels, image_scores):
for c in range(1, n_classes):
# Keep only predicted boxes and scores where scores for this class are above the minimum score
class_scores = predicted_scores[i][:, c] # (8732)
score_above_min_score = class_scores > min_score # torch.uint8 (byte) tensor, for indexing
n_above_min_score = score_above_min_score.sum().item()
if n_above_min_score == 0:
class_scores = class_scores[score_above_min_score] # (n_qualified), n_min_score <= 8732
class_decoded_locs = decoded_locs[score_above_min_score] # (n_qualified, 4)
# Sort predicted boxes and scores by scores
class_scores, sort_ind = class_scores.sort(dim=0, descending=True) # (n_qualified), (n_min_score)
class_decoded_locs = class_decoded_locs[sort_ind] # (n_min_score, 4)
# Find the overlap between predicted boxes
overlap = find_jaccard_overlap(class_decoded_locs, class_decoded_locs) # (n_qualified, n_min_score)
# Non-Maximum Suppression (NMS)
# A torch.uint8 (byte) tensor to keep track of which predicted boxes to suppress
# 1 implies suppress, 0 implies don't suppress
suppress = torch.zeros((n_above_min_score), dtype=torch.uint8).to(device) # (n_qualified)
# Consider each box in order of decreasing scores
for box in range(class_decoded_locs.size(0)):
# If this box is already marked for suppression
if suppress[box] == 1:
# Suppress boxes whose overlaps (with this box) are greater than maximum overlap
# Find such boxes and update suppress indices
suppress = torch.max(suppress, overlap[box] > max_overlap)
# The max operation retains previously suppressed boxes, like an 'OR' operation
# Don't suppress this box, even though it has an overlap of 1 with itself
suppress[box] = 0
# Store only unsuppressed boxes for this class
image_boxes.append(class_decoded_locs[1 - suppress])
image_labels.append(torch.LongTensor((1 - suppress).sum().item() * [c]).to(device))
image_scores.append(class_scores[1 - suppress])
Content source: MegaShow/college-programming
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