In [ ]:
#r "nuget:SharpVG"
open SharpVG
open System

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let position = Point.ofInts (10, 10)
let area = Area.ofInts (50, 50)
let style = Style.create (Color.ofName Colors.LightBlue) (Color.ofName Colors.Blue) (Length.ofInt 3) 1.0 1.0
let showSvg svg = display(HtmlString(Svg.toString svg)) 
let t = Rect.create position area |> Element.createWithStyle style |> Svg.ofElement
showSvg t

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let black, white = Color.ofName Black, Color.ofName White
let opaque = 1.0
let style = Style.create black white opaque opaque
let location = Point.ofInts (10, 10)
let size = Area.ofInts (5, 5)
let rectangle = Rect.create location size |> Element.create

let rotate degrees = Transform.createRotate (float degrees) (Length.ofInt 20) (Length.ofInt 20)
let rotationStart, rotationEnd = rotate 0, rotate 720

let scale = Length.ofInt >> Transform.createScale
let sizeStart, sizeEnd = scale 1, scale 6

let offset x y =  Transform.createTranslate (Length.ofInt x) |> Transform.withY (Length.ofInt y)
let offsetStart, offsetEnd = offset 0 0, offset 7 7

let duration s = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(float s)
let start, finish = duration 0, duration 6
let repetition = { RepeatCount = RepeatCountValue.Indefinite; RepeatDuration = None }
let timing = Timing.create start |> Timing.withDuration finish |> Timing.withRepetition repetition
let timedAnimation = Animation.createTransform timing

let animationValues = List.map2 timedAnimation [sizeStart; rotationStart; offsetStart] [sizeEnd; rotationEnd; offsetEnd]
let animations = (Animation.withAdditive Additive.Sum) animationValues

let decoratedRectangle = rectangle |> Element.withStyle style |> Element.withAnimations animations

let shapesSvg = decoratedRectangle |> Svg.ofElement

showSvg shapesSvg

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// The plotting is very incomplete, but this shows you how easy it could be to 
let plotValues1 = Plot.plot [ for i in 0.0 .. 0.02 .. 2.0 * Math.PI -> (500.0 * cos i * sin i, 500.0 * sin i) ]
let plotValues2 = Plot.plot [ for i in 0.0 .. 0.02 .. 2.0 * Math.PI -> (1000.0 * sin i, 1000.0 * cos i * sin i) ]

let plotSvg = plotValues1 |> Plot.addPlot plotValues2 |> Svg.ofPlot
showSvg plotSvg

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