The Archimedean Spiral

This investigation was born out of work on calculating stats on running data. The Haversine formula is good for calculating distance along the great circle for two sets of latitude/longitude. The formula however does not account for elevation changes. Other solutions incorporate the Pythagorean Theorem to compensate for the additional elevation changes. For a long enough distance a linear increase in altitude actually follows a curved path known as an Archimedean spiral.

The archimedean spiral is a path that forms where the radius of the spiral increases linearly with $\theta$. This spiral occurs in situations with spooled material such as coiled wire or spools of paper.

In [1]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

Goal: Create a function that calculates the distance for a section of an Archimedean spiral.

  • Create an arbitraty section of an Archimedean spiral
  • Calculate a numerical estimate for the total distance of the arc
  • Create a function that calculates the distance along an Archimedian arc
  • Validate the functions accuracy with the numeric simulation

Numerical Simulation

Create an Archimedean spiral starting at a radius of 1.5 increasing in radius by 2 for every revolution.

In [2]:
theta_0 = np.pi / 2 * 3
theta_f = np.pi / 2 * 11
r0 = 1.5
thickness = 2

thetas = np.linspace(theta_0, theta_f, 10000)
drdtheta = thickness / (2 * np.pi)
r = [drdtheta * (theta - theta_0) + r0 for theta in thetas]
pts = [(r*np.cos(theta), r*np.sin(theta)) for r, theta in zip(r, thetas)]

In [3]:
lim = np.ceil(max(r))

Numerical Simulation - Length of a Archimedean Spiral

Using the points generated for the above arc determine the total length of the arc using the sum of the distances between points.

$$ \text{arc length} \approx \sum^{N-1}_{i=1} \sqrt{(x_{i+1}-x_i)^2+(y_{i+1}-y_i)^2} $$

In [4]:
l_est = 0
last_pt = None
for pt in pts:
    if last_pt is not None:
        dl = np.sqrt((pt[0] - last_pt[0])**2 + (pt[1] - last_pt[1])**2)
        l_est += dl
    last_pt = pt



Arc Length Formula

$$ L = \frac{a}{2} \left[ \phi \sqrt{1+\phi^2} + \ln\left( \phi + \sqrt{1 + \phi^2} \right) \right]^{\phi_2}_{\phi_1} $$


$ a = T / 2 \pi \\ \phi = r / a \\ r = \text{radius} \\ T = \text{change in radius for each full turn} \\ $

In [5]:
T = 2     # Thickness between spirals
r0 = 1.5  # Starting radius
rf = 5.5  # Ending radius

def archimedean_length(r0, rf, T):
    def limit(radius, thickness, a):
        phi = radius / a
        return phi * np.sqrt(1+phi**2)+np.log(phi+np.sqrt(1+phi**2))
    a = T / (2 * np.pi)
    return a / 2 * (limit(rf, T, a) - limit(r0, T, a))

print(archimedean_length(r0, rf, T))


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