In [1]:
# Testing fsolve with a single temperature

import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as opt

AC_LK = np.array([4.02232,1206.53,220.291])
AC_HK = np.array([4.0854,1348.77,219.976])

x = np.linspace(0,1, num = 11) 

def P_Ant(T):
    xA = 0.1 # Mol Frac
    P_Tot = 1 # Bara

    P_Ant_LK = pow(10,AC_LK[0]-(AC_LK[1]/(T+AC_LK[2])))
    P_Ant_HK = pow(10,AC_HK[0]-(AC_HK[1]/(T+AC_HK[2])))

    PA = P_Ant_LK*xA
    PB = P_Ant_HK*(1-xA)

    F = np.empty((1))
    F[0] = P_Tot - (PA + PB)

    return F

T = opt.fsolve(P_Ant,1)


[ 105.68098558]

In [1]:
# Testing fsolve with multiple temperatures

import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as opt

AC_LK = np.array([4.02232,1206.53,220.291])
AC_HK = np.array([4.0854,1348.77,219.976])

#xA = np.linspace(0,1, num = 11) 
xA = np.array([0.1,0.2])

F = np.empty((2))

def P_Ant(T):
    P_Tot = 1 # Bara

    T1 = T[0]
    T2 = T[1]

    PA = pow(10,AC_LK[0]-(AC_LK[1]/(T1+AC_LK[2])))*xA[0]
    PB = pow(10,AC_HK[0]-(AC_HK[1]/(T1+AC_HK[2])))*(1-xA[0])
    F[0] = P_Tot - (PA + PB)
    PA = pow(10,AC_LK[0]-(AC_LK[1]/(T2+AC_LK[2])))*xA[1]
    PB = pow(10,AC_HK[0]-(AC_HK[1]/(T2+AC_HK[2])))*(1-xA[1])
    F[1] = P_Tot - (PA + PB)

    return F
TGuess = [100,100]
T = opt.fsolve(P_Ant,TGuess)


[ 105.68098558  101.64989469]

In [1]:
# This was a test to use variables in arrays

import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as opt

N_Size = 11

N = np.linspace(0,N_Size-1,N_Size)
xA = np.linspace(0,1,N_Size)

x = np.array([N[0:N_Size],xA[0:N_Size]])



In [2]:
# This will create your Eqm curve and produce a Txy diagram as well

import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as opt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

AC_LK = np.array([4.02232,1206.53,220.291])
AC_HK = np.array([4.0854,1348.77,219.976])

P_Tot = 1 # Bara
N_Size = 11 # 1001 = 0.1% accuracy for xA

xA = np.linspace(0,1,N_Size)
yA = np.linspace(0.00,0.00,N_Size)
T = np.linspace(0.00,0.00,N_Size)

x = np.array([xA[0:N_Size],yA[0:N_Size],T[0:N_Size]]) # x[xA,yA,T]

F = np.empty((1))

def xA_T(N):
    xA_Ant = x[0,N]
    def P_Ant(T):

        PA = pow(10,AC_LK[0]-(AC_LK[1]/(T+AC_LK[2])))*xA_Ant
        PB = pow(10,AC_HK[0]-(AC_HK[1]/(T+AC_HK[2])))*(1-xA_Ant)
        F[0] = P_Tot - (PA + PB)

        return F
    TGuess = [100]
    T = opt.fsolve(P_Ant,TGuess)

    x[2,N] = T
    return x

for N in range(0,len(xA)):
    x[1,N] = pow(10,AC_LK[0]-(AC_LK[1]/(x[2,N]+AC_LK[2])))*x[0,N]/P_Tot

Eqm_Poly = np.polyfit(x[0,0:N_Size], x[1,0:N_Size], 6)


plt.xlim([0.00, 1])
plt.ylim([0.00, 1])

plt.xlabel('Mol Frac')
plt.ylabel('Temp degC')
plt.xlim([0, 1])

[[  0.00000000e+00   1.00000000e-01   2.00000000e-01   3.00000000e-01
    4.00000000e-01   5.00000000e-01   6.00000000e-01   7.00000000e-01
    8.00000000e-01   9.00000000e-01   1.00000000e+00]
 [  0.00000000e+00   2.09406260e-01   3.76421574e-01   5.11521771e-01
    6.22213403e-01   7.13961500e-01   7.90806308e-01   8.55778594e-01
    9.11183242e-01   9.58795700e-01   1.00000000e+00]
 [  1.10167927e+02   1.05680986e+02   1.01649895e+02   9.80061769e+01
    9.46936497e+01   9.16660935e+01   8.88853151e+01   8.63195818e+01
    8.39423711e+01   8.17313783e+01   7.96677303e+01]] [ -2.04557240e-01   9.39001905e-01  -1.98777848e+00   2.70866554e+00
  -2.80453569e+00   2.34919972e+00   2.21692002e-06]

In [2]:
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as opt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Variables to set

AC_LK = np.array([4.02232,1206.53,220.291])
AC_HK = np.array([4.0854,1348.77,219.976])

P_Tot = 1 # Bara
N_Size = 1001 # 1001 = 0.1% accuracy for xA

xf = 0.7
q = 0.7

# making x array which contains xA, yA and T from xA = 0 -> 1 @ step = 1/(N_Size-1)

xA = np.linspace(0,1,N_Size)
yA = np.linspace(0.00,0.00,N_Size)
T = np.linspace(0.00,0.00,N_Size)

x = np.array([xA[0:N_Size],yA[0:N_Size],T[0:N_Size]]) # x[xA,yA,T]

# Fitting T values to xA for Eqm line

def xA_T(N):
    xA_Ant = x[0,N]
    def P_Ant(T):

        PA = pow(10,AC_LK[0]-(AC_LK[1]/(T+AC_LK[2])))*xA_Ant
        PB = pow(10,AC_HK[0]-(AC_HK[1]/(T+AC_HK[2])))*(1-xA_Ant)

        F = np.empty((1))
        F[0] = P_Tot - (PA + PB)
        return F[0]
    TGuess = [100]
    T = opt.fsolve(P_Ant,TGuess)

    x[2,N] = T
    return x

for N in range(0,len(xA)):
    x[1,N] = pow(10,AC_LK[0]-(AC_LK[1]/(x[2,N]+AC_LK[2])))*x[0,N]/P_Tot

# xA to yA polynomial function

Eqm_Poly = np.polyfit(x[0,0:N_Size], x[1,0:N_Size], 6)

def Eqm_x2y(xA_poly):
    yA_poly = Eqm_Poly[0]*pow(xA_poly,6)+Eqm_Poly[1]*pow(xA_poly,5)+Eqm_Poly[2]*pow(xA_poly,4)+Eqm_Poly[3]*pow(xA_poly,3)+Eqm_Poly[4]*pow(xA_poly,2)+Eqm_Poly[5]*pow(xA_poly,1)+Eqm_Poly[6]*pow(xA_poly,0)
    return yA_poly
# fitting q line to eqm

if q != 1:
    q_int = ((-q*0)/(1-q)) + (xf/(1-q))
    q_int = Eqm_x2y(xf)

q_Poly = np.polyfit([xf,0], [xf,q_int], 1)
def qline_Eqm(x_q):
    if q != 1:
        y_q = q_Poly[0]*x_q + q_Poly[1]
        y_q = Eqm_x2y(xf)
    eqm_y = Eqm_x2y(x_q)
    F = np.empty((1))
    F[0] = y_q - eqm_y 
    return F

x_qGuess = [0.5]
x_q = opt.fsolve(qline_Eqm,x_qGuess)

q_eqm = Eqm_x2y(x_q)

# Test values to print

xten = 0.1 # <-- This section works so the Eqm_Poly is working
yxten = Eqm_x2y(xten)   
# Outputs

print('x = ',x)
print('Eqm_Poly = ',Eqm_Poly)
print('x_q = ',x_q)
print('y_q = ',Eqm_x2y(x_q))
print('q_int = ',q_int)
print('yxten = ',yxten)

plt.plot(x[0,0:N_Size],x[1,0:N_Size],'k-',linewidth=1, label='Eqm')
plt.plot([0,1],[0,1],'k--',linewidth=1, label='45')
plt.plot([xf,xf],[0,xf],'b-',linewidth=1, label='Feed')
plt.plot([xf,x_q],[xf,q_eqm],'r-',linewidth=1, label='q Line')
plt.xlim([0.00, 1])
plt.ylim([0.00, 1])

plt.xlabel('Mol Frac')
plt.ylabel('Temp degC')
plt.xlim([0, 1])

x =  [[  0.00000000e+00   1.00000000e-03   2.00000000e-03 ...,   9.98000000e-01
    9.99000000e-01   1.00000000e+00]
 [  0.00000000e+00   2.34813127e-03   4.69060855e-03 ...,   9.99231251e-01
    9.99615891e-01   1.00000000e+00]
 [  1.10167927e+02   1.10120541e+02   1.10073209e+02 ...,   7.97076673e+01
    7.96876922e+01   7.96677303e+01]]
Eqm_Poly =  [ -2.03996454e-01   9.34113155e-01  -1.97770021e+00   2.69995050e+00
  -2.80100057e+00   2.34856317e+00   4.03253371e-05]
x_q =  [ 0.64733254]
y_q =  [ 0.82289075]
q_int =  2.333333333333333
yxten =  0.209397954431

In [16]:
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as opt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import Inputs as input

# Variables to set (Values are taken from the Inputs file)

AC_LK = input.Var_In('AC_LK')
AC_HK = input.Var_In('AC_HK')

P_Tot = input.Var_In('P_Tot') # Bara
N_Size = input.Var_In('N_Size') # 1001 = 0.1% accuracy for xA

xf = input.Var_In('xf')
xd = input.Var_In('xd')
xb = input.Var_In('xb')

q = input.Var_In('q')
Rf = input.Var_In('Rf')
Max_Pl = input.Var_In('Max_Pl')

# making x array which contains xA, yA and T from xA = 0 -> 1 @ step = 1/(N_Size-1)

xA = np.linspace(0,1,N_Size)
yA = np.linspace(0.00,0.00,N_Size)
T = np.linspace(0.00,0.00,N_Size)

x = np.array([xA[0:N_Size],yA[0:N_Size],T[0:N_Size]]) # x[xA,yA,T]

# Fitting T values to xA for Eqm line

def xA_T(N):
    xA_Ant = x[0,N]
    def P_Ant(T):

        PA = pow(10,AC_LK[0]-(AC_LK[1]/(T+AC_LK[2])))*xA_Ant
        PB = pow(10,AC_HK[0]-(AC_HK[1]/(T+AC_HK[2])))*(1-xA_Ant)

        F = np.empty((1))
        F[0] = P_Tot - (PA + PB)
        return F[0]
    TGuess = [100]
    T = opt.fsolve(P_Ant,TGuess)

    x[2,N] = T
    return x

for N in range(0,len(xA)):
    x[1,N] = pow(10,AC_LK[0]-(AC_LK[1]/(x[2,N]+AC_LK[2])))*x[0,N]/P_Tot

# xA to yA polynomial function

Eqm_Poly_x2y = np.polyfit(x[0,0:N_Size], x[1,0:N_Size], 6)
Eqm_Poly_y2x = np.polyfit(x[1,0:N_Size], x[0,0:N_Size], 6)

def Eqm_x2y(xA_poly):
    yA_poly = Eqm_Poly_x2y[0]*pow(xA_poly,6)+Eqm_Poly_x2y[1]*pow(xA_poly,5)+Eqm_Poly_x2y[2]*pow(xA_poly,4)+Eqm_Poly_x2y[3]*pow(xA_poly,3)+Eqm_Poly_x2y[4]*pow(xA_poly,2)+Eqm_Poly_x2y[5]*pow(xA_poly,1)+Eqm_Poly_x2y[6]*pow(xA_poly,0)
    return yA_poly

def Eqm_y2x(yA_poly):
    xA_poly = Eqm_Poly_y2x[0]*pow(yA_poly,6)+Eqm_Poly_y2x[1]*pow(yA_poly,5)+Eqm_Poly_y2x[2]*pow(yA_poly,4)+Eqm_Poly_y2x[3]*pow(yA_poly,3)+Eqm_Poly_y2x[4]*pow(yA_poly,2)+Eqm_Poly_y2x[5]*pow(yA_poly,1)+Eqm_Poly_y2x[6]*pow(yA_poly,0)
    return xA_poly

# fitting q line to eqm

if q != 1:
    q_int = ((-q*0)/(1-q)) + (xf/(1-q))
    q_int = Eqm_x2y(xf)

q_Poly = np.polyfit([xf,0], [xf,q_int], 1)
def qline_Eqm(x_q):
    if q != 1:
        y_q = q_Poly[0]*x_q + q_Poly[1]
        y_q = Eqm_x2y(xf)
    eqm_y = Eqm_x2y(x_q)
    F = np.empty((1))
    F[0] = y_q - eqm_y 
    return F

x_qGuess = [0.5]
x_q = opt.fsolve(qline_Eqm,x_qGuess)

q_eqm = Eqm_x2y(x_q)

# Finding the TOL

TOL_Rmin_Poly = np.polyfit([xd,x_q], [xd,Eqm_x2y(x_q)], 1)

Rmin = 0.00
Rmin = TOL_Rmin_Poly[0]/(1-TOL_Rmin_Poly[0])
R = Rmin*Rf

def qline_TOL(x_q_TOL):
    if q != 1:
        y_q = q_Poly[0]*x_q_TOL + q_Poly[1]
        y_q = (R*xf)/(R+1) + xd/(R+1)
    y_TOL = (R*x_q_TOL)/(R+1) + xd/(R+1)
    F = np.empty((1))
    F[0] = y_q - y_TOL 
    return F

x_q_TOLGuess = [0.5]
x_q_TOL = opt.fsolve(qline_TOL,x_q_TOLGuess)

# fitting TOL & BOL to polynomials

TOL_Poly = np.polyfit([xd,x_q_TOL], [xd,(R*x_q_TOL)/(R+1) + xd/(R+1)], 1)
BOL_Poly = np.polyfit([xb,x_q_TOL], [xb,(R*x_q_TOL)/(R+1) + xd/(R+1)], 1)

def TOL_x2y(xA_poly):
    yA_poly = TOL_Poly[0]*xA_poly+TOL_Poly[1]
    return yA_poly

def BOL_x2y(xA_poly):
    yA_poly = BOL_Poly[0]*xA_poly+BOL_Poly[1]
    return yA_poly

# Making plates array

xp = np.linspace(0.00,0.00,2*Max_Pl+1)

All_Pl = np.array([xp[0:2*Max_Pl+1],xp[0:2*Max_Pl+1]]) # x[xp,yp], All plates is all the data points from the plate calculations

All_Pl[0,0] = xd
All_Pl[1,0] = xd

# Setting plates array

def xy_All_Pl(N):
    if N % 2 == 0:  
        All_Pl[0,N] = All_Pl[0,N-1]
        if All_Pl[0,N-1] > x_q_TOL:
            All_Pl[1,N] = TOL_x2y(All_Pl[0,N-1])
            All_Pl[1,N] = BOL_x2y(All_Pl[0,N-1])
        All_Pl[0,N] = Eqm_y2x(All_Pl[1,N-1])
        All_Pl[1,N] = All_Pl[1,N-1]
    return All_Pl

for N in range(1,len(xp)):


idx = 2 + (np.abs(All_Pl[0,:] - xb)).argmin() # don't forget that this choses the closest but it needs to be checked that its less than xb

if All_Pl[0,idx] <= xb:
    xba = All_Pl[0,idx]
    xba = 2 + All_Pl[0,idx]
    idx = 2 + idx

xpl = np.linspace(0.00,0.00,idx)

Plates = np.array([xpl[0:idx],xpl[0:idx]]) # x[xp,yp], All plates is all the data points from the plate calculations

def Act_Pl(N):
    Plates[0,N] = All_Pl[0,N]
    Plates[1,N] = All_Pl[1,N]

for N in range (0,idx):
    Act_Pl(N) # Actual plates

Num_Plates = int((idx-1)/2)
# Alternative way to set the plates but was found to be slower
#def xy_Plates(N):
    #i = 2*N - 1
    #while Plates[0,i-1] > x_q_TOL:
        #if i % 2 == 0:  
            #Plates[0,i] = Plates[0,i-1]
            #Plates[1,i] = TOL_x2y(Plates[0,i-1])

            #Plates[0,i] = Eqm_y2x(Plates[1,i-1])
            #Plates[1,i] = Plates[1,i-1]
        #i = i + 1
    #while Plates[0,i-1] <= x_q_TOL and i < 61: 
        #if i % 2 == 0:  
            #Plates[0,i] = Plates[0,i-1]
            #Plates[1,i] = BOL_x2y(Plates[0,i-1])

            #Plates[0,i] = Eqm_y2x(Plates[1,i-1])
            #Plates[1,i] = Plates[1,i-1]
        #i = i + 1
    #return Plates

#Ntop = Max_Pl
#for N in range(1,Ntop):

# Test values to print

xten = 0.1 # <-- This section works so the Eqm_Poly is working
yxten = Eqm_x2y(xten)   
xyten = Eqm_y2x(yxten)
# Outputs

print('x = ',x)
print('Eqm_Poly_x2y = ',Eqm_Poly_x2y)
print('x_q = ',x_q)
print('y_q = ',Eqm_x2y(x_q))
print('x_q_TOL = ',x_q_TOL)
print('yxten = ',yxten)
print('xyten = ',xyten)
print('Plates = ',2*Max_Pl+1)
print('R = ',R)
print('Plates = ',Plates)
print('idx = ',idx)
print('Num_Plates = ',Num_Plates)

plt.plot(x[0,0:N_Size],x[1,0:N_Size],'c-',linewidth=1, label='Eqm')
plt.plot(Plates[0,0:2*Max_Pl+1],Plates[1,0:2*Max_Pl+1],'k-',linewidth=1, label='Plates')
plt.plot([0,1],[0,1],'k--',linewidth=1, label='45')
plt.plot([xf,xf],[0,xf],'b-',linewidth=1, label='Feed')
plt.plot([xd,xd],[0,xd],'b-',linewidth=1, label='Distillate')
plt.plot([xb,xb],[0,xb],'b-',linewidth=1, label='Bottoms')
plt.plot([xf,x_q_TOL],[xf,(R*x_q_TOL)/(R+1) + xd/(R+1)],'r-',linewidth=1, label='q Line')
plt.plot([xd,x_q_TOL],[xd,(R*x_q_TOL)/(R+1) + xd/(R+1)],'m-',linewidth=1, label='TOL')
plt.plot([xb,x_q_TOL],[xb,(R*x_q_TOL)/(R+1) + xd/(R+1)],'g-',linewidth=1, label='BOL')
plt.xlim([0.00, 1])
plt.ylim([0.00, 1])

plt.xlabel('Mol Frac')
plt.ylabel('Temp degC')
plt.xlim([0, 1])

x =  [[  0.00000000e+00   1.00000000e-01   2.00000000e-01   3.00000000e-01
    4.00000000e-01   5.00000000e-01   6.00000000e-01   7.00000000e-01
    8.00000000e-01   9.00000000e-01   1.00000000e+00]
 [  0.00000000e+00   2.09406260e-01   3.76421574e-01   5.11521771e-01
    6.22213403e-01   7.13961500e-01   7.90806308e-01   8.55778594e-01
    9.11183242e-01   9.58795700e-01   1.00000000e+00]
 [  1.10167927e+02   1.05680986e+02   1.01649895e+02   9.80061769e+01
    9.46936497e+01   9.16660935e+01   8.88853151e+01   8.63195818e+01
    8.39423711e+01   8.17313783e+01   7.96677303e+01]]
Eqm_Poly_x2y =  [ -2.04557240e-01   9.39001905e-01  -1.98777848e+00   2.70866554e+00
  -2.80453569e+00   2.34919972e+00   2.21692002e-06]
x_q =  [ 0.64733208]
y_q =  [ 0.82289181]
x_q_TOL =  [ 0.65264614]
yxten =  0.209395905079
xyten =  0.0999803828277
Plates =  61
R =  1.07387849637
Plates =  [[ 0.98        0.94979524  0.94979524  0.91282626  0.91282626  0.87004166
   0.87004166  0.82362342  0.82362342  0.7766571   0.7766571   0.73235897
   0.73235897  0.69323976  0.69323976  0.6606337   0.6606337   0.63472732
   0.63472732  0.59615416  0.59615416  0.53192552  0.53192552  0.43871136
   0.43871136  0.32659605  0.32659605  0.21817037  0.21817037  0.13260272
   0.13260272  0.07422214  0.07422214  0.03818276  0.03818276  0.01771741
 [ 0.98        0.98        0.96435962  0.96435962  0.94521665  0.94521665
   0.92306229  0.92306229  0.89902638  0.89902638  0.87470667  0.87470667
   0.85176858  0.85176858  0.8315122   0.8315122   0.8146284   0.8146284
   0.78810275  0.78810275  0.73990553  0.73990553  0.65965174  0.65965174
   0.5431805   0.5431805   0.40309225  0.40309225  0.2676142   0.2676142
   0.16069728  0.16069728  0.08775065  0.08775065  0.04271938  0.04271938
Ntop =  30
idx =  37
Num_Plates =  18

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]: