Base anomaly detection function

Detects anomalies in time series using S-H-ESD

Input Data format

detect_anoms <- function(data, k = 0.49, alpha = 0.05, num_obs_per_period = NULL,use_decomp = TRUE, use_esd = FALSE, one_tail = TRUE,upper_tail = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)

  • Data should be of type list where the first element should have the time stamps and second element - the actual data
  • k: Maximum number of anomalies that S-H-ESD will detect as a percentage of the data
  • alpha: The level of statistical significance with which to accept or reject anomalies
  • num_obs_per_period: Defines the number of observations in a single period, and used during seasonal decomposition
  • use_decomp: Use seasonal decomposition during anomaly detection
  • Total number of observations should be two times the num_obs_per_period, by which we get enough data to compute seasonality

Brief intro about ESD:

The generalized (extreme Studentized deviate) ESD test is used to detect one or more outliers in a univariate data set that follows an approximately normal distribution.

The generalized ESD test is defined for the hypothesis:

H0: There are no outliers in the data set

Ha: There are up to r outliers in the data set

We test the null hypothesis that the data has no outliers vs. the alternative hypothesis that there are at most k outliers (for some user specified value of k).

To test the data set S with n elements is we generate k test statistics G1, G2, …, Gk where each Gj statistic (Grubb's statistic) is defined as follows,

where tcrit is the critical value of the t distribution T(n−2) and the significance level is α/n. Thus the null hypothesis is rejected if G > Gcrit.

two-tailed Grubbs’ statistic, defined as follows:

               S1 = S

x̄j is the mean of Sj and sj is the standard deviation of Sj

Essentially you run k separate Grubbs’ tests, testing whether Gj > Gj-crit where Gj-crit is Gcrit as described above, but adjusted for the correct value of the sample size; i.e. n is replaced by n − j + 1. Now let r be the largest value of j ≤ k such that Gj > Gj-crit. Then we conclude there are r outliers, namely x1, …, xr. If r = 0 there are no outliers.

Note that if Gj > Gj-crit and h < j, then both xh and xj are outliers even if Gh ≤ Gh-crit.


Following codes are for S-H-ESD where we bring in seasonality into picture, i.e., the anomalies are not just detected based on it's deviation and the critical value but also consideres the seasonal component.

Preliminary checks

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#Checking if the input 'num_obs_per_period' (number of obervarions in a period) is present
        stop("must supply period length for time series decomposition")

num_obs <- nrow(data)

# Check to make sure we have at least two periods worth of data for anomaly context
if(num_obs < num_obs_per_period * 2){
    stop("Anom detection needs at least 2 periods worth of data")

# Check if our timestamps are posix
posix_timestamp <- if (class(data[[1L]])[1L] == "POSIXlt") TRUE else FALSE

# Handling NAs 
if (length(rle(,data[[2L]],NA)))$values)>3){
  stop("Data contains non-leading NAs. We suggest replacing NAs with interpolated values (see na.approx in Zoo package).")
} else {
  data <- na.omit(data)


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#Step 1: Decompose data. This returns a univarite remainder which will be used for anomaly detection.
data_decomp <- stl(ts(data[[2L]], frequency = num_obs_per_period),s.window = "periodic", robust = TRUE)

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# Remove the seasonal component, and the median of the data to create the univariate remainder
data <- data.frame(timestamp = data[[1L]], count = (data[[2L]]-data_decomp$time.series[,"seasonal"]-median(data[[2L]])))
# Store the smoothed seasonal component, plus the trend component for use in determining the "expected values" option
data_decomp <- data.frame(timestamp=data[[1L]], 

        data_decomp <- format_timestamp(data_decomp)

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# Maximum number of outliers that S-H-ESD can detect (e.g. 49% of data)
max_outliers <- trunc(num_obs*k)

if(max_outliers == 0){
  stop(paste0("With longterm=TRUE, AnomalyDetection splits the data into 2 week periods by default. 
        You have ", num_obs, " observations in a period, which is too few. Set a higher piecewise_median_period_weeks."))

func_ma <-
func_sigma <-

## Define values and vectors.
# Defining R_idx to store the maximum number of outliers
n <- length(data[[2L]])
if (posix_timestamp){
    R_idx <- as.POSIXlt(data[[1L]][1L:max_outliers], tz = "UTC")
} else {
    R_idx <- 1L:max_outliers

#Initialising the number of outliers to zero initially
num_anoms <- 0L

# Compute test statistic until r=max_outliers values have been
# removed from the sample.
for (i in 1L:max_outliers){
    if(verbose) message(paste(i,"/", max_outliers,"completed"))

    #Subtracting the median value from the data to make it consistent    
            ares <- data[[2L]] - func_ma(data[[2L]])
        } else {
            ares <- func_ma(data[[2L]]) - data[[2L]]
    } else {
        ares = abs(data[[2L]] - func_ma(data[[2L]]))

    # protect against constant time series
    data_sigma <- func_sigma(data[[2L]])
    if(data_sigma == 0) 
# Dividing ares by mad (mean absolute deviation)
    ares <- ares/data_sigma
    R <- max(ares)

    temp_max_idx <- which(ares == R)[1L]

    R_idx[i] <- data[[1L]][temp_max_idx]

    #Removing the outlier point from the data set and using the data set for further outlier detection    
    data <- data[-which(data[[1L]] == R_idx[i]), ]

    ## Compute critical value.
        p <- 1 - alpha/(n-i+1)
    } else {
        p <- 1 - alpha/(2*(n-i+1))

     t <- qt(p,(n-i-1L))
    lam <- t*(n-i) / sqrt((n-i-1+t**2)*(n-i+1))

    if(R > lam)
        num_anoms <- i

#Checking if we have got any anomalies        
if(num_anoms > 0) {
  R_idx <- R_idx[1L:num_anoms]
} else {
  R_idx = NULL

#Output list containing anomalies and thier position        
anom_list <- list(anoms = R_idx, stl = data_decomp)

anom_list will containt the anomalies along with their respective position in a list format1

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