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# A very laborious way to get the areas of the cities in San Diego County
# First, get the census records for places, which has far more than we need.
from rowgenerators import parse_app_url
u = parse_app_url('census://2016/5/05000US06073/place/B17001')
places = u.geo_url.geoframe()
# Then merge spatially join to cities.
import metapack as mp
pkg = mp.open_package('')
cc = pkg.resource('cities_communities').geoframe() =
t = gpd.sjoin(places, cc)
t[t['type'] == 'city'][['name_left', 'aland']].drop_duplicates().sort_values('name_left')
# Then, these values are manually copies into the data/cities.csv file.
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