VPP animation notebook

Here, in this notebook, I want to run the VPP model, and create an animation from the results. The resulting animation should be so general that it can be used for other models as well, and be augmented with e.g. experimental data.

In [3]:
# first: load simulation results
import mutils.io as mio
import numpy as np
import pylab as pl

class mystruct(object):
steps = mio.mload('../data/vpp_sim.dat')

#create directory "anim" if it does not exist
!mkdir -p anim
#set image resolution
pl.rcParams['savefig.dpi'] = 100 # adapt to whatever resolution the image file should have

# define sampling time: 50ms (20fps) -> using 20fps in video gives real-time
ts = .025
t_last = 0
n_step = 0
for s in steps:
    # resample t, y, Force
    t = arange(t_last, s.t[-1] , ts)
    s.y = vstack([interp(t, s.t, s.y[:, k]) for k in arange(s.y.shape[1])]).T
    # forces are more complicated: leg1 is always trailing leg! -> switch at TO
    n_step += 1
    F1, F2 = [], []
    if mod(n_step, 2):
        idx1 = [0, 1, 4]
        idx2 = [2, 3, 5]
        idx1 = [2, 3, 5]
        idx2 = [0, 1, 4]
    F1.append( vstack([interp(t, s.t, s.Forces[:, k]) for k in idx1]).T )
    F2.append( vstack([interp(t, s.t, s.Forces[:, k]) for k in idx2]).T )
    s.F1 = vstack(F1)
    s.F2 = vstack(F2)
    #s.Forces = vstack([interp(t, s.t, s.Forces[:, k]) for k in arange(s.Forces.shape[1])]).T    
    t_last = t[-1]
    s.t = t

In [4]:
# verify data
# *NOTE* this cell is required for later (total force and total time)

t_tot = hstack([s.t for s in steps])
x_tot = hstack([s.y[:,0] for s in steps])
y_tot = hstack([s.y[:,1] for s in steps])
Fx1_tot = hstack([s.F1[:, 0] for s in steps])
Fy1_tot = hstack([s.F1[:, 1] for s in steps])
tau1_tot = hstack([s.F1[:, 2] for s in steps])
Fx2_tot = hstack([s.F2[:, 0] for s in steps])
Fy2_tot = hstack([s.F2[:, 1] for s in steps])
tau2_tot = hstack([s.F2[:, 2] for s in steps])

plot(t_tot, y_tot, 'r')
plot(x_tot, y_tot, 'b.-')
plot(t_tot, Fy1_tot, 'r.-')
plot(t_tot, Fy2_tot, 'b.-')
#print [(s.x_foot1, s.x_foot2) for s in steps]

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x3f12150>]

In [5]:
# Initialize the frame
#initialize the plotting frame
import mutils.plotting as mplt
fig = mplt.mfig('a5', 'my figure')

fig.set_layout(mplt.layouts['plain']) # plain format: suitable for videos
# erase ticks
ax = fig.axes[0]
scale_factor = .0175
# a5 format: 148 x 210 mm
# average CoM height ~ 1.1 m
ax.set_ylim([1.1 - scale_factor * 148. / 2,
             1.1 + scale_factor * 148. / 2.])
# model should be left of center of frame
ax.set_xlim([1. - scale_factor * 210. / 2.,
             1. + scale_factor * 210. / 2.])

ax_f = fig.fig.add_axes([.75, 0.125, .25, .25], frameon=False)
ax_f.plot(t_tot, Fy1_tot, color='#47af23', linewidth=3.5)
ax_f.plot(t_tot, Fy2_tot, color='#2347af', linewidth=3.5)
ax_f.set_xlim([-.5, .5])
plt_ylim = (-20, 1.1 * max(hstack([Fy1_tot, Fy2_tot])))

(-20, 1135.6930280109527)

In [6]:
# initialize the model (patches and handles)

# vertical line on "time" plot (is a separate frame!)
h_tline = ax_f.plot([0,0], plt_ylim, '.-', color='#cfcfcf')[0]

# bottom
h_bottom = ax.fill([-1, 3, 3, -1],[0, 0, -.1, -.1], edgecolor='#ff0000', facecolor='#000000')

# vpp body
body_patch = np.array([
   [0,     .01,  .04,  .06, .07, .06, .04, .01,   0, -.01, -.04, -.06, -.07, -.06, -.04, -.01],
   [-.5, -.495, -.45, -.35,   0, .35, .45, .495, .5, .495,  .45,  .35,    0, -.35, -.45, -.495] ])
h_body = ax.fill(body_patch[0, :], body_patch[1, :], edgecolor='#001133', facecolor='#969696', zorder=1)[0]

# spring leg
spring_patch = np.array([
     [0, 0, -.04, .04, -.04, .04, -.04, .04, 0, 0],
     [1, .62, .6, .56 , .52, .48, .44, .40, .38, 0]])
h_leg1 = ax.plot(spring_patch[0, :], spring_patch[1, :], color='#45ca65', linewidth=4, solid_capstyle='butt')[0]
h_leg2 = ax.plot(spring_patch[0, :] + .2, spring_patch[1, :], color='#4565ca', linewidth=4, solid_capstyle='butt')[0]

# vpp, hip and com patches
vpp_patch = .02 * np.array([sin(linspace(0, 2. * np.pi, 100)),
                            cos(linspace(0, 2. * np.pi, 100)) ])
h_vpp1 = ax.fill(vpp_patch[0, :], vpp_patch[1, :], edgecolor='#001133', facecolor='#764312', zorder=3)[0]
h_vpp2 = ax.fill(vpp_patch[0, :], vpp_patch[1, :], edgecolor='#001133', facecolor='#761243', zorder=3)[0]

hip_patch = .02 * np.array([sin(linspace(0, 2. * np.pi, 100)),
                             cos(linspace(0, 2. * np.pi, 100)) ])
h_hip = ax.fill(hip_patch[0, :], hip_patch[1, :] + 1, edgecolor='#001133', facecolor='#346512', zorder=3)[0]

com1_patch = .022 * np.array([sin(linspace(0, 2. * np.pi, 100)),
                            cos(linspace(0, 2. * np.pi, 100)) ])
h_com1 = ax.fill(com1_patch[0, :], com1_patch[1, :], edgecolor='#000000', facecolor='#000000', zorder=5)[0]
com2_patch = .02 * np.array([sin(hstack([linspace(0, .5 * np.pi, 25), linspace(1.5 * pi, pi, 25),])),
                            cos(hstack([linspace(0, .5 * np.pi, 25), linspace(1.5 * pi, pi, 25),])) ])
h_com2 = ax.fill(com2_patch[0, :], com2_patch[1, :], edgecolor='#ffffff', facecolor='#ffffff', zorder=6)[0]

In [7]:
# draw the figure - draw each frame
# recall the figure to get output!
figure('my figure')

def rotmat(phi):
    """ a 2d rotation matrix """
    return array([[cos(phi), -sin(phi)],
                  [sin(phi), cos(phi)]])

counter = 0
nstep = 0
for s in steps:
    # update body
    nstep += 1
    for idx, t in enumerate(s.t):
        com_x, com_y, phi = s.y[idx, :3]
        # set reference positions. currently: (com_x, 0)
        x_ref, y_ref = com_x, 0
        h_tline.set_data([t, t], plt_ylim)
        ax_f.set_xlim([-.5 + t, .5 + t])
        # body
        p_body = dot(rotmat(phi), body_patch)
        p_body[0, :] += com_x - x_ref
        p_body[1, :] += com_y - y_ref
        # CoM
        p_com1 = com1_patch.copy()
        p_com1[0, :] += com_x - x_ref
        p_com1[1, :] += com_y - y_ref       
        p_com2 = com2_patch.copy()
        p_com2[0, :] += com_x - x_ref
        p_com2[1, :] += com_y - y_ref       
        # VPPs
        p_vpp = vpp_patch.copy()
        p_vpp[0, :] += com_x - x_ref - s.P['r_vpp1'] * sin(s.P['a_vpp1'] + phi)
        p_vpp[1, :] += com_y - y_ref + s.P['r_vpp1'] * cos(s.P['a_vpp1'] + phi)
        p_vpp = vpp_patch.copy()
        p_vpp[0, :] += com_x - x_ref - s.P['r_vpp2'] * sin(s.P['a_vpp2'] + phi)
        p_vpp[1, :] += com_y - y_ref + s.P['r_vpp2'] * cos(s.P['a_vpp2'] + phi)
        # hip
        hip_x = com_x + s.P['r_hip'] * sin(phi) - x_ref
        hip_y = com_y - s.P['r_hip'] * cos(phi) - y_ref
        p_hip = hip_patch.copy()
        p_hip[0, :] += hip_x
        p_hip[1, :] += hip_y
        odd_step = mod(nstep, 2)
        # legs
        # compute angle of leg 1
        xf1 = s.x_foot2 - x_ref
        contact1 = t <= s.t_to
        if contact1:
            a1 = arctan((xf1 - hip_x) / hip_y)
            l1 = sqrt((xf1 - hip_x)**2 + hip_y**2)
            a1 = pi / 2. - s.P['legpars1']['alpha']
            l1 = s.P['legpars1']['l0']
            # adjust xf1 (footpoint)
            xf1 = hip_x + l1 * sin(a1)
        p_leg1 = reduce(dot, [rotmat(a1), array([[1, 0],[0, l1]]), spring_patch])       
        p_leg1[0, :] += xf1
        if not contact1:
            p_leg1[1, :] += hip_y - l1 * cos(a1)
        # *NOTE*: updating the patch is done below!
        # compute angle of leg 2
        xf2 = s.x_foot1 - x_ref
        contact2 = t >= s.t_td
        if contact2:            
            a2 = arctan((xf2 - hip_x) / hip_y)
            l2 = sqrt((xf2 - hip_x)**2 + hip_y**2)
            a2 = pi / 2. - s.P['legpars2']['alpha']            
            l2 = s.P['legpars2']['l0']
            # adjust xf2 (footpoint)
            xf2 = hip_x + l2 * sin(a2)

        p_leg2 = reduce(dot, [rotmat(a2), array([[1, 0],[0, l2]]), spring_patch])
        p_leg2[0, :] += xf2
        if not contact2:
            p_leg2[1, :] += hip_y - l2 * cos(a2)
        # switch legs in even and odd steps
        if odd_step:
            h_leg2.set_data(p_leg2[0, :], p_leg2[1, :])            
            h_leg1.set_data(p_leg1[0, :], p_leg1[1, :])
            h_leg1.set_data(p_leg2[0, :], p_leg2[1, :])            
            h_leg2.set_data(p_leg1[0, :], p_leg1[1, :])
        fig.fig.savefig('anim/fig_%04d.png' % counter)        
        #savefig('anim/fig_%04d.png' % counter, res=200)
        counter += 1

In [8]:
# convert into movie (ogg):
# old version (raises deprecation warning)
#!ffmpeg -f image2 -i anim/fig%03d.png anim.mp4
# new version
# -y: overwrite existing file, -r 20: 20 fps, -f image2 : filetype image,
# -i anim/fig%03d.png: input files, all that start with anim/fig, have 3 numbers, and end with .png
# anim/anim.ogg - the output file name
# *NOTE* 'ogg' is web-compatible. If you want another format, just change the suffix (e.g. '.mp4')
!avconv -y -r 15 -f image2 -i anim/fig_%04d.png  -vb 600k anim/vpp.ogg
!rm anim/*.png

avconv version 0.8.6-6:0.8.6-0ubuntu0.12.10.1, Copyright (c) 2000-2013 the Libav developers
  built on Apr  2 2013 17:02:16 with gcc 4.7.2
[image2 @ 0x1621140] max_analyze_duration reached
Input #0, image2, from 'anim/fig_%04d.png':
  Duration: 00:00:07.40, start: 0.000000, bitrate: N/A
    Stream #0.0: Video: png, bgra, 826x582, 15 fps, 15 tbr, 15 tbn, 15 tbc
Incompatible pixel format 'bgra' for codec 'libtheora', auto-selecting format 'yuv420p'
[buffer @ 0x1624a00] w:826 h:582 pixfmt:bgra
[avsink @ 0x1629580] auto-inserting filter 'auto-inserted scaler 0' between the filter 'src' and the filter 'out'
[scale @ 0x16223e0] w:826 h:582 fmt:bgra -> w:826 h:582 fmt:yuv420p flags:0x4
Output #0, ogg, to 'anim/vpp.ogg':
    encoder         : Lavf53.21.1
    Stream #0.0: Video: libtheora, yuv420p, 826x582, q=2-31, 600 kb/s, 15 tbn, 15 tbc
Stream mapping:
  Stream #0:0 -> #0:0 (png -> libtheora)
Press ctrl-c to stop encoding

video:553kB audio:0kB global headers:3kB muxing overhead 0.451748%

In [9]:
# display the video inline!
# note: this needs a recent browser... with HTML5 and the option of OGG-video playback
from IPython.core.display import HTML
video = open('anim/vpp.ogg', 'rb').read()
video_encoded = video.encode('base64') # encode the video in HTML-conform style
video_tag = ('<video controls type="video/ogg" '
             + 'alt="VPP walking model" src="data:video/ogg;base64,{0}">').format(video_encoded)
HTML(data = video_tag)


In [18]: