In [4]:
# Author: Luca Celotti,
# Supervisor: Jean Rouat,
# PhD student at Universitè de Sherbrooke (Canada)
# Electrical Engineering Department
# funded by CHIST-ERA/FRQNT Québec for IGLU
# work finished the 22⋅02⋅2017 in the context of a course on
# Reinforcement Learning
# based on the paper "Exploring the Predictable" (2003 Schmidhuber)
# published in Advances in Evolutionary Computing, Springer, 2002
import numpy as np
from __future__ import division
class LRRL: # LEFT and RIGHT Reinforcement Learner
m=576; n=24; M=100000; BS=9
room_size = 100.0 # 1000 en l'originale mais ça prends beaucoup de temps
def __init__(self, agent_type = 'creative'):
# definitions that involve BOTH modulos
self.IP = 0 # from 0 to m-1
self.S = np.zeros((LRRL.m), # from -M to M
self.Q = np.zeros((LRRL.m,LRRL.n)) # useless intialization, it will be redefined after
self.time = 0
self.direction = 0
self.position = [50.0, 50.0]
self.gvector, self.BSvector, self.noBS = self.define_g_and_BSvector_and_noBS() = [] = 1
self.reward_sequence = [[self.time], ['None']] # time, tag of external reward found
self.path = [[, self.time, self.position]]
self.list_of_actions = []
if agent_type == 'creative':
self.agent_type = 0
elif agent_type == 'non-creative':
self.agent_type = 1
elif agent_type == 'random-walker':
self.agent_type = 2
elif agent_type == 'random-motionless':
self.agent_type = 3
# LEFT things
self.LEFT = np.ones((LRRL.m,LRRL.n))/LRRL.n
self.LEFT_reward = 0
self.LEFT_reward_track = [[self.time], [self.LEFT_reward], ['None']] # time, reward accumulated, 'internal' or 'external'
self.Stack_LEFT = []
self.Block_SSA_LEFT = True
self.LEFT_columns_modified = [0]*LRRL.m
self.size_LEFT_Stack = [[self.time, 0]]
# RIGHT same things
self.RIGHT = np.ones((LRRL.m,LRRL.n))/LRRL.n
self.RIGHT_reward = 0
self.RIGHT_reward_track = [[self.time], [self.RIGHT_reward], ['None']] # time, reward accumulated, 'internal' or 'external'
self.Stack_RIGHT = []
self.Block_SSA_RIGHT = True
self.RIGHT_columns_modified = [0]*LRRL.m
self.size_RIGHT_Stack = [[self.time, 0]]
def define_g_and_BSvector_and_noBS(self):
# minor modification, that will link in the Q function some LEFT instructions
# with the correspoding RIGHT instruction
g_vector = range(LRRL.n)
g_vector_modified = g_vector[:]
LEFT_instrictions = [10, 13, 15, 16, 17]
RIGHT_instructions = [11, 14, 18, 19, 20]
for i,j in zip(LEFT_instrictions,RIGHT_instructions):
g_vector_modified[j] = g_vector[i]
g_vector_modified[i] = g_vector[j]
BS_vector = [i*LRRL.BS for i in range(LRRL.m) if i*LRRL.BS<LRRL.m]
all_possible_i = range(LRRL.m)
all_possible_i_without_BSs = [x for x in all_possible_i if x not in BS_vector]
return g_vector_modified, BS_vector, all_possible_i_without_BSs
def select_an_action(self):
if self.agent_type == 0:
a = np.random.choice(LRRL.n, 1, p=self.Q[self.IP,:])[0]
elif self.agent_type == 1:
a = np.random.choice(LRRL.n, 1, p=self.Q[self.IP,:])[0]
if a == 12:
# since this is the non-creative agent, this if is
# to avoid the creative action
a = np.random.choice(LRRL.n, 1, p=self.Q[self.IP,:])[0]
elif self.agent_type == 2:
a = 8 + np.random.choice(2, 1, p=[1/2]*2)[0]
elif self.agent_type == 3:
a = 10 + np.random.choice(14, 1, p=[1/14]*14)[0]
return a
def update_Q(self):
for i in self.noBS:
for j in range(LRRL.n):
self.Q[i,j] = self.collective_decision_f(self.LEFT[i,j],self.RIGHT[i,j])
normalizer = sum(self.Q[i,:])
self.Q[i,:] = self.Q[i,:]/normalizer
for i in self.BSvector:
for j in range(LRRL.n):
self.Q[i,j] = self.collective_decision_f(self.RIGHT[i,j],self.LEFT[i,self.gvector[j]])
normalizer = sum(self.Q[i,:])
self.Q[i,:] = self.Q[i,:]/normalizer
def collective_decision_f(self,a,b):
return a*b
def two_values_to_one(self,xyz1,xyz2):
return (xyz1*LRRL.n+xyz2)%LRRL.m
def change_IP(self):
w1 = np.random.choice(LRRL.n, 1, p=self.Q[self.IP+7,:])[0]
w2 = np.random.choice(LRRL.n, 1, p=self.Q[self.IP+8,:])[0]
w = self.two_values_to_one(w1,w2)
self.IP = w-w%LRRL.BS
def choose_parameters_for_a(self):
x = np.zeros(6,
for i in range(6):
x[i] = np.random.choice(LRRL.n, 1, p=self.Q[self.IP+i+1,:])[0]
return x
def act_action(self,a):
[x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2] = self.choose_parameters_for_a()
# A.3.1 Change Internal State Only
if a == 0:
self.Jmpl(x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2) # change IP
elif a == 1:
self.Jmpeq(x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2) # change IP
elif a == 2:
elif a == 3:
elif a == 4:
elif a == 5:
elif a == 6:
elif a == 7:
# A.3.2 Change Environment
elif a == 8:
elif a == 9:
# A.3.3 Introspective Instructions
elif a == 10:
elif a == 11:
# A.3.4 Bet Instruction
elif a == 12:
# A.3.5 SSA-enabling Instructions
elif a == 13:
elif a == 14:
# A.3.6 Primitive Learning Algorithms
elif a == 15:
elif a == 16:
elif a == 17:
elif a == 18:
elif a == 19:
elif a == 20:
elif a == 21:
elif a == 22:
elif a == 23:
# A.3 Instructions _____________________________________________________
# A.3.1 Change Internal State Only _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
def Jmpl(self,x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2):
x = self.two_values_to_one(x1,x2)
y = self.two_values_to_one(y1,y2)
z = self.two_values_to_one(z1,z2)
if self.S[x]<self.S[y]:
self.IP = z-z%LRRL.BS
def Jmpeq(self,x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2):
x = self.two_values_to_one(x1,x2)
y = self.two_values_to_one(y1,y2)
z = self.two_values_to_one(z1,z2)
if self.S[x]==self.S[y]:
self.IP = z-z%LRRL.BS
def Add(self,x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2):
x = self.two_values_to_one(x1,x2)
y = self.two_values_to_one(y1,y2)
z = self.two_values_to_one(z1,z2)
self.S[z] = (self.S[x]+self.S[y])%LRRL.M
def Sub(self,x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2):
x = self.two_values_to_one(x1,x2)
y = self.two_values_to_one(y1,y2)
z = self.two_values_to_one(z1,z2)
self.S[z] = (self.S[x]-self.S[y])%LRRL.M
def Mul(self,x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2):
x = self.two_values_to_one(x1,x2)
y = self.two_values_to_one(y1,y2)
z = self.two_values_to_one(z1,z2)
self.S[z] = (self.S[x]*self.S[y])%LRRL.M
def Div(self,x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2):
x = self.two_values_to_one(x1,x2)
y = self.two_values_to_one(y1,y2)
z = self.two_values_to_one(z1,z2)
if self.S[y] != 0:
self.S[z] = (self.S[x]//self.S[y])%LRRL.M
def Mov(self,x1,x2,y1,y2):
x = self.two_values_to_one(x1,x2)
y = self.two_values_to_one(y1,y2)
self.S[y] = self.S[x]
def Init(self,x1,x2,y1,y2):
x = self.two_values_to_one(x1,x2)
y = self.two_values_to_one(y1,y2)
self.S[y] = x
# A.3.2 Change Environment _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
def MoveAgent(self):
new_position = np.asarray(self.position) + np.asarray([12*np.cos(self.direction),
self.position = self.check_if_pushed_against_a_wall(new_position)
self.path.append([, self.time, self.position])
def SetDirection(self,x1):
self.direction = x1/LRRL.n*2*np.pi
def check_if_pushed_against_a_wall(self,new_position):
# since the room is a square of corners (0,0), (1000,0), (1000,1000), (0,1000)
# we go back some steps in case we went too far
if ( new_position[0]<0.0 or new_position[0]> LRRL.room_size
or new_position[1]<0.0 or new_position[1]> LRRL.room_size ):
old_position = new_position
for i in range(1,13):
old_position -= np.asarray([1*np.cos(self.direction),
if ( old_position[0]>0.0 and old_position[0]< LRRL.room_size
and old_position[1]>0.0 and old_position[1]< LRRL.room_size ):
new_position = old_position
return new_position
def change_inputs_after_movement(self):
self.S[0] = np.round(self.position[0])%LRRL.room_size
self.S[1] = np.round(self.position[1])%LRRL.room_size
self.S[2] = np.round(self.direction/(2*np.pi)*100)
# write properly so the agent can detect obstacles within 24u,
# for now the only obstacles are going to be the 4 walls.
# I define it in a slightly different manner wrt the one
# implemented by Jurgen. Mine simpler.
if self.position[0] < 24.0: self.S[3] = 24
self.S[3] = 0
if self.position[0] > LRRL.room_size-24.0: self.S[4] = 24
self.S[4] = 0
if self.position[1] < 24.0: self.S[5] = 24
self.S[5] = 0
if self.position[1] > LRRL.room_size-24.0: self.S[6] = 24
self.S[6] = 0
# A.3.3 Introspective Instructions _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
def GetLEFT(self,x1,x2,y1):
x = self.two_values_to_one(x1,x2)
self.S[x] = np.round(LRRL.M*self.LEFT[x,y1])
def GetRIGHT(self,x1,x2,y1):
x = self.two_values_to_one(x1,x2)
self.S[x] = np.round(LRRL.M*self.RIGHT[x,y1])
# A.3.4 Bet Instructions _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
def Betttt(self,x1,x2,y1,y2):
# in the paper (x1,x2,y1,y2,c,d), which doesn't make much sense if
# c and d are going to be determined inside here.
prob_c = self.LEFT[self.IP+5,:]
prob_c /=np.sum(prob_c)
c = np.random.choice(LRRL.n, 1, p=prob_c)[0]
if c>LRRL.n/2: c=1
else: c=-1
prob_d = self.RIGHT[self.IP+5,:]
prob_d /=np.sum(prob_d)
d = np.random.choice(LRRL.n, 1, p=prob_d)[0]
if d>LRRL.n/2: d=1
else: d=-1
# if both modules bet the same, it's not fun anymore, nobody wins,
# and we get out of the function
if c==d: return
# if each module bets something different, let's see who wins
x = self.two_values_to_one(x1,x2)
y = self.two_values_to_one(y1,y2)
# it is incentivating betting high numbers, big c's, which I don't
# think makes much sense
if self.S[x]==self.S[y]:
self.LEFT_reward += c
self.RIGHT_reward += -c
self.LEFT_reward += -c
self.RIGHT_reward += c
# we keep track of the history of rewards
# the reward becomes visible
self.S[7] = c
# A.3.5 SSA-enabling Instructions _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
def EnableSSALEFT(self,x1):
if x1 < 10:
self.Block_SSA_LEFT = False
def EnableSSARIGHT(self,x1):
if x1 < 10:
self.Block_SSA_RIGHT = False
# A.3.6 Primitive Learning Instructions (LI) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
def check_if_push_needed(self, x, Stack, LEFT_or_RIGHT, accumulated_module_reward, stack_length):
if len(Stack)==0:
new_block = [self.time, accumulated_module_reward]
stack_length.append([self.time, len(Stack)])
Last_Block = Stack[-1]
# save the column that is going to be modified if it hasn't been
# modified before since last checkpoint
# number columns_already saved
n_cas = len(Last_Block)
for i in range(2,n_cas):
if Last_Block[i][0]==x:
Stack[-1].append([x, LEFT_or_RIGHT[x,:]])
def IncProbLEFT(self,x1,x2,y1):
# 1.
# 2.
x = self.two_values_to_one(x1,x2)
self.check_if_push_needed(x, self.Stack_LEFT, self.LEFT, self.LEFT_reward, self.size_LEFT_Stack)
# 3.
temporary_LEFT = np.ones(LRRL.n)
lambbda = .3
for k in range(LRRL.n):
if k != y1:
temporary_LEFT[k] = lambbda*self.LEFT[x,k]
temporary_LEFT[k] = 1-lambbda*(1-self.LEFT[x,k])
# IncProbLEFT has an effect only if no element in self.LEFT has gone
# below MinProb
MinProb = .4
# number of elements that went below MinProb
n_below = sum([i < MinProb for i in temporary_LEFT])
if n_below == 0:
self.LEFT[x,:] = temporary_LEFT
def DecProbLEFT(self,x1,x2,y1):
# 1.
# 2.
x = self.two_values_to_one(x1,x2)
self.check_if_push_needed(x, self.Stack_LEFT, self.LEFT, self.LEFT_reward, self.size_LEFT_Stack)
# 3.
temporary_LEFT = np.ones(LRRL.n)
lambbda = .3
for k in range(LRRL.n):
if k != y1:
temporary_LEFT[k] = ( (1-lambbda*self.LEFT[x,k])/(1-self.LEFT[x,k])
*self.LEFT[x,k] )
temporary_LEFT[k] = lambbda*self.LEFT[x,k]
# IncProbLEFT has an effect only if no element in self.LEFT has gone
# below MinProb
MinProb = .4
# number of elements that went below MinProb
n_below = sum([i < MinProb for i in temporary_LEFT])
if n_below == 0:
self.LEFT[x,:] = temporary_LEFT
def MoveDistLEFT(self,x1,x2,y1,y2):
# 1.
# 2.
x = self.two_values_to_one(x1,x2)
y = self.two_values_to_one(y1,y2)
self.check_if_push_needed(x, self.Stack_LEFT, self.LEFT, self.LEFT_reward, self.size_LEFT_Stack)
# 3.
self.LEFT[x,:] = self.LEFT[y,:]
def IncProbRIGHT(self,x1,x2,y1):
# 1.
# 2.
x = self.two_values_to_one(x1,x2)
self.check_if_push_needed(x, self.Stack_RIGHT, self.RIGHT, self.RIGHT_reward, self.size_RIGHT_Stack)
# 3.
temporary_RIGHT = np.ones(LRRL.n)
lambbda = .3
for k in range(LRRL.n):
if k != y1:
temporary_RIGHT[k] = lambbda*self.RIGHT[x,k]
temporary_RIGHT[k] = 1-lambbda*(1-self.RIGHT[x,k])
# IncProbLEFT has an effect only if no element in self.LEFT has gone
# below MinProb
MinProb = .4
# number of elements that went below MinProb
n_below = sum([i < MinProb for i in temporary_RIGHT])
if n_below == 0:
self.RIGHT[x,:] = temporary_RIGHT
def DecProbRIGHT(self,x1,x2,y1):
# 1.
# 2.
x = self.two_values_to_one(x1,x2)
self.check_if_push_needed(x, self.Stack_RIGHT, self.RIGHT, self.RIGHT_reward, self.size_RIGHT_Stack)
# 3.
temporary_RIGHT = np.ones(LRRL.n)
lambbda = .3
for k in range(LRRL.n):
if k != y1:
temporary_RIGHT[k] = self.RIGHT[x,k] = (1-lambbda*self.RIGHT[x,k])
temporary_RIGHT[k] = lambbda*self.RIGHT[x,k]
# IncProbLEFT has an effect only if no element in self.LEFT has gone
# below MinProb
MinProb = .4
# number of elements that went below MinProb
n_below = sum([i < MinProb for i in temporary_RIGHT])
if n_below == 0:
self.RIGHT[x,:] = temporary_RIGHT
def MoveDistRIGHT(self,x1,x2,y1,y2):
# 1.
# 2.
x = self.two_values_to_one(x1,x2)
y = self.two_values_to_one(y1,y2)
self.check_if_push_needed(x, self.Stack_RIGHT, self.RIGHT, self.RIGHT_reward, self.size_RIGHT_Stack)
# 3.
self.RIGHT[x,:] = self.RIGHT[y,:]
def IncProbBOTH(self,x1,x2,y1):
if np.random.rand()<.5:
def DecProbBOTH(self,x1,x2,y1):
if np.random.rand()<.5:
def SSAandCopy(self,x1):
# TODO: check it works properly
#print 'x1 = ', x1
if x1 >= 5: return
self.Block_SSA_LEFT = False
self.Block_SSA_RIGHT = False
if np.random.rand()<.5:
# the following condition is to avoid division by zero in self.SSC()
#print 'we get before the return'
if self.time == self.Stack_LEFT[-1][0]: return
if self.time == self.Stack_RIGHT[-1][0]: return
#print 'and we get after too'
# see which of the two modules is performing better and
# improve the one lagging behind by substituting it by
# a copy of the winner
SSC_LEFT = self.SSC(self.Stack_LEFT,self.LEFT_reward)
SSC_RIGHT= self.SSC(self.Stack_RIGHT,self.RIGHT_reward)
# Find the columns in the superior module that
# differ from the other.
for i,j,column in zip(self.LEFT_columns_modified, self.RIGHT_columns_modified, range(LRRL.m)):
if i == 1 or j == 1:
print 'successfull copy at time ', self.time
# Save (push) the losers columns
self.check_if_push_needed(column, self.Stack_RIGHT, self.RIGHT, self.RIGHT_reward, self.size_RIGHT_Stack)
# Copy the winner's columns to the loser's
self.RIGHT[column,:] = self.LEFT[column,:]
# Save (push) the losers columns
self.check_if_push_needed(column, self.Stack_LEFT, self.LEFT, self.LEFT_reward, self.size_LEFT_Stack)
# Copy the winner's columns to the loser's
self.LEFT[column,:] = self.RIGHT[column,:]
# reset the counter of differences between the two modulos
self.LEFT_columns_modified = [0]*LRRL.m
self.RIGHT_columns_modified = [0]*LRRL.m
def SSC(self,Stack, reward):
return (reward-Stack[-1][1])/(self.time-Stack[-1][0])
# A.2 SSA Calls ________________________________________________________
def SSA_LEFT(self):
# 1.
if self.Block_SSA_LEFT == True: return
# 2.
self.Block_SSA_LEFT = True
# the LI actions will add the columns that will be modified
# in LEFT to the new_block that follows
new_block = [self.time, self.LEFT_reward]
if self.Stack_LEFT:
SSC_previous = 0
# check check the past checkpoints, in case they still
# show an improvement in SSC, to remove in case they don't
for x in reversed(self.Stack_LEFT):
SSC = (new_block[1]-x[1])/(new_block[0]-x[0])
# print 'at time ', x[0], ' SSC is ', SSC
if SSC<SSC_previous:
# if we enter this if, it means that from this block
# on in the past, the SSC criterion will be satisfied
# so we don't need to keep going back in the past
# checkpoints
SSC_previous = SSC
# after checking the past, we remove memories from the past
# that don't lead anymore to an improvement in SSC
for j in range(1,i):
del self.Stack_LEFT[-1]
self.size_LEFT_Stack.append([self.time, len(self.Stack_LEFT)])
def SSA_RIGHT(self):
# 1.
if self.Block_SSA_RIGHT == True: return
# 2.
self.Block_SSA_RIGHT = True
# the LI actions will add the columns that will be modified
# in RIGHT to the new_block that follows
new_block = [self.time, self.RIGHT_reward]
if self.Stack_RIGHT:
SSC_previous = 0
# check check the past checkpoints, in case they still
# show an improvement in SSC, to remove in case they don't
for x in reversed(self.Stack_RIGHT):
SSC = (new_block[1]-x[1])/(new_block[0]-x[0])
#print 'at time ', x[0], ' SSC is ', SSC
if SSC<SSC_previous:
# if we enter this if, it means that from this block
# on in the past, the SSC criterion will be satisfied
# so we don't need to keep going back in the past
# checkpoints
SSC_previous = SSC
# after checking the past, we remove memories from the past
# that don't lead anymore to an improvement in SSC
for j in range(1,i):
del self.Stack_RIGHT[-1]
self.size_RIGHT_Stack.append([self.time, len(self.Stack_RIGHT)])
# Interactions with the world __________________________________________
def check_if_reward(self):
reward = 0
any_reward_found = 0
# check if the agent is on top of a reward botton
for y in[]['Rewards']:
reward_found = np.linalg.norm(np.asarray(y[0])
any_reward_found += reward_found
# second condition in the if is to make sure that the agent
# doesn't get infinite reward just by staying still in the place
# where he found a reward
if reward_found and self.reward_sequence[1][-1] != y[3]:
reward = y[2]
if any_reward_found == 0 and self.reward_sequence[1][-1] != 0:
# my special type of reward, the bonus the agent gets buy following
# a specific sequence of rewards. I want the learner to learn these
# sequences, to find them
for y in[]['Sequences']:
last_visited = (self.reward_sequence[1][-len(y[0]):-1]
+ [self.reward_sequence[1][-1]]) # python doesn't help here
sequence_coincidence = [i == j for i,j in zip(last_visited,y[0])]
if all(sequence_coincidence) and len(y[0]) == len(last_visited):
reward += y[1]
if reward != 0:
self.S[8] = reward
self.LEFT_reward += reward
self.RIGHT_reward += reward
# A.1 Basic Cycle of Operations ________________________________________
def learner_life(self,T,world): = world
for self.time in range(T):
# 1.
IP_before_action = self.IP
S_before_action = self.S[0:9]
# 2.
a = self.select_an_action()
#a = 8
# 3.
# Reward will be given only if the agent stops in a circle, not
# if it passes on it while going somewhere else. Easier to code
# this way.
# A special reward will be given if it finds a specific sequence
# of rewards locations.
# check_if_new_room() and charge all the parameters of the room
# 4. Shift the content of the state if something has changed
# in its first 10 positions
if not all([x == y for x,y in zip(S_before_action,self.S[0:9])]):
self.S[18:90] = self.S[9:81]
self.S[9:18] = S_before_action
# TODO: check it works properly
# 5. Change IP if action didn't do it already
if IP_before_action == self.IP:
In [5]:
#____________________________________________ Room 1
# rewards will have (1) center, (2) radius, (3) price,
# (4) number of reward
Reward_1_room_1 = [[10.0,50.0], 10.0, 10, 1]
Reward_2_room_1 = [[90.0,50.0], 20.0, 5, 2]
Reward_3_room_1 = [[80.0, 8.0], 20.0, 2, 3]
Rewards_room_1 = [Reward_1_room_1, Reward_2_room_1, Reward_3_room_1]
# since ideally I want the agent to learn patterns,
# one learnable patter she could learn would be that if
# she steps up a given sequence of rewards spots defined
# before, she could gain a bonus.
# sequences will have (1) the sequence, (2) the added reward,
# (3) the times it takes to use up their power
# (4) the number that tags the sequence
Sequence_1_room_1 = [[1, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 3], 50, 10, 1]
Sequence_2_room_1 = [[2, 0, 1], 20, 10, 2]
Sequence_3_room_1 = [[2, 0, 2], 20, 10, 2]
Sequences_room_1 = [Sequence_1_room_1, Sequence_2_room_1, Sequence_3_room_1]
# gate openers will have (1) center, (2) radius, (3) the next room,
# (4) where in the new room you appear, (5) center of the door and
# (6) its radius
GateOpener_1_room_1 = [[600.0, 100.0], 50.0, 2, [700.0, 700.0], [1000.0, 1000.0], 200.0]
GateOpener_2_room_1 = [[900.0, 500.0], 60.0, 3, [20.0, 100.0], [ 500.0, 1000.0], 100.0]
GateOpeners_room_1 = [GateOpener_1_room_1, GateOpener_2_room_1]
#____________________________________________ Room 2
# rewards will have (1) center, (2) radius, (3) price,
# (4) number of reward
Reward_1_room_2 = [[ 500.0,800.0], 100.0, 1000, 1]
Rewards_room_2 = [Reward_1_room_2]
# since ideally I want the agent to learn patterns,
# one learnable patter she could learn would be that if
# she steps up a given sequence of rewards spots defined
# before, she could gain a bonus.
# sequences will have (1) the sequence, (2) the added reward,
# (3) the times it takes to use up their power
# (4) the number that tags the sequence
Sequences_room_2 = []
# gate openers will have (1) center, (2) radius, (3) the next room,
# (4) where in the new room you appear, (5) center of the door and
# (6) its radius
GateOpener_1_room_2 = [[600.0, 100.0], 50.0, 1, [700.0, 700.0], [0.0, 1000.0], 300.0]
GateOpeners_room_2 = [GateOpener_1_room_2]
#____________________________________________ Room 3
# rewards will have (1) center, (2) radius, (3) price,
# (4) number of reward
Rewards_room_3 = []
# since ideally I want the agent to learn patterns,
# one learnable patter she could learn would be that if
# she steps up a given sequence of rewards spots defined
# before, she could gain a bonus.
# sequences will have (1) the sequence, (2) the added reward,
# (3) the times it takes to use up their power
# (4) the number that tags the sequence
Sequences_room_3 = []
# gate openers will have (1) center, (2) radius, (3) the next room,
# (4) where in the new room you appear, (5) center of the door and
# (6) its radius
GateOpener_1_room_3 = [[500.0, 1000.0], 200.0, 2, [700.0, 700.0], [500.0, 0.0], 300.0]
GateOpeners_room_3 = [GateOpener_1_room_3]
#________________________________________________________________________this is the world
room_1 = {'Rewards': Rewards_room_1, 'Sequences': Sequences_room_1, 'Gate Openers': GateOpeners_room_1}
room_2 = {'Rewards': Rewards_room_2, 'Sequences': Sequences_room_2, 'Gate Openers': GateOpeners_room_2}
room_3 = {'Rewards': Rewards_room_3, 'Sequences': Sequences_room_3, 'Gate Openers': GateOpeners_room_3}
world = {1: room_1, 2: room_2, 3: room_3}
easy_world = {1: {'Rewards': Rewards_room_1, 'Sequences': Sequences_room_1, 'Gate Openers': []}}
In [6]:
#_______________________________________ Plot the rooms
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
def plot_world(World):
len_world = len(World)
ArrivalPoints = []
for i in World:
for y in World[i]['Gate Openers']:
ArrivalPoints.append([y[2], y[3]]) # the next room, where in the new room you appear,
n_ArrivalPoints = len(ArrivalPoints)
if len_world == 1:
f, axarr = plt.subplots()
first_dimension = int((len_world+1-(len_world+1)%2)/2)
f, axarr = plt.subplots(first_dimension, 2, sharex=True, sharey=True)
plt.xlim(-.5, LRRL.room_size + .5)
plt.ylim(-.5, LRRL.room_size + .5)
f.subplots_adjust(wspace=.1, hspace=.2)
for i in World:
Rewards = []
GateOpeners = []
Doors = []
# Rewards
for y in World[i]['Rewards']:
circle = plt.Circle(y[0], y[1], color='r')
for y in World[i]['Gate Openers']:
circle = plt.Circle(y[0], y[1], color='b')
for y in World[i]['Gate Openers']:
circle = plt.Circle(y[4], y[5], color='g')
la_x = int((i-1-(i-1)%2)/2)
if len_world == 1:
ax = axarr
ax.set_title('room 1')
ax = axarr[la_x,1-i%2]
ax.set_title('room %d'%i)
for j in range(n_ArrivalPoints):
if ArrivalPoints[j][0] == i:
ax.plot(ArrivalPoints[j][1][0], ArrivalPoints[j][1][1], 'x')
for i in Rewards+GateOpeners+Doors:
if len_world%2 and len_world > 1:
i = len(World)+1
la_x = int((i-1-(i-1)%2)/2)
return f, axarr
#f.savefig('easyworldplotcircles.pdf', format='pdf')
In [ ]:
agents = ['creative', 'non-creative', 'random-walker', 'random-motionless']
for repeat in range(4):
# run the code, this is the longes step
# for T=100000 it took 20 minutes
# for T=10000 it took 2 minutes
# for T=1000 it took 1 minutes
total_time = 1000000
MyAgent = LRRL(agent_type = agents[repeat])
# save object in case I want to reuse it at some point
import pickle
file_pi = open('My_%s_AgentRepetition%d.obj'%(agents[repeat],repeat), 'w')
pickle.dump([MyAgent, easy_world], file_pi)
In [ ]:
import pickle
MyCreativeAgent, easy_world = pickle.load( open( "MyFirstAgentRepetition0.obj", "rb" ) )
MyNonCreativeAgent, easy_world = pickle.load( open( "MyFirstAgentRepetition1.obj", "rb" ) )
MyRandomAgent, easy_world = pickle.load( open( "MyFirstAgentRepetition2.obj", "rb" ) )
MyMeditatingAgent, easy_world = pickle.load( open( "MyFirstAgentRepetition3.obj", "rb" ) )
In [ ]:
# plot which actions are selected by each agent
total_time = 1000000
agents = [MyRandomAgent, MyMeditatingAgent, MyNonCreativeAgent, MyCreativeAgent] #
agents_names = ['random_agent', 'meditative', 'non-creative', 'creative']
actions_matrix_list = []
for i in range(len(agents)):
actions_matrix = np.zeros((LRRL.n, total_time))
for j in range(total_time):
a = agents[i].list_of_actions[j]
actions_matrix[a,j] = 1
In [ ]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
f, axarr = plt.subplots(len(agents),1, sharex=True, sharey=True,figsize=(10,10))
for i in range(len(agents)):
ax = axarr[i]
ax.imshow(actions_matrix_list[i], interpolation='nearest', #aspect=5,
f.savefig('agents_and_actions.pdf', format='pdf')
In [32]:
import pickle
MyAgent, easy_world = pickle.load( open( "MyFirstAgentRepetition3.obj", "rb" ) )
if MyAgent.agent_type == 0:
name = 'creative'
elif MyAgent.agent_type == 1:
name = 'non-creative'
elif MyAgent.agent_type == 2:
name = 'random-walker'
elif MyAgent.agent_type == 3:
name = 'meditative'
In [33]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
#f, axarr = plt.subplots(1,4, sharex=True, sharey=True,figsize=(15,5))
total_time = 1000000
# draw path and save it
path = np.ones((2,len(MyAgent.path)))
print len(MyAgent.path)
for i in range(len(MyAgent.path)):
path[0,i] = MyAgent.path[i][2][0]
path[1,i] = MyAgent.path[i][2][1]
for k in [0, 40000]:
plt.xlim(-.5, LRRL.room_size + .5)
plt.ylim(-.5, LRRL.room_size + .5)
plt.savefig(name+'_agents_path_from%dto%d.pdf'%(k,k+1000), format='pdf')
print name+'_agents_path_from%dto%d.pdf'%(k,k+1000)
In [34]:
# plot reward evolution of each modulo
time_steps = np.asarray(MyAgent.LEFT_reward_track[0])
LEFT_reward_track = np.asarray(MyAgent.LEFT_reward_track[1])
RIGHT_reward_track = np.asarray(MyAgent.RIGHT_reward_track[1])
LEFT, = plt.plot(time_steps,LEFT_reward_track,'-')
RIGHT, = plt.plot(time_steps,RIGHT_reward_track,'--')
plt.legend([LEFT, RIGHT], ['LEFT Reward', 'RIGHT Reward'])
plt.savefig(name+'_agents_reward_evolution.pdf', format='pdf')
In [35]:
# plot stacks growing and dying
len_L = len(MyAgent.size_LEFT_Stack)
len_R = len(MyAgent.size_RIGHT_Stack)
xL = np.zeros(len_L)
yL = np.zeros(len_L)
xR = np.zeros(len_R)
yR = np.zeros(len_R)
for i in range(len_L):
xL[i] = MyAgent.size_LEFT_Stack[i][0]
yL[i] = MyAgent.size_LEFT_Stack[i][1]
for i in range(len_R):
xR[i] = MyAgent.size_RIGHT_Stack[i][0]
yR[i] = MyAgent.size_RIGHT_Stack[i][1]
max_Stack = max(max(yL), max(yR))
plt.ylim(-max_Stack/100,max_Stack + max_Stack/100)
LEFT, = plt.plot(xL,yL,'-')
RIGHT, = plt.plot(xR,yR,'--')
plt.legend([LEFT, RIGHT], ['LEFT Stack', 'RIGHT Stack'])
plt.savefig(name+'_agents_stacks_evolution.pdf', format='pdf')
In [ ]:
In [23]:
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