In [ ]:
import numpy as np
import json
import time
import argparse
import _pickle as pickle
from os import path
from tqdm import tqdm
import sys
from utils import CoreNLP_path
#from stanford_corenlp_pywrapper import CoreNLP
from gensim.models import KeyedVectors
from tokenizer import CoreNLPTokenizer
import multiprocessing
from multiprocessing import Pool
from multiprocessing.util import Finalize
from functools import partial
Using TensorFlow backend.
In [2]:
def word2vec(word2vec_path):
model = KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format(word2vec_path)
def get_word_vector(word):
return model[word]
except KeyError:
return np.zeros(model.vector_size)
return get_word_vector
In [3]:
print('Reading SQuAD data... ', end='')
with open('../../data/train_parsed.json') as fd:
samples = json.load(fd)
Reading SQuAD data... Done!
In [4]:
print('Initiating CoreNLP service connection... ', end='')
tokenizer = CoreNLPTokenizer(classpath='/home/anatoly/stanford-corenlp-full-2017-06-09/*', annatators='pos, ner, lemma')
Initiating CoreNLP service connection... Done!
In [5]:
cpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
except NotImplementedError:
cpus = 2 # arbitrary default
In [6]:
def chunks(l, n):
"""Yield successive n-sized chunks from l."""
for i in range(0, len(l), n):
yield l[i:i + n]
In [12]:
class Tokenizer(object):
def __init__(self, cpus):
self.cpus = cpus
def worker(self, arr):
t = CoreNLPTokenizer(classpath='/home/anatoly/stanford-corenlp-full-2017-06-09/*')
return [t.tokenize(sample) for sample in arr]
def tokenize(self, arr):
chunked = chunks(arr, round(len(arr) / self.cpus))
p = Pool(self.cpus)
nested_list =, chunked)
return [val for sublist in nested_list for val in sublist]
t = Tokenizer(4)
t.tokenize([sample['context'] for sample in samples[0:10]])
[[0, 15],
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[581, 584],
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[588, 589],
[590, 596],
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[616, 623],
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[634, 637],
[638, 641],
[642, 646],
[647, 651],
[651, 652],
[652, 653],
[654, 656],
[657, 658],
[659, 665],
[665, 666],
[667, 673],
[674, 679],
[680, 686],
[687, 689],
[690, 694],
[694, 695]]),
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[574, 579],
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[581, 584],
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[588, 589],
[590, 596],
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[602, 606],
[607, 615],
[616, 623],
[624, 625],
[626, 633],
[634, 637],
[638, 641],
[642, 646],
[647, 651],
[651, 652],
[652, 653],
[654, 656],
[657, 658],
[659, 665],
[665, 666],
[667, 673],
[674, 679],
[680, 686],
[687, 689],
[690, 694],
[694, 695]]),
[[0, 15],
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[574, 579],
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[581, 584],
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[588, 589],
[590, 596],
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[602, 606],
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[616, 623],
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[626, 633],
[634, 637],
[638, 641],
[642, 646],
[647, 651],
[651, 652],
[652, 653],
[654, 656],
[657, 658],
[659, 665],
[665, 666],
[667, 673],
[674, 679],
[680, 686],
[687, 689],
[690, 694],
[694, 695]]),
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[574, 579],
[580, 581],
[581, 584],
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[588, 589],
[590, 596],
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[602, 606],
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[616, 623],
[624, 625],
[626, 633],
[634, 637],
[638, 641],
[642, 646],
[647, 651],
[651, 652],
[652, 653],
[654, 656],
[657, 658],
[659, 665],
[665, 666],
[667, 673],
[674, 679],
[680, 686],
[687, 689],
[690, 694],
[694, 695]]),
[[0, 15],
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[565, 568],
[569, 573],
[574, 579],
[580, 581],
[581, 584],
[585, 587],
[588, 589],
[590, 596],
[597, 601],
[602, 606],
[607, 615],
[616, 623],
[624, 625],
[626, 633],
[634, 637],
[638, 641],
[642, 646],
[647, 651],
[651, 652],
[652, 653],
[654, 656],
[657, 658],
[659, 665],
[665, 666],
[667, 673],
[674, 679],
[680, 686],
[687, 689],
[690, 694],
[694, 695]]),
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[562, 569],
[570, 581],
[582, 591],
[591, 592],
[593, 597],
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[602, 610],
[611, 620],
[621, 626],
[627, 630],
[631, 637],
[638, 647],
[648, 658],
[659, 662],
[663, 668],
[669, 673],
[673, 674],
[675, 678],
[679, 686],
[687, 689],
[690, 698],
[699, 703],
[704, 708],
[709, 714],
[715, 719],
[720, 723],
[724, 729],
[730, 734],
[734, 736],
[737, 744],
[744, 745],
[746, 752],
[753, 763],
[764, 767],
[768, 771],
[772, 776],
[776, 777],
[778, 781],
[782, 790],
[791, 793],
[794, 796],
[797, 808],
[809, 820],
[821, 824],
[825, 829],
[830, 833],
[834, 838],
[839, 840],
[841, 848],
[849, 856],
[857, 859],
[860, 863],
[864, 873],
[874, 883],
[884, 888],
[889, 892],
[893, 903],
[903, 904],
[905, 907],
[908, 912],
[912, 913],
[914, 918],
[919, 923],
[924, 932],
[933, 941],
[942, 946],
[947, 950],
[951, 959],
[960, 965],
[966, 968],
[969, 973],
[974, 975],
[976, 988],
[989, 993],
[993, 994],
[995, 996],
[997, 1004],
[1005, 1014],
[1014, 1015],
[1016, 1022],
[1023, 1028],
[1029, 1032],
[1033, 1042],
[1042, 1043],
[1044, 1052],
[1052, 1053],
[1054, 1056],
[1057, 1061],
[1061, 1062],
[1063, 1067],
[1068, 1073],
[1074, 1082],
[1083, 1091],
[1092, 1096],
[1097, 1100],
[1101, 1106],
[1107, 1113],
[1114, 1115],
[1116, 1123],
[1124, 1128],
[1128, 1129],
[1130, 1133],
[1134, 1146],
[1147, 1152],
[1153, 1158],
[1159, 1164],
[1165, 1169],
[1170, 1174],
[1175, 1185],
[1185, 1186],
[1187, 1194],
[1195, 1200],
[1201, 1203],
[1204, 1213],
[1214, 1216],
[1217, 1222],
[1223, 1225],
[1226, 1229],
[1230, 1238],
[1238, 1239],
[1240, 1247],
[1247, 1248],
[1249, 1252],
[1253, 1258],
[1259, 1262],
[1263, 1274],
[1275, 1277],
[1278, 1281],
[1282, 1290],
[1290, 1291],
[1292, 1299],
[1299, 1300],
[1301, 1303],
[1304, 1310],
[1311, 1315],
[1316, 1318],
[1319, 1332],
[1333, 1340],
[1341, 1344],
[1345, 1354],
[1355, 1362],
[1363, 1371],
[1371, 1372],
[1373, 1379],
[1380, 1388],
[1388, 1389],
[1390, 1394],
[1395, 1398],
[1399, 1404],
[1404, 1405]]),
[[0, 2],
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[93, 97],
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[110, 117],
[118, 125],
[126, 131],
[132, 142],
[142, 143],
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[161, 171],
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[179, 180],
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[185, 192],
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[262, 263],
[264, 267],
[268, 278],
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[316, 322],
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[329, 332],
[333, 339],
[340, 350],
[351, 361],
[362, 373],
[374, 376],
[377, 380],
[381, 387],
[388, 394],
[394, 395],
[396, 399],
[400, 405],
[406, 414],
[414, 415],
[416, 419],
[420, 427],
[427, 428],
[429, 431],
[432, 440],
[441, 446],
[447, 448],
[449, 453],
[454, 457],
[458, 465],
[466, 468],
[469, 476],
[477, 487],
[488, 491],
[492, 499],
[499, 500],
[501, 504],
[505, 509],
[510, 518],
[519, 521],
[522, 531],
[532, 540],
[540, 541],
[542, 545],
[546, 556],
[557, 561],
[562, 569],
[570, 581],
[582, 591],
[591, 592],
[593, 597],
[598, 601],
[602, 610],
[611, 620],
[621, 626],
[627, 630],
[631, 637],
[638, 647],
[648, 658],
[659, 662],
[663, 668],
[669, 673],
[673, 674],
[675, 678],
[679, 686],
[687, 689],
[690, 698],
[699, 703],
[704, 708],
[709, 714],
[715, 719],
[720, 723],
[724, 729],
[730, 734],
[734, 736],
[737, 744],
[744, 745],
[746, 752],
[753, 763],
[764, 767],
[768, 771],
[772, 776],
[776, 777],
[778, 781],
[782, 790],
[791, 793],
[794, 796],
[797, 808],
[809, 820],
[821, 824],
[825, 829],
[830, 833],
[834, 838],
[839, 840],
[841, 848],
[849, 856],
[857, 859],
[860, 863],
[864, 873],
[874, 883],
[884, 888],
[889, 892],
[893, 903],
[903, 904],
[905, 907],
[908, 912],
[912, 913],
[914, 918],
[919, 923],
[924, 932],
[933, 941],
[942, 946],
[947, 950],
[951, 959],
[960, 965],
[966, 968],
[969, 973],
[974, 975],
[976, 988],
[989, 993],
[993, 994],
[995, 996],
[997, 1004],
[1005, 1014],
[1014, 1015],
[1016, 1022],
[1023, 1028],
[1029, 1032],
[1033, 1042],
[1042, 1043],
[1044, 1052],
[1052, 1053],
[1054, 1056],
[1057, 1061],
[1061, 1062],
[1063, 1067],
[1068, 1073],
[1074, 1082],
[1083, 1091],
[1092, 1096],
[1097, 1100],
[1101, 1106],
[1107, 1113],
[1114, 1115],
[1116, 1123],
[1124, 1128],
[1128, 1129],
[1130, 1133],
[1134, 1146],
[1147, 1152],
[1153, 1158],
[1159, 1164],
[1165, 1169],
[1170, 1174],
[1175, 1185],
[1185, 1186],
[1187, 1194],
[1195, 1200],
[1201, 1203],
[1204, 1213],
[1214, 1216],
[1217, 1222],
[1223, 1225],
[1226, 1229],
[1230, 1238],
[1238, 1239],
[1240, 1247],
[1247, 1248],
[1249, 1252],
[1253, 1258],
[1259, 1262],
[1263, 1274],
[1275, 1277],
[1278, 1281],
[1282, 1290],
[1290, 1291],
[1292, 1299],
[1299, 1300],
[1301, 1303],
[1304, 1310],
[1311, 1315],
[1316, 1318],
[1319, 1332],
[1333, 1340],
[1341, 1344],
[1345, 1354],
[1355, 1362],
[1363, 1371],
[1371, 1372],
[1373, 1379],
[1380, 1388],
[1388, 1389],
[1390, 1394],
[1395, 1398],
[1399, 1404],
[1404, 1405]]),
[[0, 2],
[3, 5],
[6, 10],
[11, 16],
[17, 29],
[29, 30],
[31, 36],
[37, 41],
[41, 43],
[44, 52],
[53, 56],
[57, 58],
[59, 65],
[66, 68],
[69, 73],
[74, 79],
[80, 87],
[87, 88],
[89, 92],
[93, 97],
[98, 109],
[110, 117],
[118, 125],
[126, 131],
[132, 142],
[142, 143],
[144, 148],
[149, 150],
[151, 156],
[157, 160],
[161, 171],
[172, 179],
[179, 180],
[181, 184],
[185, 192],
[193, 202],
[203, 206],
[207, 215],
[215, 216],
[217, 222],
[223, 225],
[226, 227],
[228, 236],
[237, 244],
[245, 247],
[248, 257],
[258, 262],
[262, 263],
[264, 267],
[268, 278],
[279, 287],
[288, 290],
[291, 297],
[298, 303],
[304, 311],
[312, 315],
[316, 322],
[323, 325],
[326, 328],
[329, 332],
[333, 339],
[340, 350],
[351, 361],
[362, 373],
[374, 376],
[377, 380],
[381, 387],
[388, 394],
[394, 395],
[396, 399],
[400, 405],
[406, 414],
[414, 415],
[416, 419],
[420, 427],
[427, 428],
[429, 431],
[432, 440],
[441, 446],
[447, 448],
[449, 453],
[454, 457],
[458, 465],
[466, 468],
[469, 476],
[477, 487],
[488, 491],
[492, 499],
[499, 500],
[501, 504],
[505, 509],
[510, 518],
[519, 521],
[522, 531],
[532, 540],
[540, 541],
[542, 545],
[546, 556],
[557, 561],
[562, 569],
[570, 581],
[582, 591],
[591, 592],
[593, 597],
[598, 601],
[602, 610],
[611, 620],
[621, 626],
[627, 630],
[631, 637],
[638, 647],
[648, 658],
[659, 662],
[663, 668],
[669, 673],
[673, 674],
[675, 678],
[679, 686],
[687, 689],
[690, 698],
[699, 703],
[704, 708],
[709, 714],
[715, 719],
[720, 723],
[724, 729],
[730, 734],
[734, 736],
[737, 744],
[744, 745],
[746, 752],
[753, 763],
[764, 767],
[768, 771],
[772, 776],
[776, 777],
[778, 781],
[782, 790],
[791, 793],
[794, 796],
[797, 808],
[809, 820],
[821, 824],
[825, 829],
[830, 833],
[834, 838],
[839, 840],
[841, 848],
[849, 856],
[857, 859],
[860, 863],
[864, 873],
[874, 883],
[884, 888],
[889, 892],
[893, 903],
[903, 904],
[905, 907],
[908, 912],
[912, 913],
[914, 918],
[919, 923],
[924, 932],
[933, 941],
[942, 946],
[947, 950],
[951, 959],
[960, 965],
[966, 968],
[969, 973],
[974, 975],
[976, 988],
[989, 993],
[993, 994],
[995, 996],
[997, 1004],
[1005, 1014],
[1014, 1015],
[1016, 1022],
[1023, 1028],
[1029, 1032],
[1033, 1042],
[1042, 1043],
[1044, 1052],
[1052, 1053],
[1054, 1056],
[1057, 1061],
[1061, 1062],
[1063, 1067],
[1068, 1073],
[1074, 1082],
[1083, 1091],
[1092, 1096],
[1097, 1100],
[1101, 1106],
[1107, 1113],
[1114, 1115],
[1116, 1123],
[1124, 1128],
[1128, 1129],
[1130, 1133],
[1134, 1146],
[1147, 1152],
[1153, 1158],
[1159, 1164],
[1165, 1169],
[1170, 1174],
[1175, 1185],
[1185, 1186],
[1187, 1194],
[1195, 1200],
[1201, 1203],
[1204, 1213],
[1214, 1216],
[1217, 1222],
[1223, 1225],
[1226, 1229],
[1230, 1238],
[1238, 1239],
[1240, 1247],
[1247, 1248],
[1249, 1252],
[1253, 1258],
[1259, 1262],
[1263, 1274],
[1275, 1277],
[1278, 1281],
[1282, 1290],
[1290, 1291],
[1292, 1299],
[1299, 1300],
[1301, 1303],
[1304, 1310],
[1311, 1315],
[1316, 1318],
[1319, 1332],
[1333, 1340],
[1341, 1344],
[1345, 1354],
[1355, 1362],
[1363, 1371],
[1371, 1372],
[1373, 1379],
[1380, 1388],
[1388, 1389],
[1390, 1394],
[1395, 1398],
[1399, 1404],
[1404, 1405]]),
[[0, 2],
[3, 5],
[6, 10],
[11, 16],
[17, 29],
[29, 30],
[31, 36],
[37, 41],
[41, 43],
[44, 52],
[53, 56],
[57, 58],
[59, 65],
[66, 68],
[69, 73],
[74, 79],
[80, 87],
[87, 88],
[89, 92],
[93, 97],
[98, 109],
[110, 117],
[118, 125],
[126, 131],
[132, 142],
[142, 143],
[144, 148],
[149, 150],
[151, 156],
[157, 160],
[161, 171],
[172, 179],
[179, 180],
[181, 184],
[185, 192],
[193, 202],
[203, 206],
[207, 215],
[215, 216],
[217, 222],
[223, 225],
[226, 227],
[228, 236],
[237, 244],
[245, 247],
[248, 257],
[258, 262],
[262, 263],
[264, 267],
[268, 278],
[279, 287],
[288, 290],
[291, 297],
[298, 303],
[304, 311],
[312, 315],
[316, 322],
[323, 325],
[326, 328],
[329, 332],
[333, 339],
[340, 350],
[351, 361],
[362, 373],
[374, 376],
[377, 380],
[381, 387],
[388, 394],
[394, 395],
[396, 399],
[400, 405],
[406, 414],
[414, 415],
[416, 419],
[420, 427],
[427, 428],
[429, 431],
[432, 440],
[441, 446],
[447, 448],
[449, 453],
[454, 457],
[458, 465],
[466, 468],
[469, 476],
[477, 487],
[488, 491],
[492, 499],
[499, 500],
[501, 504],
[505, 509],
[510, 518],
[519, 521],
[522, 531],
[532, 540],
[540, 541],
[542, 545],
[546, 556],
[557, 561],
[562, 569],
[570, 581],
[582, 591],
[591, 592],
[593, 597],
[598, 601],
[602, 610],
[611, 620],
[621, 626],
[627, 630],
[631, 637],
[638, 647],
[648, 658],
[659, 662],
[663, 668],
[669, 673],
[673, 674],
[675, 678],
[679, 686],
[687, 689],
[690, 698],
[699, 703],
[704, 708],
[709, 714],
[715, 719],
[720, 723],
[724, 729],
[730, 734],
[734, 736],
[737, 744],
[744, 745],
[746, 752],
[753, 763],
[764, 767],
[768, 771],
[772, 776],
[776, 777],
[778, 781],
[782, 790],
[791, 793],
[794, 796],
[797, 808],
[809, 820],
[821, 824],
[825, 829],
[830, 833],
[834, 838],
[839, 840],
[841, 848],
[849, 856],
[857, 859],
[860, 863],
[864, 873],
[874, 883],
[884, 888],
[889, 892],
[893, 903],
[903, 904],
[905, 907],
[908, 912],
[912, 913],
[914, 918],
[919, 923],
[924, 932],
[933, 941],
[942, 946],
[947, 950],
[951, 959],
[960, 965],
[966, 968],
[969, 973],
[974, 975],
[976, 988],
[989, 993],
[993, 994],
[995, 996],
[997, 1004],
[1005, 1014],
[1014, 1015],
[1016, 1022],
[1023, 1028],
[1029, 1032],
[1033, 1042],
[1042, 1043],
[1044, 1052],
[1052, 1053],
[1054, 1056],
[1057, 1061],
[1061, 1062],
[1063, 1067],
[1068, 1073],
[1074, 1082],
[1083, 1091],
[1092, 1096],
[1097, 1100],
[1101, 1106],
[1107, 1113],
[1114, 1115],
[1116, 1123],
[1124, 1128],
[1128, 1129],
[1130, 1133],
[1134, 1146],
[1147, 1152],
[1153, 1158],
[1159, 1164],
[1165, 1169],
[1170, 1174],
[1175, 1185],
[1185, 1186],
[1187, 1194],
[1195, 1200],
[1201, 1203],
[1204, 1213],
[1214, 1216],
[1217, 1222],
[1223, 1225],
[1226, 1229],
[1230, 1238],
[1238, 1239],
[1240, 1247],
[1247, 1248],
[1249, 1252],
[1253, 1258],
[1259, 1262],
[1263, 1274],
[1275, 1277],
[1278, 1281],
[1282, 1290],
[1290, 1291],
[1292, 1299],
[1299, 1300],
[1301, 1303],
[1304, 1310],
[1311, 1315],
[1316, 1318],
[1319, 1332],
[1333, 1340],
[1341, 1344],
[1345, 1354],
[1355, 1362],
[1363, 1371],
[1371, 1372],
[1373, 1379],
[1380, 1388],
[1388, 1389],
[1390, 1394],
[1395, 1398],
[1399, 1404],
[1404, 1405]]),
[[0, 2],
[3, 5],
[6, 10],
[11, 16],
[17, 29],
[29, 30],
[31, 36],
[37, 41],
[41, 43],
[44, 52],
[53, 56],
[57, 58],
[59, 65],
[66, 68],
[69, 73],
[74, 79],
[80, 87],
[87, 88],
[89, 92],
[93, 97],
[98, 109],
[110, 117],
[118, 125],
[126, 131],
[132, 142],
[142, 143],
[144, 148],
[149, 150],
[151, 156],
[157, 160],
[161, 171],
[172, 179],
[179, 180],
[181, 184],
[185, 192],
[193, 202],
[203, 206],
[207, 215],
[215, 216],
[217, 222],
[223, 225],
[226, 227],
[228, 236],
[237, 244],
[245, 247],
[248, 257],
[258, 262],
[262, 263],
[264, 267],
[268, 278],
[279, 287],
[288, 290],
[291, 297],
[298, 303],
[304, 311],
[312, 315],
[316, 322],
[323, 325],
[326, 328],
[329, 332],
[333, 339],
[340, 350],
[351, 361],
[362, 373],
[374, 376],
[377, 380],
[381, 387],
[388, 394],
[394, 395],
[396, 399],
[400, 405],
[406, 414],
[414, 415],
[416, 419],
[420, 427],
[427, 428],
[429, 431],
[432, 440],
[441, 446],
[447, 448],
[449, 453],
[454, 457],
[458, 465],
[466, 468],
[469, 476],
[477, 487],
[488, 491],
[492, 499],
[499, 500],
[501, 504],
[505, 509],
[510, 518],
[519, 521],
[522, 531],
[532, 540],
[540, 541],
[542, 545],
[546, 556],
[557, 561],
[562, 569],
[570, 581],
[582, 591],
[591, 592],
[593, 597],
[598, 601],
[602, 610],
[611, 620],
[621, 626],
[627, 630],
[631, 637],
[638, 647],
[648, 658],
[659, 662],
[663, 668],
[669, 673],
[673, 674],
[675, 678],
[679, 686],
[687, 689],
[690, 698],
[699, 703],
[704, 708],
[709, 714],
[715, 719],
[720, 723],
[724, 729],
[730, 734],
[734, 736],
[737, 744],
[744, 745],
[746, 752],
[753, 763],
[764, 767],
[768, 771],
[772, 776],
[776, 777],
[778, 781],
[782, 790],
[791, 793],
[794, 796],
[797, 808],
[809, 820],
[821, 824],
[825, 829],
[830, 833],
[834, 838],
[839, 840],
[841, 848],
[849, 856],
[857, 859],
[860, 863],
[864, 873],
[874, 883],
[884, 888],
[889, 892],
[893, 903],
[903, 904],
[905, 907],
[908, 912],
[912, 913],
[914, 918],
[919, 923],
[924, 932],
[933, 941],
[942, 946],
[947, 950],
[951, 959],
[960, 965],
[966, 968],
[969, 973],
[974, 975],
[976, 988],
[989, 993],
[993, 994],
[995, 996],
[997, 1004],
[1005, 1014],
[1014, 1015],
[1016, 1022],
[1023, 1028],
[1029, 1032],
[1033, 1042],
[1042, 1043],
[1044, 1052],
[1052, 1053],
[1054, 1056],
[1057, 1061],
[1061, 1062],
[1063, 1067],
[1068, 1073],
[1074, 1082],
[1083, 1091],
[1092, 1096],
[1097, 1100],
[1101, 1106],
[1107, 1113],
[1114, 1115],
[1116, 1123],
[1124, 1128],
[1128, 1129],
[1130, 1133],
[1134, 1146],
[1147, 1152],
[1153, 1158],
[1159, 1164],
[1165, 1169],
[1170, 1174],
[1175, 1185],
[1185, 1186],
[1187, 1194],
[1195, 1200],
[1201, 1203],
[1204, 1213],
[1214, 1216],
[1217, 1222],
[1223, 1225],
[1226, 1229],
[1230, 1238],
[1238, 1239],
[1240, 1247],
[1247, 1248],
[1249, 1252],
[1253, 1258],
[1259, 1262],
[1263, 1274],
[1275, 1277],
[1278, 1281],
[1282, 1290],
[1290, 1291],
[1292, 1299],
[1299, 1300],
[1301, 1303],
[1304, 1310],
[1311, 1315],
[1316, 1318],
[1319, 1332],
[1333, 1340],
[1341, 1344],
[1345, 1354],
[1355, 1362],
[1363, 1371],
[1371, 1372],
[1373, 1379],
[1380, 1388],
[1388, 1389],
[1390, 1394],
[1395, 1398],
[1399, 1404],
[1404, 1405]])]
In [ ]:
print('Tokenizing dataset with CoreNLP using pool of workers')
x = [tokenizer.tokenize(sample['context']) for sample in tqdm(samples[0:10])]
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
Content source: AnatoliiPotapov/squad
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