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 __   ___  __          __       ___  ___     __   ___  __           __   __     __        __  
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Recipe #02 - Let's cook!



"We have a new colleague, can you please grant them the exactly same permissions I have?!"

Note: IF it is an Windows Login suggest the usage of AD groups to help you and themselves.

You can find more options on my blog post: Replicate permissions to new Login/User with dbatools

Set some variables

In [ ]:
$dbatools1 = "localhost,1433"

$loginUser = "storageuser"

$secureString = ConvertTo-SecureString "dbatools.IO" -AsPlainText -Force
$cred = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList "sqladmin", $secureString

$newLoginUser = "storageuserColleague"
$secureString = ConvertTo-SecureString "123" -AsPlainText -Force
$newLoginCred = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList "storageuserColleague", $secureString

$fileLogin = "D:\Presentations\PASS Marathon Portuguese 2020\Replicate Permissions\Login.sql"
$fileUser = "D:\Presentations\PASS Marathon Portuguese 2020\Replicate Permissions\User.sql"
$fileNewLoginUser = "D:\Presentations\PASS Marathon Portuguese 2020\Replicate Permissions\NewLoginUser.sql"
$confirmPermissions = "D:\Presentations\PASS Marathon Portuguese 2020\Replicate Permissions\01_CheckPermissions.sql"

Export Login permissions

In [ ]:
# Export the login and its server-roles, server-level and database-level permissions
Export-DbaLogin -SqlInstance $dbatools1 -SqlCredential $cred -Login $loginUser -FilePath $fileLogin -Verbose

Export user permission

In [ ]:
# Export the user from every database and its permissions at database-roles and object level
Export-DbaUser -SqlInstance $dbatools1 -SqlCredential $cred -User $loginUser -FilePath $fileUser -Verbose


  1. Replace the login/username by the new one
  2. Replace SID (to prevent duplicate ones) by nothing/empty

In [ ]:
((Get-Content $filelogin, $fileUser -Raw) -replace ($loginuser, $newloginuser)) -Replace '(, SID[^,]*)', ' ' | Set-content $fileNewLoginUser


The Invoke-DbaQuery command is not dealing with scripts with multiple statements divided by GO. Here is two different workarounds to run scripts with multiple statements divided by GO batch separator

Woraround 1

In [ ]:
# Workaround #1 - Remove the 'GO's from script
$scriptWithoutGO = (Get-Content $fileNewLoginUser -Raw) -replace '\bGO\b', ' '


In [ ]:
# Run the script
Invoke-DbaQuery -SqlInstance $dbatools1 -SqlCredential $cred -Query $scriptWithoutGO -Verbose

Workaround 2

With this approach you can keep the GO batch separator. It's the similar of what we do manually when running within SSMS/ADS

In [ ]:
# Workaround #2 - Run the changed script using the ExecuteNonQuery method
$sqlInst = Connect-DbaInstance $dbatools1 -SqlCredential $cred
$script = Get-Content $fileNewLoginUser -Raw

If applicable, reset the login's password

In [ ]:
# Reset password for a new one
Set-DbaLogin -SqlInstance $dbatools1 -SqlCredential $cred -Login $newLoginUser -SecurePassword $newLoginCred.Password

Confirm the results

Run the 01_CheckPermission.sql under Replicate permissions\CheckPermissions folder.