In [1]:
import h2o

In [2]:

H2O cluster uptime: 1 minutes 50 seconds 618 milliseconds
H2O cluster version:
H2O cluster name: ece
H2O cluster total nodes: 1
H2O cluster total memory: 4.44 GB
H2O cluster total cores: 8
H2O cluster allowed cores: 8
H2O cluster healthy: True
H2O Connection ip:
H2O Connection port: 54321

In [3]:
#uploading data file to h2o
air = h2o.import_frame(path=h2o.locate("smalldata/airlines/"))

Parse Progress: [##################################################] 100%
Imported  /Users/ece/0xdata/h2o-dev/smalldata/airlines/ . Parsed 24,421 rows and 12 cols

In [4]:
# Constructing validation and train sets by sampling (20/80)
# creating a column as tall as air.nrow()
r = air[0].runif()
air_train = air[r < 0.8]
air_valid = air[r >= 0.8]

myX = ["Origin", "Dest", "Distance", "UniqueCarrier", "fMonth", "fDayofMonth", "fDayOfWeek"]
myY = "IsDepDelayed"

In [5]:
gbm = h2o.gbm(x=air_train[myX], 

gbm Model Build Progress: [##################################################] 100%
Model Details
H2OBinomialModel :  Gradient Boosting Machine
Model Key:  GBMModel__83569002bd127b1b24610fe4ac52444c

Model Summary:

number_of_trees model_size_in_bytes min_depth max_depth mean_depth min_leaves max_leaves mean_leaves
100.0 21889.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 8.0 8.0 8.0

ModelMetricsBinomial: gbm
** Reported on train data. **

MSE: 0.224935884507
R^2: 0.0917523735414
LogLoss: 0.641870843139
AUC: 0.700860264576
Gini: 0.401720529152

Confusion Matrix (Act/Pred) for max f1 @ threshold = 0.45100329685:

NO YES Error Rate
NO 2703.0 6143.0 0.6944 (6143.0/8846.0)
YES 1067.0 9680.0 0.0993 (1067.0/10747.0)
Total 3770.0 15823.0 0.7937 (0.7937/19593.0)
Maximum Metrics:

metric threshold value idx
f1 0.45100329685 0.728641324802 331.0
f2 0.376803747622 0.859382506486 396.0
f0point5 0.538983613241 0.683115048095 218.0
accuracy 0.521859623661 0.654366355331 240.0
precision 0.681933134563 0.901162790698 8.0
absolute_MCC 0.538983613241 0.299292001087 218.0
min_per_class_accuracy 0.54865448394 0.644551967991 204.0
tns 0.690888629343 8833.0 0.0
fns 0.690888629343 10648.0 0.0
fps 0.371575110378 8846.0 399.0
tps 0.371575110378 10747.0 399.0
tnr 0.690888629343 0.998530409225 0.0
fnr 0.690888629343 0.990788126919 0.0
fpr 0.371575110378 1.0 399.0
tpr 0.371575110378 1.0 399.0
ModelMetricsBinomial: gbm
** Reported on validation data. **

MSE: 0.2275183899
R^2: 0.0842002842717
LogLoss: 0.647224224791
AUC: 0.68803214641
Gini: 0.37606429282

Confusion Matrix (Act/Pred) for max f1 @ threshold = 0.429662357774:

NO YES Error Rate
NO 435.0 1785.0 0.8041 (1785.0/2220.0)
YES 137.0 2471.0 0.0525 (137.0/2608.0)
Total 572.0 4256.0 0.8566 (0.8566/4828.0)
Maximum Metrics:

metric threshold value idx
f1 0.429662357774 0.719988344988 356.0
f2 0.376803773922 0.854684009986 396.0
f0point5 0.539014213255 0.674244668246 217.0
accuracy 0.526662150196 0.65057995029 232.0
precision 0.67636982654 0.835443037975 18.0
absolute_MCC 0.539014213255 0.292962334179 217.0
min_per_class_accuracy 0.548567487854 0.631901840491 202.0
tns 0.690888600455 2213.0 0.0
fns 0.690888600455 2589.0 0.0
fps 0.371575143654 2220.0 399.0
tps 0.371575143654 2608.0 399.0
tnr 0.690888600455 0.996846846847 0.0
fnr 0.690888600455 0.992714723926 0.0
fpr 0.371575143654 1.0 399.0
tpr 0.371575143654 1.0 399.0
Scoring History:

timestamp duration number_of_trees training_MSE training_logloss training_AUC training_classification_error validation_MSE validation_logloss validation_AUC validation_classification_error
2015-05-22 13:19:39 0.073 sec 1.0 0.247227169696 0.687586187163 0.662122035392 0.385698974123 0.248060763596 0.689258980589 0.650669457801 0.386909693455
2015-05-22 13:19:39 0.111 sec 2.0 0.246816106849 0.686756385519 0.66222330505 0.385698974123 0.247675119161 0.688480563888 0.650790619991 0.386909693455
2015-05-22 13:19:39 0.142 sec 3.0 0.246413615521 0.685943950168 0.66257594751 0.385698974123 0.247291514047 0.687706372792 0.65123718427 0.386909693455
2015-05-22 13:19:39 0.158 sec 4.0 0.246019285467 0.685148026987 0.662749723193 0.386464553667 0.246920994436 0.686958679422 0.651638409882 0.387116818558
2015-05-22 13:19:39 0.178 sec 5.0 0.245631966235 0.684366278301 0.662702378116 0.386464553667 0.246552236947 0.68621460685 0.651539096612 0.387116818558
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
2015-05-22 13:19:42 3.694 sec 80.0 0.227535224089 0.647373511398 0.697257952158 0.371101924157 0.229781026205 0.651996607902 0.68473434132 0.381731565866
2015-05-22 13:19:43 3.777 sec 81.0 0.227384102324 0.647055090045 0.697614870507 0.371101924157 0.229651399848 0.651724668276 0.685020968054 0.381731565866
2015-05-22 13:19:43 3.861 sec 82.0 0.227239988942 0.646750400551 0.697702497293 0.370846730975 0.229522678951 0.651453477146 0.685221321782 0.381731565866
2015-05-22 13:19:43 3.947 sec 83.0 0.227073325763 0.646400341159 0.697905978041 0.370846730975 0.229386828575 0.651167496306 0.685343433925 0.381731565866
2015-05-22 13:19:43 4.183 sec 100.0 0.224935884507 0.641870843139 0.700860264576 0.367988567345 0.2275183899 0.647224224791 0.68803214641 0.398094449047
Variable Importances:

variable relative_importance scaled_importance percentage
Origin 17213.3203125 1.0 0.685965839068
Dest 4465.96972656 0.259448476266 0.177972791717
UniqueCarrier 1887.43884277 0.109649899526 0.075216085332
fDayofMonth 1266.3125 0.0735658476698 0.0504636584235
fMonth 203.423248291 0.0118177809161 0.008106594002
fDayOfWeek 57.0886230469 0.00331653754246 0.00227503145812
Distance 0.0 0.0 0.0

In [6]:
glm = h2o.glm(x=air_train[myX], 
              family = "binomial", 

glm Model Build Progress: [##################################################] 100%


names coefficients standardized_coefficients
Intercept 0.0373707847069 0.195063579531
Origin.ABE -0.0401578633536 -0.0401578633536
Origin.ABQ -0.0938267138619 -0.0938267138619
Origin.ACY -0.135339354063 -0.135339354063
Origin.ALB 0.0711798459683 0.0711798459683
--- --- ---
fDayOfWeek.f6 -0.156236716144 -0.156236716144
fDayOfWeek.f7 0.0472831537707 0.0472831537707
fMonth.f1 -0.221575958907 -0.221575958907
fMonth.f10 0.208857303935 0.208857303935
Distance 0.00020866333889 0.131663819411

In [7]:
#uploading test file to h2o
air_test = h2o.import_frame(path=h2o.locate("smalldata/airlines/"))

Parse Progress: [##################################################] 100%
Imported  /Users/ece/0xdata/h2o-dev/smalldata/airlines/ . Parsed 2,691 rows and 12 cols

In [8]:
# predicting & performance on test file
gbm_pred = gbm.predict(air_test)
print "GBM predictions: "

gbm_perf = gbm.model_performance(air_test)
print "GBM performance: "

glm_pred = glm.predict(air_test)
print "GLM predictions: "

glm_perf = glm.model_performance(air_test)
print "GLM performance: "

GBM predictions: 
First 10 rows and first 3 columns: 
Row ID predict NO YES
1 YES 0.47525141674393157 0.5247485832560684
2 YES 0.48024938136117845 0.5197506186388215
3 YES 0.48024938136117845 0.5197506186388215
4 YES 0.402168737810524 0.597831262189476
5 YES 0.5136446294303063 0.48635537056969363
6 YES 0.5136446294303063 0.48635537056969363
7 YES 0.5478525167901855 0.45214748320981446
8 YES 0.5580925509767907 0.4419074490232094
9 YES 0.5580925509767907 0.4419074490232094
10 YES 0.5580925509767907 0.4419074490232094
GBM performance: 

ModelMetricsBinomial: gbm
** Reported on test data. **

MSE: 0.226368400011
R^2: 0.0865312024067
LogLoss: 0.644861693711
AUC: 0.692409878597
Gini: 0.384819757194

Confusion Matrix (Act/Pred) for max f1 @ threshold = 0.441901440341:

NO YES Error Rate
NO 293.0 924.0 0.7592 (924.0/1217.0)
YES 112.0 1362.0 0.076 (112.0/1474.0)
Total 405.0 2286.0 0.8352 (0.8352/2691.0)
Maximum Metrics:

metric threshold value idx
f1 0.441901440341 0.724468085106 339.0
f2 0.383773415183 0.859786810355 391.0
f0point5 0.543468874795 0.6851506265 213.0
accuracy 0.522296596314 0.657748049052 242.0
precision 0.678096525394 0.847222222222 14.0
absolute_MCC 0.543468874795 0.30464489118 213.0
min_per_class_accuracy 0.549319523433 0.642469470828 206.0
tns 0.690888600455 1213.0 0.0
fns 0.690888600455 1461.0 0.0
fps 0.371575143654 1217.0 399.0
tps 0.371575143654 1474.0 399.0
tnr 0.690888600455 0.996713229252 0.0
fnr 0.690888600455 0.99118046133 0.0
fpr 0.371575143654 1.0 399.0
tpr 0.371575143654 1.0 399.0
GLM predictions: 
First 10 rows and first 3 columns: 
Row ID predict p0 p1
1 YES 0.33138044246038023 0.6686195575396198
2 YES 0.3914744148501228 0.6085255851498772
3 YES 0.36039204225753896 0.639607957742461
4 YES 0.4304740051645429 0.5695259948354571
5 YES 0.5256165167500713 0.4743834832499287
6 YES 0.5562418812088273 0.44375811879117266
7 YES 0.48440139277691874 0.5155986072230813
8 YES 0.44487802611756044 0.5551219738824396
9 YES 0.5819723452658147 0.41802765473418535
10 YES 0.5685108555327485 0.4314891444672515
GLM performance: 

ModelMetricsBinomialGLM: glm
** Reported on test data. **

MSE: 0.220260505275
R^2: 0.111178508566
LogLoss: 0.630774448994
Null degrees of freedom: 2690
Residual degrees of freedom: 2438
Null deviance: 3705.94255374
Residual deviance: 3394.82808448
AIC: 3900.82808448
AUC: 0.69739355066
Gini: 0.39478710132

Confusion Matrix (Act/Pred) for max f1 @ threshold = 0.443988379059:

NO YES Error Rate
NO 391.0 826.0 0.6787 (826.0/1217.0)
YES 161.0 1313.0 0.1092 (161.0/1474.0)
Total 552.0 2139.0 0.7879 (0.7879/2691.0)
Maximum Metrics:

metric threshold value idx
f1 0.443988379059 0.726819817326 284.0
f2 0.247001441468 0.860535860536 382.0
f0point5 0.569158065903 0.685638454733 183.0
accuracy 0.540614921318 0.655890003716 211.0
precision 0.887237238744 1.0 0.0
absolute_MCC 0.569158065903 0.303360041004 183.0
min_per_class_accuracy 0.563183947037 0.644504748982 189.0
tns 0.887237238744 1217.0 0.0
fns 0.887237238744 1472.0 0.0
fps 0.186084076673 1217.0 399.0
tps 0.215917647428 1474.0 393.0
tnr 0.887237238744 1.0 0.0
fnr 0.887237238744 0.998643147897 0.0
fpr 0.186084076673 1.0 399.0
tpr 0.215917647428 1.0 393.0

In [9]:
# Building confusion matrix for test set
gbm_CM = gbm_perf.confusion_matrix()

glm_CM = glm_perf.confusion_matrix()

Confusion Matrix (Act/Pred) for max f1 @ threshold = 0.441901440341:

NO YES Error Rate
NO 293.0 924.0 0.7592 (924.0/1217.0)
YES 112.0 1362.0 0.076 (112.0/1474.0)
Total 405.0 2286.0 0.8352 (0.8352/2691.0)

Confusion Matrix (Act/Pred) for max f1 @ threshold = 0.443988379059:

NO YES Error Rate
NO 391.0 826.0 0.6787 (826.0/1217.0)
YES 161.0 1313.0 0.1092 (161.0/1474.0)
Total 552.0 2139.0 0.7879 (0.7879/2691.0)

In [10]:
# ROC for test set
print('GBM Precision: {0}'.format(gbm_perf.precision()))
print('GBM Accuracy: {0}'.format(gbm_perf.accuracy()))
print('GBM AUC: {0}'.format(gbm_perf.auc()))
print('GLM Precision: {0}'.format(glm_perf.precision()))
print('GLM Accuracy: {0}'.format(glm_perf.accuracy()))
print('GLM AUC: {0}'.format(glm_perf.auc()))

GBM Precision: [[0.6780965253938488, 0.8472222222222222]]
GBM Accuracy: [[0.5222965963143628, 0.6577480490523968]]
GBM AUC: 0.692409878597

GLM Precision: [[0.8872372387438643, 1.0]]
GLM Accuracy: [[0.5406149213176982, 0.6558900037160906]]
GLM AUC: 0.69739355066