In [1]:
import sys, os
from numpy import *
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from Optimisation import HSS
from Trajectory import Point_Lander_Drag
In [2]:
model = Point_Lander_Drag()
directory = "../Data/Mars/"
files = os.listdir(directory)
# Collect the state, control, and time index
data = empty((0, model.sdim + model.cdim + 1))
for f in files:
if "HSS_10_" in f:
# Get the data!
prob = HSS(model, nsegs=10)
z = load(directory + f)
tf, sb, cb, s, c = prob.Decode(z)
sb = sb[1:]
cb = cb[1:]
t = linspace(0,tf,11)
tb = t[1:]
# Trajectory
plt.plot(s[:,0], s[:,1])
plt.plot(sb[:,0], sb[:,1])
# Data Collection!
t = t.reshape((len(t), 1))
tb = tb.reshape((len(tb), 1))
d = hstack((s, c, t))
db = hstack((sb, cb, tb))
data = vstack((data, d))
data = vstack((data, db))
if "HSS_20" in f:
# Get the data!
prob = HSS(model, nsegs=20)
z = load(directory + f)
tf, sb, cb, s, c = prob.Decode(z)
t = linspace(0, tf, 21)
tb = t[1:]
sb = sb[1:]
cb = cb[1:]
# Trajectory
plt.plot(s[:,0], s[:,1])
plt.plot(sb[:,0], sb[:,1])
# Data Collection!
t = t.reshape((len(t), 1))
tb = tb.reshape((len(tb), 1))
d = hstack((s, c, t))
db = hstack((sb, cb, tb))
data = vstack((data, d))
data = vstack((data, db))
plt.xlabel("Cross-Range [m]")
plt.ylabel("Altitude [m]")
plt.axes().set_aspect('equal', 'datalim')
#plt.savefig("../Data/Figs/Mars_Traj_Far.svg", format='svg',transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight')
# Create a data frame!
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=["$x~[m]$", "$y~[m]$", "$v_x~[m/s]$ ", "$v_y~[m/s]$", "$m~[kg]$", "$u$", "$\\theta~[rad]$", "$t~[sec]$"])
#save("../Data/ML/Mars_Far", data)
In [17]:
data = data[:, [0,1,2,3,4]]
In [ ]:
import seaborn as sns
g = sns.PairGrid(df, diag_sharey=False)
g.map_lower(sns.kdeplot, cmap="Blues_d")
g.map_diag(sns.kdeplot, lw=3)
plt.savefig("../Data/Figs/Mars_Dist_Far.png", format='png',transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight')
In [ ]:
from import table
ax = plt.subplot(111, frame_on=False) # no visible frame
ax.xaxis.set_visible(False) # hide the x axis
ax.yaxis.set_visible(False) # hide the y axis
table(ax, df.describe()) # where df is your data frame
plt.savefig("../Data/Figs/Mars_Far_Table.svg", format='svg',transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight')
In [ ]:
from sklearn.cross_decomposition import PLSRegression
x = data[:,[0,1,2,3,4]]
y = data[:,[5,6]]
y1 = PLSRegression(1).fit(x,y).predict(x)
y2 = PLSRegression(2).fit(x,y).predict(x)
y3 = PLSRegression(3).fit(x,y).predict(x)
In [ ]:
ax1 = plt.subplot(321)
plt.plot(y[:,0], 'k.')
plt.plot(y1[:,0], '.')
plt.ylabel("Throttle (1 Latent)")
ax2 = plt.subplot(322)
plt.plot(y[:,1], 'k.')
plt.plot(y1[:,1], '.')
plt.ylabel("Thrust Angle [rad]")
plt.subplot(323, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1)
plt.plot(y[:,0], 'k.')
plt.plot(y2[:,0], '.')
plt.ylabel("Throttle (2 Latent)")
plt.subplot(324, sharex=ax2, sharey=ax2)
plt.plot(y[:,1], 'k.')
plt.plot(y2[:,1], '.')
plt.ylabel("Thrust Angle [rad]")
plt.subplot(325, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1)
plt.plot(y[:,0], 'k.')
plt.plot(y3[:,0], '.')
plt.ylabel("Throttle (3 Latent)")
plt.subplot(326, sharex=ax2, sharey=ax2)
plt.plot(y[:,1], 'k.')
plt.plot(y3[:,1], '.')
plt.ylabel("Thrust Angle [rad]")
plt.savefig("../Data/Figs/PLS.pdf", format='pdf',transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight')
In [6]:
model = Point_Lander_Drag()
directory = "../Data/Mars/"
files = os.listdir(directory)
# Collect the state, control, and time index
data2 = empty((0, model.sdim + model.cdim + 1))
for f in files:
if "HSS_10A_" in f:
# Get the data!
prob = HSS(model, nsegs=10)
z = load(directory + f)
tf, sb, cb, s, c = prob.Decode(z)
sb = sb[1:]
cb = cb[1:]
t = linspace(0,tf,11)
tb = t[1:]
# Trajectory
plt.plot(s[:,0], s[:,1])
plt.plot(sb[:,0], sb[:,1])
# Data Collection!
t = t.reshape((len(t), 1))
tb = tb.reshape((len(tb), 1))
d = hstack((s, c, t))
db = hstack((sb, cb, tb))
data2 = vstack((data2, d))
data2 = vstack((data2, db))
plt.xlabel("Cross-Range [m]")
plt.ylabel("Altitude [m]")
#plt.savefig("../Data/Figs/Mars_Traj_Close.svg", format='svg',transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight')
# Create a data frame!
df = pd.DataFrame(data2, columns=["$x~[m]$", "$y~[m]$", "$v_x~[m/s]$ ", "$v_y~[m/s]$", "$m~[kg]$", "$u$", "$\\theta~[rad]$", "$t~[sec]$"])
#save("../Data/ML/Mars_Close", data2)
# erg... set the wrong intial state boundary, need to prune
In [19]:
data2 = data2[:, [0,1,2,3,4]]
data2[[0, len(data2)/4, -1]]
In [ ]:
import seaborn as sns
g = sns.PairGrid(df, diag_sharey=False)
g.map_lower(sns.kdeplot, cmap="Blues_d")
g.map_diag(sns.kdeplot, lw=3)
plt.savefig("../Data/Figs/Mars_Dist_Close.png", format='png',transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight')
In [ ]:
ax = plt.subplot(111, frame_on=False) # no visible frame
ax.xaxis.set_visible(False) # hide the x axis
ax.yaxis.set_visible(False) # hide the y axis
table(ax, df.describe()) # where df is your data frame
plt.savefig("../Data/Figs/Mars_Close_Table.svg", format='svg',transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight')
In [ ]:
istates = load("../Data/Point_Lander_Mars_Initial_States.npy")
In [ ]:
dfis = pd.DataFrame(istates, columns=["$x~[m]$", "$y~[m]$", "$v_x~[m/s]$ ", "$v_y~[m/s]$", "$m~[kg]$"])
In [ ]:
g = sns.PairGrid(dfis, diag_sharey=False)
g.map_lower(sns.kdeplot, cmap="Blues_d")
g.map_diag(sns.kdeplot, lw=3)
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
g.savefig("../Data/Figs/Mars_SI_Close.pdf", format='pdf',transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight')
In [ ]: