In [2]:
import graphlab as gl
# set canvas to show sframes and sgraphs in ipython notebook
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

In [3]:
#train_file = ''
train_file = '/Users/chengjun/bigdata/millionsong/song_usage_10000.txt'
sf = gl.SFrame.read_csv(train_file, header=False, delimiter='\t', verbose=False)
sf.rename({'X1':'user_id', 'X2':'music_id', 'X3':'rating'}).show()

Inferred types from first line of file as 
If parsing fails due to incorrect types, you can correct
the inferred type list above and pass it to read_csv in
the column_type_hints argument
PROGRESS: Read 844838 lines. Lines per second: 810295
PROGRESS: Finished parsing file /Users/chengjun/bigdata/millionsong/song_usage_10000.txt
PROGRESS: Parsing completed. Parsed 2000000 lines in 1.59616 secs.

In [4]:
(train_set, test_set) = sf.random_split(0.8, seed=1)

In [5]:
popularity_model = gl.popularity_recommender.create(train_set, 'user_id', 'music_id', target = 'rating')

PROGRESS: Recsys training: model = popularity
PROGRESS: Preparing data set.
PROGRESS:     Data has 1599753 observations with 76085 users and 10000 items.
PROGRESS:     Data prepared in: 1.23558s
PROGRESS: 1599753 observations to process; with 10000 unique items.

In [7]:
item_sim_model = gl.item_similarity_recommender.create(train_set, 'user_id', 'music_id', target = 'rating', 

PROGRESS: Recsys training: model = item_similarity
PROGRESS: Preparing data set.
PROGRESS:     Data has 1599753 observations with 76085 users and 10000 items.
PROGRESS:     Data prepared in: 1.34152s
PROGRESS: Computing item similarity statistics:
PROGRESS: Computing most similar items for 10000 items:
PROGRESS: +-----------------+-----------------+
PROGRESS: | Number of items | Elapsed Time    |
PROGRESS: +-----------------+-----------------+
PROGRESS: | 1000            | 1.67234         |
PROGRESS: | 2000            | 1.70878         |
PROGRESS: | 3000            | 1.74289         |
PROGRESS: | 4000            | 1.77751         |
PROGRESS: | 5000            | 1.81794         |
PROGRESS: | 6000            | 1.85361         |
PROGRESS: | 7000            | 1.88976         |
PROGRESS: | 8000            | 1.92744         |
PROGRESS: | 9000            | 1.96709         |
PROGRESS: | 10000           | 2.08439         |
PROGRESS: +-----------------+-----------------+
PROGRESS: Finished training in 2.50669s
PROGRESS: Finished prediction in 0.734376s

In [8]:
factorization_machine_model = gl.recommender.factorization_recommender.create(train_set, 'user_id', 'music_id',

PROGRESS: Recsys training: model = factorization_recommender
PROGRESS: Preparing data set.
PROGRESS:     Data has 1599753 observations with 76085 users and 10000 items.
PROGRESS:     Data prepared in: 1.31298s
PROGRESS: Training factorization_recommender for recommendations.
PROGRESS: +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+----------+
PROGRESS: | Parameter                      | Description                                      | Value    |
PROGRESS: +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+----------+
PROGRESS: | num_factors                    | Factor Dimension                                 | 8        |
PROGRESS: | regularization                 | L2 Regularization on Factors                     | 1e-08    |
PROGRESS: | solver                         | Solver used for training                         | sgd      |
PROGRESS: | linear_regularization          | L2 Regularization on Linear Coefficients         | 1e-10    |
PROGRESS: | max_iterations                 | Maximum Number of Iterations                     | 50       |
PROGRESS: +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+----------+
PROGRESS:   Optimizing model using SGD; tuning step size.
PROGRESS:   Using 199969 / 1599753 points for tuning the step size.
PROGRESS: +---------+-------------------+------------------------------------------+
PROGRESS: | Attempt | Initial Step Size | Estimated Objective Value                |
PROGRESS: +---------+-------------------+------------------------------------------+
PROGRESS: | 0       | 25                | No Decrease (234.956 >= 45.6461)         |
PROGRESS: | 1       | 6.25              | No Decrease (222.818 >= 45.6461)         |
PROGRESS: | 2       | 1.5625            | No Decrease (193.879 >= 45.6461)         |
PROGRESS: | 3       | 0.390625          | No Decrease (93.6001 >= 45.6461)         |
PROGRESS: | 4       | 0.0976562         | 18.1929                                  |
PROGRESS: | 5       | 0.0488281         | 12.7349                                  |
PROGRESS: | 6       | 0.0244141         | 27.6064                                  |
PROGRESS: +---------+-------------------+------------------------------------------+
PROGRESS: | Final   | 0.0488281         | 12.7349                                  |
PROGRESS: +---------+-------------------+------------------------------------------+
PROGRESS: Starting Optimization.
PROGRESS: +---------+--------------+-------------------+-----------------------+-------------+
PROGRESS: | Iter.   | Elapsed Time | Approx. Objective | Approx. Training RMSE | Step Size   |
PROGRESS: +---------+--------------+-------------------+-----------------------+-------------+
PROGRESS: | Initial | 388us        | 43.795            | 6.61778               |             |
PROGRESS: +---------+--------------+-------------------+-----------------------+-------------+
PROGRESS: | 1       | 242.781ms    | 43.525            | 6.59695               | 0.0488281   |
PROGRESS: | 2       | 369.391ms    | 40.9211           | 6.3966                | 0.0290334   |
PROGRESS: | 3       | 491.657ms    | 37.9834           | 6.1627                | 0.0214205   |
PROGRESS: | 4       | 603.858ms    | 35.2255           | 5.93471               | 0.0172633   |
PROGRESS: | 5       | 743.824ms    | 32.7566           | 5.7229                | 0.014603    |
PROGRESS: | 6       | 861.2ms      | 30.8412           | 5.553                 | 0.0127367   |
PROGRESS: | 10      | 1.39s        | 24.7548           | 4.97477               | 0.008683    |
PROGRESS: | 11      | 1.53s        | 23.5887           | 4.85613               | 0.00808399  |
PROGRESS: | 20      | 2.76s        | 17.6337           | 4.19832               | 0.00516295  |
PROGRESS: | 30      | 3.96s        | 14.4135           | 3.79539               | 0.00380916  |
PROGRESS: | 40      | 5.17s        | 12.5212           | 3.53725               | 0.00306991  |
PROGRESS: | 50      | 6.39s        | 9.83216           | 3.13412               | 0.00154408  |
PROGRESS: +---------+--------------+-------------------+-----------------------+-------------+
PROGRESS: Optimization Complete: Maximum number of passes through the data reached.
PROGRESS: Computing final objective value and training RMSE.
PROGRESS:        Final objective value: 8.86198
PROGRESS:        Final training RMSE: 2.97532

In [9]:
result = gl.recommender.util.compare_models(test_set, [popularity_model, item_sim_model, factorization_machine_model],
                                            user_sample=.1, skip_set=train_set)

compare_models: using 6871 users to estimate model performance
PROGRESS: Evaluate model M0
PROGRESS: recommendations finished on 1000/6871 queries. users per second: 12410
PROGRESS: recommendations finished on 2000/6871 queries. users per second: 14958.4
PROGRESS: recommendations finished on 3000/6871 queries. users per second: 15825.3
PROGRESS: recommendations finished on 4000/6871 queries. users per second: 16808.7
PROGRESS: recommendations finished on 5000/6871 queries. users per second: 17280.5
PROGRESS: recommendations finished on 6000/6871 queries. users per second: 17228

Precision and recall summary statistics by cutoff
| cutoff |   mean_precision  |    mean_recall    |
|   2    | 0.000363848057051 | 0.000222530101733 |
|   4    | 0.000509387279872 | 0.000644168294629 |
|   6    | 0.000460874205598 | 0.000838220591723 |
|   8    | 0.000418425265609 | 0.000983759814544 |
|   10   | 0.000465725513026 |  0.00128720279373 |
|   12   | 0.000412361131325 |  0.00132237477257 |
|   14   | 0.000457408986007 |  0.00161781917277 |
|   16   | 0.000491194877019 |  0.00189451695711 |
|   18   | 0.000468959717977 |  0.00196078928179 |
|   20   | 0.000480279435308 |  0.00211815339109 |
[10 rows x 3 columns]

Overall RMSE:  5.79840126177

Per User RMSE (best)
|            user_id            | count |       rmse      |
| 907f83008d1b7a7958766544a0... |   1   | 0.0160085378869 |
[1 rows x 3 columns]

Per User RMSE (worst)
|            user_id            | count |      rmse     |
| 2c263b458bb317ee91c346ae90... |   4   | 172.795342779 |
[1 rows x 3 columns]

Per Item RMSE (best)
|      music_id      | count | rmse |
| SOZWCBD12AB01848DD |   1   | 0.0  |
[1 rows x 3 columns]

Per Item RMSE (worst)
|      music_id      | count |      rmse     |
| SOTGIKV12AB0182176 |   1   | 173.804878049 |
[1 rows x 3 columns]

PROGRESS: Evaluate model M1
PROGRESS: recommendations finished on 1000/6871 queries. users per second: 1291.91
PROGRESS: recommendations finished on 2000/6871 queries. users per second: 1303.24
PROGRESS: recommendations finished on 3000/6871 queries. users per second: 1303.16
PROGRESS: recommendations finished on 4000/6871 queries. users per second: 1309.34
PROGRESS: recommendations finished on 5000/6871 queries. users per second: 1309.57
PROGRESS: recommendations finished on 6000/6871 queries. users per second: 1318.84

Precision and recall summary statistics by cutoff
| cutoff |   mean_precision  |    mean_recall    |
|   2    | 0.000509387279872 | 0.000106894612147 |
|   4    | 0.000509387279872 |  0.00041709974353 |
|   6    | 0.000557900354145 | 0.000741928943341 |
|   8    | 0.000491194877019 | 0.000896131215139 |
|   10   | 0.000509387279872 |  0.0010508900222  |
|   12   | 0.000533643817009 |  0.00124220214402 |
|   14   | 0.000509387279872 |  0.00144984014027 |
|   16   | 0.000491194877019 |  0.00164649135206 |
|   18   | 0.000517472792251 |  0.00213570216873 |
|   20   | 0.000509387279872 |  0.00236702556808 |
[10 rows x 3 columns]

PROGRESS: Finished prediction in 0.226961s

Overall RMSE:  6.09897586494

Per User RMSE (best)
|            user_id            | count | rmse |
| 91e5266cafbdd11964d70fb1d8... |   1   | 0.0  |
[1 rows x 3 columns]

Per User RMSE (worst)
|            user_id            | count |      rmse     |
| 2c263b458bb317ee91c346ae90... |   4   | 161.518485703 |
[1 rows x 3 columns]

Per Item RMSE (best)
|      music_id      | count | rmse |
| SOOIQZC12A6701FEA1 |   2   | 0.0  |
[1 rows x 3 columns]

Per Item RMSE (worst)
|      music_id      | count |  rmse |
| SOTGIKV12AB0182176 |   1   | 172.0 |
[1 rows x 3 columns]

PROGRESS: Evaluate model M2
PROGRESS: recommendations finished on 1000/6871 queries. users per second: 10178.8
PROGRESS: recommendations finished on 2000/6871 queries. users per second: 11326.8
PROGRESS: recommendations finished on 3000/6871 queries. users per second: 12072.2
PROGRESS: recommendations finished on 4000/6871 queries. users per second: 12724.1
PROGRESS: recommendations finished on 5000/6871 queries. users per second: 12371.5
PROGRESS: recommendations finished on 6000/6871 queries. users per second: 12328.1

Precision and recall summary statistics by cutoff
| cutoff |   mean_precision  |    mean_recall    |
|   2    | 0.000291078445641 | 0.000204967738806 |
|   4    | 0.000291078445641 | 0.000321852261162 |
|   6    | 0.000315334982778 | 0.000400252854408 |
|   8    | 0.000382040459904 | 0.000704556888155 |
|   10   | 0.000480279435308 |  0.00107200975662 |
|   12   | 0.000533643817009 |  0.00138531272247 |
|   14   | 0.000550969914964 |  0.0016547624225  |
|   16   | 0.000591253092708 |  0.00185731432805 |
|   18   | 0.000582156891282 |  0.00207921438986 |
|   20   | 0.000574879930141 |  0.00223034316254 |
[10 rows x 3 columns]

Overall RMSE:  7.66449264849

Per User RMSE (best)
|            user_id            | count |        rmse       |
| ac810151e32857e9f4200e8fa7... |   1   | 0.000812624627255 |
[1 rows x 3 columns]

Per User RMSE (worst)
|            user_id            | count |      rmse     |
| 2c263b458bb317ee91c346ae90... |   4   | 182.725743431 |
[1 rows x 3 columns]

Per Item RMSE (best)
|      music_id      | count |        rmse       |
| SOJWIJT12A8C136100 |   1   | 0.000881766015195 |
[1 rows x 3 columns]

Per Item RMSE (worst)
|      music_id      | count |     rmse     |
| SOTGIKV12AB0182176 |   1   | 236.91250578 |
[1 rows x 3 columns]

/Users/chengjun/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning: matplotlib is currently using a non-GUI backend, so cannot show the figure
  "matplotlib is currently using a non-GUI backend, "

In [10]:
K = 10
users = gl.SArray(sf['user_id'].unique().head(100))

In [11]:
recs = item_sim_model.recommend(users=users, k=K)

user_id music_id score rank
038c81eb1d1d63e ...
SOFCGSE12AF72A674F 20.686440678 1
038c81eb1d1d63e ...
SOQYHJW12AB0182AA6 20.0 2
038c81eb1d1d63e ...
SOELDGL12A8C135ED7 20.0 3
038c81eb1d1d63e ...
SOUWZPO12A6D4F83E3 20.0 4
038c81eb1d1d63e ...
SONAQRQ12AB017FD0B 20.0 5
038c81eb1d1d63e ...
SOMVIOV12A6D4F719A 20.0 6
038c81eb1d1d63e ...
SOHJWLZ12A6D4F7756 20.0 7
038c81eb1d1d63e ...
SOIRUXQ12A8C133060 20.0 8
038c81eb1d1d63e ...
SOLVHIW12A8C13BA03 20.0 9
038c81eb1d1d63e ...
SOPWZGK12A67020744 20.0 10
[10 rows x 4 columns]

In [ ]: