
In this lecture I demonstrate the power of the type system of Julia using types that represent playing cards, decks of cards, and poker hands.

If you don’t play poker, you can read about it at, but you don’t have to; I’ll tell you what you need to know for the exercises.

Card objects

There are fifty-two cards in a deck, each of which belongs to one of four suits and one of thirteen ranks. The suits are Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, and Clubs. The ranks are Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, and King. Depending on the game that you are playing, an Ace may be higher than King or lower than 2.

If we want to define a new object to represent a playing card, it is obvious what the attributes should be: rank and suit. It is not as obvious what type the attributes should be. One possibility is to use strings containing words like "Spade" for suits and "Queen" for ranks. One problem with this implementation is that it would not be easy to compare cards to see which had a higher rank or suit.

An alternative is to use integers to encode the ranks and suits. In this context, “encode” means that we are going to define a mapping between numbers and suits, or between numbers and ranks. This kind of encoding is not meant to be a secret (that would be “encryption”).

For example, this table shows the suits and the corresponding integer codes:

  • Spades ↦ 4
  • Hearts ↦ 3
  • Diamonds ↦ 2
  • Clubs ↦ 1

This code makes it easy to compare cards; because higher suits map to higher numbers, we can compare suits by comparing their codes.

I am using the ↦ symbol to make it clear that these mappings are not part of the Julia program. They are part of the program design, but they don’t appear explicitly in the code.

The struct definition for Card looks like this:

In [1]:
struct Card
    suit :: Int
    rank :: Int
    function Card(suit::Int, rank::Int)
        @assert(1  suit  4, "suit is between 1 and 4")
        @assert(1  rank  13, "rank is between 1 and 13")
        new(suit, rank)

To create a Card, you call Card with the suit and rank of the card you want.

In [2]:
queen_of_diamonds = Card(2, 12)

Card(2, 12)


In order to print Card objects in a way that people can easily read, we need a mapping from the integer codes to the corresponding ranks and suits. A natural way to do that is with arrays of strings:

In [3]:
const suit_names = ["Clubs", "Diamonds", "Hearts", "Spades"]
const rank_names = ["Ace", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", 
              "8", "9", "10", "Jack", "Queen", "King"];

Variables like suit_names and rank_names, which are defined outside of a type definition and of any method, are called global variables. The keyword const solves the performance problem of global variables.

Now we can an appropriate show method:

In [4]:
function, card::Card)
    print(io, rank_names[card.rank], " of ", suit_names[card.suit])

With the methods we have so far, we can create and print cards:

In [6]:
card1 = Card(3, 1)

Ace of Hearts

Comparing cards

For built-in types, there are relational operators (<, >, ==, etc.) that compare values and determine when one is greater than, less than, or equal to another. For programmer-defined types, we can override the behavior of the built-in operators by providing a method named: Base.isless.

The correct ordering for cards is not obvious. For example, which is better, the 3 of Clubs or the 2 of Diamonds? One has a higher rank, but the other has a higher suit. In order to compare cards, you have to decide whether rank or suit is more important.

The answer might depend on what game you are playing, but to keep things simple, we’ll make the arbitrary choice that suit is more important, so all of the Spades outrank all of the Diamonds, and so on.

With that decided, we can write Base.isless:

In [10]:
function Base.isless(c1::Card, c2::Card)
    isless((c1.suit, c1.rank), (c2.suit, c2.rank))

Unit testing

Unit testing is a way to see if your code is correct by checking that the results are what you expect. It can be helpful to ensure your code still works after you make changes, and can be used when developing as a way of specifying the behaviors your code should have when complete.

Simple unit testing can be performed with the @test() macros:

In [11]:
using Base.Test

@test Card(1,4) < Card(2,4)
@test Card(3,12)  Card(3,13)
@test Card(3,12) > Card(2,11)
@test Card(3, 4)  Card(3,4)

Test Passed

Tests that the expression after @test evaluates to true. Returns a "Test Passed" if it does, a "Test Failed" if it is false, and an "Error Result" if it could not be evaluated.


Now that we have Cards, the next step is to define Decks. Since a deck is made up of cards, it is natural for each Deck to contain an array of cards as an attribute.

The following is a class definition for Deck. The constructor creates the attribute cards and generates the standard set of fifty-two cards:

In [12]:
struct Deck
    cards :: Array{Card, 1}
    function Deck()
        deck = new(Card[])
        for suit in 1:4
            for rank in 1:13
                push!(, Card(suit, rank))

The easiest way to populate the deck is with a nested loop. The outer loop enumerates the suits from 1 to 4. The inner loop enumerates the ranks from 1 to 13. Each iteration creates a new Card with the current suit and rank, and pushes it to

Here is a method for Deck:

In [13]:
function, deck::Deck)
    for card in
        println(io, card)

Here’s what the result looks like:

In [14]:
deck = Deck()

Ace of Clubs
2 of Clubs
3 of Clubs
4 of Clubs
5 of Clubs
6 of Clubs
7 of Clubs
8 of Clubs
9 of Clubs
10 of Clubs
Jack of Clubs
Queen of Clubs
King of Clubs
Ace of Diamonds
2 of Diamonds
3 of Diamonds
4 of Diamonds
5 of Diamonds
6 of Diamonds
7 of Diamonds
8 of Diamonds
9 of Diamonds
10 of Diamonds
Jack of Diamonds
Queen of Diamonds
King of Diamonds
Ace of Hearts
2 of Hearts
3 of Hearts
4 of Hearts
5 of Hearts
6 of Hearts
7 of Hearts
8 of Hearts
9 of Hearts
10 of Hearts
Jack of Hearts
Queen of Hearts
King of Hearts
Ace of Spades
2 of Spades
3 of Spades
4 of Spades
5 of Spades
6 of Spades
7 of Spades
8 of Spades
9 of Spades
10 of Spades
Jack of Spades
Queen of Spades
King of Spades

Add, remove, shuffle and sort

To deal cards, we would like a method that removes a card from the deck and returns it. The array method pop! provides a convenient way to do that:

In [15]:
function pop_card!(deck::Deck)

pop_card! (generic function with 1 method)

Since pop! removes the last card in the array, we are dealing from the bottom of the deck.

To add a card, we can use the array method push!:

In [16]:
function add_card!(deck::Deck, card::Card)
    push!(, card)

add_card! (generic function with 1 method)

A method like this that uses another method without doing much work is sometimes called a veneer. The metaphor comes from woodworking, where a veneer is a thin layer of good quality wood glued to the surface of a cheaper piece of wood to improve the appearance.

In this case add_card! is a “thin” method that expresses a list operation in terms appropriate for decks. It improves the appearance, or interface, of the implementation.

As another example, we can write a method named shuffle_deck! using the function shuffle!:

In [17]:
function shuffle_deck!(deck::Deck)

shuffle_deck! (generic function with 1 method)

Write a method named sort_deck! that uses the function sort! to sort the cards in a Deck. sort! uses the Base.isless method we defined to determine the order.

In [18]:
function sort_deck!(deck::Deck)

sort_deck! (generic function with 1 method)

We can now check these functions:

In [19]:
deck = Deck()
card = pop_card!(deck)

King of Spades

In [20]:

3 of Clubs
4 of Diamonds
3 of Diamonds
6 of Clubs
King of Clubs
6 of Diamonds
5 of Clubs
2 of Hearts
Ace of Clubs
4 of Spades
10 of Hearts
2 of Spades
9 of Hearts
9 of Spades
4 of Clubs
7 of Spades
5 of Diamonds
8 of Spades
King of Diamonds
6 of Hearts
5 of Spades
10 of Clubs
2 of Clubs
King of Hearts
Ace of Hearts
Queen of Spades
10 of Diamonds
8 of Clubs
Queen of Clubs
5 of Hearts
Queen of Diamonds
9 of Clubs
7 of Clubs
Jack of Clubs
7 of Hearts
Ace of Spades
7 of Diamonds
3 of Hearts
8 of Hearts
8 of Diamonds
4 of Hearts
2 of Diamonds
9 of Diamonds
3 of Spades
Jack of Diamonds
10 of Spades
6 of Spades
Queen of Hearts
Jack of Hearts
Jack of Spades
Ace of Diamonds

In [21]:
add_card!(deck, card)

Ace of Clubs
2 of Clubs
3 of Clubs
4 of Clubs
5 of Clubs
6 of Clubs
7 of Clubs
8 of Clubs
9 of Clubs
10 of Clubs
Jack of Clubs
Queen of Clubs
King of Clubs
Ace of Diamonds
2 of Diamonds
3 of Diamonds
4 of Diamonds
5 of Diamonds
6 of Diamonds
7 of Diamonds
8 of Diamonds
9 of Diamonds
10 of Diamonds
Jack of Diamonds
Queen of Diamonds
King of Diamonds
Ace of Hearts
2 of Hearts
3 of Hearts
4 of Hearts
5 of Hearts
6 of Hearts
7 of Hearts
8 of Hearts
9 of Hearts
10 of Hearts
Jack of Hearts
Queen of Hearts
King of Hearts
Ace of Spades
2 of Spades
3 of Spades
4 of Spades
5 of Spades
6 of Spades
7 of Spades
8 of Spades
9 of Spades
10 of Spades
Jack of Spades
Queen of Spades
King of Spades

Abstract types

We want a class to represent a “hand”, that is, the cards held by one player. A hand is similar to a deck: both are made up of a collection of cards, and both require operations like adding and removing cards.

A hand is also different from a deck; there are operations we want for hands that don’t make sense for a deck. For example, in poker we might compare two hands to see which one wins. In bridge, we might compute a score for a hand in order to make a bid.

So we need a way to group related concrete types. In Julia this is done by defining an abstract type that serves as a parent in a type graph for both Deck and Hand.

Let's call this abstract type CardSet:

In [1]:
abstract type CardSet <: Any end

The abstract type keyword introduces a new abstract type. The name can be optionally followed by <: and an already-existing abstract type, indicating that the newly declared abstract type is a subtype of this "parent" type.

When no supertype is given, the default supertype is Any – a predefined abstract type that all objects are instances of and all types are subtypes of.

We can now express that Deck is a descendant of CardSet. First we have now to restart the kernel and run the following code:

In [2]:
struct Card
    suit :: Int
    rank :: Int
    function Card(suit::Int, rank::Int)
        @assert(1  suit  4, "suit is between 1 and 4")
        @assert(1  rank  13, "rank is between 1 and 13")
        new(suit, rank)

const suit_names = ["Clubs", "Diamonds", "Hearts", "Spades"]
const rank_names = ["Ace", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", 
              "8", "9", "10", "Jack", "Queen", "King"];

function, card::Card)
    print(io, rank_names[card.rank], " of ", suit_names[card.suit])

function Base.isless(c1::Card, c2::Card)
    isless((c1.suit, c1.rank), (c2.suit, c2.rank))

After the name of the struct we put <: and the name of the abstract type that is the "parent":

In [3]:
struct Deck <: CardSet
    cards :: Array{Card, 1}
    function Deck()
        deck = new(Card[])
        for suit in 1:4
            for rank in 1:13
                push!(, Card(suit, rank))

The operator isa checks whether an object is of a given type:

In [4]:
deck = Deck()
deck isa CardSet


A hand is also a kind of CardSet:

In [5]:
struct Hand <: CardSet
    cards :: Array{Card, 1}
    label :: String
    function Hand(label::String="")
        new(Card[], label)

Instead of populating the hand with 52 new cards, the constructor for Hand initializes cards with an empty array. An optional argument can be passed to the constructor giving a label to the Hand.

In [6]:
hand = Hand("new hand")

0-element Array{Card,1}


We can now express the common operations between Deck and Hand as methods having as argument CardSet:

In [22]:
function, cs::CardSet)
    for card in
        println(io, card)

function pop_card!(cs::CardSet)

function add_card!(cs::CardSet, card::Card)
    push!(, card)

add_card! (generic function with 1 method)

Shuffle is only applicable to Deck:

In [19]:
function shuffle_deck!(deck::Deck)

show (generic function with 2 methods)

Sort is only useful for Hand:

In [20]:
function sort_hand!(hand::Hand)

show (generic function with 3 methods)

We can use pop_card and add_card to deal a card:

In [23]:
deck = Deck()
card = pop_card!(deck)
add_card!(hand, card)

10 of Hearts
6 of Clubs
2 of Hearts
7 of Hearts

A natural next step is to encapsulate this code in a method called move_cards!:

In [24]:
function move_cards!(cs1::CardSet, cs2::CardSet, n::Int)
    @assert 1  n  length(
    for i in 1:n
        card = pop_card!(cs1)
        add_card!(cs2, card)

move_card! (generic function with 1 method)

deal_cards! takes three arguments, two CardSet objects and the number of cards to deal. It modifies both CardSet objects, and returns nothing.

In some games, cards are moved from one hand to another, or from a hand back to the deck. You can use move_cards! for any of these operations: cs1 and cs2 can be either a Deck or a Hand.

Type diagrams

So far we have seen stack diagrams, which show the state of a program, and object diagrams, which show the attributes of an object and their values. These diagrams represent a snapshot in the execution of a program, so they change as the program runs.

They are also highly detailed; for some purposes, too detailed. A type diagram is a more abstract representation of the structure of a program. Instead of showing individual objects, it shows types and the relationships between them.

There are several kinds of relationship between types:

  • Objects of a concrete type might contain references to objects of another type. For example, each Rectangle contains a reference to a Point, and each Deck contains references to an array of Cards. This kind of relationship is called HAS-A, as in, “a Rectangle has a Point.

  • One type might inherit from an abstract type. This relationship is called IS-A, as in, “a Hand is a kind of a CardSet.”

  • One type might depend on another in the sense that objects of one type take objects of the second type as parameters, or use objects of the second type as part of a computation. This kind of relationship is called a dependency.

In [70]:
using TikzPictures
    \node(cs) [draw, fill=lightgray, minimum width=2.5cm, minimum height=1cm]{CardSet};
    \node(de) [draw, fill=lightgray, minimum width=2.5cm, minimum height=1cm] at(-3, -2) {Deck};
    \node(ha) [draw, fill=lightgray, minimum width=2.5cm, minimum height=1cm] at(3, -2) {Hand};
    \node(ca) [draw, fill=lightgray, minimum width=2.5cm, minimum height=1cm] at(0, -4) {Card};
    \draw[arrows = {-Triangle[line width=1.2pt, open, length=15pt, width=15pt]}] (de)--(cs);
    \draw[arrows = {-Triangle[line width=1.2pt, open, length=15pt, width=15pt]}] (ha)--(cs);
    \draw[arrows = {-Straight Barb[line width=1.2pt, length=15pt, width=15pt]}] (de)--(ca);
    \draw[arrows = {-Straight Barb[line width=1.2pt, length=15pt, width=15pt]}] (ha)--(ca);
    \node at(-0.8, -3.2){*};
    \node at(0.8, -3.2){*};
"""; options="very thick, scale=2, transform shape", preamble="""


The arrow with a hollow triangle head represents an IS-A relationship; in this case it indicates that Hand inherits from CardSet.

The standard arrow head represents a HAS-A relationship; in this case a Deck has references to Card objects.

The star (*) near the arrow head is a multiplicity; it indicates how many Cards a Deck has. A multiplicity can be a simple number, like 52, a range, like 5:7 or a star, which indicates that a Deck can have any number of Cards.

There are no dependencies in this diagram. They would normally be shown with a dashed arrow. Or if there are a lot of dependencies, they are sometimes omitted


To know of an object has a IS-A relationship with a certain type, we can use the operator isa:

In [28]:
hand isa CardSet


But hand is not of type CardSet:

In [26]:


typeof returns always the concrete type of the object.

We can also test whether a type is an descendant of another type with the operator <::

In [29]:
Hand <: CardSet
