In [1]:
import seaborn as sns
import metapack as mp
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython.display import display 

import datetime
from cityiq import Config, CityIq
from cityiq.api import Asset, Location
from cityiq.scrape import EventScraper

%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
#pkg = mp.jupyter.open_package()
pkg = mp.jupyter.open_source_package()


San Diego City IQ Assets and Locations Last Update: 2019-02-17T23:10:20

All assets types extracted form the San Diego City Iq system

These datafile are extracts of the assets and locations from the San Diego CityIQ system. Refer to the CityIQ developer documentation for details about these data records. The data are extracted using the cityiq Python package. See the ExtractAssets.ipynb notebook for the extract process.



  • assets. All assets
  • locations. All locations: walkways, traffic lanes and parking zones


In [15]:
tracts = pkg.reference('tract_boundaries').geoframe()
comm = pkg.reference('sd_community_boundaries').geoframe()

{'init': 'epsg:4326'}

In [4]:
tz =

config = Config()
ciq = CityIq(config, start_time='20180901')

In [5]:
roads = pkg.reference('sdroads').geoframe()
sdroads = roads[(roads.lpsjur == 'SD') | (roads.rpsjur == 'SD')].copy()

# Convert to EPSG:2875 ( California zone 6, feet ) so we can make the buffer in feet
sdroads = sdroads.to_crs({'init':'epsg:2875'})

# Buffer the roads to be big enough to enclose the assets
sdroads['geometry'] = sdroads.geometry.apply(lambda g : g.buffer(60,cap_style=1, join_style=2))

sdroads = sdroads.to_crs( {'init':'epsg:4326'} )
# sdroads.to_csv('sdroads.csv')

In [28]:
assets = gpd.GeoDataFrame(ciq.asset_dataframe, geometry='geometry')
l1 = len(assets)
print(len(assets)) = {'init':'epsg:4326'} 

ac = assets.copy()
ac['geometry'] = ac.centroid.to_crs({'init':'epsg:2875'}).buffer(20).to_crs( {'init':'epsg:4326'} )

# Link to roads
t = gpd.sjoin(ac, sdroads, how='left').drop(columns=['index_right'])

# Link to communities
t = gpd.sjoin(t, comm[comm['type'] == 'sd_community'][['geometry','name']], how='left').drop(columns=['index_right'])

# Link to tracts
t = gpd.sjoin(t, tracts[['geometry','geoid']], how='left')

t = t[list(assets)[:-1] + 
           ['name','geoid','roadsegid', 'speed', 'oneway','abloaddr', 'abhiaddr', 'rd30full'] +
           ['geometry'] ].drop_duplicates(subset='assetUid')\

assets = t.drop(columns='geometry').join(assets['geometry'])

assert len(assets) == l1
# How many assets and locations did not get linked to roads?
len(assets[assets.speed.isnull()]), len(assets)

(54, 26774)

In [36]:
locations = gpd.GeoDataFrame(ciq.locations_dataframe, geometry='geometry')

l1 = len(locations) = {'init':'epsg:4326'}
lc = locations.copy()

lc['geometry'] =  locations.centroid.to_crs({'init':'epsg:2875'}).buffer(20).to_crs( {'init':'epsg:4326'} )

# Link to roads
t = gpd.sjoin(lc, sdroads, how='left').drop(columns=['index_right'])

# Link to communities
t = gpd.sjoin(t, comm[comm['type'] == 'sd_community'][['geometry','name']], how='left').drop(columns=['index_right'])

# Link to tracts
t = gpd.sjoin(t, tracts[['geometry','geoid']], how='left')

t = t[list(lc)[:-1] + 
           ['name','geoid','roadsegid', 'speed', 'oneway','abloaddr', 'abhiaddr', 'rd30full'] +
           ['geometry'] ].drop_duplicates(subset='locationUid')\

locations = t.drop(columns='geometry').join(locations['geometry'])

assert len(locations) == l1

In [38]:

locationUid locationType parentLocationUid community_name tract_geoid roadsegid speed oneway abloaddr abhiaddr rd30full geometry
0 004361eb WALKWAY 004361eb Downtown 14000US00000006974 40052.0 35.0 T 2100.0 2199.0 KETTNER BLVD LINESTRING (-117.1706148251287 32.726548905684...
1 00456472 TRAFFIC_LANE 00456472 Downtown 14000US00000006974 40052.0 35.0 T 2100.0 2199.0 KETTNER BLVD LINESTRING (-117.1705245131968 32.726558517207...
2 0051796c WALKWAY 0051796c Downtown 14000US00000006974 54946.0 20.0 F 1600.0 1699.0 STATE ST LINESTRING (-117.1666581391174 32.722214661862...
3 00537bf3 TRAFFIC_LANE 00537bf3 Downtown 14000US00000007137 54946.0 20.0 F 1600.0 1699.0 STATE ST LINESTRING (-117.166581746989 32.7222178855665...
4 005f90ed WALKWAY 005f90ed Downtown 14000US00000006974 54945.0 20.0 F 1700.0 1799.0 STATE ST LINESTRING (-117.1665182431566 32.723810889902...

In [ ]: