Here, CliMT is configured as a simple moist GCM with a grey radiation scheme and the simple physics package (Reed and Jablonowski (2012)) to provide surface fluxes, a boundary layer and large scale condensation.
The GCM generates a weak circulation, and the vertical transport of temperature and moisture are limited since no convection is present. The weak circulation is a consequence of no water vapour sensitivity in the radiation scheme.
In [1]:
%matplotlib notebook
from climt.dynamics import dynamics
from climt.simple_physics_custom import simple_physics_custom
from climt.federation import federation
import climt
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
sns.set_style('whitegrid',rc={'grid.linestyle':'dotted', 'grid.color':'0.0'})
# Dynamical core parameters
import matplotlib as mpl
global_time_step = 1200.
kwargs = {}
kwargs['dt'] = global_time_step
kwargs['nlon'] = 96
kwargs['nlat'] = 44
#Init the dynamics Component
dycore = dynamics(scheme='gfs', **kwargs)
#Get the pressure and lat/lon values
pressure = dycore['p']
ps = dycore['ps']
full_latitudes = dycore.Extension.latitudes
full_longitudes = dycore.Extension.longitudes
dycore_grid = dycore.Grid
In [2]:
#Setup simple physics
kwargs['grid'] = dycore_grid
kwargs['dt'] = global_time_step
kwargs['p'] = pressure
kwargs['pint'] = dycore['pint']
kwargs['use_ext_ts'] = True
#set surface temperatures
eq_pole_temp_gradient = 20.
max_temp = 280.
delta = eq_pole_temp_gradient/max_temp
Ts = max_temp*(1 - delta*np.sin(full_latitudes)**2)
kwargs['Ts'] = Ts
phys = simple_physics_custom(**kwargs)
#Initialise radiation
kwargs = {}
#kwargs['UpdateFreq'] = 3600.
kwargs['grid'] = dycore_grid
rad = climt.radiation(scheme='newgreygas', **kwargs)
In [3]:
#Setup federation
kwargs = {}
kwargs['Ts'] = Ts
kwargs['MonitorFields'] = ['U','q','V','precc'] # Display zonal velocity during simulation
kwargs['MonitorFreq'] = 3600.*6 #6 hourly update
kwargs['grid'] = dycore_grid
fed = federation(dycore, rad, phys, **kwargs)
In [4]:
#Run the code for 10 days. each time step is 1200 seconds = 1/3 hour
num_steps = 500*24*3
for i in range(num_steps):
#Integrate one time step
In [ ]: