In [3]:
cd git/SolarDataRESTfulAPI/
In [4]:
import json
import pandas as pd
import InfluxDBInterface
import time
from ElasticsearchInterface import ESinterface
import sys
DataLink = InfluxDBInterface.InfluxDBInterface("influxInterfaceCredentials2.json")
LogDB = DataLink.databases[u'SolarLogdata']
ProductionDB = DataLink.databases[u'SolarProductionSites']
es = ESinterface()
In [23]:
def CalculateProduction(LogDB,ProductionDB):
aWeek = 7*60*60*24
Sites = LogDB.ListSeries()
for Site in Sites:
def CalculatePowerForSite(LogDB,ProductionDB,Site,PeriodSize):
print "Processing Power for %s" % Site
Properties = LogDB.GetPropertiesPartiallyMatchingAbutNotB(Site,"Pac","Tot")
print "\t%i inverters found" % len(Properties)
LastUpdate = ProductionDB.GetLastTimestamp(Site,"Power")
#No previous calculations done, start from the beginnnig of log series.
if LastUpdate == None:
print "\tNo previous power data calculated for %s, starting from beginning." % Site
LastUpdate = LogDB.GetFirstTimestamp(Site)
#No data.
if LastUpdate == None:
print "\tNo data found for %s" % Site
print "\tStarting calculations from: %i" % LastUpdate
DataUntil = LogDB.GetLastTimestamp(Site)
PeriodStart = LastUpdate
if DataUntil == PeriodStart:
print "\tUp to date!"
#Loop trough timeseries
while PeriodStart < DataUntil:
df = LogDB.GetDataPeriod(Site,Properties,PeriodStart/1000,PeriodSize,10000)
if type(df) != pd.core.frame.DataFrame:
print "Missing data at: %i" % PeriodStart
PeriodStart += PeriodSize*1000
row = ProductionDB.Save(Site,df[["Power"]])
print "\t%i rows of data saved to %s" % (row,Site)
PeriodStart += PeriodSize*1000
def CalculateEnergyCounterForSite(LogDB,ProductionDB,Site,PeriodSize):
print "Processing Energy counter for %s" % Site
Properties = LogDB.GetPropertiesPartiallyMatchingAbutNotB(Site,"POWc","Tot")
print "\t%i inverters found" % len(Properties)
(LastUpdate,LastValue) = ProductionDB.GetLastValue(Site,"Energy")
#No previous calculations done, start from the beginnnig of log series.
if LastUpdate == None:
print "\tNo previous energy data calculated for %s, starting from beginning." % Site
#Start from where we have raw data
LastUpdate = LogDB.GetFirstTimestamp(Site)
#Counter start from 0
LastValue = 0
#No data.
if LastUpdate == None:
print "\tNo data found for %s" % Site
print "\tStarting calculations from: %s" % EpocToDate(LastUpdate/1000)
DataUntil = LogDB.GetLastTimestamp(Site)
PeriodStart = LastUpdate
if DataUntil == PeriodStart:
print "\tUp to date!"
#Loop trough timeseries
while PeriodStart < DataUntil:
print "\tRunning period %s to %s" % (EpocToDate(PeriodStart/1000),EpocToDate((PeriodStart/1000+PeriodSize)))
df = LogDB.GetDataPeriod(Site,Properties,PeriodStart/1000,PeriodSize,10000)
if type(df) != pd.core.frame.DataFrame:
print "\t\tNo data"
PeriodStart += PeriodSize*1000
print "\t\t%i rows of data found." % df.shape[0]
#Remove the reset every 24h.
df = df.apply(RemoveResets)
#We need a continious series
if df.index[0]*1000 != LastUpdate:
print "\t*** Sync error"
print df.index[0]*1000 , LastUpdate
print df.index[-1]*1000
print df.shape
print PeriodStart
#Add previous counter value
Offset = LastValue - df["Energy"].iloc[0]
df["Energy"] += Offset
LastUpdate = df.index[-1]*1000
LastValue = df["Energy"].iloc[-1]
#Drop duplicate row and save if data.
if df.shape[0] > 1:
row = ProductionDB.Save(Site,df.iloc[1:][["Energy"]])
print "\t%i rows of data saved to %s" % (row,Site)
PeriodStart += PeriodSize*1000
print "\tEnergy calculations finnished!"
def SumColsIntoCol(df,Properties,Name):
df[Name] = 0
for p in Properties:
df[Name] += df[p]
In [28]:
def EpocToDate(timestamp):
return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",time.localtime(timestamp))
def SecToHMS(sec):
sec = int(sec)
hour = sec / 3600
minutes = (sec - (hour * 3600))/60
secs = sec % 60
return "%i h %i min %i s" %(hour,minutes,secs)
def RemoveResets(series):
FirstValue = series.iloc[0]
change = series.diff().clip(0)
change.iloc[0] = FirstValue
return change.cumsum()
def CalculateProduction(Site,LogDB,ProductionDB,Recalculate=False):
#Create property lists
EnergyProp = LogDB.GetPropertiesPartiallyMatchingAbutNotB(Site,"POWc","Tot")
PowerProp = LogDB.GetPropertiesPartiallyMatchingAbutNotB(Site,"Pac","Tot")
PreviousLastValidValue = 0
PreviousLastValidValueTime = 0
#Determine where to resume.
if Recalculate == False:
(PreviousLastValidValueTime,PreviousLastValidValue) = ProductionDB.GetLastValue(Site,"Energy")
TimestampP = ProductionDB.GetLastTimestamp(Site,"Power")
#The start from where we have both power and energy values.
if TimestampP < PreviousLastValidValueTime:
PreviousLastValidValueTime = TimestampP
PreviousLastValidValueTime = PreviousLastValidValueTime / 1000
print "\tResuming calculation from: %s" % EpocToDate(PreviousLastValidValueTime)
#Get last data.
dfLog = LogDB.GetDataAfterTime(Site,EnergyProp + PowerProp,PreviousLastValidValueTime,1000)
#Get a log data chunck
dfLog = LogDB.GetDataAfterTime(Site,EnergyProp + PowerProp,None,1000)
while (dfLog.shape[0] > 1):
#Create a production frame.
dfProduction = pd.DataFrame(columns = ["Power","Energy"])
#Calculate power
dfProduction["Power"] = dfLog[PowerProp].sum(axis=1)
#Calculate energy
dfPOWc = dfLog[EnergyProp]
dfProduction["Energy"] = dfPOWc.apply(RemoveResets).sum(axis=1)
#Add offset from previus iteration.
#Check if we have overlap. Is the last time the same as the smallest countervalue in the current array.
FirstValidValueTime = dfProduction["Energy"].idxmin()
#First time ever... or just NaN values in data.
if PreviousLastValidValueTime == None or pd.isnull(FirstValidValueTime):
offset = 0
#Normal overlap
offset = PreviousLastValidValue - dfProduction["Energy"][FirstValidValueTime]
dfProduction["Energy"] += offset
#Update database
#Keep track of counter max.
MaxEnergyTime = dfProduction["Energy"].idxmax()
if not pd.isnull(MaxEnergyTime):
PreviousLastValidValue = dfProduction["Energy"][MaxEnergyTime]
PreviousLastValidValueTime = MaxEnergyTime
dfLog = LogDB.GetNextNRows(dfLog,1000)
return dfLog.index[-1]
In [30]:
Sites = LogDB.ListSeries()
#Sites = ["8b28b202-1da8-11e4-a510-f23c9173ce4a"]
now = time.time()
for Site in Sites:
#Site = "46d55815-f927-459f-a8e2-8bbcd88008ee"
print "Processing %s " % Site
until = CalculateProduction(Site,LogDB,ProductionDB,False)
until = int(now - until)
hour = until / 3600
minutes = (until - (hour * 3600))/60
secs = until % 60
print "\tFinnished processing up to %i hours %i minutes and %i seconds from script start time" % (hour,minutes,secs)
print "Done"
In [8]:
print "SITES"
for site in Sites:
print "-"*50
LogStart = LogDB.GetFirstTimestamp(site)/1000
LogStop = LogDB.GetLastTimestamp(site)/1000
ProdStart = ProductionDB.GetFirstTimestamp(site)/1000
ProdStop = ProductionDB.GetLastTimestamp(site)/1000
now = time.time()
LogLag = now - LogStop
ProdLag = now - ProdStop
print site +"\n"
print "Log data: \n\tLagging\t\t%s \n\tFirst value at\t%s \n\tLast value at\t%s " %(SecToHMS(LogLag),EpocToDate(LogStart),EpocToDate(LogStop))
print "Production data: \n\tLagging\t\t%s \n\tFirst value at\t%s \n\tLast value at\t%s " %(SecToHMS(ProdLag),EpocToDate(ProdStart),EpocToDate(ProdStop))
print "-"*50
In [ ]:
In [31]:
Site = "71b0e5ec-1da8-11e4-a510-f23c9173ce4a"
print CalculateProduction(Site,LogDB,ProductionDB,False)
In [12]:
PowerProp = LogDB.GetPropertiesPartiallyMatchingAbutNotB(Site,"Pac","Tot")
EnergyProp = LogDB.GetPropertiesPartiallyMatchingAbutNotB(Site,"POWc","Tot")
In [32]:
#Create property lists
EnergyProp = LogDB.GetPropertiesPartiallyMatchingAbutNotB(Site,"POWc","Tot")
PowerProp = LogDB.GetPropertiesPartiallyMatchingAbutNotB(Site,"Pac","Tot")
PreviousLastValidValue = 0
PreviousLastValidValueTime = 0
#Determine where to resume.
if Recalculate == False:
(PreviousLastValidValueTime,PreviousLastValidValue) = ProductionDB.GetLastValue(Site,"Energy")
TimestampP = ProductionDB.GetLastTimestamp(Site,"Power")
#The start from where we have both power and energy values.
if TimestampP < PreviousLastValidValueTime:
PreviousLastValidValueTime = TimestampP
PreviousLastValidValueTime = PreviousLastValidValueTime / 1000
print "\tResuming calculation from: %s" % EpocToDate(PreviousLastValidValueTime)
#Get last data.
dfLog = LogDB.GetDataAfterTime(Site,EnergyProp + PowerProp,PreviousLastValidValueTime,100)
#Get a log data chunck
dfLog = LogDB.GetDataAfterTime(Site,EnergyProp + PowerProp,None,100)
In [237]:
print (dfLog.shape[0] > 1)
#Create a production frame.
dfProduction = pd.DataFrame(columns = ["Power","Energy"])
#Calculate power
dfProduction["Power"] = dfLog[PowerProp].sum(axis=1)
#Calculate energy
dfPOWc = dfLog[EnergyProp]
dfProduction["Energy"] = dfPOWc.apply(RemoveResets).sum(axis=1)
#Add offset from previus iteration.
#Check if we have overlap. Is the last time the same as the smallest countervalue in the current array.
FirstValidValueTime = dfProduction["Energy"].idxmin()
#First time ever...
if PreviousLastValidValueTime == None:
offset = 0
#Normal overlap
offset = PreviousLastValidValue - dfProduction["Energy"][FirstValidValueTime]
dfProduction["Energy"] += offset
#Update database
#Keep track of counter max.
MaxEnergyTime = dfProduction["Energy"].idxmax()
if not pd.isnull(MaxEnergyTime):
PreviousLastValidValue = dfProduction["Energy"][MaxEnergyTime]
PreviousLastValidValueTime = MaxEnergyTime
oldLog = dfLog.iloc[-3:-1]
oldLog.series = dfLog.series =
dfLog = LogDB.GetNextNRows(dfLog,1000)
print dfLog.index[-1]
In [14]:
In [15]:
In [35]:
LogDB.GetDataAfterTime(Site,EnergyProp + PowerProp,PreviousLastValidValueTime,3000)
In [ ]: