Runtime Prediction via QC


This notebook is designed to 1) create a dataframe that brings together runtime information with the information provided by the QC group. It then 2) calculates the correlation of QC variables to runtime for a core variant calling workflows. Based on those correlations, it 3) generates a linear regression model to predict runtime from QC variables and then 4) evaluates the performance of this model on ~20% of the dataset that was excluded from the training.

In [329]:
# imports
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# this allows plots to appear directly in the notebook
%matplotlib inline

In [330]:
import math
# read a dict for runtimes
f = open("sanger_timing.tsv", "r")
runtimes = {}
for line in iter(f):
    a = line.split("\t")
    runtimes[a[0]] = a[1]

# read data into a DataFrame
data = pd.read_csv('PCAWG-QC_Summary-of-Measures_QC_Measures.tsv', delimiter='\t')
data['runtime'] = 0.0
# loop over and annotate with runtime
for index, row in data.iterrows():
    key = row['Project_code'] + "::" + row['Submitter_donor_ID']
        curr_runtime = math.log(float(runtimes[key]))
        #curr_runtime = float(runtimes[key])
        data.set_value(index, 'runtime', curr_runtime)

Project_code Submitter_donor_ID Normal_WGS_aliquot_ID Tumour_WGS_aliquot_ID Stars Mean_Coverage_Normal Mean_Coverage_Tumour Median/Mean_Coverage_Normal FWHM_Normal Median/Mean_Coverage_Tumour FWHM_Tumour Somatic_Mutation_Calling_Coverage %_of_paired_reads_mapping_to_different_chromosomes_Normal %_of_paired_reads_mapping_to_different_chromosomes_Tumour Ratio_of_difference_in_edits_between_paired_reads_Normal Ratio_of_difference_in_edits_between_paired_reads_Tumour runtime
0 BLCA-US 096b4f32-10c1-4737-a0dd-cae04c54ee33 e0fccaf5-925a-41f9-b87c-cd5ee4aecb59 301d6ce3-4099-4c1d-8e50-c04b7ce91450 5.0 37.98 45.40 1.026162 0.088868 1.038914 0.152645 2.802268e+09 2.14 2.32 1.177728 1.200458 4.179052
1 BLCA-US 178b28cd-99c3-48dc-8d09-1ef71b4cee80 c1da8eed-4919-4ba5-a735-3fba476c18a7 4838b5a9-968c-4178-bffb-3fafe1f6dc09 5.0 31.50 33.65 1.015003 0.114352 0.981037 0.097032 2.746502e+09 2.41 1.80 1.219270 1.093826 4.176824
2 BLCA-US 1e308b12-0590-4dae-94d0-a539fcf25df7 d6e91f4c-38c0-4393-9cb7-be076663dff3 c66c92d5-df65-46e6-861d-d8a98808e6a3 5.0 32.72 30.71 1.021017 0.095867 0.968090 0.085069 2.733112e+09 1.97 2.03 1.178552 1.159640 4.164207
3 BLCA-US 24f21425-b001-4986-aedf-5b4dd851c6ad f88b2f4c-15f1-4808-bcec-89abc7466de6 973d0577-8ca4-44a1-817f-1d3c1bada151 4.5 37.60 39.17 1.012372 0.093099 0.893826 0.070527 2.773264e+09 2.93 2.12 1.188315 1.198255 4.023495
4 BLCA-US 3ed614e7-f356-4d87-985b-d3bbbae3bb40 c14e29aa-a979-4452-8019-7eebfb3d5d04 91f458e6-64b7-454d-a542-b0aa23638fd8 5.0 31.90 33.55 1.011833 0.083130 0.931186 0.081127 2.633835e+09 2.05 1.95 1.003750 1.063998 3.924358

In [331]:
# now I have a merged dataframe that has all QC values along with the runtime for the workflow

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In [332]:
# Import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Make a histogram of all the ratings in the average_rating column.

# Show the plot.

In [333]:
# remove 0 runtimes
data = data[data["runtime"] > 0.0]

In [334]:
# remove any NAN
data = data.dropna() 


In [335]:
# showing zeros and nan have been removed

(2721, 17)

In [336]:
# general stats

Stars Mean_Coverage_Normal Mean_Coverage_Tumour Median/Mean_Coverage_Normal FWHM_Normal Median/Mean_Coverage_Tumour FWHM_Tumour Somatic_Mutation_Calling_Coverage %_of_paired_reads_mapping_to_different_chromosomes_Normal %_of_paired_reads_mapping_to_different_chromosomes_Tumour Ratio_of_difference_in_edits_between_paired_reads_Normal Ratio_of_difference_in_edits_between_paired_reads_Tumour runtime
count 2721.000000 2721.000000 2721.000000 2721.000000 2721.000000 2721.000000 2721.000000 2.721000e+03 2721.000000 2721.000000 2721.000000 2721.000000 2721.000000
mean 4.633591 39.458754 52.510945 1.021147 0.107202 1.001676 0.114968 2.767964e+09 1.907677 1.882194 1.393810 1.388843 4.513328
std 0.618701 9.962816 16.240426 0.025867 0.060247 0.040909 0.068289 1.060536e+08 2.177744 1.654763 0.364620 0.324422 0.742826
min 1.000000 19.410000 7.450000 0.560367 0.046188 0.767974 0.046799 1.546442e+08 0.290000 0.300000 1.000506 1.000963 3.047666
25% 4.500000 33.600000 38.600000 1.013513 0.076415 0.984346 0.077441 2.755920e+09 0.980000 1.010000 1.191563 1.188612 3.922061
50% 5.000000 37.390000 51.460000 1.024989 0.089827 1.011688 0.095302 2.800633e+09 1.400000 1.430000 1.300403 1.312105 4.440993
75% 5.000000 42.620000 64.010000 1.030981 0.116184 1.028074 0.128667 2.817523e+09 2.130000 2.130000 1.479354 1.486944 5.071323
max 5.000000 177.890000 218.520000 1.106314 0.770586 1.131986 1.176241 2.846089e+09 57.900000 30.330000 5.083394 5.220612 7.362016

In [337]:
# look at correlation

Stars                                                       -0.107973
Mean_Coverage_Normal                                         0.179775
Mean_Coverage_Tumour                                         0.164330
Median/Mean_Coverage_Normal                                  0.020396
FWHM_Normal                                                 -0.009230
Median/Mean_Coverage_Tumour                                 -0.019306
FWHM_Tumour                                                  0.065747
Somatic_Mutation_Calling_Coverage                            0.008306
%_of_paired_reads_mapping_to_different_chromosomes_Normal    0.078384
%_of_paired_reads_mapping_to_different_chromosomes_Tumour    0.149728
Ratio_of_difference_in_edits_between_paired_reads_Normal     0.039422
Ratio_of_difference_in_edits_between_paired_reads_Tumour     0.097569
runtime                                                      1.000000
Name: runtime, dtype: float64

In [338]:
# visualize the relationship between the features and the response using scatterplots
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, axs = plt.subplots(4, 3, sharey=True)
fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=.5, wspace=.5)
data.plot(kind='scatter', x='Stars', y='runtime', ax=axs[0, 0], figsize=(16, 16))
data.plot(kind='scatter', x='Mean_Coverage_Normal', y='runtime', ax=axs[0, 1])
data.plot(kind='scatter', x='Mean_Coverage_Tumour', y='runtime', ax=axs[0, 2])
data.plot(kind='scatter', x='FWHM_Normal', y='runtime', ax=axs[1, 0])
data.plot(kind='scatter', x='Median/Mean_Coverage_Tumour', y='runtime', ax=axs[1, 1])
data.plot(kind='scatter', x='FWHM_Tumour', y='runtime', ax=axs[1, 2])
data.plot(kind='scatter', x='Somatic_Mutation_Calling_Coverage', y='runtime', ax=axs[2, 0])
data.plot(kind='scatter', x='%_of_paired_reads_mapping_to_different_chromosomes_Normal', y='runtime', ax=axs[2, 1])
data.plot(kind='scatter', x='%_of_paired_reads_mapping_to_different_chromosomes_Tumour', y='runtime', ax=axs[2, 2])
data.plot(kind='scatter', x='Ratio_of_difference_in_edits_between_paired_reads_Normal', y='runtime', ax=axs[3, 0])
data.plot(kind='scatter', x='Ratio_of_difference_in_edits_between_paired_reads_Tumour', y='runtime', ax=axs[3, 1])
data.plot(kind='scatter', x='runtime', y='runtime', ax=axs[3, 2])

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1249f0518>

In [339]:
# now clear out the columns that we don't want to use
# Get all the columns from the dataframe.
columns = data.columns.tolist()
# Filter the columns to remove ones we don't want.
columns = [c for c in columns if c not in ["runtime", "Project_code", "Submitter_donor_ID", "Normal_WGS_aliquot_ID", "Tumour_WGS_aliquot_ID"]]
#columns = [c for c in columns if c not in ["runtime", "Project_code", "Submitter_donor_ID", "Normal_WGS_aliquot_ID", "Tumour_WGS_aliquot_ID", "Median/Mean_Coverage_Normal", "FWHM_Normal", "Median/Mean_Coverage_Tumour", "FWHM_Tumour", "Somatic_Mutation_Calling_Coverage", "%_of_paired_reads_mapping_to_different_chromosomes_Normal", "Ratio_of_difference_in_edits_between_paired_reads_Normal", "Ratio_of_difference_in_edits_between_paired_reads_Tumour"]]

# Store the variable we'll be predicting on.
target = "runtime"

In [340]:
# Import a convenience function to split the sets.
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

# Generate the training set.  Set random_state to be able to replicate results.
train = data.sample(frac=0.8, random_state=1)
# Select anything not in the training set and put it in the testing set.
test = data.loc[~data.index.isin(train.index)]
# Print the shapes of both sets.

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In [341]:
# Import the linearregression model.
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

# Initialize the model class.
model = LinearRegression()
# Fit the model to the training data.[columns], train[target])

LinearRegression(copy_X=True, fit_intercept=True, n_jobs=1, normalize=False)

In [342]:
# now test 
# Import the scikit-learn function to compute error.
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error

# Generate our predictions for the test set.
predictions = model.predict(test[columns])

# Compute error between our test predictions and the actual values.
mean_squared_error(predictions, test[target])


In [343]:
# try random forest
# Import the random forest model.
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor

# Initialize the model with some parameters.
model = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=100, min_samples_leaf=10, random_state=1)
# Fit the model to the data.[columns], train[target])
# Make predictions.
predictions = model.predict(test[columns])
# Compute the error.
mean_squared_error(predictions, test[target])


In [347]:
# look at predicted vs. actual
import statsmodels.api as sm
import numpy as np

data['predicted_runtime'] = model.predict(data[columns])
#data.plot(kind='scatter', x='runtime', y='predicted_runtime')

results = sm.OLS(data['predicted_runtime'],sm.add_constant(data['runtime'])).fit()



#X_plot = np.linspace(0,1,100)
#plt.plot(X_plot, X_plot*results.params[0] + results.params[1])

# fit with np.polyfit
m, b = np.polyfit(data['runtime'], data['predicted_runtime'], 1)

#plt.plot(x, y, '.')
plt.plot(data['runtime'], m*data['runtime'] + b, '-', color='r')
plt.ylabel('predicted runtime (log)')
plt.xlabel('runtime (log)')

                            OLS Regression Results                            
Dep. Variable:      predicted_runtime   R-squared:                       0.511
Model:                            OLS   Adj. R-squared:                  0.511
Method:                 Least Squares   F-statistic:                     2844.
Date:                Sun, 05 Feb 2017   Prob (F-statistic):               0.00
Time:                        22:46:27   Log-Likelihood:                 219.17
No. Observations:                2721   AIC:                            -434.3
Df Residuals:                    2719   BIC:                            -422.5
Df Model:                           1                                         
Covariance Type:            nonrobust                                         
                 coef    std err          t      P>|t|      [95.0% Conf. Int.]
const          3.1287      0.026    118.659      0.000         3.077     3.180
runtime        0.3074      0.006     53.332      0.000         0.296     0.319
Omnibus:                       49.497   Durbin-Watson:                   1.424
Prob(Omnibus):                  0.000   Jarque-Bera (JB):               84.620
Skew:                           0.139   Prob(JB):                     4.22e-19
Kurtosis:                       3.818   Cond. No.                         29.5

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.


Seems like the coverage dominates the runtime. The model agrees with actual runtime not particularly well, R^2 of 0.511, lower than the other two workflows. It's possible that the number of sites we ran in contributed to the noise. Sanger was the earliest variant pipeline and we executed it on the largest number of clouds, some of which had infrastructure issues.

In [ ]: