In [2]:
import pandas as pd

In [3]:
results = pd.read_clipboard()

In [5]:
print results[['Data set alias','Number of patterns','Number of features','Production time','Combination time','Recovery time']].to_latex(index=False)
results[['Data set alias','Number of patterns','Number of features','Production time','Combination time','Recovery time']]

Data set alias &  Number of patterns &  Number of features &  Production time &                                   Combination time &  Recovery time \\
      PHYACT 1 &              441568 &                  30 &      2158.694059 &                                      123.858484983 &      19.765186 \\
      PHYACT 2 &              359170 &                  30 &      1477.346136 &                                      98.8667109013 &      15.796466 \\
         Kdd99 &             2449216 &                  41 &     10284.166381 &  not possible to run because the bgs was 964287... &            NaN \\
         esopH &              136127 &                   2 &        17.943892 &                                      35.1568570137 &       3.959914 \\
      diabetes &              101766 &                  41 &       188.560769 &                                      33.7938790321 &       5.074828 \\

Data set alias Number of patterns Number of features Production time Combination time Recovery time
0 PHYACT 1 441568 30 2158.694059 123.858484983 19.765186
1 PHYACT 2 359170 30 1477.346136 98.8667109013 15.796466
2 Kdd99 2449216 41 10284.166381 not possible to run because the bgs was 964287... NaN
3 esopH 136127 2 17.943892 35.1568570137 3.959914
4 diabetes 101766 41 188.560769 33.7938790321 5.074828