In [9]:
import googlemaps
from googlemaps import convert


def snap_to_roads(client, geo, interpolate=False):
    """Snaps a path to the most likely roads travelled.
    Takes up to 100 GPS points collected along a route, and returns a similar
    set of data with the points snapped to the most likely roads the vehicle
    was traveling along.
    :param path: The path to be snapped.
    :type path: a single location, or a list of locations, where a
        location is a string, dict, list, or tuple
    :param interpolate: Whether to interpolate a path to include all points
        points will also be returned, resulting in a path that smoothly follows
        the geometry of the road, even around corners and through tunnels.
        Interpolated paths may contain more points than the original path.
    :type interpolate: bool
    :rtype: A list of snapped points.

    params = {"path": encode_latlon(geo)}

    if interpolate:
        params["interpolate"] = "true"
    return client._get("/v1/snapToRoads", params,

def speed_limits(client, place_ids):
    """Returns the posted speed limit (in km/h) for given road segments.
    :param place_ids: The Place ID of the road segment. Place IDs are returned
        by the snap_to_roads function. You can pass up to 100 Place IDs.
    :type place_ids: str or list
    :rtype: list of speed limits.

    params = [("placeId", place_id) for place_id in convert.as_list(place_ids)]

    return client._get("/v1/speedLimits", params,

def snapped_speed_limits(client, geo):
    """Returns the posted speed limit (in km/h) for given road segments.
    The provided points will first be snapped to the most likely roads the
    vehicle was traveling along.
    :parampath: The path of points to be snapped.
    :type path: a single location, or a list of locations, where a
        location is a string, dict, list, or tuple
    :rtype: dict with a list of speed limits and a list of the snapped points.

    params = {"path": encode_latlon(geo)}

    return client._get("/v1/speedLimits", params,

def _roads_extract(resp):
    """Extracts a result from a Roads API HTTP response."""

        j = resp.json()
        if resp.status_code != 200:
            raise googlemaps.exceptions.HTTPError(resp.status_code)

        raise googlemaps.exceptions.ApiError("UNKNOWN_ERROR",
                                             "Received a malformed response.")

    if "error" in j:
        error = j["error"]
        status = error["status"]

        if status == "RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED":
            raise googlemaps.exceptions._RetriableRequest()

        if "message" in error:
            raise googlemaps.exceptions.ApiError(status, error["message"])
            raise googlemaps.exceptions.ApiError(status)

    if resp.status_code != 200:
        raise googlemaps.exceptions.HTTPError(resp.status_code)

    return j

In [10]:
%matplotlib inline

import smopy

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  
import numpy as np
import as cm

from googlemaps.client import Client
from json_regularizor import read_snapped_points

filename = '../data/useful/S01_valid_itsc_speed_5_1.csv'
KEY = 'AIzaSyCs9WzwEaqGYHOaCp8zMTJUhwBEO4cL31o'
m_client = Client(key=KEY)

# Construct testing cases.
# data[:, 3] - longitude, data[:, 4] - latitude.
# rt_varible: intersections - a list of intersections grouped by instance
def _construct_cases(filename=filename):
    data = np.loadtxt(filename, delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
    # print data.shape

    # Group by intersection's type
    intersections = []
    ind = 0
    for i in range (1, data.shape[0]):
        if data[i, 1] != data[i - 1, 1]:
            intersections.append(data[ind: i])
            ind = i
        elif i == data.shape[0] - 1:
#     print len(intersections)
    return intersections

# Convert geo 1 * 2 array to str
# e.g: [100, 50] -> '100, 50'
def _convert_array(arr):
    return '%s,%s' % (arr[1], arr[0])

# Compute Euclidean distance
def _distance(p1, p2):
    return np.power((p1[0] - p2[0]), 2) + np.power((p1[1] - p2[1]), 2)

# Parse points to make better visual representation
def _parse_points(geo):
    if geo.shape[0] == 1 or (geo.shape[0] == 2 and geo[0].all() == geo[1].all()):
        return geo
    geo_ret = np.array(geo)
    for i in range(1, geo.shape[0]):
        if geo_ret[i, 0] == geo_ret[i - 1, 0] and geo_ret[i, 1] == geo_ret[i - 1, 1]:
            if i != geo_ret.shape[0] - 1:
                geo_ret[i] = (geo_ret[i - 1] + geo_ret[i + 1]) / 2
                geo_ret[i] = 2 * geo_ret[i - 1] - geo_ret[i - 2]
    return geo_ret
# Read ground truths and predictions of points
#     itsc_id speed_true speed_pred theta_true theta_pred acc_true acc_pred
def _load_labels(filename='../data/prediction/result.csv'):
    data = np.loadtxt(filename, delimiter=',', skiprows=1, dtype=int)
    intersections_label = []
    ind = 0
    for i in range (1, data.shape[0]):
        if data[i, 0] != data[i - 1, 0]:
            intersections_label.append(data[ind: i])
            ind = i
        elif i == data.shape[0] - 1:
    return intersections_label

# Shape speed, theta, acc consisted with model's rule
def _make_labels(speed, theta, acc):
    speed = speed[:].astype(int) / 5
    for i in range(speed.shape[0]):
        if speed[i] >= 11:
            speed[i] = 11

    for i in range(theta.shape[0]):
        if theta[i] > -90 and theta[i] <= -30:
            theta[i] = 0
        elif theta[i] <= -10:
            theta[i] = 1
        elif theta[i] <= -1:
            theta[i] = 2
        elif theta[i] <= 1:
            theta[i] = 3
        elif theta[i] <= 10:
            theta[i] = 4
        elif theta[i] <= 30:
            theta[i] = 5
        elif theta[i] <= 90:
            theta[i] = 6
    theta = theta[:].astype(int)

    for i in range(acc.shape[0]):
        if acc[i] <= -2:
            acc[i] = 0
        elif acc[i] < 0:
            acc[i] = 1
        elif acc[i] == 0:
            acc[i] = 2
        elif acc[i] < 2:
            acc[i] = 3
            acc[i] = 4
    acc = acc[:].astype(int)
    return speed, theta, acc

# Encode label to color
def _encode_color(label):
    label = label.reshape(-1,)
    x = np.linspace(0, 1, 5)
    colors = cm.bwr(x)
    return np.array([colors[i] for i in label])

# Encode label to arrow length multiplier
def _encode_multiplier(label):
    label = label.reshape(-1,).astype(float)
    return 1. / 22 * (label + 11)

# Encode label to arrow angle
def _encode_angle(label):
    label = label.reshape(-1,)
    angle = [30., 10., 5., 0., -5., -10., -30.]
    return np.array([angle[i] for i in label])

# Compute the angle with x axis after shifting
def _compute_xangle(angle, x, y):
#     print x.ravel(), y.ravel()
#     print 'origin:'
#     print np.arctan(y/x) / np.pi * 180
#     print 'changed:'
#     print np.arctan(y/x) / np.pi * 180 + angle
    xangle = -np.arctan(y/x) / np.pi * 180 + angle
    for i in range(xangle.shape[0]):
        if x[i] > 0 and y[i] > 0:
            xangle[i] = xangle[i]
        elif x[i] > 0 and y[i] < 0:
            xangle[i] = xangle[i]
        elif x[i] < 0 and y[i] > 0:
            xangle[i] = 180 - xangle[i]
        elif x[i] < 0 and y[i] < 0:
            xangle[i] = 180 + xangle[i]
    return xangle
# Encode longitude and latitude into readable form for google API
# :geo: the numpy.array consist with file format in $filename,
#       geo[:, 0] -> lon
#       geo[:, 1] -> lat
def encode_latlon(geo):
    geo = geo.astype(str)
    return '|'.join([_convert_array(geo[i]) for i in range(geo.shape[0])])

# Visualize testing segment,
# from group_start to group_end
def visualize_cases(client, intersections, group_start, group_end, flag_raw=False):
    itsc = figarr = []
    intersections_label = _load_labels()
    for i in range(group_start, group_end + 1):
        print 'ID: %i' % i
        instance_id = i

        geo = intersections[instance_id][:, 3:5]
        # Shift the points according to the error of GPS samples
        geo[:, 1] -= 0.00016
#         geo = _parse_points(geo)
        data = snap_to_roads(client, geo, interpolate=False)
#         print data
        geo_inter = read_snapped_points(data)
        geo_inter = _parse_points(geo_inter)
        geo_inter = read_snapped_points(snap_to_roads(client, geo_inter, interpolate=False))
#         print geo_inter.shape, geo.shape

        if geo.shape != geo_inter.shape:
            print "bad match"
        if flag_raw == False:
            # Need to change here----------------
            intersections[instance_id][:, 3:5] = geo_inter
            lon_max = max(geo_inter[:, 0])
            lon_min = min(geo_inter[:, 0])
            lat_max = max(geo_inter[:, 1])
            lat_min = min(geo_inter[:, 1])
            intersections[instance_id][:, 3:5] = geo
            lon_max = max(geo[:, 0])
            lon_min = min(geo[:, 0])
            lat_max = max(geo[:, 1])
            lat_min = min(geo[:, 1])

        # Plot the street map
        map = smopy.Map((lat_min, lon_min, lat_max, lon_max), z=18)

#     print 'Printing..'
        fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(16, 12))
#         fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(16, 20))
        map.show_mpl(ax=ax1, figsize=(8,10))
        map.show_mpl(ax=ax2, figsize=(8,10))
        speed = intersections[instance_id][:, -1]
        theta = intersections[instance_id][:, -3]
        acc = intersections[instance_id][:, -2]
        # Full length
        speed, theta, acc = _make_labels(speed, theta, acc)
        # Using begining 5 frames as input to predict next frame's label,
        # so the label_lenght is FEATURE_NAME.length - 5
        for tmp in intersections_label:
            if tmp[0, 0] == instance_id: break
        speed_pred , theta_pred, acc_pred = tmp[:, 2], tmp[:, 4], tmp[:, 6]
        speed_pred = np.vstack((speed[:5].reshape(-1, 1), speed_pred.reshape(-1, 1)))
        theta_pred = np.vstack((theta[:5].reshape(-1, 1), theta_pred.reshape(-1, 1)))
        acc_pred = np.vstack((acc[:5].reshape(-1, 1), acc_pred.reshape(-1, 1)))
        speed[5:], theta[5:], acc[5:] = tmp[:, 1], tmp[:, 3], tmp[:, 5]
#         print theta_pred
        # Transform geometry information into pixels
        x, y = map.to_pixels(geo_inter[:, 1], geo_inter[:, 0])

        # Scatter the (x, y) points on the map, and color them by acc
        ax1.scatter(x, y, c=_encode_color(acc), s=7)
        ax2.scatter(x, y, c=_encode_color(acc_pred), s=7)
        opt = {

        xx = x[1:] - x[:-1]
        yy = y[1:] - y[:-1]
        xx = np.hstack((xx, xx[-1].reshape(-1,)))
        yy = np.hstack((yy, yy[-1].reshape(-1,)))
        # Encode arrow length by speed
        mul = _encode_multiplier(speed)
        mul_pred = _encode_multiplier(speed_pred)
        dist = (xx * mul, yy * mul)
        dist_pred = (xx * mul_pred, yy * mul_pred)
        # Encode arrow angle by theta
        angles = _encode_angle(theta)
        angles_pred = _encode_angle(theta_pred)
        xangles = _compute_xangle(angles, xx, yy)
        xangles_pred = _compute_xangle(angles_pred, xx, yy)
        # Plot the arrow
        ax1.quiver(x, y, dist[0], dist[1], angles=xangles, **opt)
        ax1.plot(x, y, 'c', lw=.1)
        ax2.quiver(x, y, dist_pred[0], dist_pred[1], angles=xangles_pred, **opt)
        ax2.plot(x, y, 'c', lw=.1)
        ax1.set_title("Ground Truth", fontsize=10)
        ax2.set_title("Prediction", fontsize=10)

        # Add color bar 
        cax = fig.add_axes([0.85, 0.15, 0.02, 0.7])
        m = cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=cm.coolwarm)
        m.set_array(np.linspace(0, 4, 4))
        cbar = fig.colorbar(m, cax=cax, ticks=range(5))[str(i - 2) for i in range(5)])
        fig.suptitle('Intersection ID: %s' % str(int(intersections[instance_id][0, 1])),

        # Save the fig
#         fig.savefig('../update/pics/model_visualization/visualization_itsc_%i.eps' \
#                         %intersections[instance_id][0, 1],
#                     format='eps', dpi=100)
        fig.savefig('/Users/CullenGao/Desktop/model_visualization/visualization_itsc_%i.eps' \
                        %intersections[instance_id][0, 1],
                    format='eps', dpi=100)

    return figarr

# Visualize plotting,
# for speed -> 0 - 11,
# for theta -> -3 - 3,
# for acc -> -2 - 2;
# left - 13 38 52 86 149
# right - 4 5 6 15 135
# visualize_cases(m_client, _construct_cases(), 54, 54, True)
# visualize_cases(m_client, _construct_cases(), 13, 13, False)
# visualize_cases(m_client, _construct_cases(), 38, 38, False)
# visualize_cases(m_client, _construct_cases(), 52, 52, False)
# visualize_cases(m_client, _construct_cases(), 86, 86, False)
# visualize_cases(m_client, _construct_cases(), 149, 149, False)
# visualize_cases(m_client, _construct_cases(), 4, 6, False)
# visualize_cases(m_client, _construct_cases(), 15, 15, False)
# visualize_cases(m_client, _construct_cases(), 135, 135, False)
# visualize_cases(m_client, _construct_cases(), 0, 2, False)

In [3]:
# Testing cases
# from googlemaps import client

# def test_snap_to_road(client, filename):
#     itsc = _construct_cases(filename)
#     geo = itsc[0][:, 3:5]
#     snap_to_roads(client, geo, interpolate=False)
# def test_snapped_speed_limits(client, filename):
#     itsc = _construct_cases(filename)
#     geo = itsc[0][:, 3:5]
#     snapped_speed_limits(client, geo)
# if __name__ == '__main__':
#     KEY = 'AIzaSyCs9WzwEaqGYHOaCp8zMTJUhwBEO4cL31o'
#     m_client = client.Client(key=KEY)
#     print test_snap_to_road(m_client, filename)
# #     print '--------------------'
# #     print test_snapped_speed_limits(m_client, filename)