In [1]:
import sys
# sys.argv = [sys.argv[0], 'YFF_14.prmtop', 'YFF_14.db', '--inpcrd_FN', 'YFF_14.inpcrd']
sys.argv = [sys.argv[0], 'ligand.prmtop', 'ligand.db']

In [2]:

# Converts AMBER prmtop (and inpcrd) files to a MMTK database,
# which is basically a python script defining a molecule's
# atoms, bonds, and default coordinates

import os, sys, time, numpy


# Map flag to variable names
# Masses for atoms defined in the GAFF force field
mass2symbols = {12.01:'C',1.008:'H',19.00:'F',35.45:'Cl',79.90:'Br',126.9:'I',\

### MAIN ###

import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
  description='Convert AMBER prmtop and inpcrd files to a MMTK database file')
parser.add_argument('prmtop_FN', help='AMBER prmtop file')
parser.add_argument('db_FN', help='MMTK Database file')
parser.add_argument('--inpcrd_FN', help='AMBER inpcrd file')
parser.add_argument('-f', help='Does nothing')
args = parser.parse_args()

print "Creating database "+args.db_FN

### Loads AMBER parameter file
import AlGDock.IO
prmtop_IO = AlGDock.IO.prmtop()
prmtop =, varnames)

# Modify atom names to be acceptable python variables and include the atom index
prmtop['ATOM_NAME'] = ['%si%s'%(a_n.replace("'","p").strip(),ind) \
  for (a_n,ind) in zip(prmtop['ATOM_NAME'],range(len(prmtop['ATOM_NAME'])))]

NATOM = prmtop['POINTERS'][0]
NTYPES = prmtop['POINTERS'][1]

### Extract Lennard-Jones well depth and radii for each atom
LJ_radius = numpy.ndarray(shape=(NTYPES), dtype=float)
LJ_depth = numpy.ndarray(shape=(NTYPES), dtype=float)
for i in range(NTYPES):
  LJ_index = prmtop['NONBONDED_PARM_INDEX'][NTYPES*i+i]-1
  if prmtop['LENNARD_JONES_ACOEF'][LJ_index]<1.0e-6:
    LJ_radius[i] = 0
    LJ_depth[i] = 0
    factor = 2 * prmtop['LENNARD_JONES_ACOEF'][LJ_index] / \
    LJ_radius[i] = pow(factor, 1.0/6.0) * 0.5
    LJ_depth[i] = prmtop['LENNARD_JONES_BCOEF'][LJ_index] / 2 / factor
# More useful for later calculations
root_LJ_depth = numpy.sqrt(LJ_depth)
LJ_diameter = LJ_radius*2
del i, LJ_index, factor

### Loads AMBER inpcrd file
if (args.inpcrd_FN is not None) and os.path.isfile(args.inpcrd_FN):
  inpcrdF = open(args.inpcrd_FN,'r')
  inpcrd ='\n')
  inpcrd.pop(0) # Title
  NATOM = int(inpcrd.pop(0)) # Number of atoms
  w = 12 # Width of field
  coords = []
  for line in inpcrd:
        coords = coords + [float(line[x:x+w]) for x in range(0,len(line),w)]
  del w, inpcrdF, inpcrd
  coords = None

### Writes database
db_dir = os.path.dirname(args.db_FN)
if not (db_dir=='' or os.path.exists(db_dir)):
  os.system('mkdir -p '+db_dir)

db = open(args.db_FN,'w')


for [name,mass] in zip(prmtop['ATOM_NAME'],prmtop['MASS']):
  if mass in mass2symbols.keys():
    db.write(name.strip()+" = Atom('"+mass2symbols[mass]+"')\n")
    raise Exception('Unknown atom with mass: %f!'%mass)

# The order of atoms in the prmtop file (not used by MMTK)
db.write("prmtop_order = [" + ", ".join(["%s"%name.strip() \
  for name in prmtop['ATOM_NAME']]) + "]\n")

bondList = list(prmtop['BONDS_INC_HYDROGEN']) + \
db.write("bonds = [" + ", ".join(["Bond(%s, %s)"%(\
  prmtop['ATOM_NAME'][bondList[i]/3].strip(),prmtop['ATOM_NAME'][bondList[i+1]/3].strip()) \
  for i in range(0,len(bondList),3)]) + "]\n")

db.write("amber12_atom_type = {" + ", ".join(["%s: '%s'"%(name.strip(),type.strip()) \
  for (name,type) in zip(prmtop['ATOM_NAME'],prmtop['AMBER_ATOM_TYPE'])]) + "}\n")

# Write the charge, converted to units of electric charge
# AMBER prmtop files multiply the actual charge by 18.2223, hence the division
db.write("amber_charge = {" + ", ".join(\
  ["%s: '%f'"%(name.strip(),charge/18.2223) \
   for (name,charge) in zip(prmtop['ATOM_NAME'],prmtop['CHARGE'])]) + "}\n")

# Write the grid scaling factors
# Because the grids are in units of kcal/mol, the scaling factors are multiplied by 4.184 to convert to kJ/mol
db.write("scaling_factor_ELE = {" + \
  ", ".join(["%s: %f"%(name.strip(),4.184*charge/18.2223) 
    for (name,charge) in zip(prmtop['ATOM_NAME'],prmtop['CHARGE'])]) \
  + "}\n")
atom_type_indicies = [prmtop['ATOM_TYPE_INDEX'][atom_index]-1 \
  for atom_index in range(NATOM)]
db.write("scaling_factor_LJr = {" + \
  ", ".join(["%s: %f"%(name.strip(),4.184*root_LJ_depth[type_index]*(LJ_diameter[type_index]**6)) \
             for (name,type_index) in zip(prmtop['ATOM_NAME'],atom_type_indicies)]) + "}\n")
db.write("scaling_factor_LJa = {" + \
  ", ".join(["%s: %f"%(name.strip(),4.184*root_LJ_depth[type_index]*(LJ_diameter[type_index]**3)) \
             for (name,type_index) in zip(prmtop['ATOM_NAME'],atom_type_indicies)]) + "}\n")

# Write the coordinates, converted from Angstroms to nanometers
if coords is not None:
  db.write("configurations = {\n")
  db.write("'default': Cartesian({" + ", ".join(["%s: (%f, %f, %f)"%(name.strip(), coords[i]/10.0, coords[i+1]/10.0, coords[i+2]/10.0) for (name,i) in zip(prmtop['ATOM_NAME'],range(0,NATOM*3,3))]) + "})}\n")

# TODO: Write Born radii and screening

Creating database ligand.db

In [5]:
import os
import sys
import time
import numpy as np

import MMTK
import MMTK.Units
from MMTK.ParticleProperties import Configuration
from MMTK.ForceFields import ForceField

import Scientific
  from Scientific._vector import Vector
  from Scientific.Geometry.VectorModule import Vector

R = 8.3144621 * MMTK.Units.J / MMTK.Units.mol / MMTK.Units.K = \
molecule = MMTK.Molecule(args.db_FN)

In [7]:
import numpy as np
np.array([molecule.getAtomProperty(a, 'scaling_factor_LJr') \
                  for a in molecule.atomList()],dtype=float)

array([  4.27317356e+03,   3.78870767e+03,   3.78870767e+03,
         3.78870767e+03,   3.78870767e+03,   3.78870767e+03,
         4.27317356e+03,   4.27317356e+03,   4.27317356e+03,
         4.27317356e+03,   5.94398340e+01,   5.94398340e+01,
         5.94398340e+01,   5.94398340e+01,   5.94398340e+01,
         1.56541300e+00,   3.16336300e+02,   3.16336300e+02,
         2.56615708e+02,   2.56615708e+02,   3.62733183e+02,
         3.62733183e+02,   3.62733183e+02,   3.62733183e+02,
         5.94398340e+01,   4.06579160e+03,   4.06579160e+03])

In [8]:

[Atom ligand.db.C10i24,
 Atom ligand.db.C1i15,
 Atom ligand.db.C2i16,
 Atom ligand.db.C3i17,
 Atom ligand.db.C4i18,
 Atom ligand.db.C5i19,
 Atom ligand.db.C6i20,
 Atom ligand.db.C7i21,
 Atom ligand.db.C8i22,
 Atom ligand.db.C9i23,
 Atom ligand.db.H10i9,
 Atom ligand.db.H11i10,
 Atom ligand.db.H12i11,
 Atom ligand.db.H13i12,
 Atom ligand.db.H14i13,
 Atom ligand.db.H15i14,
 Atom ligand.db.H1i0,
 Atom ligand.db.H2i1,
 Atom ligand.db.H3i2,
 Atom ligand.db.H4i3,
 Atom ligand.db.H5i4,
 Atom ligand.db.H6i5,
 Atom ligand.db.H7i6,
 Atom ligand.db.H8i7,
 Atom ligand.db.H9i8,
 Atom ligand.db.N1i25,
 Atom ligand.db.N2i26]

In [10]:

array([ 1.2 ,  1.2 ,  1.2 ,  1.2 ,  1.2 ,  1.2 ,  1.2 ,  1.2 ,  1.2 ,
        1.2 ,  1.2 ,  1.2 ,  1.2 ,  1.2 ,  1.2 ,  1.7 ,  1.7 ,  1.7 ,
        1.7 ,  1.7 ,  1.7 ,  1.7 ,  1.7 ,  1.7 ,  1.7 ,  1.55,  1.55])

In [ ]: