In [1]:
from __future__ import division
This file provides an active learning environment for the demo interface.
Needs the file 'Topic.xlsx' as input.
Description of functionality
data model:
COMMENT KASPAR: I interpreted 'score' as the class of the noun phrase, i.e. 0 or 1.
datapoint = { str(noun phrase) : { 'score': float(controversy score), 'confidence':float(confidence)}}
estimates = l st(datapoint1, .... , datapointN)
labelled = { str(noun phrase) : { 'label' : 'controversial' OR 'noncontroversial') , 'ip' : str(ip address of user) } }
included endpoints:
GET /controversial
returns top-10 most and least controversial topics
GET /unsure
returns a datapoint to label
PUT /unsure
updates model
Controversy is labelled on the noun-phrase (here considered topic) level.
Timestamps should be implemented on the backend side.
import random # while real data lacks
import json
import sys
import os
# KB: Added modules
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import random
# libact classes
from libact.base.dataset import Dataset
from libact.models import LogisticRegression
from libact.query_strategies import UncertaintySampling
#from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
#ELASTIC_CREDENTIALS = '#elastic.json'
In [2]:
def load_data(path_to_file):
Okay, let's load the Excel spreadsheet in which topics,
here understood as noun phrases, are given controversy scores.
data = pd.read_excel(path_to_file, header=None,skiprows=1)
We need to keep track of the original topic name. This information is needed
when asking the user whether the topic is controversial
names = list(data.ix[:,0])
As features we currently only look at # of 'positive' words (col 3),
# of 'negative' words (col 4), and'intensity' (col 5).
X = np.asarray(data.ix[:,3:5])
The active learning environment used here (libact) needs a few coded observation.
Otherwise search new data points won't work
Since the existing spreadsheet already ranked topics according to their controversy scores,
I made a best guess, and assigned the first five to class 1 (controversial) and the last five
to class 0 (not controversial)
y = np.asarray([1,1,1,1,1] + [None]*(X.shape[0]-10)+[0,0,0,0,0])
return X,y,names
In [3]:
def initialize_model(X,y):
Convert feature matrix and target vector to a format that is
easy to digest for the libact model and searchers
trn_ds = Dataset(X,y)
Define model. We start with a simple Logistic Regression.
More refined models can be implemented later.
There is a possibility to integrate Sklearn classifiers.
Before looking for new datapoins the model needs to fitted using
the scarce observation we have given, see the construction of the 'y'
target vector in the load_data function
return model,trn_ds
In [4]:
def convert_label(label):
Function that converts manually given labels to a binary class.
if label == 'controversial':
return 1
return 0
In [5]:
# Initialize the model
X,y,names = load_data('Topics.xlsx')
model,trn_ds = initialize_model(X,y)
qs = UncertaintySampling(trn_ds, method='lc', model=LogisticRegression())
In [6]:
def unsure(data=None):
implements the /controversial endpoint.
data: labelled
controversial : estimates,
noncontroversial : estimates
CHANGED CODE HERE: We'll use active learning to search for new datapoints.
Two scenarios are possible:
1) If a data point _and_ label are given, it will update the training set and retrain the model.
2) If no data point is given, it will search for a new data point to code and return this.
if data:
''' expects an object like: {'nounphrase': {'label':'controversial'/'noncrontroversial','ip':'127.0.01'}}'''
data = json.loads(data)
'''get the topic name'''
name = data.keys()[0]
'''get the label'''
label = convert_label(data[name]['label'])
'''get the position of the topic in the training set'''
ask_id = names.index(name)
'''update training set with new label'''
trn_ds.update(ask_id, label)
'''retrain model'''
When asked for a new data point, we call the UncertaintySampling method
and write the name of this topic to JSON file
ask_id = qs.make_query()
results = { 'unsure' : names[ask_id] }
#return results
## TO DO: commented out JSON endpoints, change this when running the demo
return json.dumps(results)
In [7]:
def controversial():
implements the /controversial endpoint.
controversial : estimates,
noncontroversial : estimates
This function returns the ten most controversial and non controversial topic based on the current model.
labeled_features = trn_ds.get_labeled_entries()
positions = [i for i,a in enumerate( if[i][1] != None]
datapoints = {
# Get confidence for class one, i.e. the topic being controversial
} for p in positions
datapoints_sorted = sorted(datapoints.keys(), key=lambda x: (datapoints[x]['confidence']),reverse=True)
controversial = datapoints_sorted[:10]
noncontroversial = datapoints_sorted[-10:]
## return {'controversial':controversial, 'noncontroversial':noncontroversial}
## TO DO: commented out JSON endpoints, change this when running the demo
return json.dumps(results)
In [8]:
# Cell used for simulation, we randomly annotate words as being controversial or not
# During each iteration we update the model.
# Lastly we call the 'controversial' function and sort all topics as controversial
# or not based on the confidence score returned by the logistic regression
import warnings
n_turns = 10
answers = ['noncontroversial','controversial']*int(n_turns/2)
for t in range(n_turns):
result = unsure()
print(u'Annotating the data point {} as {}'.format(result,answers[t]))
labeled = {result['unsure']:{'label':answers[t],'ip':'127.0.01'}}
controversies = controversial()
print('-----controversial topics-----')
print('-----noncontroversial topics-----')