In [1]:
def suffixArray(s):
    ''' Given T return suffix array SA(T).  Uses "sorted"
        function for simplicity, which is probably very slow. '''
    satups = sorted([(s[i:], i) for i in range(len(s))])
    return list(map(lambda x: x[1], satups)) # extract, return just offsets

def bwtFromSa(t, sa=None):
    ''' Given T, returns BWT(T) by way of the suffix array. '''
    bw = []
    dollarRow = None
    if sa is None:
        sa = suffixArray(t)
    for si in sa:
        if si == 0:
            dollarRow = len(bw)
    return ''.join(bw), dollarRow # return string-ized version of list bw

In [2]:
class FmCheckpoints(object):
    ''' Manages rank checkpoints and handles rank queries, which are
        O(1) time, with the checkpoints taking O(m) space, where m is
        length of text. '''
    def __init__(self, bw, cpIval=4):
        ''' Scan BWT, creating periodic checkpoints as we go '''
        self.cps = {}        # checkpoints
        self.cpIval = cpIval # spacing between checkpoints
        tally = {}           # tally so far
        # Create an entry in tally dictionary and checkpoint map for
        # each distinct character in text
        for c in bw:
            if c not in tally:
                tally[c] = 0
                self.cps[c] = []
        # Now build the checkpoints
        for i, c in enumerate(bw):
            tally[c] += 1 # up to *and including*
            if i % cpIval == 0:
                for c in tally.keys():
    def rank(self, bw, c, row):
        ''' Return # c's there are in bw up to and including row '''
        if row < 0 or c not in self.cps:
            return 0
        i, nocc = row, 0
        # Always walk to left (up) when calculating rank
        while (i % self.cpIval) != 0:
            if bw[i] == c:
                nocc += 1
            i -= 1
        return self.cps[c][i // self.cpIval] + nocc

In [3]:
st = 'teststring'
#     0123456789
cps = FmCheckpoints(st)

In [4]:
# should get back list of integers, where elt i gives
# # times 't' appears up to and including offset i
[ cps.rank(st, 't', i) for i in range(10) ]

[1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3]

In [5]:
# likewise for 'g'
[ cps.rank(st, 'g', i) for i in range(10) ]

[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]

In [6]:
class FmIndex():
    ''' O(m) size FM Index, where checkpoints and suffix array samples are
        spaced O(1) elements apart.  Queries like count() and range() are
        O(n) where n is the length of the query.  Finding all k
        occurrences of a length-n query string takes O(n + k) time.
        Note: The spacings in the suffix array sample and checkpoints can
        be chosen differently to achieve different bounds. '''
    def downsampleSuffixArray(sa, n=4):
        ''' Take only the suffix-array entries for every nth suffix.  Keep
            suffixes at offsets 0, n, 2n, etc with respect to the text.
            Return map from the rows to their suffix-array values. '''
        ssa = {}
        for i, suf in enumerate(sa):
            # We could use i % n instead of sa[i] % n, but we lose the
            # constant-time guarantee for resolutions
            if suf % n == 0:
                ssa[i] = suf
        return ssa
    def __init__(self, t, cpIval=4, ssaIval=4):
        if t[-1] != '$':
            t += '$' # add dollar if not there already
        # Get BWT string and offset of $ within it
        sa = suffixArray(t)
        self.bwt, self.dollarRow = bwtFromSa(t, sa)
        # Get downsampled suffix array, taking every 1 out of 'ssaIval'
        # elements w/r/t T
        self.ssa = self.downsampleSuffixArray(sa, ssaIval)
        self.slen = len(self.bwt)
        # Make rank checkpoints
        self.cps = FmCheckpoints(self.bwt, cpIval)
        # Calculate # occurrences of each character
        tots = dict()
        for c in self.bwt:
            tots[c] = tots.get(c, 0) + 1
        # Calculate concise representation of first column
        self.first = {}
        totc = 0
        for c, count in sorted(tots.items()):
            self.first[c] = totc
            totc += count
    def count(self, c):
        ''' Return number of occurrences of characters < c '''
        if c not in self.first:
            # (Unusual) case where c does not occur in text
            for cc in sorted(self.first.iterkeys()):
                if c < cc: return self.first[cc]
            return self.first[cc]
            return self.first[c]
    def range(self, p):
        ''' Return range of BWM rows having p as a prefix '''
        l, r = 0, self.slen - 1 # closed (inclusive) interval
        for i in range(len(p)-1, -1, -1): # from right to left
            l = self.cps.rank(self.bwt, p[i], l-1) + self.count(p[i])
            r = self.cps.rank(self.bwt, p[i], r)   + self.count(p[i]) - 1
            if r < l:
        return l, r+1
    def resolve(self, row):
        ''' Given BWM row, return its offset w/r/t T '''
        def stepLeft(row):
            ''' Step left according to character in given BWT row '''
            c = self.bwt[row]
            return self.cps.rank(self.bwt, c, row-1) + self.count(c)
        nsteps = 0
        while row not in self.ssa:
            row = stepLeft(row)
            nsteps += 1
        return self.ssa[row] + nsteps
    def hasSubstring(self, p):
        ''' Return true if and only if p is substring of indexed text '''
        l, r = self.range(p)
        return r > l
    def hasSuffix(self, p):
        ''' Return true if and only if p is suffix of indexed text '''
        l, r = self.range(p)
        off = self.resolve(l)
        return r > l and off + len(p) == self.slen-1
    def occurrences(self, p):
        ''' Return offsets for all occurrences of p, in no particular order '''
        l, r = self.range(p)
        return [ self.resolve(x) for x in range(l, r) ]

In [7]:
fm = FmIndex('abaaba')

In [8]:


In [9]:


In [10]:

(1, 5)

In [11]:

(6, 7)

In [12]:
#              01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012
# Occurrences:        *         *  *           *         *  *
fm = FmIndex(t)
matches = sorted(fm.occurrences(p))
matches == [7, 17, 20, 32, 42, 45]
