In [1]:
import warnings
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import os
import sys # error msg, add the modules
import operator # sorting
from math import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


import read_trace
import cuda_timeline
from avgblkmodel import *
import cke
from df_util import *
#from model_cke import *

warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=np.VisibleDeprecationWarning)

gpu info

In [2]:
gtx950 = DeviceInfo()
gtx950.sm_num = 6
gtx950.sharedmem_per_sm = 49152
gtx950.reg_per_sm = 65536
gtx950.maxthreads_per_sm = 2048

2 stream info

In [3]:
# 10M for mem_mem : where the h2d between streams are overlapped
trace_file = 'trace_10M_s1.csv'
trace_file_2cke = 'trace_h2d_h2d_ovlp.csv'

df_trace = read_trace.trace2dataframe(trace_file) # read the trace to the dataframe
df_trace_2cke = read_trace.trace2dataframe(trace_file_2cke)

In [4]:

Start Duration Grid X Grid Y Grid Z Block X Block Y Block Z Registers Per Thread Static SMem Dynamic SMem Size Throughput Device Context Stream Name
0 ms ms NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN B B MB GB/s NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 610.840271 6.436815 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 38.146973 5.787475 GeForce GTX 950 (0) 1.0 13.0 [CUDA memcpy HtoD]
2 617.278302 6.429999 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 38.146973 5.793609 GeForce GTX 950 (0) 1.0 13.0 [CUDA memcpy HtoD]
3 623.719789 1.276618 39063.0 1.0 1.0 256.0 1.0 1.0 8.0 0 0 NaN NaN GeForce GTX 950 (0) 1.0 13.0 kernel_vectorAdd(float const *, float const *,...
4 625.003191 6.269646 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 38.146973 5.941787 GeForce GTX 950 (0) 1.0 13.0 [CUDA memcpy DtoH]

In [5]:

/home/leiming/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/ UnicodeWarning: Unicode equal comparison failed to convert both arguments to Unicode - interpreting them as being unequal
  if aspect == 'normal':
/home/leiming/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/ UnicodeWarning: Unicode equal comparison failed to convert both arguments to Unicode - interpreting them as being unequal
  elif aspect in ('equal', 'auto'):

In [6]:

Start Duration Grid X Grid Y Grid Z Block X Block Y Block Z Registers Per Thread Static SMem Dynamic SMem Size Throughput Device Context Stream Name
0 ms ms NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN B B MB GB/s NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 665.032627 10.783099 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 38.146973 3.454749 GeForce GTX 950 (0) 1.0 13.0 [CUDA memcpy HtoD]
2 668.190628 12.898855 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 38.146973 2.888078 GeForce GTX 950 (0) 1.0 14.0 [CUDA memcpy HtoD]
3 675.816942 12.913127 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 38.146973 2.884886 GeForce GTX 950 (0) 1.0 13.0 [CUDA memcpy HtoD]
4 681.090667 10.213144 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 38.146973 3.647545 GeForce GTX 950 (0) 1.0 14.0 [CUDA memcpy HtoD]
5 688.741397 1.377896 39063.0 1.0 1.0 256.0 1.0 1.0 8.0 0 0 NaN NaN GeForce GTX 950 (0) 1.0 13.0 kernel_vectorAdd(float const *, float const *,...
6 690.126461 10.658490 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 38.146973 3.495139 GeForce GTX 950 (0) 1.0 13.0 [CUDA memcpy DtoH]
7 691.316867 1.366120 39063.0 1.0 1.0 256.0 1.0 1.0 8.0 0 0 NaN NaN GeForce GTX 950 (0) 1.0 14.0 kernel_vectorAdd(float const *, float const *,...
8 693.294222 9.522868 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 38.146973 3.911942 GeForce GTX 950 (0) 1.0 14.0 [CUDA memcpy DtoH]

In [7]:

1cke - read trace and reset the timeline

In [8]:
df_single_stream = read_trace.get_timing(df_trace)

In [9]:

stream api_type start end size duration
0 0.0 h2d 610.840271 617.277086 38146.973 6.436815
1 0.0 h2d 617.278302 623.708301 38146.973 6.429999
2 0.0 kern 623.719789 624.996407 0.000 1.276618
3 0.0 d2h 625.003191 631.272837 38146.973 6.269646

In [10]:
df_s1 = read_trace.reset_starting(df_single_stream)

In [11]:

stream api_type start end size duration
0 0.0 h2d 0.000000 6.436815 38146.973 6.436815
1 0.0 h2d 6.438031 12.868030 38146.973 6.429999
2 0.0 kern 12.879518 14.156136 0.000 1.276618
3 0.0 d2h 14.162920 20.432566 38146.973 6.269646

2cke case

In [12]:
df_2stream = read_trace.get_timing(df_trace_2cke)

In [13]:

stream api_type start end size duration
0 0.0 h2d 665.032627 675.815726 38146.973 10.783099
1 0.0 h2d 675.816942 688.730069 38146.973 12.913127
2 0.0 kern 688.741397 690.119293 0.000 1.377896
3 0.0 d2h 690.126461 700.784951 38146.973 10.658490
4 1.0 h2d 668.190628 681.089483 38146.973 12.898855
5 1.0 h2d 681.090667 691.303811 38146.973 10.213144
6 1.0 kern 691.316867 692.682987 0.000 1.366120
7 1.0 d2h 693.294222 702.817090 38146.973 9.522868

In [14]:
tot_runtime = read_trace.getTotalRuntime(df_2stream)
print tot_runtime


2 cke

In [15]:
stream_num = 2
df_cke_list = cke.init_trace_list(df_s1, stream_num = stream_num)

In [16]:

stream api_type start end size duration
0 0 h2d 0.000000 6.436815 38146.973 6.436815
1 0 h2d 6.438031 12.868030 38146.973 6.429999
2 0 kern 12.879518 14.156136 0.000 1.276618
3 0 d2h 14.162920 20.432566 38146.973 6.269646

In [17]:

In [18]:
# find when to start the stream and update the starting pos for the trace
H2D_H2D_OVLP_TH = 3.158431

for i in range(1,stream_num):
    # compute the time for the init data transfer
    stream_startTime = cke.find_h2d_start(df_cke_list[i-1], H2D_H2D_OVLP_TH)
    print('stream_startTime : {}'.format(stream_startTime))
    df_cke_list[i].start += stream_startTime
    df_cke_list[i].end   += stream_startTime

stream_startTime : 3.158431

In [19]:

stream api_type start end size duration
0 0 h2d 0.000000 6.436815 38146.973 6.436815
1 0 h2d 6.438031 12.868030 38146.973 6.429999
2 0 kern 12.879518 14.156136 0.000 1.276618
3 0 d2h 14.162920 20.432566 38146.973 6.269646

In [20]:

stream api_type start end size duration
0 1 h2d 3.158431 9.595246 38146.973 6.436815
1 1 h2d 9.596462 16.026461 38146.973 6.429999
2 1 kern 16.037949 17.314567 0.000 1.276618
3 1 d2h 17.321351 23.590997 38146.973 6.269646

In [21]:
# streams_api_status = []
# for i in range(stream_num):
#     current_s = df_cke_list[i]
#     #print current_s.shape
#     local_api_status = []
#     api_num = current_s.shape[0]
#     for j in range(api_num):
#         local_api_status.append([current_s['api_type'][j], 'none']) 
#     # append the current api trace to the entire api status
#     streams_api_status.append(local_api_status)

In [22]:
# streams_api_timing = []
# for i in range(stream_num):
#     current_s = df_cke_list[i]
#     #print current_s.shape
#     local_api_tming = []
#     api_num = current_s.shape[0]
#     for j in range(api_num):
#         local_api_tming.append([current_s['start'][j], current_s['end'][j] ]) 
#     # append the current api trace to the entire api status
#     streams_api_timing.append(local_api_tming)

In [23]:
df_all_api = cke.init_sort_api(df_cke_list)
print df_all_api

       start        end api_type    size_kb  stream_id status           bw
0   0.000000   6.436815      h2d  38146.973        0.0  sleep  5926.373991
4   3.158431   9.595246      h2d  38146.973        1.0  sleep  5926.373991
1   6.438031  12.868030      h2d  38146.973        0.0  sleep  5932.656133
5   9.596462  16.026461      h2d  38146.973        1.0  sleep  5932.656133
2  12.879518  14.156136     kern      0.000        0.0  sleep     0.000000
3  14.162920  20.432566      d2h  38146.973        0.0  sleep  6084.390251
6  16.037949  17.314567     kern      0.000        1.0  sleep     0.000000
7  17.321351  23.590997      d2h  38146.973        1.0  sleep  6084.390251

In [24]:
df_all_api['bytes_done'] = 0.0
df_all_api['bytes_left'] = df_all_api['size_kb']
df_all_api['current_pos'] = 0.0
df_all_api['time_left'] = 0.0
df_all_api['pred_end'] = 0.0

In [25]:

start end api_type size_kb stream_id status bw bytes_done bytes_left current_pos time_left pred_end
0 0.000000 6.436815 h2d 38146.973 0.0 sleep 5926.373991 0.0 38146.973 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 3.158431 9.595246 h2d 38146.973 1.0 sleep 5926.373991 0.0 38146.973 0.0 0.0 0.0
1 6.438031 12.868030 h2d 38146.973 0.0 sleep 5932.656133 0.0 38146.973 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 9.596462 16.026461 h2d 38146.973 1.0 sleep 5932.656133 0.0 38146.973 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 12.879518 14.156136 kern 0.000 0.0 sleep 0.000000 0.0 0.000 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 14.162920 20.432566 d2h 38146.973 0.0 sleep 6084.390251 0.0 38146.973 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 16.037949 17.314567 kern 0.000 1.0 sleep 0.000000 0.0 0.000 0.0 0.0 0.0
7 17.321351 23.590997 d2h 38146.973 1.0 sleep 6084.390251 0.0 38146.973 0.0 0.0 0.0

In [26]:
df_all_api.loc[df_all_api.stream_id == 0]

start end api_type size_kb stream_id status bw bytes_done bytes_left current_pos time_left pred_end
0 0.000000 6.436815 h2d 38146.973 0.0 sleep 5926.373991 0.0 38146.973 0.0 0.0 0.0
1 6.438031 12.868030 h2d 38146.973 0.0 sleep 5932.656133 0.0 38146.973 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 12.879518 14.156136 kern 0.000 0.0 sleep 0.000000 0.0 0.000 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 14.162920 20.432566 d2h 38146.973 0.0 sleep 6084.390251 0.0 38146.973 0.0 0.0 0.0

In [27]:
# print df_all_api.iloc[0]
# print df_all_api.iloc[1]

In [28]:
#print df_all_api.shape[0]

curapi = df_all_api.iloc[0]['api_type']
curapi_start = df_all_api.iloc[0]['start']
curapi_end = df_all_api.iloc[0]['end']
curapi_stream = df_all_api.iloc[0]['stream_id']
# print(curapi_stream)
df_all_api.iloc[0, df_all_api.columns.get_loc('status')]  = 'wake' # set value without indexing

# find the next api info, if it is from the same stream, there is non ovlp
nextapi = df_all_api.iloc[1]['api_type']
nextapi_start = df_all_api.iloc[1]['start']
nextapi_end = df_all_api.iloc[1]['end']
nextapi_stream = df_all_api.iloc[1]['stream_id']
# print(nextapi_stream)

cnt_curr_stream = 0
check_coming_stream  = 0

if curapi_stream == nextapi_stream:
    print('cont next api for current stream')
    cnt_curr_stream = 1
    print('check the api for the coming stream')
    check_coming_stream = 1

run_h2d_mod = 0
run_ker_mod = 0
run_d2h_mod = 0

if check_coming_stream:
    if curapi == 'h2d' and nextapi == 'h2d':
        run_h2d_mod = 1
    if curapi == 'kern' and nextapi == 'kern':
        run_ker_mod = 1
    if curapi == 'd2h' and nextapi == 'd2h':
        run_d2h_mod = 1
if run_h2d_mod == 1:
    no_ovlap_time = nextapi_start - curapi_start
    # use the org bw to transfer
    curr_trans = df_all_api.iloc[0]['bw'] * no_ovlap_time
    #print('curr_trans : {}'.format(curr_trans))
    # update the bytes_done
    df_all_api = UpdateCell(df_all_api, 
                            0, 'bytes_done', 
    df_all_api = UpdateCell(df_all_api, 
                            0, 'bytes_left', 
                            df_all_api.iloc[0]['size_kb'] - curr_trans)
    df_all_api = UpdateCell(df_all_api, 
                            0, 'current_pos',
    # from nextapi_start, there is 2-way h2d concurrency
    cc = 2.0
    df_all_api = UpdateCell(df_all_api, 1, 'status', 'wake')
    df_all_api = UpdateCell(df_all_api, 1, 'current_pos', df_all_api.iloc[1]['start'])
    # predict with concurrency for rows 0 and 1
    df_all_api = UpdateTranTime(df_all_api, [0, 1], ways = cc)

    # check current_pos to pred_end, whether where there is api that is in sleep mode from different stream
    time_interv = GetRangeFromWakeStream(df_all_api)
    print time_interv
    newStream_at_interval = CheckOtherStream(df_all_api, time_interv)
    if newStream_at_interval == 0:
        print('finish current api')
        df_all_api = UpdateWakeTiming(df_all_api, time_interv, cc)
    # check if any api is done, and update the timing for the other apis in that stream
    df_all_api = DoneApiUpdate(df_all_api)

### now one api is done, we need to work on the next active api
# find out the current pos of the waking stream

check the api for the coming stream
[3.1584310000000002, 9.7151990000000481]
finish current api

In [29]:

start end api_type size_kb stream_id status bw bytes_done bytes_left current_pos time_left pred_end
0 0.000000 6.436815 h2d 38146.973 0.0 done 5926.373991 38146.97300 0.00000 9.715199 0.0 9.715199
4 3.158431 9.595246 h2d 38146.973 1.0 wake 5926.373991 19428.92967 18718.04333 9.715199 0.0 0.000000
1 9.716415 16.146414 h2d 38146.973 0.0 sleep 5932.656133 0.00000 38146.97300 0.000000 0.0 0.000000
5 9.596462 16.026461 h2d 38146.973 1.0 sleep 5932.656133 0.00000 38146.97300 0.000000 0.0 0.000000
2 16.157902 17.434520 kern 0.000 0.0 sleep 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.000000 0.0 0.000000
3 17.441304 23.710950 d2h 38146.973 0.0 sleep 6084.390251 0.00000 38146.97300 0.000000 0.0 0.000000
6 16.037949 17.314567 kern 0.000 1.0 sleep 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.000000 0.0 0.000000
7 17.321351 23.590997 d2h 38146.973 1.0 sleep 6084.390251 0.00000 38146.97300 0.000000 0.0 0.000000

In [30]:
df_all_api.loc[df_all_api.stream_id == 0]

start end api_type size_kb stream_id status bw bytes_done bytes_left current_pos time_left pred_end
0 0.000000 6.436815 h2d 38146.973 0.0 done 5926.373991 38146.973 0.000 9.715199 0.0 9.715199
1 9.716415 16.146414 h2d 38146.973 0.0 sleep 5932.656133 0.000 38146.973 0.000000 0.0 0.000000
2 16.157902 17.434520 kern 0.000 0.0 sleep 0.000000 0.000 0.000 0.000000 0.0 0.000000
3 17.441304 23.710950 d2h 38146.973 0.0 sleep 6084.390251 0.000 38146.973 0.000000 0.0 0.000000


In [31]:
stream_num = 3

df_cke_list = cke.init_trace_list(df_s1, stream_num = stream_num)

In [32]:

In [33]:

In [34]:

In [35]:

stream api_type start end size duration
0 2 h2d 0.000000 6.436815 38146.973 6.436815
1 2 h2d 6.438031 12.868030 38146.973 6.429999
2 2 kern 12.879518 14.156136 0.000 1.276618
3 2 d2h 14.162920 20.432566 38146.973 6.269646

plot all the stream timeline

In [36]:
cuda_timeline.plot_cke_list(df_cke_list, savefig=True)

In [37]:

In [38]:
tot_runtime = read_trace.getTotalRuntime(df_cke_list[0:2])
print tot_runtime


Check the h2d overlapping

In [ ]:

In [39]:
# # extract kernel info
# streaminfo = get_stream_info(df_trace)
# current_kern_info = streaminfo[0].kernel_info[0]

# grid_dim = float(current_kern_info.grid_x) * float(current_kern_info.grid_y) * float(current_kern_info.grid_z)
# block_dim = float(current_kern_info.blk_x) * float(current_kern_info.blk_y) * float(current_kern_info.blk_z)
# reg_per_thread = float(current_kern_info.regs_per_thread)
# sm_per_blk = float(current_kern_info.sm_per_block)
# # kernel runtime in ms
# current_kern =  streaminfo[0].kernel[0]
# kern_runtime_ms = float(current_kern.end_time_ms) - float(current_kern.start_time_ms)

# kernel = KernelInfo()
# kernel.blockDim = block_dim
# kernel.gridDim = grid_dim
# kernel.reg_per_thread = reg_per_thread
# kernel.sharedmem_per_blk = sm_per_blk
# kernel.runtime_ms = kern_runtime_ms

# kernel.avg_blk_time = compute_avgblktime(gtx950, kernel)
# #print kernel_avg_blk_time

In [ ]:

check whether there is h2d overlapping

In [40]:
prev_stm_h2ds_start, prev_stm_h2ds_end = find_h2ds_timing(df_cke_list[0])
print("prev stream h2ds : {} - {}".format(prev_stm_h2ds_start, prev_stm_h2ds_end))

curr_stm_h2ds_start, curr_stm_h2ds_end = find_h2ds_timing(df_cke_list[1])
print("curr stream h2ds : {} - {}".format(curr_stm_h2ds_start, curr_stm_h2ds_end))

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-40-1ba2dd7df3a4> in <module>()
----> 1 prev_stm_h2ds_start, prev_stm_h2ds_end = find_h2ds_timing(df_cke_list[0])
      2 print("prev stream h2ds : {} - {}".format(prev_stm_h2ds_start, prev_stm_h2ds_end))
      4 curr_stm_h2ds_start, curr_stm_h2ds_end = find_h2ds_timing(df_cke_list[1])
      5 print("curr stream h2ds : {} - {}".format(curr_stm_h2ds_start, curr_stm_h2ds_end))

NameError: name 'find_h2ds_timing' is not defined

In [ ]:
if curr_stm_h2ds_start >=prev_stm_h2ds_start and curr_stm_h2ds_start < prev_stm_h2ds_end:
    h2ds_ovlp_between_stream = True 
    h2ds_ovlp_between_stream = False

print("h2ds_ovlp_between_stream : {}".format(h2ds_ovlp_between_stream))

check kernel overlapping

In [ ]:
prev_stm_kern_start, prev_stm_kern_end = find_kern_timing(df_cke_list[0])
print("prev stream kern : {} - {}".format(prev_stm_kern_start, prev_stm_kern_end))

curr_stm_kern_start, curr_stm_kern_end = find_kern_timing(df_cke_list[1])
print("curr stream kern : {} - {}".format(curr_stm_kern_start, curr_stm_kern_end))

In [ ]:
if  prev_stm_kern_start <= curr_stm_kern_start < prev_stm_kern_end:
    kern_ovlp_between_stream = True 
    kern_ovlp_between_stream = False

print("kern_ovlp_between_stream : {}".format(kern_ovlp_between_stream))

use cke model if kern_ovlp_between_stream is true

In [ ]:
# get the overlapping kernel info from both stream

# since the ovlp kernels are identical, we duplicate twice
kernel_num = 2
kernels = [kernel for i in range(kernel_num)]

pred_cke_time, kernels_start_end = model_cke_from_same_kernel(gtx950, kernels)

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
def api_order(df_trace):
    order_ls = []
    for index,row in df_trace.iterrows():
        order_ls.append([str(row.api_type), index])
    return order_ls

In [ ]:
cke1_api_list = api_order(df_cke_list[1])
print cke1_api_list

In [ ]:
def find_api_pos(ls, api_name, order):
    count = 0
    index = 0
    found = 0
    for api in ls:
        if api[0] == api_name:
            count = count + 1
            if count == order:
                found = 1
                index = api[1]
    return found, index

In [ ]:
# found, pos = find_api_pos(cke1_api_list, "kern", 1)
# print("found : {}, pos : {}".format(found, pos))

In [ ]:
# adjust kernel timing 

df_current = df_cke_list[1]
df_current_kern = df_current.loc[df_current.api_type == "kern"]
#print df_current_kern.start
#print df_current_kern.end

df_prev = df_cke_list[0]
df_prev_kern = df_prev.loc[df_prev.api_type == "kern"]
#print df_prev_kern.start

kern_start_update =  float(df_prev_kern.start) + kernels_start_end[1][0]
print kern_start_update

kern_end_update = float(df_prev_kern.start) + kernels_start_end[1][1]
print kern_end_update

# we need to adjust the timing for the following api calls too
# find out the kern_d2h ovhd
df_current_d2h = df_current.loc[df_current.api_type == "d2h"]
#print df_current_d2h.start
#print df_current_kern.end

kern_d2h_ovhd = float(df_current_d2h.start) - float(df_current_kern.end)
print kern_d2h_ovhd

d2h_new_start = kern_end_update + kern_d2h_ovhd
print d2h_new_start

d2h_delta = d2h_new_start - float(df_current_d2h.start)
print d2h_delta

### update
found, pos = find_api_pos(cke1_api_list, "kern", 1)  # find the 1st kern in the api list
print("found : {}, pos : {}".format(found, pos))

df_current.set_value(pos, 'start', kern_start_update)
df_current.set_value(pos, 'end', kern_end_update)
df_current.set_value(pos, 'duration', kern_end_update - kern_start_update)
#df_current_kern.start = kern_start_update 
#df_current_kern.end = kern_end_update
#df_current_kern.duration = kern_end_update - kern_start_update

found, pos = find_api_pos(cke1_api_list, "d2h", 1)  # find the 1st kern in the api list
print("found : {}, pos : {}".format(found, pos))

df_current.set_value(pos, 'start', d2h_new_start)
df_current.set_value(pos, 'end', df_current_d2h.end + d2h_delta)
#df_current_d2h.start = d2h_new_start
#df_current_d2h.end = df_current_d2h.end + d2h_delta

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

check whether d2h overlap

In [ ]:
prev_stm_d2h_start, prev_stm_d2h_end = find_d2h_timing(df_cke_list[0])
print("prev stream d2h : {} - {}".format(prev_stm_d2h_start, prev_stm_d2h_end))

curr_stm_d2h_start, curr_stm_d2h_end = find_d2h_timing(df_cke_list[1])
print("curr stream d2h : {} - {}".format(curr_stm_d2h_start, curr_stm_d2h_end))

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
if  prev_stm_d2h_start <= curr_stm_d2h_start < prev_stm_d2h_end:
    d2h_ovlp_between_stream = True 
    d2h_ovlp_between_stream = False

print("d2h_ovlp_between_stream : {}".format(d2h_ovlp_between_stream))