In [ ]:

In [ ]:
loadData <- function(dataFolder) {
    files <- list.files(dataFolder)
    data <- list()
    for(file in files) {    
        df <- read.csv(paste0(dataFolder, "/", file), stringsAsFactors=F)    
        minYear <- min(df$Year)
        complaintType <- substr(file,1,(nchar(file))-4)    
        tsObject <- ts(df$Complaints, start=c(minYear, 1), frequency = 12)
        data[[complaintType]] <- tsObject
data <- loadData("../../data/topNComplaints")

# change dates if data changes
train_stop <- c(2015, 6)
test_start <- c(2015, 7)

In [ ]:
series <- data[["Dog menace "]]

In [ ]:
# data before 2012 are too few to consider
train_start <- c(2012, 4)
series <- window(series, start=train_start, end=c(2016, 9))

In [ ]:

Cleaning up data

In [ ]:
plot(series, col="red", lty=2)
lines(tsclean(series), lty=1)
legend("topright", col=c("red", "black"), lty=c(2,1), legend=c("Original", "Cleaned"))

In [ ]:
series.cleaned <- tsclean(series)

There are no significant outliers, and the data is clean.


Let's see if there is a seasonal component in this data.

In [ ]:
#Comparing the seasonality of entire dataset and the training data
plot(stl(series, s.window="periodic"))
# The series does look like it has a seasonal component - let's take a look at that.

plot(stl(window(series,end = c(2015,6)), s.window="periodic"))
# The series does look like it has a seasonal component - let's take a look at that.

Note: From the plot and the data points, it looks like the seasonality varies slightly for recent time period(test data), which is not exactly the same as that of trianing dataset, which in turn may mildly affect the future predictions if we consider only the seasonality of the training dataset.

In [ ]:
plot(stl(series, s.window=6)) # change s.window to something that make sense

In [ ]:
# let's take a look at which month this series peaks
# looks like there are two spikes, one in march and the other in september
# the data does contain another spike in between the two - which isn't apparent in the 
# seasonal component
seasonal <- stl(series, s.window=6)$time.series[, 1] # change s.window
plot(seasonal, col="grey")
month1 <- 9 # september
month2 <- 3 # march
for(i in 2012:2016) {    
    abline(v=(month1-1)/12 + i, lty=2)
    abline(v=(month2-1)/12 + i, lty=3)

In [ ]:
# let's superimpose this on the original data, to see if this effect 
# is significant
plot(series, col="grey")
month1 <- 9
month2 <- 3
for(i in 2012:2016) {    
    abline(v=(month1-1)/12 + i, lty=2)
    abline(v=(month2-1)/12 + i, lty=3)

In [ ]:
# this series looks like it fits the data well - since the seasonal component does seem to increase as time progresses
# let's set s.window = "periodic" <- stl(series, s.window="periodic")
series.adj <- seasadj(

In [ ]: <- stl(series.cleaned, s.window=6)
series.cleaned.adj <- seasadj(


ARIMA models - estimating p, d, q

First, let us estimate $d$. This is done by looking at the ACF of the data.

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
# the above series is a classic example of a series that requires a diff of order 1, 
# so let's try that out and take a look at the Acf to see if it is overdifferenced
tsdisplay(diff(series.adj, lag=1, differences = 1))

In [ ]:
# looks like the series has a strong, negative ACF at lag12 
# indicating a possible seasonality? 
# let's also look at d=2
tsdisplay(diff(series.adj, lag = 1, differences = 2))
# this is clearly overdifferenced, so d <= 1

In [ ]:
# take a look at standard-deviation
sd.0 <- sd(series.adj)
sd.1 <- sd(diff(series.adj, differences = 1))
sd.2 <- sd(diff(series.adj, differences = 2))
print(paste0("SD with d = 0: ", sd.0, ", SD with d = 1: ", sd.1, ", SD with d = 2: ", sd.2))
# in terms of sd, d=1 is a better fit

In [ ]:
series.diff <- diff(series.adj, lag=1, differences = 1)

In [ ]:
plot(series.diff, col="grey")
# a 2x4 MA
lines(ma(ma(series.diff, order=2), order=4))
abline(mean(series.diff), 0, col="blue", lty=2)

In [ ]:

Next, we need to estimate p and q. To do this, we take a look at the PACF of the data. Note that this analysis is done on the differenced data. If we decide to fit a model with d=0, then we need to perform this analysis for the un-differenced data as well

In [ ]:
# let d=0 first
# looks like a AR(1), MA(4)

In [ ]:
# let's try with d=1
# looks like MA(12) process, possibly an AR(3)

Building candidate models

In [ ]:
modelArima <- function(series, order, h, testData = NULL, lambda=NULL) {
    fit <- Arima(series, order=order, lambda = lambda)
    predictions <- forecast(fit, h, lambda = lambda)
    # compute max and min y
    min.yvalue <- min(min(series), min(testData))
    max.yvalue <- max(max(series), max(testData))
    plot(predictions, ylim=c(min.yvalue, max.yvalue))
    if(!is.null(testData)) {
        lines(testData, col="red", lty=2)
        print(accuracy(predictions, testData))
    # check if residuals looklike white noise
    Acf(residuals(fit), main="Residuals")
    # portmantaeu test
    print(Box.test(residuals(fit), lag=24, fitdf=4, type="Ljung"))

In [ ]:
# split the series into a test and a train set
series.train <- window(series.adj, end=train_stop)
series.test <- window(series.adj, start=test_start)

In [ ]:
modelArima(series.train, c(1, 0, 4), length(series.test), series.test)

In [ ]:
modelArima(series.train, c(3, 1, 12), length(series.test), series.test)

Additional Experimentation using BoxCox transforms

The series, even after differencing appears to be non-stationary:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
# let's try a BoxCox transform
est.lambda <- BoxCox.lambda(series.diff)

In [ ]:
# this is for diffed
adf.test(BoxCox(series.diff, lambda = est.lambda))

In [ ]:
# print the series out once
tsdisplay(BoxCox(series.diff, lambda = est.lambda))

In [ ]:
# let's retry the models with lambda
modelArima(series.train, c(1, 0, 4), length(series.test), series.test, lambda = BoxCox.lambda(series.adj))

In [ ]:
modelArima(series.train, c(3, 1, 12), length(series.test), series.test, est.lambda)

Exponential Smoothing

In [ ]:
# series = original data
# series.cleaned = outliers removed
# series.adj = original data, seasonally adjusted
# series.cleaned.adj = cleaned data, seasonally adjusted
# series.train = original seasonally adjusted data's train split
# series.test = original seasonally adjusted data's test split
# series.cleaned.train = cleaned seasonally adjusted data's train split
# series.cleaned.test = cleaned seasonally adjusted data's test split

# = original data's stl
# = cleaned data's stl 
# tsdisplay(series.adj)

train_start = c(2012,4)
train_end = c(2015,6)

test_start = c(2015, 7)
test_end = c(2016, 6)

seasonal =[[1]][,1]
seasonal_cleaned =[[1]][,1]

In [ ]:
## Function for finding the average of seasonal components
period_stat <- function(ts_data_in, type = 1, start_value, years){
    #type 1: sum
    #type 2: mean

    freq <- frequency(ts_data_in)
    len <- length(ts_data_in)

    freq_vector <- numeric(0)
    freq_sum <- numeric(0)
    vec <- numeric(0)
    sum_vec <- numeric(0)

    start_val <- start(ts_data_in)

    ts_data_in <- c(rep(NA,start_val[2] - 1),ts_data_in)

    max_limit <- ceiling(len/freq)
    for(i in 1:max_limit){

        vec <- ts_data_in[(((i-1)*freq)+1):(((i-1)*freq)+freq)]
        freq_vector <- as.numeric(!
        vec[] <- 0

        if(i == 1){
            sum_vec <- vec
            freq_sum <- freq_vector
            sum_vec <- sum_vec + vec
            freq_sum <- freq_sum + freq_vector

    final_ts <- numeric(0)
    if(type == 1)
        final_ts <- sum_vec
    }else if(type == 2) {

        final_ts <- (sum_vec/freq_sum)
    } else {
        stop("Invalid type")

    return(ts(rep(final_ts,years),frequency = freq, start = start_value ))


In [ ]:
#Adjust the negative values in the ts data
min_ts_value <- min(series.adj)
min_ts_cleaned_value <- min(series.cleaned.adj)

bias_value <- (-1*min_ts_value) + 1
bias_value_cleaned <- (-1*min_ts_cleaned_value) + 1



ES_series <- series.adj + bias_value
ES_series_cleaned <- series.cleaned.adj + bias_value_cleaned


train_data_adj <- window(ES_series,start = train_start, end=train_end)
test_data_adj <- window(ES_series, start= test_start, end = test_end)

train_data_adj_cleaned <- window(ES_series_cleaned,start = train_start, end = train_end)
test_data_adj_cleaned <- window(ES_series_cleaned, start = test_start, end = test_end)

train_data <- window(series, start = train_start, end = train_end)
test_data <- window(series, start = test_start, end = test_end)

train_data_cleaned <- window(series.cleaned, start = train_start, end = train_end)
test_data_cleaned <- window(series.cleaned, start = test_start, end = test_end)

In [ ]:
#Getting the mean value from the seasonal components for the data set and not for the training set alone.
#Need to adjust based on the input from Suchana.

seasonal_mean <- period_stat(seasonal,2,c(2012,1),years = 7)
seasonal_cleaned_mean <- period_stat(seasonal_cleaned,2,c(2012,1),years = 7)

In [ ]:
#Preprocessing data. Removing 0 from the data

Finding the best fit for exponential smoothing

In [ ]:
all_types = c("ANN","AAN","AAA","ANA","MNN","MAN","MNA","MAA","MMN","MNM","MMM","MAM")
forecast_values = 12
# For eg: AAA -> additive level, additive trend and additive seasonality
# ANN -> No trend or seasonality

Function: For trying out various possible models in Exponential smoothing, and picking the best with MAPE values

In [ ]:
fit_function <- function(train_data, test_data)
    all_fit <- list()
    test_models <- list()

    print("Fitting various models: ")
    for (bool in c(TRUE,FALSE)){
        for (model_type in all_types){

            if(bool & substr(model_type,2,2)=="N"){
        test_model = ets(train_data, model = model_type,damped = bool)
        #Box.test(test_model$residuals, lag = 20, type = "Ljung-Box")$p.value
        all_fit[[paste0("ETS Model: ",model_type,", Damped: ",bool)]][1] <- 
                                                    accuracy(f = forecast.ets(test_model,h=forecast_values)$mean,x = test_data)[5]
        all_fit[[paste0("ETS Model: ",model_type,", Damped: ",bool)]][2] <- 
                                                    100*(Box.test(test_model$residuals, lag = 20, type = "Ljung-Box")$p.value)

            test_models[[paste0("ETS Model: ",model_type,", Damped: ",bool)]] <- test_model

            print(accuracy(f = forecast.ets(test_model,h=forecast_values)$mean, x = test_data)[5])

            #Excluding the models which has auto correlated residuals @ 10% significance level


In [ ]:
# Fitting the models for all types of data - Original, cleaned, seasonally adjusted, cleaned - seasonally adjusted

models_adj <- fit_function(train_data_adj,test_data_adj) #Seasonally adjusted data
models_adj_cleaned <- fit_function(train_data_adj_cleaned,test_data_adj_cleaned) #Seasonally adjusted, cleaned(with outliers being removed) data

models <- fit_function(train_data,test_data) #Original data
models_cleaned <- fit_function(train_data_cleaned, test_data_cleaned) #Original, cleaned data

In [ ]:
all_fit_adj <- models_adj[[1]]
test_models_adj <- models_adj[[2]]

all_fit_adj_cleaned<- models_adj_cleaned[[1]]
test_models_adj_cleaned <- models_adj_cleaned[[2]]

all_fit <- models[[1]]
test_models <- models[[2]]

all_fit_cleaned <- models_cleaned[[1]]
test_models_cleaned <- models_cleaned[[2]]

Case 1: Identifying the best fit for seasonally adjusted data

In [ ]:
#Finding the best fit
proper_models <- all_fit_adj

best_mape <- min(sapply(proper_models,function(x)x[1]))
best_model <- names(which.min(sapply(proper_models,function(x)x[1])))

print(paste0("Best Model:",best_model))
print(paste0("Best Mape: ",best_mape))

#Finding top n fits
Top_n <- 3
if(length(proper_models)<3){Top_n <- length(proper_models)}

top_mape_val <- proper_models[order(sapply(proper_models, function(x)x[1]))][1:Top_n]
top_models_adj <- names(top_mape_val)

Case 2: Identifying the best for cleaned, seasonlly adjusted data

In [ ]:
#Finding the best fit
proper_models <- all_fit_adj_cleaned

best_mape <- min(sapply(proper_models,function(x)x[1]))
best_model <- names(which.min(sapply(proper_models,function(x)x[1])))

print(paste0("Best Model:",best_model))
print(paste0("Best Mape: ",best_mape))
#Finding top n fits
#top_models <- c()
Top_n <- 3

if(length(proper_models)<3){Top_n <- length(proper_models)}

top_mape_val <- proper_models[order(sapply(proper_models, function(x)x[1]))][1:Top_n]
top_models_adj_cleaned <- names(top_mape_val)

Case 3: Identifying the best fit for original data

In [ ]:
#Finding the best fit
proper_models <- all_fit

best_mape <- min(sapply(proper_models,function(x)x[1]))
best_model <- names(which.min(sapply(proper_models,function(x)x[1])))

print(paste0("Best Model:",best_model))
print(paste0("Best Mape: ",best_mape))

#Finding top n fits
Top_n <- 3

if(length(proper_models)<3){Top_n <- length(proper_models)}

top_mape_val <- proper_models[order(sapply(proper_models, function(x)x[1]))][1:Top_n]
top_models <- names(top_mape_val)

Case 4: Identifying the best fit for cleaned original data

In [ ]:
#Finding the best fit
proper_models <- all_fit_cleaned

best_mape <- min(sapply(proper_models,function(x)x[1]))
best_model <- names(which.min(sapply(proper_models,function(x)x[1])))

print(paste0("Best Model:",best_model))
print(paste0("Best Mape: ",best_mape))
#Finding top n fits
Top_n <- 3

if(length(proper_models)<3){Top_n <- length(proper_models)}

top_mape_val <- proper_models[order(sapply(proper_models, function(x)x[1]))][1:Top_n]
top_models_cleaned <- names(top_mape_val)

Plot Analysis

Plot 1: Seasonally adjusted data

In [ ]:
plot(ES_series,col = "black")
lines(test_data_adj, col = "blue")
lines(forecast.ets(test_models_adj[[top_models_adj[1]]],h=12)$mean, col = "red") #Top model
lines(forecast.ets(test_models_adj[[top_models_adj[2]]],h=12)$mean, col = "green") #Top second model
lines(forecast.ets(test_models_adj[[top_models_adj[3]]],h=12)$mean, col = "yellow") #Top third model

legend("topleft", lty=1,col = c("blue","red","green","yellow"),
                       c("Test data", "Best model", "Second best", "Third best"))

#Observation: Unusual peak at December'15. To check if it is an anomaly

Plot 2: Seasonally adjusted & cleaned data

In [ ]:
plot(ES_series_cleaned,col = "black")
lines(test_data_adj_cleaned, col = "blue")
lines(forecast.ets(test_models_adj_cleaned[[top_models_adj_cleaned[1]]],h=12)$mean, col = "red") #Top model
lines(forecast.ets(test_models_adj_cleaned[[top_models_adj_cleaned[2]]],h=12)$mean, col = "green") #Top second model
lines(forecast.ets(test_models_adj_cleaned[[top_models_adj_cleaned[3]]],h=12)$mean, col = "yellow") #Top third model

legend("topleft", lty=1,col = c("blue","red","green","yellow"),
                       c("Test data", "Best model", "Second best", "Third best"))

#Observation: Unusual peak at December'15. To check if it is an anomaly

Plot 3: Original data

In [ ]:

plot(series,col = "black")
lines(test_data, col = "blue")


lines(forecast.ets(test_models[[top_models[1]]],h=12)$mean, col = "red") #Top model
lines(forecast.ets(test_models[[top_models[2]]],h=12)$mean, col = "green") #Top second model
lines(forecast.ets(test_models[[top_models[3]]],h=12)$mean, col = "yellow") #Top third model
legend("topleft", lty=1,col = c("blue","red","green","yellow"),
                       c("Test data", "Best model", "Second best", "Third best"))

#Observation: Unusual peak at December'15. To check if it is an anomaly

Plot 4: Cleaned original data

In [ ]:


plot(series.cleaned,col = "black")
lines(test_data_cleaned, col = "blue")
lines(forecast.ets(test_models_cleaned[[top_models_cleaned[1]]],h=12)$mean, col = "red") #Top model
lines(forecast.ets(test_models_cleaned[[top_models_cleaned[2]]],h=12)$mean, col = "green") #Top second model
lines(forecast.ets(test_models_cleaned[[top_models_cleaned[3]]],h=12)$mean, col = "yellow") #Top third model
legend("topleft",lty=c(1,1,1,1,2),col = c("blue","red","green","yellow","brown"),
                       c("Test data(cleaned)", "Best model", "Second best", "Third best"))
#Observation: Unusual peak at December'15. To check if it is an anomaly

Getting back the original data

Case 1: Seasonally adjusted data (To bring back the original data, seasonal component and the Bias value is added back)

In [ ]:
print("Case 1: Seasonally adjusted data")
#Adding the bias value which was added to overcome the negative values
ES_series_bias <- ES_series - bias_value
test_series_bias <- test_data_adj - bias_value
forecast1_bias <- forecast.ets(test_models_adj[[top_models_adj[1]]],h=12)$mean - bias_value
forecast2_bias <- forecast.ets(test_models_adj[[top_models_adj[2]]],h=12)$mean - bias_value
forecast3_bias <- forecast.ets(test_models_adj[[top_models_adj[3]]],h=12)$mean - bias_value

#Adding back the seasonal value from stl decomposition
ES_value_adj <- ES_series_bias + seasonal
test_series_adj <- test_series_bias + seasonal

#Adding back the mean seasonal component to the forecasted data
forecast1_adj <- forecast1_bias + seasonal_mean
forecast2_adj <- forecast2_bias + seasonal_mean
forecast3_adj <- forecast3_bias + seasonal_mean

#Calculating the accuracy of the training data

In [ ]:
#Checking the MAPE values with original data
print(paste0("Top model: ", top_models_adj[1]))
print(paste0("Top model: ", top_models_adj[2]))
print(paste0("Top model: ", top_models_adj[3]))

#accuracy(test_data, forecast.ets(test_models[[top_models[3]]],h=12)$mean )

Case 2: Seasonally adjusted & cleaned data (To bring back the original data, seasonal component and the Bias value is added back)

In [ ]:
print("Case 2: Seasonally adjusted & cleaned data")
#Adding the bias value which was added to overcome the negative values

ES_series_bias_cleaned <- ES_series_cleaned - bias_value_cleaned
test_series_bias_cleaned <- test_data_adj_cleaned - bias_value_cleaned

forecast1_bias <- forecast.ets(test_models_adj_cleaned[[top_models_adj_cleaned[1]]],h=12)$mean - bias_value_cleaned
forecast2_bias <- forecast.ets(test_models_adj_cleaned[[top_models_adj_cleaned[2]]],h=12)$mean - bias_value_cleaned
forecast3_bias <- forecast.ets(test_models_adj_cleaned[[top_models_adj_cleaned[3]]],h=12)$mean - bias_value_cleaned

#Adding back the seasonal value from stl decomposition
ES_value_adj_cleaned <- ES_series_bias_cleaned + seasonal_cleaned
test_series_adj_cleaned <- test_series_bias_cleaned + seasonal_cleaned

#Adding back the mean seasonal component to the forecasted data
forecast1_adj_cleaned <- forecast1_bias + seasonal_cleaned_mean
forecast2_adj_cleaned <- forecast2_bias + seasonal_cleaned_mean
forecast3_adj_cleaned <- forecast3_bias + seasonal_cleaned_mean

#Calculating the accuracy of the training data

In [ ]:
#Checking the MAPE values with original data
print(paste0("Top model: ", top_models_adj_cleaned[1]))
print(paste0("Top model: ", top_models_adj_cleaned[2]))
print(paste0("Top model: ", top_models_adj_cleaned[3]))


#accuracy(forecast.ets(test_models[[top_models[1]]],h=12)$mean, test_data)

#accuracy(test_data, forecast.ets(test_models[[top_models[3]]],h=12)$mean)

Residual Analysis

In [ ]:
#Ljung Box test - One of the checks to perform stationarity of TS data
# A small function
residual_analyis <- function(model_name){
    print(Box.test(test_models[[model_name]]$residuals, lag = 20, type = "Ljung-Box"))
    #p_value <- Box.test(test_models[[model_name]]$residuals, lag = 20, type = "Ljung-Box")
    Acf(test_models[[model_name]]$residuals, main = model_name)

In [ ]:
#Case 1: Seasonally adjusted models
#Residual Analysis for top three models
residual_analyis(top_models_adj[1]) #Top model
residual_analyis(top_models_adj[2]) #Second best model
residual_analyis(top_models_adj[3]) #Third best model

In [ ]:
#Case 2 - Seasonally adjusted cleaned models
#Residual Analysis for top three models
residual_analyis(top_models_adj_cleaned[1]) #Top model
residual_analyis(top_models_adj_cleaned[2]) #Second best model
residual_analyis(top_models_adj_cleaned[3]) #Third best model

In [ ]:
#Case 3 - Models on original data
#Residual Analysis for top three models
residual_analyis(top_models[1]) #Top model
residual_analyis(top_models[2]) #Second best model
residual_analyis(top_models[3]) #Third best model

In [ ]:
#Case 4 - Models on original data
#Residual Analysis for top three models
residual_analyis(top_models_cleaned[1]) #Top model
residual_analyis(top_models_cleaned[2]) #Second best model
residual_analyis(top_models_cleaned[3]) #Third best model

Residual output: Except the best model of original dataset which shows unusually high autocorrelation among the residuals, all the other models' residuals show no significant autocorrelation.

Final Output:

Analysing each case and figuring out the most suitable model

Case 1: Model for seasonally adjusted data

In [ ]:
plot(ES_value_adj,col = "black", ylab = "No of complaints", 
                 main = "Model with seasonal adjustment")

lines(test_series_adj, col = "blue") #Original test data


lines(test_series_bias + seasonal_mean, col = "brown", lty =2) #Deseasonlised data with average seasonal component applied
lines(forecast1_adj, col = "red") #Top model
lines(forecast2_adj, col = "green") #Top second model
lines(forecast3_adj, col = "yellow") #Top third model

legend("topleft",lty=c(1,1,1,1,2),col = c("blue","red","green","yellow","brown"),
                       c("Test data", "Best model", "Second best", "Third best","test data with seasonal mean"))

Note: MAPE values are not significantly less, yet from the plot it is seen that the predicted values suffer from a constant bias, which if rectified would form a great forecast

Case 2: Model for seasonally adjusted and cleaned data

In [ ]:
plot(ES_value_adj_cleaned,col = "black", ylab = "No of complaints",
                 main = "Model with seasonal adjustment and cleaning") 
lines(test_series_adj_cleaned, col = "blue") #Original test data


lines(test_series_bias_cleaned + seasonal_cleaned_mean, col = "brown", lty =2) #Deseasonlised data with average seasonal component applied
lines(forecast1_adj_cleaned, col = "red") #Top model
lines(forecast2_adj_cleaned, col = "green") #Top second model
lines(forecast3_adj_cleaned, col = "yellow") #Top third model

legend("topleft",lty=c(1,1,1,1,2),col = c("blue","red","green","yellow","brown"),
                       c("Test data", "Best model", "Second best", "Third best","test data with seasonal mean"))

Note: Since the cleaned data has no much difference from the original data, the results are comparable and almost the same as above.

Case 3: Model for the original data as is

In [ ]:
plot(series,col = "black", ylab = "No of complaints",
                 main = "Model with original data") 
lines(test_data, col = "blue") #Originayl test data


lines(forecast.ets(test_models[[top_models[1]]],h=12)$mean, col = "red") #Top model
lines(forecast.ets(test_models[[top_models[2]]],h=12)$mean, col = "green") #Top second model
lines(forecast.ets(test_models[[top_models[3]]],h=12)$mean, col = "yellow") #Top third model
legend("topleft", lty=1,col = c("blue","red","green","yellow"),
                       c("Test data", "Best model", "Second best", "Third best"))

#Observation: Unusual peak at December'15. To check if it is an anomaly

legend("topleft",lty=c(1,1,1,1,2),col = c("blue","red","green","yellow","brown"),
                       c("Test data", "Best model", "Second best", "Third best","test data with seasonal mean"))

Note: Even though the MAPE values are lesser than the seasonally adjusted models, the models here doesn't depict the month on month variations (seasonality) properly except the top model gives not so bad predictions.

Case 4: Model for original data which is cleaned

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plot(series.cleaned,col = "black", main = "Model with cleaned data")
lines(test_data_cleaned, col = "blue")


lines(forecast.ets(test_models_cleaned[[top_models_cleaned[1]]],h=12)$mean, col = "red") #Top model
lines(forecast.ets(test_models_cleaned[[top_models_cleaned[2]]],h=12)$mean, col = "green") #Top second model
lines(forecast.ets(test_models_cleaned[[top_models_cleaned[3]]],h=12)$mean, col = "yellow") #Top third model
legend("topleft",lty=c(1,1,1,1,2),col = c("blue","red","green","yellow","brown"),
                       c("Test data(cleaned)", "Best model", "Second best", "Third best","Actual test data"))
#Observation: Unusual peak at December'15. To check if it is an anomaly

Note: The models perform worse that the models created for original dataset.

Observation: Analysing all the models, it appears that the models for seasonally adjusted data gives better and reliable predictions eventhough it suffers a constant bias. It is also very clear that models with lesser MAPE values may not always be the right fit.

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