Analysis of a run with constraints, and a run without

I have made a little analysis to test our ability to date a tree with node order constraints. I use the following tree:

In [53]:
import sys
from ete3 import Tree, TreeStyle, NodeStyle
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
import scipy
import re

t = Tree("(((a:0.1,b:0.1):0.2, (c:0.2,d:0.2):0.1):0.6, ((e:0.4,f:0.4):0.3, (g:0.5,h:0.5):0.2):0.2);")
ts = TreeStyle()
ts.min_leaf_separation= 0
ts.scale = 88 
nstyle = NodeStyle()
nstyle["size"] = 0
for n in t.traverse():

t.render("%%inline", tree_style=ts)


Then I will compare two MCMC runs: one with 2 node order constraints, and one without. The node order constraints are as follow:

c d a b

g h e f

meaning that the MRCA of cd is older than the MRCA of AB (same thing for the second line), just like in the tree. First we take a short look at the MCMC run.

In [58]:
runConsMet = pd.read_csv("output/testConstraintsMet.log", sep="\t")

In [59]:

Iteration Posterior Likelihood Prior diversification extinction gc root speciation tstv turnover
count 1001.000000 1001.000000 1001.000000 1001.000000 1001.000000 1001.000000 1001.000000 1001.000000 1001.000000 1001.000000 1001.000000
mean 5000.000000 -113.993874 -98.425971 -15.567914 4.416536 5.334900 0.111875 0.774875 9.751436 0.942513 5.334900
std 2891.081113 2.214749 1.565877 1.904898 1.507350 2.319868 0.107302 0.198239 2.547804 0.552286 2.319868
min 0.000000 -123.309000 -105.959000 -23.481300 0.738713 0.506599 0.000130 0.305117 3.853600 0.064296 0.506599
25% 2500.000000 -115.260000 -99.369100 -16.632500 3.373290 3.620480 0.032300 0.635708 7.979750 0.528046 3.620480
50% 5000.000000 -113.593000 -98.226200 -15.475800 4.261310 4.927260 0.080141 0.770879 9.403520 0.833976 4.927260
75% 7500.000000 -112.454000 -97.292100 -14.235800 5.233970 6.774960 0.153066 0.893176 11.209300 1.241400 6.774960
max 10000.000000 -109.414000 -94.888500 -10.750500 11.936400 17.340100 0.672720 1.806330 22.550600 3.337300 17.340100

In [60]:
%matplotlib inline
plt.plot(runConsMet['Iteration'], runConsMet['Posterior'], 'b-')
plt.xlabel("Iteration", fontsize=15)
plt.ylabel("Posterior", fontsize=15)

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x10c16a6d8>

In [61]:
%matplotlib inline
plt.plot(runConsMet['Iteration'], runConsMet['root'], 'b-')
plt.xlabel("Iteration", fontsize=15)
plt.ylabel("Root age", fontsize=15)

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x1051757b8>

In [62]:
def readTreesFromRBOutput (file):
        f=open(file, 'r')
    except IOError:
        print ("Unknown file: "+file)
    line = ""
    treeStrings = list()
    for l in f:
        if "teration" not in l:
            m = re.sub('\[&index=\d+\]', "", l)
    for l in treeStrings:
        trees.append ( Tree( l ) )
    return trees

trees = readTreesFromRBOutput("output/testConstraintsMet.trees")

In [63]:
def getNodeHeights( t ):
    node2Height = dict()
    id2Height = dict()
    for node in t.traverse("postorder"):
        if node not in node2Height:
            node2Height[node] = 0.0
            id2Height[] = 0.0
        if node.up:
            if =='':
                leaves = node.up.get_leaves()
                for l in leaves:
                    name +=
            node2Height[node.up] = node2Height[node] + node.dist
            id2Height[str(] = node2Height[node] + node.dist
      # print + " : " + str(node2Height[node])
    #return node2Height,id2Height
    return id2Height

allHeights = list()
for t in trees:

Let's look at the age difference between two nodes constrained in an older-younger fashion (the first constraint.

In [64]:
diffABMinusCD = list()
for a in allHeights:
    diffABMinusCD.append(a["ab"] - a["cd"])

pd.DataFrame( diffABMinusCD ).describe()

count 1001.000000
mean -0.146086
std 0.113012
min -0.629282
25% -0.205406
50% -0.122005
75% -0.059797
max -0.000474

They are all negative, and thus agree with the constraint. We look at the other constraint.

In [65]:
diffEFMinusGH = list()
for a in allHeights:
    diffEFMinusGH.append(a["ef"] - a["gh"])

pd.DataFrame( diffEFMinusGH ).describe()

count 1001.000000
mean -0.147083
std 0.114754
min -0.598449
25% -0.216569
50% -0.123322
75% -0.055978
max -0.000051

Same thing. Now we look into an unconstrained run.

In [66]:
treesNC = readTreesFromRBOutput("output/testNoConstraint.trees")
allHeightsNC = list()
for t in treesNC:

diffABMinusCDNC = list()
for a in allHeightsNC:
    diffABMinusCDNC.append(a["ab"] - a["cd"])

pd.DataFrame( diffABMinusCDNC ).describe()

count 1001.000000
mean -0.014525
std 0.258753
min -1.001023
25% -0.172961
50% -0.019800
75% 0.144513
max 1.010819

The difference is not always negative.

In [67]:
diffEFMinusGHNC = list()
for a in allHeightsNC:
    diffEFMinusGHNC.append(a["ef"] - a["gh"])

pd.DataFrame( diffEFMinusGHNC ).describe()

count 1001.000000
mean -0.012098
std 0.265463
min -1.402574
25% -0.152929
50% -0.003269
75% 0.140969
max 0.970412

In this case as well, the difference is not always negative.

To conclude, it seems like the constraints have an impact on the posterior chronogram distribution, so we have a program to do relaxed molecular clock with node order constraints.

In [ ]: