April 25th, 2014 MM - forked from old notebooks. Goal: continue solutions to April 28th, 2014 MM - started with additional simulation work
Model parameters have the following structure:
.foot1 (1x3 array) location of foot 1
.foot2 (1x3 array) location of foot 2
.m (float) mass
.g (1x3 array) vector of gravity
.lp1 (4x float) list of leg parameters for leg 1
for SLIP: [l0, k, alpha, beta] (may be overwritten in derived models)
.lp2 (4x float) list of leg parameters for leg 2
In [ ]:
%cd /home/moritz/py_lib/mmnotebooks/
In [ ]:
# Import libraries
#from models import bslip
import bslip
from bslip import (ICeuklid_to_ICcircle, ICcircle_to_ICeuklid, circ2normal_param, new_stridefunction,
vis_sim, stridefunction)
from copy import deepcopy # e.g. for jacobian calculation
import mutils.misc as mi
import mutils.io as mio
import sys
# define SLIP related functions
mi.run_nbcells('Walking SLIP Analysis 2 - C.ipynb', ['def_funs'])
In [ ]:
#define functions
def new_stridefunction_E(pbase, E_des, p_red):
f = new_stridefunction(pbase)
def innerfunction(IC_red):
IC = ICe_to_ICc(IC_red, E_des, p_red[0], pbase['m'], l0 = pbase['lp1'][1])
return f(IC, p_red)[[0,1,3,4]]
return innerfunction
def new_stridefunction_E2(pbase, E_des, p_red):
f = stridefunction(pbase)
def innerfunction(IC_red):
IC = ICe_to_ICc(IC_red, E_des, p_red[0], pbase['m'], l0 = pbase['lp1'][1])
return f(IC, p_red)[[0,1,3,4]]
return innerfunction
In [ ]:
c = mio.saveable() # config workspace
c.beta = 5
c.beta_doc = 'beta angle of legs (in deg., 5 and 10 are available)'
c.point = 'B'
c.point_doc = 'which point of Geyers solutions (A,B,C)'
c.background_only = False
c.background_only_doc = 'display only background, no additional information'
In [ ]:
# old data
if c.point != 'B':
dat1 = mio.mload('bslip_results/' + c.point + '_sols5_new.list')
dat2 = mio.mload('bslip_results/' + c.point + '_sols10_new.list')
# new data
dat1 = mio.mload('bslip_results/' + c.point + '_sols5_new_rev2.list')
dat2 = mio.mload('bslip_results/' + c.point + '_sols10_new_rev2.list')
In [ ]:
# re-order data
# compute range of axes
dk1 = array([x[1][0] - x[1][1] for x in dat1]) / 1000.
da1 = array([x[1][2] - x[1][3] for x in dat1]) * 180 / pi
nk1 = len(set(dk1)) # number of different dk's
na1 = len(set(da1)) # number of different da's
ax_a1 = linspace(min(da1), max(da1), na1)
ax_k1 = linspace(min(dk1), max(dk1), nk1)
# delta_k
dk2 = array([x[1][0] - x[1][1] for x in dat2]) / 1000.
da2 = array([x[1][2] - x[1][3] for x in dat2]) * 180 / pi
nk2 = len(set(dk2)) # number of different dk's
na2 = len(set(da2)) # number of different da's
ax_a2 = linspace(min(da2), max(da2), na2)
ax_k2 = linspace(min(dk2), max(dk2), nk2)
print "re-ordering data into grid:"
n = 0
data1 = nan*zeros((nk1, na1))
data1ev = nan*zeros((nk1, na1))
data1_idx = nan*zeros((nk1, na1))
print "ws1:"
for idx, elem in enumerate(dat1):
# compute index
dk = (elem[1][0] - elem[1][1])/1000.
da = (elem[1][2] - elem[1][3]) * 180. / pi
idx_a = argmin(abs(ax_a1 - da))
idx_k = argmin(abs(ax_k1 - dk))
data1[idx_k, idx_a] = elem[2]
data1ev[idx_k, idx_a] = max(abs(elem[3]))
data1_idx[idx_k, idx_a] = idx
if n >= 500:
print "done"
n = 0
data2 = nan*zeros((nk2, na2))
data2ev = nan*zeros((nk2, na2))
data2_idx = nan*zeros((nk2, na2))
print "ws2:"
for idx, elem in enumerate(dat2):
# compute index
dk = (elem[1][0] - elem[1][1])/1000.
da = (elem[1][2] - elem[1][3]) * 180/pi
idx_a = argmin(abs(ax_a2 - da))
idx_k = argmin(abs(ax_k2 - dk))
data2[idx_k, idx_a] = elem[2]
data2ev[idx_k, idx_a] = max(abs(elem[3]))
data2_idx[idx_k, idx_a] = idx
if n >= 500:
# for contour plots: separate positive and negative values
ma1act = ma.array(data1, mask=(data1 > 0))
ma1bct = ma.array(data1, mask=(data1 < 0))
ma2act = ma.array(data2, mask=(data2 > 0))
ma2bct = ma.array(data2, mask=(data2 < 0))
print "done"
In [ ]:
#ct1 = ax1.contour(ax_k1 / 1000., ax_a1 * 180/pi, masked_array1ct, levels, linestyles='-',
#colors='k', )
#clabel(ct1, ct1.levels, inline=True, fmt='%.0f', fontsize=10)
In [ ]:
# define colormap
from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap
# continous black-red-black
cdict_1 = {'red' : ( (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
(1.0, 0.35, 0.35) ),
'green' : ( (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
(1.0, 0.35, 0.35) ),
'blue' : ( (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
(1.0, 0.35, 0.35) ),
map_dgrey = LinearSegmentedColormap('dgrey', cdict_1)
cdict_2 = {'red' : ( (0.0, 0.35, 0.35),
(1.0, 0.0, 0.0) ),
'green' : ( (0.0, 0.35, 0.35),
(1.0, 0.0, 0.0) ),
'blue' : ( (0.0, 0.35, 0.35),
(1.0, 0.0, 0.0) ),
map_dgrey_i = LinearSegmentedColormap('dgrey_i', cdict_2)
In [ ]:
# compute takeoff height - touchdown height (existence condition)
idx = 0
yto = dat1[idx][0][0]
ytd = dat1[idx][1][6] * sin(dat1[idx][1][2])
In [ ]:
%config InlineBackend.close_figures = False
In [ ]:
if c.point == 'A':
elif c.point == 'B':
cmap = matplotlib.cm.Spectral
if c.point=='A':
#levels = [-200,-100,-50,-20,-10,10,20,50,100,200]
fig = figure(figsize=(10,6))
elif c.point=='B':
#levels = [-100,-20,-10,10,20,100]
fig = figure(figsize=(5.5,4))
#levels = [-150,-50,-20,-10,10,20,50,150]
fig = figure(figsize=(5.5,4))
In [ ]:
evlvlsa = array([-150, -50, -20, -10, -5])
evlvlsb = -evlvlsa
# subplot1
c1 = contour(ax_k1, ax_a1, ma1act.T, evlvlsa, cmap=map_dgrey)
c1.clabel(evlvlsa, fmt='%.0f', fontsize=10)
c1.set_clim(min(evlvlsa), max(evlvlsa))
c2 = contour(ax_k1, ax_a1, ma1bct.T, evlvlsb, cmap=map_dgrey_i)
c2.set_clim(min(evlvlsb), max(evlvlsb))
c2.clabel(evlvlsb, fmt='%.0f', fontsize=10)
p1 = imshow(data1ev.T[::-1,:], cmap=cm.jet, extent=(ax_k1.min(),ax_k1.max(),ax_a1.min(),ax_a1.max()),
aspect='auto', interpolation='none')
ax2 = subplot(1,2,2)
# subplot2
c2 = contour(ax_k2, ax_a2, ma2act.T[:,::1], evlvlsa, cmap=map_dgrey)
c2.clabel(evlvlsa, fmt='%.0f', fontsize=10)
c2.set_clim(min(evlvlsa), max(evlvlsa))
c2 = contour(ax_k2, ax_a2, ma2bct.T[:,::1], evlvlsb, cmap=map_dgrey_i)
c2.set_clim(min(evlvlsb), max(evlvlsb))
c2.clabel(evlvlsb, fmt='%.0f', fontsize=10)
p2 = imshow(data2ev.T[::-1,::-1], cmap=cm.jet, extent=(ax_k2.max(),ax_k2.min(),ax_a2.min(),ax_a2.max()),
aspect='auto', interpolation='none')
In [ ]:
data = linspace(0,1,50)[:,newaxis]
p3 = imshow(data[::-1,:], cmap=cm.jet, extent=(0, 1, 0, 1),
aspect='auto', interpolation='none')
In [ ]:
# avoid scrolling
In [ ]:
colorlim = [-200,200]
if c.point in 'AB':
cmap = matplotlib.cm.Spectral
if c.point=='A':
levels = [-200,-100,-50,-20,-10,10,20,50,100,200]
fig = figure(figsize=(10,6))
elif c.point=='B':
levels = [-100,-20,-10,10,20,100]
fig = figure(figsize=(5.5,4))
levels = [-150,-50,-20,-10,10,20,50,150]
fig = figure(figsize=(5.5,4))
#--------------------- general frame plot for common title etc.
ax0 = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1,frameon=False)
#--------------------- first plot
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,2,1)
masked_array1 = ma.array (data1.T, mask=np.isnan(data1.T))
pcl1 = ax1.pcolor(ax_k1 / 1000., ax_a1 * 180 / pi, masked_array1, cmap=cmap)
if not c.background_only:
masked_array1ct = ma.array (data1.T, mask=abs(data1.T)>max(abs(array(colorlim)))*1.2)
ct1 = ax1.contour(ax_k1 / 1000., ax_a1 * 180/pi, masked_array1ct, levels, linestyles='-',
colors='k', )
clabel(ct1, ct1.levels, inline=True, fmt='%.0f', fontsize=10)
#--------------------- second plot
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1,2,2)
masked_array2 = ma.array (data2.T, mask=np.isnan(data2.T))
pcl2 = ax2.pcolor(ax_k2 / 1000., ax_a2 * 180/pi, masked_array2, cmap=cmap)
if not c.background_only:
masked_array2ct = ma.array (data2.T, mask=abs(data2.T)>max(abs(array(colorlim)))*1.2)
ct2 = ax2.contour(ax_k2 / 1000., ax_a2 * 180/pi, masked_array2ct, levels, linestyles='-',
colors='k', )
clabel(ct2, ct2.levels, rightside_up=False, fmt='%.0f', fontsize=10)
#-------------------- colorbar frame
if not c.background_only:
if c.point == 'A':
ax3 = fig.add_axes([.8, .55, .08, .4])
cb = colorbar(pcl2, cax=ax3)
cb.set_ticks(linspace(colorlim[0], colorlim[1], 5))
cb.set_label('walking radius [m]', fontsize=14)
#-------------------- labeling
ax0.set_xlabel('\n'*2 + r'$\Delta k$ [kN / m]', fontsize=14)
ax1.set_ylabel(r'$\Delta \alpha$[deg]', fontsize=14)
ax1.set_title(r'$\beta = 5^\circ $', fontsize=16)
ax2.set_title(r'$\beta = 10^\circ $', fontsize=16)
#-------------------- formatting
if c.point=='A':
fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0, wspace=0.025, bottom=.1, right=.875, left=.10)
fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0, wspace=0.025, bottom=.2, right=.875, left=.15)
if not c.background_only:
#-------------------- save figures
#savefig('tmp/walking_radius_ak_' + c.point + '.png', dpi=100)
#savefig('tmp/walking_radius_ak_' + c.point + '.tiff', dpi=600)
#savefig('tmp/walking_radius_ak_' + c.point + '.svg', dpi=50)
if c.background_only:
savefig('tmp/walking_radius_ak_' + c.point + '_bg.png')
savefig('tmp/walking_radius_ak_' + c.point + '.pdf')
In [ ]:
# initialize model:
# select parameter
# select corresponding initial values
# find periodic solution (re-compute)
import bslip
p_red = array(bslip.demo_p_reduced)
E_des = 816.
p_base = bslip.demo_p
p_base['delta_beta'] = 0
selection = 3 # 1=A, 2=B, 3=C
bbeta = False # large beta (.1) or small beta (.05)?
# periodic solution 1:
if selection == 1:
p_red[0] = p_red[1] = 14000
p_red[2] = 69. * pi / 180.
if not bbeta:
p_red[3] = .05
IC0 = array([ 0.93358034, 0.43799844, 1.25842356, 0.94657321, 0.10969058]) # beta=.05
p_red[3] = .1
IC0 = array([ 0.93358039, 0.45195548, 1.26003517, 0.94679076, 0.21853576]) # beta=.1
elif selection == 2:
# periodic solution 2: (asymmetric stance phase)
p_red[0] = p_red[1] = 14000
p_red[2] = 72.5 * pi / 180.
if not bbeta:
p_red[3] = 0.05
IC0 = array([ 0.9308592, 0.3793116, 1.19155584, 0.9360028, 0.1597469 ]) # for beta=.05, alpha=72.5
p_red[3] = .1
IC0 = array([ 0.93011364, 0.39346135, 1.19332777, 0.93554008, 0.31541887]) # for beta=.1, alpha=72.5
elif selection == 3:
# periodic solution 3:
p_red[0] = p_red[1] = 20000
p_red[2] = 76.5 * pi / 180.
if not bbeta:
p_red[3] = 0.05
IC0 = array([ 0.97236992, 0.17616847, 1.07200705, 0.97370148, 0.22353624]) # for beta=.5, alpha=76.5
p_red[3] = .1
IC0 = array([ 0.97237007, 0.16336241, 1.07238146, 0.97376284, 0.44756444]) # for beta=.5, alpha=76.5
raise NotImplementedError("No valid selection - select solution 1,2, or 3")
ICe = IC0[[0,1,3,4]] # remove |v| -> this will be determined from the system energy
evs, IC = getPS(ICe, p_red, p_base, E_des, get_EV = True, maxnorm=1e-5, rcond=1e-7,
maxStep=.1, maxrep_inner=10, h=1e-4)
print IC
print "max. ev:", max(abs(evs))
In [ ]:
# transform IC's into appropriate formats
ICe_p = bslip.ICcircle_to_ICeuklid(IC)
ICcr_p = IC[[0,1,3,4]] # reduced (no "v") circular parameters
p = p_red[:] # shortcut
p_red8 = array([p[0], p[0], p[2], p[2], p[3], -p[3], 1., 1.])
In [ ]:
# simulate the model
ICe_p = bslip.ICcircle_to_ICeuklid(IC)
mdl = bslip.BSLIP_newTD(bslip.pred_to_p(p_base, p_red8), ICe_p)
mdl.do_step(); mdl.do_step()
In [ ]:
# compute "walking width"
seq = mdl.feet1_seq
v1 = array(seq[2]) - array(seq[0])
v2 = array(seq[1]) - array(seq[0])
v1 /= norm(v1)
ww = cross(v1, v2)
print "walking width: {:.5f} m".format(norm(ww[1]))
In [ ]:
# change delta l0
# re-compute periodic solution
# check stability
ICcr_p = IC[[0,1,3,4]]
delta_l0 = 0.
pns = []
while True:
p8 = p_red8.copy()
delta_l0 += .00025
p8[6] += delta_l0
p8[7] -= delta_l0
evs, IC_new = getPS(ICcr_p, p8, p_base, E_des, get_EV = True, maxnorm=1e-6, rcond=1e-7, maxStep=.1,
maxrep_inner=10, h=1e-4)
except Exception:
print "(FAILED)"
# revert to last stable solution (e.g. for visualization)
p8[6] -= 0.00025
p8[7] += 0.00025
if max(abs(evs)) >= 1.0:
print "(UNSTABLE)"
ICcr_p = IC_new[[0,1,3,4]]
ICe_p = bslip.ICcircle_to_ICeuklid(IC_new)
ICc_p = array(IC_new).squeeze()
mdl = bslip.BSLIP_newTD(bslip.pred_to_p(p_base, p8), ICe_p)
mdl.do_step(); mdl.do_step()
fs = array(mdl.state)
fs[:3] -= array(mdl.feet1_seq[-1])
ICc1 = bslip.ICeuklid_to_ICcircle(fs)
pns.append(norm(ICc1 - array(ICc_p)))
if selection==1:
pname = "A"
elif selection==2:
pname = "B"
pname ="C"
bname = "0.05" if not bbeta else "0.1"
print "Point: {}, Beta: {} |-> Delta l0: {:.4f}".format(pname, bname, delta_l0)
In [ ]:
# change delta l0
# re-compute periodic solution
# check stability
ICcr_p = IC[[0,1,3,4]]
delta_beta = 0.
pns = []
stepping = 0.005
while True:
p8 = p_red8.copy()
delta_beta += stepping
p8[4] += delta_beta
p8[5] -= delta_beta
evs, IC_new = getPS(ICcr_p, p8, p_base, E_des, get_EV = True, maxnorm=1e-6, rcond=1e-7, maxStep=.1,
maxrep_inner=10, h=1e-4)
except Exception:
print "(FAILED)"
# revert to last stable solution (e.g. for visualization)
p8[4] -= stepping
p8[5] += stepping
if max(abs(evs)) >= 1.0:
print "(UNSTABLE)"
ICcr_p = IC_new[[0,1,3,4]]
ICe_p = bslip.ICcircle_to_ICeuklid(IC_new)
ICc_p = array(IC_new).squeeze()
mdl = bslip.BSLIP_newTD(bslip.pred_to_p(p_base, p8), ICe_p)
mdl.do_step(); mdl.do_step()
fs = array(mdl.state)
fs[:3] -= array(mdl.feet1_seq[-1])
ICc1 = bslip.ICeuklid_to_ICcircle(fs)
pns.append(norm(ICc1 - array(ICc_p)))
if selection==1:
pname = "A"
elif selection==2:
pname = "B"
pname ="C"
bname = "0.05" if not bbeta else "0.1"
print "Point: {}, Beta: {} |-> Delta beta: {:.4f}".format(pname, bname, delta_beta)
In [ ]:
# verify periodicity - actually this is only for bugfixing
ICe_p = bslip.ICcircle_to_ICeuklid(IC_new)
ICc_p = array(IC_new).squeeze()
mdl = bslip.BSLIP_newTD(bslip.pred_to_p(p_base, p8), ICe_p)
mdl.do_step(); mdl.do_step()
fs = array(mdl.state)
fs[:3] -= array(mdl.feet1_seq[-1])
ICc1 = bslip.ICeuklid_to_ICcircle(fs)
print ICc1 - array(ICc_p)
In [ ]:
# compute periodic solution (see step 3)
# create model with "old touchdown functionality"
# create circular model
# run circular model. compute beta w.r.t. x-direction
# verify periodicity of both models
# compute jacobians + eigenvalues
In [ ]:
import models.bslip as mbs
In [ ]:
# transform IC's into appropriate formats
ICe_p = bslip.ICcircle_to_ICeuklid(IC)
ICc_p = IC.copy()
#p = p_red[:] # shortcut
#p_red8 = array([p[0], p[0], p[2], p[2], p[3], -p[3], 1., 1.])
mdl = bslip.BSLIP_newTD(bslip.pred_to_p(p_base, p_red8), ICe_p)
mdl.do_step(); mdl.do_step()
fs = array(mdl.state)
fs[:3] -= array(mdl.feet1_seq[-1])
ICc1 = bslip.ICeuklid_to_ICcircle(fs)
In [ ]:
# compute "effective" beta (angle w.r.t. x-axis)
b1 = mdl.params['lp2'][-1] - arctan2(mdl.y_ss_seq[0][-1,5], mdl.y_ss_seq[0][-1,3] )
b2 = mdl.params['lp1'][-1] - arctan2(mdl.y_ss_seq[1][-1,5], mdl.y_ss_seq[1][-1,3] )
p_red8_x = p_red8.copy()
p_red8_x[4] = b2
p_red8_x[5] = b1
pper_ctd = bslip.pred_to_p(p_base, p_red8_x)
mdl2 = mbs.BSLIP(pper_ctd, ICe_p)
mdl2.do_step(); mdl2.do_step()
ref_pos = array(mdl2.state)
fs2 = array(mdl2.state)
fs2[:3] -= array(mdl2.feet1_seq[-1])
ICc2 = bslip.ICeuklid_to_ICcircle(fs2)
print "delta: 1: {}, 2: {} ".format(norm( ICc1 - array(ICc_p)), norm(ICc2 - array(ICc_p)))
In [ ]:
# compute jacobians
h = 1e-5
models = [lambda IC: mbs.BSLIP(pper_ctd, IC),
lambda IC: bslip.BSLIP_newTD(bslip.pred_to_p(p_base, p_red8), IC)]
for model in models:
J = []
for dim in range(6):
# "+"
ICe_J = array(ICe_p).squeeze()
ICe_J[dim] += h
mdl2 = model(ICe_J)
mdl2.do_step(); mdl2.do_step();
fsp = mdl2.state.copy()
fsp[:3] -= mdl2.feet1_seq[-1]
# "-"
ICe_J = array(ICe_p).squeeze()
ICe_J[dim] -= h
mdl2 = model(ICe_J)
mdl2.do_step(); mdl2.do_step();
fsm = mdl2.state.copy()
fsm[:3] -= mdl2.feet1_seq[-1]
J.append((fsp - fsm) / (2*h))
J = vstack(J)
J_evs = abs(eig(J)[0])
print ' '.join(['{:.4f}'.format(val) for val in J_evs])
In [ ]:
# A1: beta=.1, dk = -2, da = -2 # modify manually such that r-> inf
# A2: beta=.1, dk = -1, da = -5 # s.th. r = 17.6
# A3: beta=.1, dk =-1, da = 4 # s.th. r = -11.7
# B1: beta=.1, dk = -2, da = -9.5 # s.th. r= 7.8
# C1: beta=.05, dk=-8, da=1.3 # s th r=-35.3
In [ ]:
# --- select solution properties
# "A1" (r=5000)
# result: is not "straight" anymore when energy changes (!!)
c.vis_beta = .1
c.vis_dk = 2050
c.vis_da = -2 * pi / 180
# **NOTE** for "very" high dE, these are no "normal" walking solutions any more - the have aerial phases! (-> exclude them)
# "A2"
# velocity and energy anti-correlated (!) for most part; r rising with speed
#c.vis_beta = .10 # one out of .05, .10
#c.vis_da = -4.7 * pi / 180
#c.vis_dk = 1000 # sign flip in here!
# "A3"
# similar to A2; radius < 0 -> magnitude rises with speed
#c.vis_beta = .10 # one out of .05, .10
#c.vis_da = 4.7 * pi / 180
#c.vis_dk = 1000 # sign flip in here!
# "B1"
# same as A2, A3
#c.vis_beta = .1
#c.vis_da = -9.5 * pi / 180
#c.vis_dk = 2000
# "C1"
#c.vis_beta = .05 # one out of .05, .10
#c.vis_da = 1.3 * pi / 180
#c.vis_dk = 8000 # sign flip in here!
# --- prepare block
# --- --- import functions
# import models.bslip as bslip
# --- --- define useful helper function
def find_idx(dk, da, sols):
returns the solution index which most closely matches dk, da
#dk = array([x[1][0] - x[1][1] for x in dat1])
#da = array([x[1][2] - x[1][3] for x in dat1])
dk_ref = 1e9
da_ref = 1e9
idx_ref = 0
for idx, sol in enumerate(sols):
dk_f = sol[1][0] - sol[1][1]
da_f = sol[1][2] - sol[1][3]
if abs(da_f - da) <= da_ref:
if abs(abs(dk_f) - dk) <= dk_ref:
da_ref = abs(da_f - da)
dk_ref = abs(abs(dk_f) - dk)
idx_ref = idx
return idx_ref
# --- identify closest solution in dataset
if c.point == "A":
pr0 = array([14000, 14000, 69.*pi / 180, 69 * pi / 180, .05, -.05, 1., 1.])
elif c.point == "B":
pr0 = array([14000, 14000, 72.5 *pi / 180, 72.5 * pi / 180, .05, -.05, 1., 1.])
elif c.point == "C":
pr0 = array([20000, 20000, 76.5 *pi / 180, 76.5 * pi / 180, .05, -.05, 1., 1.])
raise ValueError("Wrong value for c.point (A, , or C)")
pr0[4] = c.vis_beta
pr0[5] = -c.vis_beta
if c.vis_beta == .05:
dat = dat1
elif c.vis_beta == .1:
dat = dat2
raise ValueError("Wrong value for c.vis_beta (.05 or .1)")
# --- --- find best solution, get corresponding parameters and IC
idx = find_idx(c.vis_dk, c.vis_da, dat)
dk, da = -diff(dat[idx][1])[[0,2]]
ICc = dat[idx][0]
# --- --- update model parameters
pr0a = pr0.copy()
pr0a[2] += da / 2.
pr0a[3] -= da / 2.
pr0a[0] += dk / 2.
pr0a[1] -= dk / 2.
pbase = bslip.demo_p
pbase['delta_beta'] = .0
P = bslip.pred_to_p(pbase, pr0a)
# --- --- some debug output
print "idx = ", idx
print "dk:", dk, "(", c.vis_dk, ")"
print "da:", da * 180 / pi, "(", da, ") (", c.vis_da, ")"
print "r:", dat[idx][2]
In [ ]:
IC0 = dat[idx][0][[0,1,3,4]].copy()
E_des = 816.
#ICcr_p = IC[[0,1,3,4]]
#delta_beta = 0.
#pns = []
#stepping = 0.005
#while True:
# p8 = p_red8.copy()
# delta_beta += stepping
# p8[4] += delta_beta
# p8[5] -= delta_beta
# try:
# evs, IC_new = getPS(ICcr_p, p8, p_base, E_des, get_EV = True, maxnorm=1e-6, rcond=1e-7, maxStep=.1,
# maxrep_inner=10, h=1e-4)
evs, IC = getPS(IC0, dat[idx][1], pbase, E_des, get_EV = True, maxnorm=1e-5, rcond=1e-7,
maxStep=.1, maxrep_inner=10, h=1e-4)
In [ ]:
import scipy.integrate as si
def getSpeed(ICc, pred, pbase):
returns (v1, v2)
where v1 = |end - start| / T, and v2 = 1/T INTEGRAL(v)
ICe = bslip.ICcircle_to_ICeuklid(ICc)
mdl = bslip.BSLIP_newTD(bslip.pred_to_p(pbase, pred), ICe)
dst = norm(mdl.y_ds_seq[1][1,[0,2]] - mdl.y_ss_seq[0][0,[0,2]])
t_tot = mdl.t_ss_seq[0][-1] + mdl.t_ss_seq[1][-1] + mdl.t_ds_seq[0][-1] + mdl.t_ds_seq[1][-1]
y_tot = vstack([mdl.y_ss_seq[0], mdl.y_ds_seq[0], mdl.y_ss_seq[1], mdl.y_ds_seq[1]] )
ttime = []
for time_ in [mdl.t_ss_seq[0], mdl.t_ds_seq[0], mdl.t_ss_seq[1], mdl.t_ds_seq[1]]:
if len(ttime):
ttime.append(time_ + ttime[-1][-1])
ttime = hstack(ttime)
ix = si.cumtrapz(y_tot[:,3], ttime)[-1]
iy = si.cumtrapz(y_tot[:,5], ttime)[-1]
t_dist = sqrt(ix**2 + iy**2)
return (dst / t_tot, t_dist / t_tot)
In [ ]:
all_r = []
all_E = []
all_v = []
res = [] # (E, r)
IC = dat[idx][0][[0,1,3,4]].copy()
E_des = 816.
pred = dat[idx][1]
deltaE = 1. if c.point != "C" else .1 # .1 for "C" type
nm = 0
while True:
evs, IC0 = getPS(IC, dat[idx][1], pbase, E_des, get_EV = True, maxnorm=1e-5, rcond=1e-7,
maxStep=.1, maxrep_inner=10, h=1e-4)
if max(abs(evs)) > 1:
diam = getR(IC0, dat[idx][1], pbase)
speed1, speed2 = getSpeed(IC0, dat[idx][1], pbase)
res.append([E_des, diam, speed1, speed2])
E_des -= .1
IC = IC0[[0,1,3,4]]
nm += 1
except Exception:
# failed -> continue with other direction
r1 = vstack(res)[::-1,:]
res = []
IC = dat[idx][0][[0,1,3,4]].copy()
E_des = 816.
while True:
evs, IC0 = getPS(IC, dat[idx][1], pbase, E_des, get_EV = True, maxnorm=1e-5, rcond=1e-7,
maxStep=.1, maxrep_inner=10, h=1e-4)
if max(abs(evs)) > 1:
diam = getR(IC0, dat[idx][1], pbase)
speed1, speed2 = getSpeed(IC0, dat[idx][1], pbase)
res.append([E_des, diam, speed1, speed2])
E_des += .1
IC = IC0[[0,1,3,4]]
except Exception:
# failed -> continue with other direction
r2 = vstack(res)
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
res = vstack([r1, r2])
plot(res[:,2], res[:,1],'g.-')
plot(res[nm,2], res[nm,1],'rd')
title('radius over velocity')
xlabel('velocity [m/s]')
ylabel('radius [m]')
plot(res[:,0], res[:,1],'b.-')
plot(res[nm,0], res[nm,1],'rd')
title('radius over energy')
xlabel('energy [J]')
ylabel('radius [m]')
In [ ]: