In [61]:
%matplotlib inline
import networkx as nx
import csv
import re
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import statistics
from statistics import StatisticsError
import random
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
import sklearn.metrics as metrics
from sklearn.decomposition import TruncatedSVD
import itertools
from sklearn import mixture

In [62]:
def L1 (x,y):
    dist = 0
    if len(x)==len(y):
        for i in range(len(x)):
            dist += math.fabs(x[i]-y[i])
        print('vectors must be equal length for L1')
        return (None)

In [47]:
i = 0

with open('training.1600000.processed.noemoticon.csv') as f_in:
    for line in f_in:
        print (list(csv.reader(line, skipinitialspace=True)))
        print (line)
        if i>3:

[['0'], ['', ''], ['1467810369'], ['', ''], ['Mon Apr 06 22:19:45 PDT 2009'], ['', ''], ['NO_QUERY'], ['', ''], ['_TheSpecialOne_'], ['', ''], ["@switchfoot - Awww, that's a bummer.  You shoulda got David Carr of Third Day to do it. ;D"], []]
"0","1467810369","Mon Apr 06 22:19:45 PDT 2009","NO_QUERY","_TheSpecialOne_","@switchfoot - Awww, that's a bummer.  You shoulda got David Carr of Third Day to do it. ;D"

[['0'], ['', ''], ['1467810672'], ['', ''], ['Mon Apr 06 22:19:49 PDT 2009'], ['', ''], ['NO_QUERY'], ['', ''], ['scotthamilton'], ['', ''], ["is upset that he can't update his Facebook by texting it... and might cry as a result  School today also. Blah!"], []]
"0","1467810672","Mon Apr 06 22:19:49 PDT 2009","NO_QUERY","scotthamilton","is upset that he can't update his Facebook by texting it... and might cry as a result  School today also. Blah!"

[['0'], ['', ''], ['1467810917'], ['', ''], ['Mon Apr 06 22:19:53 PDT 2009'], ['', ''], ['NO_QUERY'], ['', ''], ['mattycus'], ['', ''], ['@Kenichan I dived many times for the ball. Managed to save 50%  The rest go out of bounds'], []]
"0","1467810917","Mon Apr 06 22:19:53 PDT 2009","NO_QUERY","mattycus","@Kenichan I dived many times for the ball. Managed to save 50%  The rest go out of bounds"

[['0'], ['', ''], ['1467811184'], ['', ''], ['Mon Apr 06 22:19:57 PDT 2009'], ['', ''], ['NO_QUERY'], ['', ''], ['ElleCTF'], ['', ''], ['my whole body feels itchy and like its on fire '], []]
"0","1467811184","Mon Apr 06 22:19:57 PDT 2009","NO_QUERY","ElleCTF","my whole body feels itchy and like its on fire "

In [63]:
# This code here makes the nx.Graph

m=0 # these two counters 
n=0 # arn't important

with open('training.1600000.processed.noemoticon.csv', encoding='latin-1') as f_in:
    for line in f_in: 
        lineX = list(csv.reader(line, skipinitialspace=True))
        if '@' in lineX[10][0]:
            for t in re.split('[^a-zA-Z\_\@]', lineX[10][0]):
                if t!='' and t[0]=='@' and t!='@':
        if n%100000==0:

#The lines are structured like below. Except csv.reader adds an extra ["",""]
#in between each of them. so multiply n by 2 for the first index.
n | content
0 - the polarity of the tweet (0 = negative, 2 = neutral, 4 = positive)
1 - the id of the tweet (2087)
2 - the date of the tweet (Sat May 16 23:58:44 UTC 2009)
3 - the query. If there is no query, then this value is NO_QUERY.
4 - the user that tweeted
5 - the text of the tweet
# this also works to read in the tweets, except that it makes it into a dataframe
# and reads it all at once.
cols = ['polarity','tweetID','date','Query','UserID','text']
f_in = pd.read_csv('training.1600000.processed.noemoticon.csv',names=cols,encoding='latin-1')#names=m_cols ,


for index, row in f_in.iterrows():
    if '@' in row[5]:
        for t in re.split('[^a-zA-Z\_\@]', row[5]):
            if t!='' and t[0]=='@':


In [20]:


In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [21]:


In [22]:
# this is for making the graphs of degree distribution below
DegList = list(
DegDic = {}
for D in DegList:
    if D in DegDic:
        DegDic[D] += 1
        DegDic[D] = 1

In [23]:
plt.ylabel('Log Count')
plt.title('Log plot of Degree Distribution of Graph')

(array([  8.89308000e+05,   1.50000000e+01,   7.00000000e+00,
          1.00000000e+00,   0.00000000e+00,   0.00000000e+00,
          1.00000000e+00,   1.00000000e+00,   0.00000000e+00,
 array([    0.,   345.,   690.,  1035.,  1380.,  1725.,  2070.,  2415.,
         2760.,  3105.,  3450.]),
 <a list of 10 Patch objects>)

In [24]:
# miley got some people pissed off
DegList = list(
for D in DegList:
    if D[1]>3000:

('mileycyrus', 3450)

In [25]:
# she mentioned that if this is linear that the degrees follow a "power law"
plt.title('Log-Log of Degree Distribution of Graph')
plt.ylabel('Log Count')
plt.xlabel('Log Degree')
DegList = sorted(DegDic.items())
Xlist, Ylist = zip(*DegList)
plt.loglog(Xlist,Ylist, basex=np.e, basey=np.e)
del Xlist
del Ylist

In [27]:
# only did this for memory purposes
del DegDic
del DegList

In [64]:
# Finding the largest connected_component
LargestCC = max(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(G), key=len) # largest connected component


In [65]:
# removes self-loops from the graph, this is needed to get nx.k_core
scaler = MinMaxScaler((50,800))

In [53]:
# take a Long time to run,
# this is for the graph below
CoreCounts = []
for i in range(2,10):
    core_i = nx.k_core(LargestCC, i)
del core_i

In [56]:
# This is not exactly Log nodes of graph
# the y-axis is nodes of graph, but is in log-scale

plt.title('Core Number v. Log Nodes in Graph')

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f3e6ca04748>]

In [1]:

In [66]:
# I chose k_core k=7 because of the graph above,
# k=7 resulted in there being a good number of nodes
core7 = nx.k_core(LargestCC,7)

In [11]:
Bcent = np.array(list(nx.betweenness_centrality(core7,normalized = True).values()))
scaledBC = scaler.fit_transform(Bcent)

/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sklearn/preprocessing/ DeprecationWarning: Passing 1d arrays as data is deprecated in 0.17 and will raise ValueError in 0.19. Reshape your data either using X.reshape(-1, 1) if your data has a single feature or X.reshape(1, -1) if it contains a single sample.
  warnings.warn(DEPRECATION_MSG_1D, DeprecationWarning)
/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sklearn/preprocessing/ DeprecationWarning: Passing 1d arrays as data is deprecated in 0.17 and will raise ValueError in 0.19. Reshape your data either using X.reshape(-1, 1) if your data has a single feature or X.reshape(1, -1) if it contains a single sample.
  warnings.warn(DEPRECATION_MSG_1D, DeprecationWarning)

In [12]:
Ecent = np.array(list(nx.eigenvector_centrality_numpy(core7).values()))
scaledEC = scaler.fit_transform(Ecent[:,np.newaxis])

In [ ]:
Ccent = np.array(list(nx.closeness_centrality(core7).values()))
scaledCC = scaler.fit_transform(Ccent[:,np.newaxis])

In [17]:
L1_dist = [L1(scaledCC,scaledBC),L1(scaledEC,scaledBC),L1(scaledEC,scaledCC)]
print("""From the three measures we have explored, Eigenvalue centality
Betweenness centality and Closeness centality. We can now evaluate the
L1 distance between the measures""")
D = L1_dist[0]
print("The L1 distance between Closeness centality and Betweenness Centrality is %d implying average distance of %f"%\
      (D, D*1.0/nx.number_of_nodes(core7)))
D = L1_dist[1]
print("The L1 distance between Eigenvalue centality and Betweenness Centrality is %d implying average distance of %f"%\
      (D, D*1.0/nx.number_of_nodes(core7)))
D = L1_dist[2]
print("The L1 distance between Closeness centality and Eigenvalue Centrality is %d implying average distance of %f"%\
      (D, D*1.0/nx.number_of_nodes(core7)))

From the three measures we have explored, Eigenvalue centality
Betweenness centality and Closeness centality. We can now evaluate the
L1 distance between the measures
The L1 distance between Closeness centality and Betweenness Centrality is 386829 implying average distance of 391.527373
The L1 distance between Eigenvalue centality and Betweenness Centrality is 45735 implying average distance of 46.290495
The L1 distance between Closeness centality and Eigenvalue Centrality is 371185 implying average distance of 375.693507

In [18]:

(array([ 929.,   19.,   23.,    5.,    6.,    2.,    2.,    0.,    1.,    1.]),
 array([  50.,  125.,  200.,  275.,  350.,  425.,  500.,  575.,  650.,
         725.,  800.]),
 <a list of 10 Patch objects>)

In [19]:

(array([ 780.,  146.,   48.,    7.,    0.,    2.,    0.,    2.,    1.,    2.]),
 array([  50.,  125.,  200.,  275.,  350.,  425.,  500.,  575.,  650.,
         725.,  800.]),
 <a list of 10 Patch objects>)

In [21]:

(array([  11.,   29.,   31.,   57.,  175.,  252.,  332.,   71.,   21.,    9.]),
 array([  50.,  125.,  200.,  275.,  350.,  425.,  500.,  575.,  650.,
         725.,  800.]),
 <a list of 10 Patch objects>)

In [63]:
# find the fiedler vector, and use it to partition the graph

f = nx.fiedler_vector(core7)
s = np.zeros(len(f),dtype='int')

# this is the positions we will use for each graph
pos = nx.spring_layout(core7)

In [64]:
# draw partition
colors = ['#d7191c', '#2b83ba']
node_colors = [colors[s[v]] for v in range(nx.number_of_nodes(core7))]
nx.draw(core7,pos=pos, node_color=node_colors,node_size=10) # this uses the pos above
#nx.draw(core7, node_color=node_colors,node_size=10) original code for graph below

/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/networkx/drawing/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: pyplot.hold is deprecated.
    Future behavior will be consistent with the long-time default:
    plot commands add elements without first clearing the
    Axes and/or Figure.
  b = plt.ishold()
/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/networkx/drawing/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: pyplot.hold is deprecated.
    Future behavior will be consistent with the long-time default:
    plot commands add elements without first clearing the
    Axes and/or Figure.
/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning: axes.hold is deprecated. Please remove it from your matplotlibrc and/or style files.
  warnings.warn(self.msg_depr_set % key)
/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning: axes.hold is deprecated, will be removed in 3.0
  warnings.warn("axes.hold is deprecated, will be removed in 3.0")

In [68]:
# this makes the laplacian matrix to do the spectral clustering
L = nx.laplacian_matrix(core7).todense()
w, v = np.linalg.eig(L)
v = np.array(v)
worder = np.argsort(w)

X = v @ np.diag(w)
X = X[:,worder]

In [69]:

In [57]:
# takes a long time to run
# this makes the graph below
error = np.zeros(9)
for k in range(2,11):
    kmeans = KMeans(init='k-means++', n_clusters=k, n_init=10)
    error[k-2] = kmeans.inertia_

In [58]:
# graph of explained variance vs k (for k-means)

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f61c24a39b0>]

In [70]:
# based on the graph above, k=6 was chosen. k=4 was what we were taught to
# choose, because it's the "L" in the graph. Though that didn't look good,
# so I increased k to 6.
# this runs k-means for the next code
kmeans = KMeans(init='k-means++', n_clusters=6, n_init=10)
centroids = kmeans.cluster_centers_
labels = kmeans.labels_
error = kmeans.inertia_

/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sklearn/utils/ ComplexWarning: Casting complex values to real discards the imaginary part
  array = np.array(array, dtype=dtype, order=order, copy=copy)

In [71]:
colors = ['#d7191c', '#ffffbf', '#2b83ba', 'green','orange','maroon']
node_colors = [colors[labels[i]] for i in range(nx.number_of_nodes(core7))]
nx.draw(core7, pos = pos, node_color=node_colors,node_size=10)

/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/networkx/drawing/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: pyplot.hold is deprecated.
    Future behavior will be consistent with the long-time default:
    plot commands add elements without first clearing the
    Axes and/or Figure.
  b = plt.ishold()
/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/networkx/drawing/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: pyplot.hold is deprecated.
    Future behavior will be consistent with the long-time default:
    plot commands add elements without first clearing the
    Axes and/or Figure.
/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning: axes.hold is deprecated. Please remove it from your matplotlibrc and/or style files.
  warnings.warn(self.msg_depr_set % key)
/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning: axes.hold is deprecated, will be removed in 3.0
  warnings.warn("axes.hold is deprecated, will be removed in 3.0")

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [72]:
# this reads in the tweets
# then simply parses user ID into ID_list
# and the tweet text into TextList
TextList = []
ID_list = []
with open('training.1600000.processed.noemoticon.csv', encoding='latin-1') as f_in:
    for line in f_in:
        lineX = list(csv.reader(line, skipinitialspace=True))
        if n%100000==0:


In [4]:
# vectorize TextList to dtm
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(stop_words='english', min_df=4,max_df=0.8)
dtm = vectorizer.fit_transform(TextList)
del TextList

terms = vectorizer.get_feature_names()

In [5]:
# compute svd of dtm
svd = TruncatedSVD(n_components=100, n_iter=4)
svdOutput = svd.fit_transform(dtm)

In [19]:
# I may be doing this part wrong, since it's weird
# to have that little peak at x=1. The graph should
# be strictly decreasing, according to another class
# I took
plt.xlabel('Order of Eigenvector')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f959f593a20>

In [ ]:
# takes a long time to run
# results in a graph of explained variance
# vs k for k-means
def evaluate_clusters(X,max_clusters):
    error = np.zeros(max_clusters+1)
    error[0] = 0;
    for k in range(1,max_clusters+1):
        kmeans = KMeans(init='k-means++', n_clusters=k, max_iter=100, n_init=20)
        error[k] = kmeans.inertia_
    plt.xlabel('Number of clusters')


In [17]:
# this is the model I went with for LSA

gmm = mixture.GaussianMixture(n_components=5, covariance_type='full')[:,:15])
pred = gmm.predict(svdOutput[:,:15])

AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-17-66b297bf09eb> in <module>()
      3 pred = gmm.predict(svdOutput[:,:15])
----> 4 labels3 = gmm.labels_

AttributeError: 'GaussianMixture' object has no attribute 'labels_'

In [12]:
# I also did this model, except that it turned out
# that the largest cluster just dominated all the others
kmeans2 = KMeans(n_clusters=8, init='k-means++', n_init=20,random_state=0)
labels2 = kmeans2.labels_
print ("Finished")


In [19]:
# this converts the GMM result from classifying tweets
# into classifying users
ID_Pred = {}
for i in range(len(ID_list)):
    ID = ID_list[i]
    if ID in ID_Pred:
colors = ['#d7191c', '#ffffbf', '#2b83ba', 'green','orange','maroon','black']
node_colors = []
for g in core7: # classify the nodes, based off their tweets
        try: # if there is only one mode of groups, classify the user as the mode
            X = statistics.mode(ID_Pred[g])
        except StatisticsError: # if there is no mode, pick a tweet at random, and classify the user as that tweet's group
    except KeyError: # if the node never tweeted (was only tweeted at)
        node_colors.append(colors[6]) # make it black

In [39]:

In [59]:
nx.draw(core7,pos=pos, node_color=node_colors,node_size=10)

/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/networkx/drawing/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: pyplot.hold is deprecated.
    Future behavior will be consistent with the long-time default:
    plot commands add elements without first clearing the
    Axes and/or Figure.
  b = plt.ishold()
/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/networkx/drawing/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: pyplot.hold is deprecated.
    Future behavior will be consistent with the long-time default:
    plot commands add elements without first clearing the
    Axes and/or Figure.
/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning: axes.hold is deprecated. Please remove it from your matplotlibrc and/or style files.
  warnings.warn(self.msg_depr_set % key)
/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning: axes.hold is deprecated, will be removed in 3.0
  warnings.warn("axes.hold is deprecated, will be removed in 3.0")

In [ ]:

In [58]:

In [76]:
for i in range(0,100):

2 @switchfoot - Awww, that's a bummer.  You shoulda got David Carr of Third Day to do it. ;D
3 is upset that he can't update his Facebook by texting it... and might cry as a result  School today also. Blah!
0 @Kenichan I dived many times for the ball. Managed to save 50%  The rest go out of bounds
4 my whole body feels itchy and like its on fire 
0 @nationwideclass no, it's not behaving at all. i'm mad. why am i here? because I can't see you all over there. 
0 @Kwesidei not the whole crew 
4 Need a hug 
2 @LOLTrish hey  long time no see! Yes.. Rains a bit ,only a bit  LOL , I'm fine thanks , how's you ?
0 @Tatiana_K nope they didn't have it 
0 @twittera que me muera ? 
0 spring break in plain city... it's snowing 
1 I just re-pierced my ears 
0 @caregiving I couldn't bear to watch it.  And I thought the UA loss was embarrassing . . . . .
0 @octolinz16 It it counts, idk why I did either. you never talk to me anymore 
4 @smarrison i would've been the first, but i didn't have a gun.    not really though, zac snyder's just a doucheclown.
4 @iamjazzyfizzle I wish I got to watch it with you!! I miss you and @iamlilnicki  how was the premiere?!
0 Hollis' death scene will hurt me severely to watch on film  wry is directors cut not out now?
0 about to file taxes 
0 @LettyA ahh ive always wanted to see rent  love the soundtrack!!
0 @FakerPattyPattz Oh dear. Were you drinking out of the forgotten table drinks? 
1 @alydesigns i was out most of the day so didn't get much done 
3 one of my friend called me, and asked to meet with her at Mid Valley today...but i've no time *sigh* 
0 @angry_barista I baked you a cake but I ated it 
4 this week is not going as i had hoped 
1 blagh class at 8 tomorrow 
0 I hate when I have to call and wake people up 
4 Just going to cry myself to sleep after watching Marley and Me.  
4 im sad now  Miss.Lilly
0 ooooh.... LOL  that leslie.... and ok I won't do it again so leslie won't  get mad again 
4 Meh... Almost Lover is the exception... this track gets me depressed every time. 
0 some1 hacked my account on aim  now i have to make a new one
4 @alielayus I want to go to promote GEAR AND GROOVE but unfornately no ride there  I may b going to the one in Anaheim in May though
1 thought sleeping in was an option tomorrow but realizing that it now is not. evaluations in the morning and work in the afternoon! 
2 @julieebaby awe i love you too!!!! 1 am here  i miss you
3 @HumpNinja I cry my asian eyes to sleep at night 
4 ok I'm sick and spent an hour sitting in the shower cause I was too sick to stand and held back the puke like a champ. BED now 
3 @cocomix04 ill tell ya the story later  not a good day and ill be workin for like three more hours...
2 @MissXu sorry! bed time came here (GMT+1)
4 @fleurylis I don't either. Its depressing. I don't think I even want to know about the kids in suitcases. 
3 Bed. Class 8-12. Work 12-3. Gym 3-5 or 6. Then class 6-10. Another day that's gonna fly by. I miss my girlfriend 
3 really don't feel like getting up today... but got to study to for tomorrows practical exam... 
0 He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar the only one who has enough of me to break my heart 
4 Sad, sad, sad. I don't know why but I hate this feeling  I wanna sleep and I still can't!
4 @JonathanRKnight Awww I soo wish I was there to see you finally comfortable! Im sad that I missed it 
1 Falling asleep. Just heard about that Tracy girl's body being found. How sad  My heart breaks for that family.
3 @Viennah Yay! I'm happy for you with your job! But that also means less time for me and you... 
4 Just checked my user timeline on my blackberry, it looks like the twanking is still happening  Are ppl still having probs w/ BGs and UIDs?
0 Oh man...was ironing @jeancjumbe's fave top to wear to a meeting. Burnt it 
0 is strangely sad about LiLo and SamRo breaking up. 
4 @tea oh! i'm so sorry  i didn't think about that before retweeting.
2 Broadband plan 'a massive broken promise' via Still waiting for broadband we are 
0 @localtweeps Wow, tons of replies from you, may have to unfollow so I can see my friends' tweets, you're scrolling the feed a lot. 
0 our duck and chicken are taking wayyy too long to hatch 
0 Put vacation photos online a few yrs ago. PC crashed, and now I forget the name of the site. 
4 I need a hug 
4 @andywana Not sure what they are, only that they are PoS! As much as I want to, I dont think can trade away company assets sorry andy! 
0 @oanhLove I hate when that happens... 
4 I have a sad feeling that Dallas is not going to show up  I gotta say though, you'd think more shows would use music from the game. mmm
1 Ugh....92 degrees tomorrow 
0 Where did u move to?  I thought u were already in sd. ?? Hmmm. Random u found me. Glad to hear yer doing well.
4 @BatManYNG I miss my ps3, it's out of commission  Wutcha playing? Have you copped 'Blood On The Sand'?
1 just leaving the parking lot of work! 
0 The Life is cool. But not for Me. 
0 Sadly though, I've never gotten to experience the post coitus cigarette before, and now I never will. 
1 I had such a nice day. Too bad the rain comes in tomorrow at 5am 
1 @Starrbby too bad I won't be around I lost my job and can't even pay my phone bill lmao aw shucks 
1 Damm back to school tomorrow 
0 Mo jobs, no money.  how in the hell is min wage here 4 f'n clams an hour?
1 @katortiz  Not forever... See you soon!
3 @Lt_Algonquin agreed, I saw the failwhale allllll day today. 
4 @jdarter Oh! Haha... dude I dont really look at em unless someone says HEY I ADDED YOU. Sorry  I'm so terrible at that. I need a pop up!
0 @ninjen I'm sure you're right...    I need to start working out with you and the Nikster... Or Jared at least!
4 i really hate how people diss my bands!  Trace is clearly NOT ugly!
3 Gym attire today was: Puma singlet, Adidas shorts.......and black business socks and leather shoes  Lucky did not run into any cute girls.
2 Why won't you show my location?!
4 No picnic  my phone smells like citrus.
0 @ashleyac My donkey is sensitive about such comments. Nevertheless, he'd (and me'd) be glad to see your mug asap. Charger is still awol. 
4 No new csi tonight.  FML
4 i think my arms are sore from tennis 
4 wonders why someone that u like so much can make you so unhappy in a split seccond . depressed . 
3 sleep soon... i just hate saying bye and see you tomorrow for the night. 
4 @statravelAU just got ur newsletter, those fares really are unbelievable, shame I already booked and paid for mine 
0 missin' the boo 
0 @markhardy1974 Me too  #itm
4 Damn... I don't have any chalk! MY CHALKBOARD IS USELESS 
1 had a blast at the Getty Villa, but hates that she's had a sore throat all day. It's just getting worse too 
0 @msdrama hey missed ya at the meeting  sup mama
0 My tummy hurts.  I wonder if the hypnosis has anything to do with it? If so, it's working, I get it, STOP SMOKING!!!
0 why is it always the fat ones?! 
0 @januarycrimson Sorry, babe!!  My fam annoys me too. Thankfully, they're asleep right now. Muahaha. *evil laugh*
0 @Hollywoodheat I should have paid more attention when we covered photoshop in my webpage design class in undergrad 
3 wednesday my b-day! don't know what 2 do!! 
0 Poor cameron (the hills) 
0 pray for me please, the ex is threatening to start sh** at my/our babies 1st Birthday party. what a jerk. and I still have a headache 
4 @makeherfamous hmm  , do u really enjoy being with him ? if the problems are too constants u should think things more , find someone ulike
2 Strider is a sick little puppy
0 so rylee,grace...wana go steve's party or not?? SADLY SINCE ITS EASTER I WNT B ABLE 2 DO MUCH  BUT OHH WELL.....
0 hey, I actually won one of my bracket pools! Too bad it wasn't the one for money 
3 @stark YOU don't follow me, either  and i work for you!
1 A bad nite for the favorite teams: Astros and Spartans lose.  The nite out with T.W. was good.

In [ ]:

In [90]:
u, s, vt = np.linalg.svd(dtm,full_matrices=False)

for i in range(6):
    top = np.argsort(vt[i])
    topterms = [terms[top[0,f]] for f in range(12)]
    print (i, topterms)

LinAlgError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-90-23dc1fdf6a09> in <module>()
----> 1 u, s, vt = np.linalg.svd(dtm,full_matrices=False)
      3 for i in range(6):
      4     top = np.argsort(vt[i])
      5     topterms = [terms[top[0,f]] for f in range(12)]

/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/linalg/ in svd(a, full_matrices, compute_uv)
   1337     a, wrap = _makearray(a)
   1338     _assertNoEmpty2d(a)
-> 1339     _assertRankAtLeast2(a)
   1340     t, result_t = _commonType(a)

/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/linalg/ in _assertRankAtLeast2(*arrays)
    200         if len(a.shape) < 2:
    201             raise LinAlgError('%d-dimensional array given. Array must be '
--> 202                     'at least two-dimensional' % len(a.shape))
    204 def _assertSquareness(*arrays):

LinAlgError: 0-dimensional array given. Array must be at least two-dimensional

In [80]:
for i in range(100):
    if pred[i]==0:
        print (TextList[i])

@Kenichan I dived many times for the ball. Managed to save 50%  The rest go out of bounds
@nationwideclass no, it's not behaving at all. i'm mad. why am i here? because I can't see you all over there. 
@Kwesidei not the whole crew 
@Tatiana_K nope they didn't have it 
@twittera que me muera ? 
spring break in plain city... it's snowing 
@caregiving I couldn't bear to watch it.  And I thought the UA loss was embarrassing . . . . .
@octolinz16 It it counts, idk why I did either. you never talk to me anymore 
Hollis' death scene will hurt me severely to watch on film  wry is directors cut not out now?
about to file taxes 
@LettyA ahh ive always wanted to see rent  love the soundtrack!!
@FakerPattyPattz Oh dear. Were you drinking out of the forgotten table drinks? 
@angry_barista I baked you a cake but I ated it 
I hate when I have to call and wake people up 
ooooh.... LOL  that leslie.... and ok I won't do it again so leslie won't  get mad again 
some1 hacked my account on aim  now i have to make a new one
He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar the only one who has enough of me to break my heart 
Oh man...was ironing @jeancjumbe's fave top to wear to a meeting. Burnt it 
is strangely sad about LiLo and SamRo breaking up. 
@localtweeps Wow, tons of replies from you, may have to unfollow so I can see my friends' tweets, you're scrolling the feed a lot. 
our duck and chicken are taking wayyy too long to hatch 
Put vacation photos online a few yrs ago. PC crashed, and now I forget the name of the site. 
@oanhLove I hate when that happens... 
Where did u move to?  I thought u were already in sd. ?? Hmmm. Random u found me. Glad to hear yer doing well.
The Life is cool. But not for Me. 
Sadly though, I've never gotten to experience the post coitus cigarette before, and now I never will. 
Mo jobs, no money.  how in the hell is min wage here 4 f'n clams an hour?
@ninjen I'm sure you're right...    I need to start working out with you and the Nikster... Or Jared at least!
@ashleyac My donkey is sensitive about such comments. Nevertheless, he'd (and me'd) be glad to see your mug asap. Charger is still awol. 
missin' the boo 
@markhardy1974 Me too  #itm
@msdrama hey missed ya at the meeting  sup mama
My tummy hurts.  I wonder if the hypnosis has anything to do with it? If so, it's working, I get it, STOP SMOKING!!!
why is it always the fat ones?! 
@januarycrimson Sorry, babe!!  My fam annoys me too. Thankfully, they're asleep right now. Muahaha. *evil laugh*
@Hollywoodheat I should have paid more attention when we covered photoshop in my webpage design class in undergrad 
Poor cameron (the hills) 
pray for me please, the ex is threatening to start sh** at my/our babies 1st Birthday party. what a jerk. and I still have a headache 
so rylee,grace...wana go steve's party or not?? SADLY SINCE ITS EASTER I WNT B ABLE 2 DO MUCH  BUT OHH WELL.....
hey, I actually won one of my bracket pools! Too bad it wasn't the one for money 

In [81]:
for i in range(100):
    if pred[i]==1:
        print (TextList[i])

I just re-pierced my ears 
@alydesigns i was out most of the day so didn't get much done 
blagh class at 8 tomorrow 
thought sleeping in was an option tomorrow but realizing that it now is not. evaluations in the morning and work in the afternoon! 
Falling asleep. Just heard about that Tracy girl's body being found. How sad  My heart breaks for that family.
Ugh....92 degrees tomorrow 
just leaving the parking lot of work! 
I had such a nice day. Too bad the rain comes in tomorrow at 5am 
@Starrbby too bad I won't be around I lost my job and can't even pay my phone bill lmao aw shucks 
Damm back to school tomorrow 
@katortiz  Not forever... See you soon!
had a blast at the Getty Villa, but hates that she's had a sore throat all day. It's just getting worse too 
A bad nite for the favorite teams: Astros and Spartans lose.  The nite out with T.W. was good.

In [82]:
for i in range(100):
    if pred[i]==2:
        print (TextList[i])

@switchfoot - Awww, that's a bummer.  You shoulda got David Carr of Third Day to do it. ;D
@LOLTrish hey  long time no see! Yes.. Rains a bit ,only a bit  LOL , I'm fine thanks , how's you ?
@julieebaby awe i love you too!!!! 1 am here  i miss you
@MissXu sorry! bed time came here (GMT+1)
Broadband plan 'a massive broken promise' via Still waiting for broadband we are 
Why won't you show my location?!
Strider is a sick little puppy

In [100]:
# this gives the top terms of each eigenvector for our LSA
# the groups aren't exactly these values, but it's similar.
# you can also plot the nodes , with these eigenvectors as the axis
# being a good way to visualize the results of LSA
for i in range(0,10):
    top = np.argsort(svd.components_[i])
    topterms = [terms[top[f]] for f in range(30)]
    print (i, topterms)

0 ['hunggry', '302now', 'retwee', 'ctrld', 'housamz', 'øªø¹ù', 'lesnoy_chelovek', '¼í', 'laptopless', 'arturclancy', 'shoohurt', 'city_realist', 'mountain_diu', 'magicasland', 'afonin', 'mironset', 'all_lies_about', 'ðºð¾ð¼ñ', 'verysmallghost', 'rounddancer', 'ø²ù', 'beregulina', 'ð¼ð¾ð¹', 'lukashevich', '½rlich', 'dchest', 'ð¹ð½ñ', 'inviat', 'nomoretears', 'ºà']

1 ['work', 'good', 'day', 'morning', 'today', 'going', 'night', 'tomorrow', 'home', 'sleep', 'bed', 'time', 'tired', 'hope', 'ready', 'luck', 'school', 'weekend', 'getting', 'feel', 'early', 'feeling', 'long', 'week', 'sick', 'tonight', 'hours', 'great', 'happy', 'having']

2 ['work', 'just', 'going', 'want', 'quot', 'got', 'don', 'home', 'tomorrow', 'today', 'ready', 'im', 'know', 'getting', 'miss', 'wanna', 'like', 'tired', 'time', 'need', 'bored', 'think', 'hours', 'bed', 'sad', 'really', 'tonight', 'sick', 'school', 'hate']

3 ['work', 'http', 'com', 'day', 'twitpic', 'good', 'morning', 'today', 'plurk', 'tomorrow', 'tinyurl', 'ly', 'bit', 'www', 'ready', 'beautiful', 'early', 'going', 'weekend', 'happy', 'luck', 'vip', 'says', 'getting', 'tired', 'yfrog', 'tumblr', 'train', 'sunny', 'long']

4 ['just', 'know', 'thanks', 'like', 'don', 'got', 'really', 'miss', 'love', 'lol', 'going', 'im', 'want', 'home', 'feel', 'think', 'll', 'sad', 'oh', 'twitter', 'haha', 'sorry', 'sleep', 'time', 'need', 'right', 'dont', 'new', 'wish', 'bed']

5 ['work', 'good', 'morning', 'just', 'don', 'know', 'want', 'night', 'like', 'lol', 'really', 'got', 'feel', 'home', 'twitter', 'thanks', 'time', 'think', 'luck', 'dont', 'http', 'need', 'wanna', 'sleep', 'right', 'haha', 'doesn', 'help', 'im', 'twitpic']

6 ['just', 'going', 'home', 'got', 'want', 'don', 'miss', 'sleep', 'like', 'bed', 'today', 'im', 'really', 'feel', 'sad', 'tired', 'school', 'sick', 'woke', 'night', 'morning', 'com', 'wanna', 'know', 'good', 'tomorrow', 'think', 'http', 'bad', 'time']

7 ['going', 'miss', 'love', 'don', 'know', 'im', 'really', 'bed', 'today', 'like', 'tomorrow', 'night', 'sleep', 'want', 'feel', 'tonight', 'think', 'll', 'soon', 'gonna', 'school', 'wish', 'dont', 'hope', 'come', 'sad', 'lt', 'fun', 'right', 'time']

8 ['going', 'home', 'just', 'miss', 'thanks', 'got', 'night', 'bed', 'sleep', 'im', 'today', 'quot', 'tomorrow', 'time', 'tonight', 'tired', 'school', 'finally', 'woke', 'early', 'fun', 'http', 'morning', 'hours', 'wish', 'ready', 'goodnight', 'soon', 'wait', 'later']

9 ['don', 'know', 'like', 'thanks', 'want', 'today', 'going', 'feel', 'really', 'quot', 'think', 'http', 'com', 'sleep', 'sick', 'bad', 'dont', 'feeling', 'bed', 'wanna', 'better', 'tomorrow', 'tired', 'let', 'twitpic', 'looks', 'school', 'need', 'didn', 'plurk']

In [93]:

In [ ]:
# Stuff that never got used
def CompareClustering(Clust1, Clust2, NumberOfClusters):
    length = len(Clust2)
    Factorial = math.factorial(NumberOfClusters)
    Results = [0]*Factorial
    Comp = itertools.permutations(range(NumberOfClusters),NumberOfClusters)
    if len(Clust1)==length:
        for i in range(length):
            for m in range(Factorial):
                if Clust1[i] == Comp[m][Clust2[i]]:
                    Results[m] +=1
        return (max(Results),length)
        print('error: wrong length cluster')

In [ ]:
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(stop_words='english', min_df=8, max_df=0.8)
dtm = vectorizer.fit_transform(TextList)

del TextList
terms = vectorizer.get_feature_names()