Recommendations based on frequent pairs

This notebook shows how to calculate frequent pairs based on shopping lists, using a scoring function that is relevant for recommendatins.

Generating artificial shopping lists

In [39]:
import numpy as np
from itertools import groupby, permutations, chain, islice
from operator import itemgetter, add

def get_random_element(x):
    if x is None:
        return -1
        return x[np.random.randint(len(x))]

def split_every(n, iterable):
    i = iter(iterable)
    piece = list(islice(i, n))
    while piece:
        yield piece
        piece = list(islice(i, n))

Let's generate some random shopping lists:

In [40]:
num_unique_items =   5000
num_paired_items =    100
num_bought_items = 250000

Select some random pairs which are usually bought together

In [41]:
test_givenpairs = np.random.randint(num_unique_items, size=(num_paired_items, 2))
test_pair_dict = dict([(k, [itemgetter(1)(f) for f in v]) for k, v in groupby(sorted(test_givenpairs,key=itemgetter(0)), key = itemgetter(0))])
print "We generate example pairs which will always be bought together. Some examples:"

We generate example pairs which will always be bought together. Some examples:
[(2048, [2804]), (3086, [1164]), (22, [4816]), (547, [3575]), (41, [2330])]

Determine the items that are bought. By running them modulo their index, we create an exponential distribution

In [42]:
test_purchases_bought = [j % (i+1) for i, j in enumerate(np.random.randint(num_unique_items, size=(num_bought_items)))]

Now map all bought items to a random item which is by our definition bought together. If one is available

In [43]:
vectorized_select_paired_items = np.vectorize(test_pair_dict.get)
vectorized_select_random_item = np.vectorize(get_random_element)
test_purchases_added = ( 
    vectorized_select_random_item(  # select one item random from the list of paired items
        vectorized_select_paired_items(  # map them to the list of paired items
            test_purchases_bought # the items we bought
test_purchases_pairs = np.transpose(np.vstack((test_purchases_bought, test_purchases_added)))

Given these pairs, we unravel it to create one long list, which is then splitted into different shopping baskets

In [44]:
test_sequence = test_purchases_pairs.ravel()
test_shopping_baskets = [nonempty for nonempty in [np.unique(a[a>0]).tolist() for a in [np.array(a) for a in list(split_every(6, test_sequence))]] if len(nonempty)>0]
print "Each few items are joined together to form a list. Because some items are removed, lists have variable length. Some examples:"
print test_shopping_baskets[0:5]
print "Total number of generated shopping lists = {}".format(len(test_shopping_baskets))

Each few items are joined together to form a list. Because some items are removed, lists have variable length. Some examples:
[[266, 2538, 3794, 4274], [1099, 4111, 4177], [1442, 3249, 4480], [3652, 3769, 4565], [347, 1253, 2298]]
Total number of generated shopping lists = 83334

Step 0: Loading the data in spark

In [45]:
shopping_baskets = sc.parallelize(test_shopping_baskets)
shopping_baskets_count = shopping_baskets.count()
print "There are in total {} shopping lists".format(shopping_baskets_count)

There are in total 83334 shopping lists

Step 1: Calculating item frequencies

Getting item buy frequency. While the shopping lists do not have to fit in memory, a list of unique items should

In [46]:
def check_uniqueness(t):
    if len(set(t))!=len(t):
        raise ValueError("Items in a transaction must be unique but got {}".format(t))
        return t
        return t
item_freq = dict(shopping_baskets.flatMap(check_uniqueness).map(lambda v: (v, 1L)).reduceByKey(add).collect())

In [47]:
print "The most popular item is bought in {} shopping baskets".format(max(item_freq.values()))
print "As example, the first few items with their frequencies:"
print item_freq.items()[0:5]

The most popular item is bought in 126 shopping baskets
As example, the first few items with their frequencies:
[(1, 60L), (2, 59L), (3, 53L), (4, 69L), (5, 50L)]

Step 2: Calculating item pair scores

We use the following score: $$ score = \dfrac{\bigg(\dfrac{X\ and\ Y}{X}\bigg)}{\bigg(\dfrac{(not\ X)\ and\ Y}{not\ X}\bigg)}$$

In [48]:
from __future__ import division
def calculate_score( xy, xy_count):
    xy is a tuple of item ids
    xy_count is the observation count
      x and y / x
    not x and y / not x"""
    x_item, y_item = xy
    x = item_freq[x_item]
    y = item_freq[y_item]
    notx = shopping_baskets_count - x
    x_y = xy_count
    notx_y = y - x_y
    if notx_y==0:
        return (xy, np.Inf)
        return (xy, (notx/x) * (x_y/notx_y))
def all_pairs(x):
    return list(permutations(x, 2)) # permutations also generates the pairs with _1 and _2 flipped
def as_key_with_value(i):
    def as_key(x):
        return x, i
    return as_key

In [49]:
pairs = shopping_baskets\
            .map(lambda x:calculate_score(*x))\

Now we have the score for every pair of products ever bought

In [50]:
pairs_count = pairs.count()
print "There are in total {} pairs of bought products".format(pairs_count)
print "The first few pairs with their score:"

There are in total 513862 pairs of bought products
The first few pairs with their score:
[((3075, 3343), 41.066074950690336),
 ((4171, 535), 41.3125),
 ((2261, 2169), 26.089598997493734),
 ((810, 3728), 42.48877551020408),
 ((4785, 2165), 29.65811965811966),
 ((2635, 4663), 17.135802469135804),
 ((112, 4246), 41.647),
 ((4649, 717), 26.0531914893617),
 ((2514, 2968), 31.7472359893252),
 ((607, 3139), 39.06801125703565)]

Step 3, Option 1: Selecting pairs based on score threshold

As context, let's get the histogram

In [61]: k_v:k_v[1]).filter(lambda score: not np.isinf(score)).histogram(10)

 [513662, 0, 0, 4, 4, 17, 43, 24, 9, 2])

In [62]:
frequent_pairs = pairs.filter(lambda k_v:k_v[1]>250).collect()
print "The number of frequent pairs = {}".format(len(frequent_pairs))

The number of frequent pairs = 200

In [52]:

[((4257, 2061), 1321.952380952381),
 ((3627, 479), 930.1998710509349),
 ((2061, 4257), inf),
 ((547, 3575), 1665.88),
 ((2926, 1436), inf)]

Step 3, Option 2: Selecting top N scoring cross selling items.

Here we define some helper functions to keep the highest N co occurring items

In [53]:
def aggregate_zero():
    return []

def aggregate_seq(n):
    def sequenceadd(seq, item):
        seq.sort(key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True)
        return seq[0:n]
    return sequenceadd

def aggregate_combine(n):
    def combine(seq1, seq2):
        return sorted(seq1+seq2, key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True)[0:n]
    return combine

Instead of hard thresholds, we can just find the most cross sellable product for each product. Some examples:

In [54]:
item_with_cross_sells = pairs\
    .map(lambda kv: (kv[0][0], (kv[0][1], kv[1])))\
    .aggregateByKey(aggregate_zero(), aggregate_seq(5), aggregate_combine(5)).cache()

In [55]:

  [(2804, 2191.3947368421054),
   (3589, 53.53455480552877),
   (3468, 44.03648863035431),
   (2428, 44.03648863035431),
   (4481, 42.66034836065574)]),
  [(63, 57.431724137931035),
   (1603, 55.222811671087534),
   (2161, 53.17752234993614),
   (1396, 51.278325123152705),
   (3171, 41.02266009852217)]),
  [(4082, 60.69825072886297),
   (897, 41.30853174603175),
   (4982, 38.13095238095238),
   (4459, 38.13095238095238),
   (1525, 36.27090592334495)]),
  [(2027, 54.422222222222224),
   (599, 42.224137931034484),
   (1828, 40.81666666666666),
   (1460, 38.265625),
   (3584, 34.98571428571429)]),
  [(636, 59.140625),
   (3622, 56.56929347826087),
   (2246, 50.042067307692314),
   (4331, 44.10487288135593),
   (3839, 37.17410714285714)])]

Let's find a perfect pair, one with score infinity

In [56]:
perfect_pair = pairs.filter(lambda x: np.isinf(x[1])).take(1)[0]

((2061, 4257), inf)

And show with which other items that occurs:

In [57]:

[[(4257, inf),
  (1971, 39.45945945945946),
  (2047, 30.416666666666664),
  (3390, 28.07692307692308),
  (2232, 25.17241379310345)]]