
In this notebook, we will need pandas to read/process data and matplotlib to plot data.

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn
import re
import datetime
matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (15.0, 12.0)

Column names of data file:

In [2]:
summaryfile_type = {'Unnamed':int,

Read data into memory and process the data

In [3]:
fannie1 = pd.read_csv('./processed/total/total_2012.csv', dtype=summaryfile_type, nrows=10000000)
fannie1.drop(fannie1.columns[:1], axis=1, inplace=True)
fannie1.rename(columns=lambda x: re.sub('[.]','_',x), inplace=True)

0 100001726155 B STEARNS LENDING, LLC 3.500 278000.0 360.0 12/2012 02/2013 77.0 77.0 1.0 36.0 802.0 N R SF 1 P CA 949 NaN FRM NaN 09/01/2015 OTHER 3.500 258940.15 32.0 328.0 320.0 01/2043 42220 0 N 0.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 100003164216 R OTHER 3.625 478000.0 360.0 11/2012 01/2013 68.0 68.0 2.0 25.0 763.0 N R PU 1 P CA 913 NaN FRM 742.0 09/01/2015 OTHER 3.625 452501.57 33.0 327.0 327.0 12/2042 31080 0 N 0.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 100008218145 C FLAGSTAR CAPITAL MARKETS CORPORATION 3.625 403000.0 360.0 09/2012 11/2012 54.0 61.0 2.0 33.0 749.0 N R SF 1 P WA 981 NaN FRM 747.0 08/01/2014 MATRIX FINANCIAL SERVICES CORPORATION 3.625 389568.37 22.0 338.0 0.0 10/2042 42660 X N 1.0 08/2014 NaN NaN NaN
3 100009252313 C WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. 3.625 626000.0 360.0 09/2012 11/2012 78.0 78.0 1.0 24.0 800.0 N R SF 1 P VA 220 NaN FRM NaN 09/01/2015 WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. 3.625 590002.26 35.0 325.0 325.0 10/2042 47900 0 N 0.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
4 100009333533 C JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION 3.625 130000.0 360.0 10/2012 12/2012 80.0 80.0 2.0 41.0 758.0 Y P SF 1 P IL 601 NaN FRM 749.0 09/01/2015 JP MORGAN CHASE BANK, NA 3.625 122262.89 34.0 326.0 322.0 11/2042 16980 0 N 0.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN

In [6]:
# All helper functions!
def extract_status_year(df, col, x):
    This function is to extract the year of last report time. For groupby purpose
    Instead of using the datetime object, let's use the string function to extract year
    return df.ix[x,col].split('/')[-1]

def extract_credit_score(x,y):
    temp = x.copy()
    temp[x.isnull()] = y.loc[x.isnull()]
    temp[x>y] = y[x>y]
    #x[x>y] = y[x>y]
    return temp
def extract_status_default(df, x):
    This function is to extract the year of last report time. For groupby purpose
    Instead of using the datetime object, let's use the string function to extract year
    if (df.ix[x,'Zero_Bal_Code'] == 0) or (df.ix[x,'Zero_Bal_Code'] == 1):
        return 'Healthy'
    elif (df.ix[x,'Zero_Bal_Code'] == 3) or (df.ix[x,'Zero_Bal_Code'] == 6) or (df.ix[x,'Zero_Bal_Code'] == 9):
        return 'Default'
        return 'NA'

In [7]:
# Processing the credit score: Take the lower credit score from two scores if both are available
credit = extract_credit_score(fannie1['CSCORE_B'],fannie1['CSCORE_C'])
fannie1.drop(['CSCORE_B','CSCORE_C'],axis = 1, inplace=True)
fannie1['CSCORE'] = credit

Analysis of data from 2000 to 2012

Evolution of default rate

In [8]:
# Total number of record
total_num = len(fannie1)
print("Total number of record is: {}".format(total_num))

Total number of record is: 10000000

In [9]:
# Number of prepaid
total_prepaid = len(fannie1.ix[fannie1['Zero_Bal_Code'] == 1])
print("Total number of prepaid is {}".format(total_prepaid))
print("Total prepaid ratio is {}".format(total_prepaid/total_num))

Total number of prepaid is 6282546
Total prepaid ratio is 0.6282546

In [10]:
fannie1_default = fannie1.ix[(fannie1['Zero_Bal_Code'] == 9) | (fannie1['Zero_Bal_Code'] == 6) |
                              (fannie1['Zero_Bal_Code'] == 9)]
# Number of default
total_default = len(fannie1_default)
print("Total number of default is: {}".format(total_default))
print("Total default ratio is {}".format(total_default/total_num))

Total number of default is: 247709
Total default ratio is 0.0247709

In [11]:
total_default_by_year = fannie1_default.groupby(lambda x:extract_status_year(fannie1,'Monthly_Rpt_Prd',x))['LOAN_ID'].count()
total_by_year = fannie1.groupby(lambda x:extract_status_year(fannie1,'ORIG_DTE',x))['LOAN_ID'].count()

In [12]:'Default number''Total number'
default_rate_by_year = pd.concat([total_default_by_year,total_by_year],axis = 1, join='outer')
default_rate_by_year['Default_Rate'] = default_rate_by_year['Default number']/default_rate_by_year['Total number']

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fe20f1b71d0>

Some comments about the default rate evolution

From the plot above, there is a tendency to say the default rate peaks at 2011. However, this dataset is just a subset of all Fannie's single family data. Also, many loan won't default in a short period of time. These factors all contribute to the increase of default rate at 2011. The dataset also cuts off in 2012, which probably explains why we see a decrease after 2011.

Number of applicants per year

In [13]:
total_applications_by_year = fannie1.groupby(lambda x:extract_status_year(fannie1,'ORIG_DTE',x))['LOAN_ID'].count()

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fe20f1216a0>

The evolution of interest rate by year

In [14]:
rate_by_year = fannie1.groupby(lambda x:extract_status_year(fannie1,'ORIG_DTE',x))['ORIG_RT'].mean()

In [15]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fe20f0c8b38>

In [16]:
# Any different in each state?
rate_by_year_state = fannie1.groupby([lambda x:extract_status_year(fannie1,'ORIG_DTE',x),'STATE'])['ORIG_RT'].mean()

In [17]:
rate_by_year_state = rate_by_year_state.unstack(level=0)

i = int(np.ceil(fannie1['STATE'].nunique()/4))
j = 4
fig, axes = plt.subplots(i,j, figsize=(10, 8))
plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.5, hspace=0.5)
i2 = 0
for state in rate_by_year_state.index:
    j2 += 1
    if j2 > 3:
        i2 += 1
        i2 = i2 % i
    j2 = j2 % j

Comments on rates by states plot

Some states, like North Dakota (ND) show an upward trend in early 2000s even the general trend of interest rate is going down. This is very interesting. I think this may related to its specific booming economy in that state, like oil (drilling in ND).

Default cases in each year

Still need to think about how to count the statistics of new application each year.

In [18]:
default_by_year = pd.concat([total_by_year,total_default_by_year], join='outer', axis=1)#.reset_index().plot()
default_by_year['Rate'] = default_by_year['Default number']/default_by_year['Total number']

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fe20f14e7f0>

Default cases in each state each year

In [19]:
default_by_year_state = fannie1_default.groupby([lambda x:extract_status_year(fannie1,'Monthly_Rpt_Prd',x), 

In [20]:
total_by_year_state = fannie1.groupby([lambda x:extract_status_year(fannie1,'Monthly_Rpt_Prd',x), 

In [21]:'default_cases_by_state''total_cases_by_state'

In [22]:
default_stat_by_year_state = pd.concat([default_by_year_state, 
                                      total_by_year_state], join='outer', axis=1)

default_stat_by_year_state['Rate'] = default_stat_by_year_state['default_cases_by_state']/default_stat_by_year_state['total_cases_by_state']

array([<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7fe21a3ebc88>,
       <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7fe1fe21afd0>,
       <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7fe2b3bb8630>,
       <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7fe1fe232f98>,
       <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7fe20542a940>,
       <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7fe20cda6198>,
       <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7fe211116278>,
       <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7fe21729a3c8>,
       <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7fe21b38dd30>,
       <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7fe21ebccb38>,
       <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7fe2b3b65400>,
       <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7fe2b3a77e80>], dtype=object)

In [23]:

2011  NV       0.278939
2010  NV       0.275126
      AZ       0.229078
2011  AZ       0.208608
      PR       0.191977
2014  FL       0.179002
2009  NV       0.175793
2010  FL       0.172649
      GA       0.142972
2004  AL       0.142857
2010  MI       0.142426
2013  VI       0.138462
2011  MI       0.135645
2009  AZ       0.129435
2011  ID       0.125779
2008  MI       0.125082
      NV       0.119600
2011  GA       0.117003
      FL       0.115594
2013  FL       0.114975
2014  MD       0.104205
2010  ID       0.100582
2009  MI       0.098306
2014  ME       0.095652
      IL       0.094153
      CT       0.092987
2009  FL       0.091376
2013  PR       0.088785
2011  MS       0.082735
2012  FL       0.081037
2004  WI            NaN
      WV            NaN
      WY            NaN
2005  DC            NaN
      ID            NaN
      KS            NaN
      ME            NaN
      MT            NaN
      ND            NaN
      NE            NaN
      RI            NaN
      UT            NaN
      VI            NaN
      VT            NaN
      WV            NaN
      WY            NaN
2006  AK            NaN
      GU            NaN
      ND            NaN
      PR            NaN
      VI            NaN
2007  GU            NaN
      VI            NaN
2008  GU            NaN
      VI            NaN
2009  GU            NaN
2011  GU            NaN
      VI            NaN
2012  GU            NaN
2014  GU            NaN
Name: Rate, dtype: float64

Default case by their credit score

Distribution of credit score

In [24]:

count    9.988642e+06
mean     7.434335e+02
std      5.308873e+01
min      3.200000e+02
25%      7.090000e+02
50%      7.570000e+02
75%      7.860000e+02
max      8.500000e+02
Name: CSCORE, dtype: float64

Credit score statistics

The average credit score of all applications is 743. This is a little bit surprising. I don't know what credit agency do these score come from. But if it is FICO, then average potential home owner has a excellent credit score based on the article here. If you have credit score less than 700 then you are already at only 25% percentile!

In [25]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fe223a1aac8>

In [26]:
total_by_loan_status = fannie1.groupby([lambda x: extract_status_default(fannie1, x),
                                        lambda x:extract_status_year(fannie1,'ORIG_DTE',x)])['CSCORE'].mean()

In [27]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fe2072b3ac8>

Loan Status and Its credit score

This graph shows some interesting findings:

  1. The overall trend of applicant's credit score is increasing by year.
  2. Default cases does have lower average credit score compared to non-default cases. Therefore, credit score should be considered as one feature in the following machine learning model.
  3. In the early days, you can get a loan with a low score less than 700 in 1999 and 2000. But this is not the case anymore. Tighter regulations make the rule of housing loan more and more strict, which is definitely a good thing.

Initial Loan-to-Value ratio by status

In [30]:
LTV_by_loan_status = fannie1.groupby([lambda x: extract_status_default(fannie1, x),
                                        lambda x:extract_status_year(fannie1,'ORIG_DTE',x)])['OLTV'].mean()

In [31]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fe207217ac8>

Loan to value ratio (LTV)

Another interesting plot. Clearly, healthy loan has LTVs around 70%, while default cases are at 80%. This makes sense too. As higher LTV means you borrow more money to buy the house, which makes the mortgage riskier.

Debt-to-Income ratio

In [34]:
DTI_by_loan_status = fannie1.groupby([lambda x: extract_status_default(fannie1, x),
                                        lambda x:extract_status_year(fannie1,'ORIG_DTE',x)])['DTI'].mean()

In [35]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fe20719ca90>

Debt-to-Income ratio (DTI)

There are a lot of websites out there to tell you how much you can afford to buy a house. Like this one. The conservative approach uses ~37% as DTI and the aggressive uses 41%. Analysis of Fannie's data kind of supports this theory. Default cases in general has higher DTI compared to those non-default cases. Also, before the sub-prime crisis, you can get a loan with DTI higher than 40%. Now, the general trend of DTI becomes more and more conservative. DTI rates are now between 30-35%. So next time when you use the online house affordability calculator. Keep this in mind that the conservative approach is really the approach you should take. Don't bother with the "aggressive" approach...

Loan purpose analysis

In [38]:
purpose_status = fannie1.groupby([lambda x: extract_status_default(fannie1, x), 'PURPOSE'])['LOAN_ID'].count()

In [39]:
purpose_status = purpose_status.unstack(level=0)

In [40]:
purpose_status['Default_Ratio'] = purpose_status['Default']/purpose_status['Healthy']

Default Healthy Default_Ratio
C 144821 2822240 0.051314
P 118948 3889445 0.030582
R 74859 2949208 0.025383
U 30 449 0.066815

Loan purpose comments

Code Purpose
C Cash-out refinance
P Purchase
R Refinance
U Unspecified refinance

Keep in mind that overall default rate is 0.0247709. Cash out refinance has relatively higher default rate compared to other types. If you think about why, click the link and read what "cash-out refinance" means and you would know why.

Occupancy status analysis

In [41]:
occupancy_status = fannie1.groupby([lambda x: extract_status_default(fannie1, x), 'OCC_STAT'])['LOAN_ID'].count()

occupancy_status = occupancy_status.unstack(level=0)

In [42]:
occupancy_status['Default_Ratio'] = occupancy_status['Default']/occupancy_status['Healthy']

Default Healthy Default_Ratio
I 39882 743727 0.053625
P 283148 8421442 0.033622
S 15628 496173 0.031497

Occupancy status comments

Code Status
I Investment
P Primary
S Secondary

Very simple conclusion: Investment type occupancy status has a relatively higher default rate.

Geo-Location analysis

In [43]:
location_default = fannie1.groupby([lambda x: extract_status_default(fannie1, x), 'STATE'])['LOAN_ID'].count()
location_total = fannie1.groupby(['STATE'])['LOAN_ID'].count()
location_default_stat = pd.concat([location_default.unstack(level=0),location_total], axis = 1, join='inner')

location_default_stat.columns = ['Default', 'Healthy', 'Total']

location_default_stat['Default_Ratio'] = location_default_stat['Default']/location_default_stat['Total']

In [44]:
location_default_mean = location_default_stat['Default_Ratio'].mean()
location_default_std = location_default_stat['Default_Ratio'].std()

States have higher than mean + 1.5 sigma default rate?

In [45]:
location_default_stat[location_default_stat['Default_Ratio'] > location_default_mean + 1.5*location_default_std]

Default Healthy Total Default_Ratio
AZ 26272 253459 279731 0.093919
FL 53461 470288 523749 0.102074
MI 17551 230956 248507 0.070626
NV 10551 77884 88435 0.119308

Geo based default statistics

I am very surprised about this analysis. Those four states have higher default rate (more than 1.5$\sigma$ higher than the mean). I thought they would be CA, TX etc. But none of them are at the top of the list. In fact, Nevada is the state with highest default rate, followed by Florida.